Pier 1 Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Pier 1 customer service is ranked #165 out of the 1024 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 49.71 out of a possible 200 based upon 52 ratings. This score rates Pier 1 customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


43 Negative Comments out of 52 Total Comments is 82.69%.


9 Positive Comments out of 52 Total Comments is 17.31%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Pier 1

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 49.71 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 43 negative comments (82.69%)
    • 9 positive comments (17.31%)
    • 2 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 2.7 Issue Resolution
    • 3.5 Reachability
    • 2.1 Cancellation
    • 3.9 Friendliness
    • 4.0 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Anonymous

I purchased over $1500 worth of furniture on Dec 27,'14 at the Northville, Mi store.I purchased the Alton sofa in Russet off the floor.It does not come w/arm covers.I went to the Canton, Mi store to inquire about purchasing swatches to make my own.I was told to do this on line, when I tried on line I could not, I went into the Northville, Mi store.Tracey there helped me.She said the swatches were no longer able to be ordered, the fabric and/or sofa is discontinued but that store had two swatches and it showed other local stores had swatches as well.

I called customer service from home &spent-literally-45 minutes trying to find somebody to help me out.I spoke to 3 different people.Jerry,(female)who 1st took my call was nice &tried to help, she gave me to Matt who was less nice "sorry we don't carry it anymore, you can't purchase fabric swatches from the stores, they must be returned". I asked for his boss, Matt tells me "they will tell you what I just did" he gave me to Tiffany who finally explained why I couldn't purchase discontinued swatches.

If the stores and/or Jerry & Matt would have understood your policies better I would have been helpful and I wouldn't have spent 45 min on the phone and more time in the store trying to find an answer.You need to inform your employees of your policy, I wasted 45 min on the phone talking to three different people before I got an answer. The first 2 thought the company destroys the fabric that it was refusing to sell to a customer. stupidity.

I was not allowed to purchase the swatches in store because they had to be returned to the corporate offices. I do not understand why you do not offer customers the option to purchase swatches of fabric or why you do not offer arm covers. Am I the only one with messy kids, really? I can't say I would never buy from Pier 1 again but this experiences has made me want to look elsewhere. How can you justify to me you'll take my $1500 but I can't buy $10-$40 worth of fabric...that you discontinued?! It's frustrating & irritating.

A positive I will leave you with: Tracey and Jill in your Northville, Mi store are very helpful, Jerry (female) that first took my call tried to be helpful and Tiffany who finally was the one who could explain WHY swatches were not available to purchase was very helpful and understood why I was so frustrated after spending $1500 on goods and merely wanting to buy $10-40 worth of discontinued fabric. Please offer arm covers and please educate all your employees of your own store policies. I wasted a lot of time chasing a dead end.

Posted by shruth

I went into pier one imports trying to buy a glass bowl as a gift. They didn't have any materials to keep the delicate glass safe. What kind of a store expects you to walk out carrying bulky or delicate objects without even the barest packing? Suffice it to say it was the most frustrating shopping experience and I am not eager to step into that store anytime in the near future.

Posted by Anonymous

I recently received a flyer with a $10 off coupon attached. I went to the Frankfort, ky store and spent over $100.00 and was told I had to have a Pier One card to use this coupon. I am a frequent Pier One customer but have never had the credit card. I don't understand why I was sent this coupon if I'm not eligible to use it. The staff really didn't understand why I had gotten it either. Please advise.

Posted by Anonymous

Just received notice that my Pier1 order is ready to ship.. The order was already received . Please check this as I do to want duplicate order sent. Thank you.

Posted by IMingenius

Dear Sir or Madam:

On Sunday, July 20th 2014, I purchased the Serena 5-Pillar Holder ), as a housewarming gift from your Pier 1 Imports location at 3550 State Rd 38 E Lafayette, IN 47905-5121, Store #568. I was assisted by the store manager, Liz, and checked out by another store associate. The item was not wrapped properly in paper, but placed wholly into a store bag.

Leaving directly from the store to the housewarming, upon arrival I noticed that one of the large glass cylinders and one of the small glass cylinders were cracked, the larger having a large chip, as well.

I returned to the store on Monday, July 21st 2014 and approached an associate and explained the situation, asking her about the possibility of purchasing replacement cylinders. She informed me that she would check, as the one I purchased was the only one in the store. I let her know that I would browse and await her answer.

She approached me the first time and told me that she needed to speak with Liz in order to approve another Serena 5-Pillar Holder being shipped to the store. At that time, Liz approached the counter and I explained to her the situation as well. She apologized and mentioned that she couldn�t believe it was wrapped, as it was your policy. I informed her of my request to purchase replacements as I understood that sometimes accidents happen and as I am a very frequent customer at that location and never had a problem before this. The associate then told Liz that they were checking on replacements and I let the counter to continue browsing.

A few minutes later, the associate approached me and informed me of their inability to order replacement cylinders only as we walked back to the counter. I asked if there was anything in the store similar that I might possibly use, and that is when the associate said that Liz told her that, ââ?¬Å?there was nothing further they would do to assist me, as I probably just dropped the bag and broke them myself.ââ?¬Â? and was, ââ?¬Å?trying to get something for nothing and attempting to get one over on them.ââ?¬Â?

Upon hearing this, I was outraged at having been accused of such a thing after offering to purchase the cylinders; never did I ask to exchange the item. I let her know that, had I dropped the bag as I was being accused, wouldn�t all the glass been cracked, if not broken? And requested to speak to Liz personally regarding this matter. She left and returned shortly, informing me that Liz was assisting another customer but had, again, reiterated the she said they would do nothing to assist me and I was wasting my time.

At this point, I was not only extremely insulted (as these conversations were held in front of other customers), but humiliated at being accused of outright lying about what had happened. I was asked for the receipt, in which I again informed her that I had not brought it with me as I had not intended to either return the item, or exchange it and had not asked for either. She said that Iââ?¬â?¢d, ââ?¬Å?be waiting for a whileââ?¬Â? if I intended to wait to speak to Liz.

I was almost in tears at their treatment, asked for the cylinder back which I had brought to the store with me to show them, and told her that I was insulted, humiliated and hurt and wanted nothing more to do with them.

I have been both a loyal and frequent customer of Pier 1 imports for the past 15 years, having purchased two sets of outdoor furniture, as well as numerous gifts and home d�©cor items and am appalled at being treated in such a disgusting and disrespectful manner when I was nothing but kind to both of them, and trying to be understanding about the item not being wrapped, as this was the first time anything like this had happened. I can not imagine that your store manager would have the authority to, not only mistreat your customers, but to humiliate them and refuse assisting them.

Please understand that, as the reader of this letter, I know that you are not responsible for what happened, and I do not want to come across aggressively to you in any way. I am just thoroughly upset by this occurrence and would really appreciate your response and, hopefully, a means of resolution.

I appreciate your time and assistance.

Posted by unhappy customer

yesterday 1/8/14 I received my pier 1 statement for 23.55. The due date for a payment was 1/16/14 at 5pm, leaving only 8 days to read ,and mail the payment and for it to reach an out of state payment center. I believe that is not permissible by law. there needs to be at least 20 or 30 days , I'm not sure which given to make the payment. So I decided to take my payment into the store that my wife made the purchase at so it would not be late.

When I arrived there was no one at the counter. It is a very large store in woodlands hills ca. One sales girl was on the floor helping a customer and another was putting away some candles on the shelf at the back of the store and oblivious to me and 3 other customers. I found her and asked if she would take a payment from me and she did not answered as it appeared that I was bothering her. she did however come to the counter but asked a lady that was there if she could help her and the lady told her that I was there first but the sales person kept on ignoring me until I said did you hear that the lady said that I was here first. She then took my statement and 25.00 that I gave her and put the entire amount on the account. My balance was only 23.55 so she didn't even look at what she was doing. If I would have given her 2 twenty dollar bills or more she would have put it all on the account as she never looked beyond the account number on the statement. when I asked her why she put more on the account than my balance was, she called over the other sales girl who said she was the manager on duty. This person began to explain why the other sales girl was stocking the shelves instead of waiting on customers because she can multi task. When I asked her why she gave the store more of my money than I owed she looked at me and said she didn't know. I guess that comes with the multi tasking. What a sad experience I had with Pier 1 yesterday.

Posted by ssh

I placed an order online. The order was cancelled and I was never notified. I waited 10 days and finally called in to ask what happened to my order. I was told that what I had ordered was now out of stock and I was out of luck. The csr tried to blame my credit card for the cancelled order. I got my credit card co on the phone for a 3 way call and the Pier 1 rep hung up on us. I will never do business with Pier 1 again. Poor customer service is one of the main reasons companies go bankrupt not this economy. Treat customers right and the will continue to be your customers Pier 1.

Posted by na

Went to the store in Tucson Az on old Spanish Trail talked with store manager about a purchase problem named maria and was told maybe K-mart was a better store for us. would ever think of shopping in that store again.Were do they find these people

Posted by furious

I am truly upset! I have been a devoted Pier 1 customer for many years and never had a negative experience; however, today was awful!! I left the store shaking, heart pounding and am still very upset several hours later. The store manager at store #0611 in Aurora, IL was the most unprofessional and rude person I have ever come in contact with at any store. Last week, I purchased over $280 in pillows and $400 in furniture. When I got home I realized one pillow was damaged. Today, a week later, I went back to the store to exchange two of the pillows. I asked a sales associate if I could keep the two returning pillows behind the counter while I shopped. She kindly said yes. I was browsing the store and was approached by another kind sales person, Linda, to see if I needed help with pillow matching and I told her thank you but I was alright. I was then approached by a woman holding one of the pillows I was returning. She forcefully asked if I was returning the pillow. I responded yes but was still looking. With a very poor attitude she showed me the damage on the pillow and told me it was damaged. I responded that I knew it was damaged, hence the reason I was returning it. She proceeded to tell me that I could not return the pillow due to the damage. Once again, I told her that I was returning it because it was damaged when I purchased it, but did not realize it at that time. She attackingly asked when I purchased it and if I had a receipt. I told her that I did have a receipt and I did not feel the need for her to be so aggressive. I asked to speak to a manager and she responded that she was the store manager. This all took place on the floor of the store in front of other customers and not even at the counter because I was still trying to shop. Needless to say, she did allow me to return the two pillows, handed me off to a cashier. I really was hoping to purchase 3 more pillows but was too upset to shop. At this point I do not believe I will ever return to that specific store or possibly a Pier 1 period.

Posted by Mimi

I purchased several items for a total of $700 on 8/25/13 at the store in Walnut Creek CA. I was told by the salesperson that if I applied for a pier 1 credit card I would receive 15% off. She also told me that if the item went on sale I could bring in my receipt and receive the added discount. When I came into the store I was told I could have either the credit card discount of 15% or the sales price-not both. This was clearly not what I was told. I called customer service-they apologized for the misinformation I received but would not make any attempt at cinpensating me for the aggravation I have experienced because their sales personal do not know their store's policies. I have cancelled my credit card with them and I refuse to ever shop in any Pier 1 store again. Customer service was unaffected to hear they would loose my business.

Posted by pissedoff

Had an unpleasant experience with staff members at the store location on Bought a dresser that was discounted due to some scuff marks and was told it'll be taken off the floor until I could pick it up. I gave them the exact date I was going to pick up (I also live about 40 mins away) and when the day came, they told me it was on a truck so I had to come back another day, which I don't understand why it was on there in the first place. The girl who had helped me purchase the dresser, Julie, didn't even put me in the computer so they couldn't even pull my name up. So to avoid the same situation again, I called them a day before picking it up to make sure it'll be ready for me. The girl on the phone, Julie (apparently there are two Julies), didn't even bother checking, just kept telling me it'll be ready but I told her what happened last time and that I'm coming from out of town. Still she just kept trying to run me off the phone. I get there early and the manager said it'll be out back, so I drive out back and they're getting ready to load a completely different item, one with a someone elses name on it onto my car. Then they had to go running around looking for it and I was informed that it was still on the floor! Obviously this pier 1 needs to get their stuff together because there was too many mistakes happening. On top of that the dresser, which only had a chipped corner and scuff marks when I purchased it, now had cracks on the draws. When I expressed my anger and disappointment to the manager, Julie, she made no effort to solve any of the problems. I understand that I cannot refund the dresser since it was marked damaged but I'm now frustrated with the fact that they can get away with treating a customer like that. No one should have to deal with so much neglect and poor conduct from the manager and staff at any store.

Posted by Nancy Keller

I am a 63 yr old retired registered nurse who is recovering from major surgery from damage from cancer treatment. I was publicly insulted and humiliated by a Pier 1 manager at your La Grange, IL store on 7/6/12. Her name is Debbie (refused to give me her last name). The store is located at 15 N. La Grange Rd. I purchased 2 red DNG cushions
#264970 from the sales clearance rack on 04/02/13, before I fell ill. The clerk Hadley #107 assured me that if they didn't match in my kitchen I would be able to return them.
Now that I am semi-recovered I brought the cushions back to the La Grange store where I was accused of trying to return damaged goods and accused of removing 4 buttons from the front of both cushions. All 8 buttons on the reverse are intact. When I tried to tell her I had bought them that way, Debbie implied I was lying. I expected to be told it had been too long since the purchase or I could only get store credit. Instead I was accused of trying to defraud the store.
I have never in my life been spoken to the way this women spoke to me!!!

Posted by LOVE

If you are ever in Montgomery Al. don't shop at the Berryhill location. They are the most unhelpful staff I have ever seen and I am in my 50's. They love for you to purchase things but if you change your mind then that's problem. From the point of a return you have an attitude from some of the salesman. I love pier one merchandise I have for years I just dislike some of the staff at this location.

Posted by unsatisfiedcustomer

Sarah the manager at the #0808 store in Rockville, MD. Every time I visit this store she is always very rude to me, other customers and employees for that matter. She has a very nasty rude attitude of his she talks to everyone. She always talks down to people. She was the same way at another store she worked at. I complained to customer service about her once before, but she stills has a more bigger ego now than before. She really needs an attitude adjustment. I have mentioned this to other employees before. Now when she see me in the store, she a voids me all together. She really brings the moral and shopping experience down, I have no choice but to shop at this location since it is the closest to me. But it makes it so hard every time I shop at this store. Pier 1 really should make sure they make a good decision before hiring someone with a bad attitude. Don't think I will shop at any Pier 1 store again! Need more qualified managers with experience.

One dissatisfied customer

Posted by [email protected]

I was at the Pier 1 store at Sunland and Mesa in El Paso, Texas. It was around 2:pm.today, October 22. I asked for assistance; the gentleman I questioned, said he would be with me shortly. After some time, I noticed he was at the counter talking to his co-worker.
Totally, I felt there was no concern for service of any kind.
A true "turn-off" for future purchases.


Posted by Anonymous

I was at the Pier I store in Gulfport MS on Friday, April 27, and a worker was repreminded in front of another co-worker and there were customers in the store. The store manager, I presume that's who he was, asked the employee what she was wearing and didn't she know what she was suppose to be wearing. First off, his tone of voice and the way he approached her was inappropriate. Someone needs to make sure he is trained on the proper procedure in reprimanding an employee when no other customers and employees are around. To me that was worse customer service than someone ignoring me. I almost said something myself but felt I better stay out of it.

Posted by Anonymous

September 4, 2011

Today I walked into your store #1480 around 5:45 p.m. with the intent to spend a couple of hundred of dollars with you…however, the way I was treated was a public display of humiliation and discrimination! At this time, I am requesting that the video tape from the incident be pulled from the store and reviewed by Store Manager, Jason, who was not present and upper management. I am also going to request that the tape be subpoenaed.
First, I asked for assistance from a sales person on the floor to help me pull some bamboo sticks from a large vase. She came over and assisted disgruntled. After I looked at the color, I requested a different color and her reply was, “I’ll be back, I have to go to the back”. Standing there with my husband and 8 year old daughter for 15 minutes, I decided to go look for her. To my surprise, she was checking out customers. I was furious that she had left me to go wait on other customers when indeed I was in the store first and attempting to make a purchase. So I requested the manager and explained how I could not believe what was happening. She began to tell me that she didn’t know that she was working with other customers and that she had given her the directive to start checking out other customers. So I began to state to the manager that there was break down in communication because the employee should have notified her that she was working with other customers.
Then, I requested that the manager have the employee retrieve the bamboo sticks that I was still waiting on….30 minutes have passed. She complied. She took over the register and the employee went to retrieve the bamboo sticks from the back. So when the employee returned, she went to area where the bamboo sticks where on display while I waited for her at the register….to make a purchase. I asked another employee to look at her to see how she was standing over in the bamboo area while I stared at her to bring me the sticks. I beckoned for her to bring the sticks to the register and she stated, “I’m not bringing them to you”, come and get them”. I stood there….speechless. This was all witnessed by the assistant manager on duty and the other employee. The assistant manager was EXTREMELY professional throughout this whole ordeal. I did not get her name or the employee who was the witness but I’m SURE we can get it.
Now an hour has passed, the employee flees to the back room while the assistant manager tries to make sense of her behavior. My husband can not believe that all of this has unraveled and tries to explain to the employee and assistant manager that this was senseless if the employee would have brought me the bamboo sticks. After all, we had been waiting on her while she checked other customers out.
Finally, the truth comes out of the employee’s mouth when she states that she didn’t want to bring me the bamboo sticks because “she was embarrassed”. Why? I asked. She began to say to me, my husband, and the assistant manager “because there were other customers around”. Hum? I was the first customer. I don’t understand.
She left me to go check out other customers and didn’t tell her manager that she was already busy with another customer. Then, when she brings the bamboo sticks, she doesn’t bring them to the register where I stood and waited.
I am not going to let this go away. I am requesting a response from PIER ONE about their orientation training and customer service and their discrimination policy.

Thank you,
Angel Kirby

Posted by PIER 1



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