MSN Customer Service

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

MSN customer service is ranked #831 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 23.10 out of a possible 200 based upon 351 ratings. This score rates MSN customer service and customer support as Terrible.


338 Negative Comments out of 351 Total Comments is 96.30%.


13 Positive Comments out of 351 Total Comments is 3.70%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • MSN

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 23.10 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 338 negative comments (96.30%)
    • 13 positive comments (3.70%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.5 Issue Resolution
    • 1.5 Reachability
    • 1.5 Cancellation
    • 2.8 Friendliness
    • 2.4 Product Knowledge

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Posted by elizabeth

MSN is very repetitive and have now removed the dislike button too, you could see how your feelinf compared with other, back to BBC new for

Posted by Anonymous

Someone keeps calling me names on your news website but when I report them nothing happens yet I can't say the same stuff?!

Posted by Anonymous

Please tell Jim Palmer to try to refrain from saying "cutter" so often. It used to be something to joke about. It has become so annoying that I just turn off the game after about the first 10 Jim Palmer "cutter" references, which generally happens by the third inning.

Posted by Anonymous

Zero rating

Posted by jean-luc moncet

MSN sucks big time and there is no way out of this!

Posted by Anonymous

How can I keep from getting almost 1000 emails a day in my inbox thank you Ken Cross

Posted by Anonymous

I am done using msn news. Your stories are biased. You censor anyone that disagrees with your views. You aren't a news service, you are a propaganda service. Yiu are despicable.

Posted by Jessie Costanza

I could say BOO as a comment on msn's news comments and they'd kick it back. You need to hire bipartisan moderators ..What a joke you are; you're so called moderators are so right wing extreme it's sickening. Shame on you guys, you suck.

Posted by Anonymous

msn news is a pointless activity. If you comment on anything you will never find it again. You have to save the article and then you still have to search one by one through the comments. Absolutely no way that I can find to keep track of comments or view any replies people have made. Dumbest thing I ever saw.

Posted by Kr

The MSN comment blog is toxic. I can not believe Microsoft allows such nonsense.

Posted by GERRY

Is our country so boring that i have to read the same thing over and over for days and weeks.

Posted by Sassy

Agggg tried sending my comment and poof it was gone. As I said MSN use to be so good now it is TERRIBLE

Posted by

i feel that i was shisted by mSn with their upgrades. i'm retired,and i was never a technical person. When i was trying to refresh my computer to resolve some operating issues, my screen was shutdown and my only option, as i saw it, was to make a choice to buy a 365 subscription for $106.74. When i finally found the customer service number the next day, i called and asked for a refund. 'Steve' in MSn customer service hung up on me and told me the charge was non-refundable.

Posted by Anonymous

I'm reporting them to the Auditor General in my state and also the better business Bureau. They lack total customer service. I've been locked out of my account for a month and get no return on any of my emails I have sent them. My husband and I have been customers for 17 years and are treated disrespectfully. We are totally frustrated. I will not be renewing my subscription to be treated in this manner. Totally uncalled for. I guess they are way to big to worry about the little guy. Thanks for nothing.

Posted by Anonymous

Your online Hearts game SUCKS!!! it is PAINFULLY slow when it works and many times it simply stops!

Posted by Anonymous

When playing MSN free games, ads come on OK and sometimes only a "black screen shows up and you are not able to continue with your game?

Posted by Anonymous

MSN is as bad as X-finity and they are the very worst. When they update this horrible site they screw up my whole system. Who do you complain to, certainly not MSN who doesn't get a rat about us.

Posted by NEWSMAN

MSN news is no longer unbias. By featuring the Washington Post they have eliminated any trust that reader had in their site. They have been unreponsive to complaints about using papers that are considers "rags" by educated individuals.

Posted by MSN homepage

Shame on you MSN homepage. The info on the front page talks about why one should not use cheap gas and when clicking on that link it takes you to an advertiser who solicits you for car insurance and NOWHERE does it give any information about cheap gas. Blatantly irresponsible.

Posted by Anonymous

I cannot get the support I need!! I'm trying to pay my man account that expires at the end of the month. Unfortunately the credit card that was being used, I no longer have. I have two other cards listed on my account and I would like to pay with one of them. But the system won't let me because the card that I was using is expired!! But I no longer have it. Please help!! I've been trying to get this taken care of for over a month. Thank you!

Posted by cmj1718

I have been with msn for almost 30 years now I forgot my password and can't check my email on any thing but my iPad I have tried 30 times over the past year answering all the questions except the 30 year old credit card I no longer have I have tried to pay for. A membership and msn sales won't sell me the prem package that would give me the credit card information I don't want to lose. please help me

Carl m joseph

Posted by Smiler

What as happened to MSN the site is totally crap I spent 30 minutes trying to get on MSN yesterday but all I got was messages from MSN saying MSN is not responding &windows is trying to find a solution one point I WAS TOLD I NEEDED A NEW COMPUTERE when I tried to download IE10 after that each time I tried to brows a Windows website popped up with a catalo0gue of new computers...okay but I am housebound & rely on my pc (the one I use is not really that old given by family after my pc was wrecked after I took the offer to try I believe IE9 ) I was left with a pc I couldn't use the new programme wiped all my restore dates prior to downloading the programme.The badly designed programme meant having to have security patch after patch for at one point I my PC now had a VIRUS which I was unable to remove so in the end it was unusable I had to throw it out ) I cannot afford a new pc I live on limited funds ... very limited so a new one is out of reach I am starting to think maybe I will have do without my pc, I get so angry with MSN/ Windows I usually end getting so angry and frustrated after trying to use the pc I end up feeling ill.

Posted by Anonymous

Suddenly saw charges on my bank account for MSN games...haven't subscribed in years and now I can't log into my "account" to cancel nor can I get any contact information to make a phone call. I am so mad

Posted by Got 5 codes none worked! Mad as

It has now been over a week that Microsoft Hotmail has blocked my email account for the umpteenth time and they sent me 5 codes to log in and none of the 5 codes worked! I spent over an hour with three "expert techs" from Microsoft who just sent me into one big circle and my email is still blocked! When I need to use my email in Europe in 2013, they blcoked me for using a computer overseas and it was when my father in law was dying! A week later when we returned to America, we discovered my father in law had died the day after Hotmail blocked my email account, so we could not communicate from overseas as phone service was non existent! Now our business, my VA medical, and our regular daily personal business is stuck in Hotmail's greedy big hands! And yes, we are being billed by AT&T and Comcast for internet service! What a scam American big business has become!

Posted by MIKE

I have a new acer laptop with the junk 8.1 windows installed,thought I would up grade to windows 10 after 14 calls to Windows and on the phone for hrs and getting the run around I finally got a supposed smart tech windows tech after 2 hrs he says he can't help me. SO DO NOT BUY WINDOWS BUY A APPLE YOU WILL NOT GET ANY HELP FROM WINDOWS,LIKE THEY TOLD ME THROW THE LAPTOP AWAY

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Posted by Anonymous

It is very annoying to scroll past an article then try to scroll back to find that the article has disappeared

Posted by Anonymous

It is OK to update the game. But you should never take something away from current version. This latest version has no option to " CLEAR Statistics" Now it just adds another game of total win losses. I liked being able to "Clear previous Win/loss statistics

Posted by busdriver

I get online and play your free card games. I play Hearts and Texas holdem. I have no problem getting on. But for two days I can't get on Spades. It tells me to try relaunching and that my problem is with my firewall. I just got on spades 3 days ago without a problem and I'm playing the other games now. So it's not my firewall. Please fix your spades. This has happen many times. Usually when there are so many people playing. That's not the case now. Thank you,

Posted by Anonymous

I have used your investment portfolio program ever since I retired from the investment business. I have been very satisfied with its flexability and reliability, up until last week. I have not been able to get a complete set of quotes on my portfolio since the market started its slide. Flying blind is not my favorite thing to do. Are you working on it? If so, is there an estimate of when it will be fixed? Please let me know

Posted by GoYanks34

I got right through to a live person who was very helpful! I was actually surprised that I was able to get to an agent so quickly that resolved my problem with hardly any effort!

Posted by Anonymous

Very short waiting time. CSR a little difficult to understand (foreign accent, soft spoken) but got the job done after I had to ask her to repeat some things and speak up.

Posted by Anonymous

I just spoke to a gentleman who was in another country but spoke the most perfect ENGLISH with no accent. Yes, great to have a job but not at the expense of the customer who can't make customer service understand what I am trying to fix. My problem was fixed in a matter of just a few minutes. Too bad there are not more with his attributes.

Posted by Ronald

21 July 2011

Respectfully, i was very well pleased with
my Customer Service expedience with MSN.
The Representative was very patent with me,
and very knowledge. Thank you very much for
offering such superb service.

Posted by Anonymous

I found them quite helpful. Easy to contact. Solved my problem fast and the rep was most pleasent and helpful.

Posted by Anonymous

While the irritating voice mail loop is still in place & not a human operator, I was able to rather quickly (60 sec) get a support tech who was able to answer my questions quickly. He was very helpful...

Posted by Suzettewas my contact

Actually, I had a good experience the second time I called. the first was a waste of time. A lady named Suzette who spoke English with only a slight accent was extremely helpful. I called to change my account which was originally through Qwest which I discontinued(Qwest that is due to slow DSL speeds) Suzette attempted to keep my e-mail address and was told I could not. I said I needed to due to business contacts. I explained the problem it caused and asked her to check with management to see whether I could keep my e-mail address even though it was not "policy" and call me back. I have several providers and could use one of the others and not pay MSN (which I have done since 1991). This made more sense to me than changing my e-mail address with all of my business and personal contacts.

She called back about 30 minutes later and was able to convince management to do the right thing. Bravo for Suzette!! i must add, management made the right decision as well because they would have lost an 18 year customer. Every now and then things work out well.


Posted by Optimist

Tried this phone number and it worked. The key to getting through to a human was the voice-activated menu not understanding one of my responses. I needed my password reset, probably because someone had been trying unsuccessfully to log in using my ID, and locked me out of the system. Once the voice menu sent me to a live support person, it took less then 5 minutes of Muzak to get to him. Worked pretty well. I'll be saving this number.

Posted by Anonymous

I was able to get the information I needed by asking for Tech Support. Just say that you do not have an account and listen to the menu. Tech support gave me someone live who helped forward spam. Send all suspicous spam to [email protected]

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