WeightWatchers Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

WeightWatchers customer service is ranked #908 out of the 1024 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 21.00 out of a possible 200 based upon 100 ratings. This score rates WeightWatchers customer service and customer support as Terrible.


99 Negative Comments out of 100 Total Comments is 99.00%.


1 Positive Comment out of 100 Total Comments is 1.00%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • WeightWatchers

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 21.00 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 99 negative comments (99.00%)
    • 1 positive comments (1.00%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.2 Issue Resolution
    • 1.4 Reachability
    • 1.9 Cancellation
    • 3.1 Friendliness
    • 2.4 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Anonymous

Your people answering the phones are rude i had two consective contacts and both spoke too fast to the point of inarticulate and then where condesending. I happen to have a masters degree in nursing and a SECOND masters in business. I dont appreciate bring told to " do the math" by an individual who answers the phone.

Posted by Weight watcher

My wife and I have been with the weight watcher program twice. First time I was delighted - lost weight, the second not so much, did not lose rather gained weight. Do you have a program where I pay when I go?. We are retired and travel quite a bit so doing monthly payments it is not economically feasible on a fixed income. Also the last time we left we gave about 3 weeks of notification which took you guys seven weeks to process and as a result you deducted addition $100, again not ethical on a fixed income. If this does not work for you then I will look else where. Thanks


Posted by Sally

I agree with the subscriber who described her nightmarish experience trying to get the two-month refund that was promised when I subscribed. I lost the 10 pounds before the deadline, submitted the required proof of weight loss, and mailed it the required address before the deadline. I received no acknowledgement that the Refund Form was received much less processed. Since then, I have tried repeatedly to reach WW to confirm receipt of my Refund Form and to learn when I will receive my refund. I've tried emails, phone calls, and online "chats" and I either get someone with no knowledge, transferred to someone else or hung up on after being on hold for long periods. The customer service is unbelievably bad. The meeting leaders are absolutely helpless when it comes to dealing with issues like this.

Weight Watchers employs people to answer the phones who have no clue about the program or who even understand the questions being asked.

This is no way to treat your clients. Your company is making money hand over fist so please pay attention to your clients' needs.

I'm at wits end and unsure what else I can do besides just let them rip me off. Any advice from anyone?

Posted by JoAnn

Just found out Weight Watchers has been double charging me every month - after an hour with no help customer service - I was told I have 2 accounts which I do not - refund should be 662.50 - I was offered one month refund - another long hold - 3 month refund - that's it - said it was my problem. Call from Supervisor (after demanding to speak with someone else) - 3 month refund - and told it was my banks problem. Check your online accounts - I didn't notice it because most charges were 3 weeks apart - last one was 2 weeks - checked my bank 2 charges every month. FRAUD.

Posted by Anonymous

I recently submitted my electronic paperwork for my two additional months of membership because I lost the 10 lbs as required. I E-Mailed it in far before the deadline (4/13/2016) and didn't get a confirmation that they had received it. Now, WW you really can't be that far back in the dark ages to not let your customers know that their-emails have at least been received. Even the most non-computer literate companies now send out confirmation e-mails. You hired a number of out of the country people to answer the phone, but they don't answer any questions because they don't have the tools to do so. You are acting like a third rate company and need to step up to the plate. Bring your customer service jobs back to this country where we can understand what the hell they are saying. Also, I now have to US mail a complete set of paperwork to Jericho, NY PO Box so that I can get my additional two months "Free" membership. This is no way to treat your clients. Your company is making money hand over fist so please pay attention to your clients needs. Now off to send an e-mail to Ophra to let her know that she is not representing a company with great intrigurity.

Posted by Anonymous

I signed up for the 3-month program in order to receive the 10-pound reimbursement that was advertised. However, when I went to apply, there was a April 30 cut-off. I don't remember being told this, or maybe it was in the fine print. I actually lost the 10 lbs in the first month, but did not get around to applying. One more rip off from Weight Watchers.

Posted by g8idea

Your new snack ice cream bars are a total rip off and too small to be of any value. I used to have one of your 110 calorie Triple Chocolate Bars for a dessert. The new 80 calorie bar is too small, and having two is way too many calories. Plus, weight watchers is ripping everyone off by charging the same amount as the previous bar - yet it is half the size. I will be going back to Skinny Cow bars. So disappointed that you ruined a good product.I tried reaching weight watchers to ask about the size and pricing - no luck there. Email got no response. Weight Watchers has lost a customer.

Posted by jenniferkennard

Obviously the only thing WW is good at is taking money from their customers and not providing any customer service. I placed an order at the online shop and never received it. I attempted to contact the phone number provided twice and spent a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes on hold and never spoke to a person. I also emailed the email address provided 2 times and got no reply. I then called the main WW line and was told to call the number I had just called and could not get anyone to answer or try the email address I had just tried and could get no response from. I explained why these options were not really available. I was then given another number to call because the person I was talking could not resolve my issue, he did not have an option to help me. I said thanks I will be staying on the line to take the survey, he then back peddled and told me he was in contact with level 2 support and that I could call the original number I called and they now had an agent to help me, I said ok but I am staying on the line to take the survey, he told me I would have a chance to take the survey at the end of my next call. I hung up and immediately called the original number again, I was hold for 5 minutes, with the call center employee came on I told her I wanted to speak with the manager of the office, she told me this isn't an office our offices are in NY this is a call center, I said ok let me speak to the manager of the call center, she said we don't have managers we have supervisors, I said fine let me speak to your supervisor, she said she needed to know the issue and I said a very bad customer service experience and I am at my limit, she asked my name and I again told her my name and that I want to please speak with the supervisor, she said ok let me get one on the line, I then went on hold for 12 minutes and the survey came on. I still never got any resolution. In all my 40 years I have only have had 2 other instances where I received such completely horrible customer service. It's shameful on WW part.

Posted by ramseymm

I have encountered difficulty changing my CC info for WW online. Have emailed without a response. I have called and got a call center, presumably out of the country, and with a bad connection. To change my billing info they wanted my account Username and Password to update the info themselves. In no circumstances will I give out my password. If they do have access to my account on their end, they have no business having my CC information. I then emailed again with my concerns and requested if they wanted my business to contact me to try to get the CC information straightened out. I have yet to receive any contact and therefore assume they do not care for my business. The program is a good one even if the frequent changes made are not publicized nor the customers warned in advanced. But the customer service of this company is one of the worst I have encountered. They have lost my business.

Posted by Scorpio

I do not use either the e-Tools or the mobile apps and I am extremely unhappy with the amount of meeting time devoted to these devises. I recognize that some people do use them so a brief mention of them is understandable. However, I have sat through several classes recently that were 90% devoted to mobile apps & e-Tools. Now, I pay good money (a way too much in my mind) to attend those meetings which, if I understand correctly, are supposed to help me understand the program and motivate me to stay on track to succeed. I can unequivocally tell you that those classes did neither of those things --- in fact, I left them frustrated, angry and feeling like the meeting was a waste of both my time & my money.

Posted by Anonymous

When i call customer support all i ever happens is that i am letting them know something that is not very good. Instead of them saying i will send this to the people concerned to look at they defend the way it is and so there goes another negative option.

Posted by Csviking

Awe-full!!! Out sourced to some 3rd world country. My wife and I have cancelled WW due to their "Customer No Service".

They out sourced to save money but the program cost us the same.

They have billed me 3 times this week for a monthly subscription.

Posted by grl

HORRIBLE. They lost ALL my data from 2015, can fix it, can't help me, can't refund. Chat overseas - no help, supervisor - no help. Someone from U.S. supposed to call me back and never did.

Posted by Anonymous

Weight Watchers program for weight control is fabulous. The customer service is 180 degrees from the program. Number for a live person? Barely alive, they should say. I relocated from another state and absolutely no one will even attempt to assist me in transferring the account for monthly pass. First, at the local meeting they tell me that they don't have the electronic capability to do it and offer no other solution. Then, the "live Person" who was located "offshore" and barely speaks English kept putting me on hold for five minute periods. As she hope, of course, I gave up. I'm surprised that Oprah wants to be affiliated with this organization. She's better than this...and so am I. If I simply close out my bank account in the other state and WW can't withdraw the funds I'm sure that they'll contact me personally. There is no balance here....great product but no service. User unfriendly
for sure! I've been a member for three years and have had great success but the customer service issue is elevating my blood pressure. Maybe, if we all complain vociferously in our meetings the local leaders will pass it on to the higher ups. Sometimes, I think that WW views us as cash cows instead of valued patrons.

Posted by Momof4gr8grlz

Let me say, like many people posted below, I love the Weight Watchers program. It is the one program that holds me accountable and I lose weight on it. I signed up last October and did the "Lose 10 pounds on us." I lost my 10 pounds (and more) and I am still waiting on my check. I called customer service 3 different times and I wish I could get somebody from the United States that understands what I am trying to say. They told me that the check was sent Jan 5 but I still have yet to receive it. First, I was told to go to "That place that has my mail" to see if they had my check. Ummm, my post office? After I told them the post office didn't have the check I asked them if they could cancel it and send me another and I was told they cannot do those things. What? How can you not look in your computer system to see if a check has been cashed or just look at my account and see that I have been with weight watchers since 2002 and have used them to lose my pregnancy weight for each of my pregnancies and have never had any issues like this and I'm not trying to get a free check from them. I was told they were going to send my information to their "supervisor" and they would call me back but after reading through these posts I will not hold my breath. I understand that Weight Watchers has to watch out for cheats but if they would look back through my account they would see that I have been a loyal customer for 14 years and I have never had any issues. Plus, good customer service goes a long way. I had a friend who saw my weight loss and asked my if she should joined and I told her about what I am going through and what I about all the issues I had with the new changes to the app and she decided not to. Hopefully weight watchers will learn that change is not always good.

Posted by Anonymous

Do I sense a pattern here? I havent been able to get on to etools since I started over a year ago. Was not a problem because I purchased everything to be successful. Calculator, scale, dishes, dine out books,recipe books,quite an expense for an old lady on a fixed income. So they change the program so we can be healthier. In order for me to use it however I must now purchase more tools to use it. After 7 cs reps could not help me to get on to e tools I am done. Yes folks 7. This organization appears to me to be all about the money and nothing about the service.

Posted by Anonymous

On 1-14-16 I paid for a three month online subscription and signed in. Today, the very next day, it is impossible to login. I just keep getting same message that I must have made a mistake but I double checked over and over and username and password is correct. Just decided to cancel and you have to login to cancel. Very disappointed in Weight Watchers

Posted by JeanMcClelland1

I paid for 3 months of Weightwatchers Personal Coaching on Jan 3. I'm still waiting to find out about the program.

Posted by Anonymous

Zi had a sweet Filipina but I was pretty upset. Over the last two years I have tried unsuccessfully to unsubscribe from you. Today when you press submit the same screen comes up asking AGAIN for your email so it is impossible to unsubscribe. This is a form of foolish trickery which is not professional. Any large company you should only have to click unsubscribe. If the e mails do not go away I will have to report you to the better business bureau. Ann Hebert

Posted by majorod

Dec. 30, 2015 I made a request, using the Weight Watchers online form, for information about the status of my Lifetime Membership. When I received no response I called to check on my request. after a long time on hold while the person "supposedly" checked on the status, she said I had no records with Wt. Watchers - I objected and said that I had been a Lifetime Member since 1972 and that in about 1974 I reached my Lifetime Goal. After more holds she said my membership had been cancelled. I was very angry. The next day I received an email stating that my Monthly Online Pass had been cancelled (never had one). I will be going to local group on thurs and will see what they can do for me.
I also completed one of their survey forms with very negative responses.

Posted by Sandrap1

I am becoming very frustrated by my futile attempts to reach my weight watchers location in Wakefield, RI-----despite numerous calls to the main number, online sites etc.

I would like to reach them with a confidential comment regarding the meeting I attended, but I continue to be caught in a maze of websites and phone numbers, and lots of wasted time.

Why can't I just call or text or email my specific location ?????

Posted by Niki's dream

Unfortunately, WW does not give a darn about its current members. I have been a member since the end of June and have lost 37 lbs. I also have an Android phone. With the previous program, I never had a problem accessing the mobile app. I cannot log in. It has been since the onset (plus the week before December 1). I have contacted WW myself 4 times and no one has gotten back to me. My meeting registrar contacted them on site as well--yep, no response. I am seriously considering quitting. I have been paying monthly for absolutely no service--not even a response. How can they be so unprofessional. If they want new members, they are going about it all wrong--they cannot even satisfy their existing clients!!! If I do not get some sort of response by tomorrow, I will definitely be leaving and not recommending WW to anyone!!! The members need the help, and they totally ignore the problems, hoping they will be resolved. I wonder what they are communicating to Oprah Winfrey--most likely, not the true problems...

Posted by Anonymous

i have tried 3 times to resolve my issue with 3 different customer service reps. The first 2 could not find me in the data base yet you take my money every month? The third one sent me my user name and instructions how to reset my password. I never logged in previously because I had all my books and did not need e tools. However along came the new program and I now need e tools to work it. Your instructions stated that they reset my password which I never had and sent it to my email address which is the wrong email address. The one they sent it to has not been valid for at least 6 years. 3 strikes your out. I need a supervisor PLEASE!!!

Posted by Sue

I went to a location in the Toronto, Canada area to join WW. The lady doing the weigh-in (Dorothy) was so rude and abrupt and condescending to another member in the lineup that I just left again....it scared the heck out of me. I would never step on a scale in front of someone like that. She was very judgmental to that other member and embarrassed her to tears. I use to be a member of ww yrs ago. Stuff like tis would never have been allowed to happen back then. It seems they are into bully tactics now to get people to lose weight, ot humiliating them into thinness. How horrible. I will never join again. I went to Jenny Craig instead, more money but much better support and caring and advice.

Posted by ph406539 (if you mean

First: I LOVE the WeightWatchers program & meeting place! This is the only weight management method that works for me & so many others & I'm one of your biggest word of mouth advocates.

Second: Your toll free customer service is, by far, the WORST I have ever encountered. This is not an exaggeration on my part as I have spent at least 5 hours now both on hold & trying to get the phone representatives to stop repeating their canned responses & actually LISTEN to what I'm saying. I do not agree with using ESL representatives due to language & cultural differences, although they have all been very polite. Very polite & very ineffective. WeightWatchers is better than this...truly!

On all 3 calls I have asked to speak with a supervisor & have been resisted on all calls. Two times they finally allowed me access to a supervisor & the 3rd call I finally had to hang up in order to not be late to work...this after a very lengthy call (including multiple hold times). I am (somewhat) hopeful that the supervisor I spoke with today (Jeannie) has fixed my problem. Time will tell.

And my problem? After reaching my goal weight in October 2015, somehow my lifetime account became befuddled & the meeting place has had to give me free vouchers at each weigh in. I knew I had met goal. They knew I had met goal. But something happened in the computer system that reverted back to a long ago number (with my previous name), along with my previous goal weight. Actually, I'm not even certain about the what, why, when, where & how. All I know is that my reward for reaching my goal weight ended up as multiple frustrating calls to WeightWatchers Customer Service. And I'm using the term Customer Service only because this is what your organization calls it. I received anything BUT Customer Service!

Am I frustrated? You bet! Am I angry? You bet! Through no fault of your own, this mess coincided with the death of my father, along with my needing to help my elderly mother through his illness, death & resulting estate matters. I truly have more important things to invest my time in other than attempting to solve a problem with reps that cannot begin to figure out the problem.

Please, please, please employ call centers in the United States. Please allow your (valued?) customers to speak with a supervisor without going through literal hell to do so. And somehow, please, fix it so your back end system communicates with the meeting location systems so that your (again, valued?) customers don't have to work harder than anyone in your company just to be able to attend meetings once goal weight is reached.

Please allow this to be your goals for 2016. I really, really, really do love the program & meetings however the system leaves much to be desired.

Thank you for listening.


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