Teleblend Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Teleblend customer service is ranked #520 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 31.58 out of a possible 200 based upon 213 ratings. This score rates Teleblend customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


196 Negative Comments out of 213 Total Comments is 92.02%.


17 Positive Comments out of 213 Total Comments is 7.98%.

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Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Teleblend

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 31.58 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 196 negative comments (92.02%)
    • 17 positive comments (7.98%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 2.6 Issue Resolution
    • 1.9 Reachability
    • 1.7 Cancellation
    • 2.9 Friendliness
    • 2.7 Product Knowledge

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Posted by TeleBlend = NO Service

I still have NO incoming phone service since mid/late June. TeleBlend is still billing me for service and apparently blocking or denying my port request. I finally filed a FCC Complaint today so hope that helps!!

Posted by parhin

The horrible horrible company be with last 1 year trying contact them none of numbers listed ever work and when you email them no response either.

Posted by There's Only So Much B.S. One Ca

Mission Accomplished......
My number has been ported away from Teleblend. I will be calling my bank today and disconnecting their ATA.

As far as TB, I'm done letting you rape my bank account monthly. You charge so much more than other VoIP companies.

If you can get in your area, or the ISP DSL Extreme, I would check them out. The same or more features as VoIPs. The only difference is you will have a hardwired line maintained by ATT or Verizon whatever your case maybe?
My speed has nearly doubled as they said it would also. I'm with DSL Extreme.

Good luck to all that are waiting for TB to sign of and let your number go.

Posted by Anonymous

Teleblend base rate is competitive but adds fees ( Network Access fee, Regulatory Recovery fee and USF Compliance fee) that are not government mandated or way above the requirements. My bills have been steadily going up every year because of these fees. I am much happier now that I am using OOMA VOIP.

Posted by Customer To TELEBLEND

Posted to TELEBLEND:

Do you realize how much you screwed up my business by having 'you have reached a disconnected number" for over a month when people call me?

Do you realize how many phone calls I have to make to tell people that I am still here, A LOT!

You have NO RESPECT for you customers.

Why did you have to wait so long to come out and make a statement as to WTF is going on?
I have never had such a bad experience with any tech related company.

AND ONE LAST THING....and we all deserve an answer on this one...

How come your monthly fee went up 100% and your quality of call went down 100%, WHEN WORKING.... we deserve to know?

I've put up with a lot of B.S. within the last year with your company and I have had it. If I don't get some HONEST answers to my questions, I will find another company to give my business too.

Your actions are despicable. But I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself.

Posted by Finally_Ported_and_Gone!

I don't completely agree with the comment regarding going to Metro regarding TMo. It is not a fair comparison. Level 3 and Teleblend are not likely still affiliated. It appears as though that was the outage we experienced a few months ago that lasted for nearly a month. This is supposition on my part mostly because TB won't be frank and honest with us. During my porting process there were several times at the beginning that the new company mentioned Level 3 and requests for more information. Then after several weeks of this the company mentioned changed to Broadvox. Much like I had attempted when Level 3 was brought up I attempted to contact BV. However I was able to reach someone at BV and she was able to give me a status on the release of my number. The relationship between TB and BV was a new one and appeared to be a replacement CLEC for Level 3. This could have been for a number of reasons but whether it was money or another reason our loss of inbound calling was likely a direct outcome. So I was in a round about way able to gain valuable information by contacting the other company. Additionally I hope that they (BV) heard my complaint and understood the bad relationship they may be getting themselves into by doing business with TB.

Posted by Anonymous

Somethings going on over at the cesspool they call Teleblend.
They have a new website, with a chat feature that is ALWAYS OFFLINE.
They're the same old POS with a different face. They just might have been sold as mentioned below.
Either way, I'm history...they ok's my port request to get the fk out of there and the first of the month I will be totally rid of them.

...and they won't be able to steal the number back from XO, because they don't play those games.... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.....

Posted by Manoverboard

You are best going elsewhere.
Think of every bad thing you have experienced with all the companies you gave ever dealt with. These guys are just a little bit better than that. I do not think they know what they are doing and am betting the company has been sold off as the address has changed in the last month.

Try Voipo. I switched to them after TeleBlend became more if a headache.

You should NOT need to pay for the adapter. TeleBlend charges, even if your old one breaks.

Posted by Could be good news....fingers cr

Teleblend has signed off on porting my number. Just waiting for the other company request it and I'm done.
This was not a porting to another VoiP number so maybe that's why they did it.
This is a hardwire setup with the servers in the local ATT office where they will maintain them.

Posted by Anonymous

This Company Is A Schame - Never Ever Think To Join.
If You Do - Here Is What You Get:
Frequent And Long Interruptions In Service - As Much As 6 Weeks Like We All Got.
To Port Out Number To Another Company - No - You Are Stuck Forever.
Customre Service - No Phone You Can Call To Reach Out To Teleblend Phone Company.

Posted by Anonymous

That other company can't help you with Teleblend issues.

It's like going to T-Mobile when you're actually a MetroPCS customer. Yeah, T-Mobile is affiliated with MetroPCS, but you're a MetroPCS customer.

Posted by vader922

After 2 months of the games, I have given up and begun the long process of switching all my medical contacts and emergency contacts over to Comcast number. Teleblend will never port our numnbers so stop letting our blood pressure spike due to this fiasco.

After reading all the people who had switched before the issues at Teleblend started and then having Teleblend steal their number back, it is obvious the best plan of action is let them keep the old number and spread the word for people to avoid VOIP.

Broadvox will suffer as will all VOIP providers. People will stop signing up for VOIP after this fiasco with Teleblend. IT is a shame that a company has to resort to these tactics to try to keep customers. No one will win.


Why does it seem like you are not letting people port their number out?
I've been around long enough to notice I have never seen a company be so difficult letting their number be ported out.
It seems like you are just trying to be difficult and make porting their number a PITA. I hope I'm wrong but reading all these posts seems to say I'm right.
Come on, be professional.

Come on....if people want to leave and keep their number don't be difficult.

Posted by Withoutservice

I was without service from June 17th until August 6th. I called, email, opened trouble ticket. It took me attempting to switch number to another carrier to get response. They said it would be fixed any day and I could have a 25%_discount if I stayed. I passed and asked them to allow the number to port to new carrier. So they declined the new carriers request and stopped returning my emails. I contacted the FCC, who controls their license, no response from them either. Two weeks later I get an email saying thanks for your patience. What choice did they give? Avoid these guys!!

Posted by Anonymous

I've been without incoming phone service since June and I'm done with TeleBlend. I'm on my 3rd attempt to port my number away from them. (For some reason some of the info doesn't ever match up) Hopefully CallCentric will have better luck. If not I'm ready to let my number and just get a new number.

Posted by hiker75

Wow.. no incoming service since june 23... can't contact teleblend either. 1 phone number is not set up to receive calls. Another says to email them. They don't respond to emails. They don't respond to Twitter. Their facebook page is no more. Can't port numbers to anywhere else because our number is "in repair status". They still charge even though we have no service. Worst service ever!!! Do not use Teleblend unless you want to pay money for no service!

Posted by TickedoffatTeleblend

I agree with previous writer. My service has been out for 6 weeks. They don't respond to inquiries or give vague "it'll be up any day" answers. This has gone on way too long. I reached out to the FCC for assistance but they must be aware of the problem because they are stalling also. I be glad to leave these guys ASAP. Terrible experience. Blocked my port out request to take number to another carrier.

Posted by Anonymous

My incoming service has been out for nearly 6 weeks now! Unbelievable lack of service, and it's impossible to reach them. BS e-mails asking for patience! If I could reach through the VOIP phone line, I would wrap the cord around their necks and squeeze until they experienced the same amount of pain they've caused us.

Posted by Anonymous

Does anybody know, does teleblend consider the 'account number' to be your phone number, or the little 4 digit number called 'customer number' on the bills?

Trying to port away from teleblend, keeps getting bounced back, new provider says either account numbers don't match or address, etc., etc., always something. Looks like teleblend confused (intentionally?) the zip codes between my shipping and billing addresses. On the fourth iteration so far.

Posted by Anonymous

I switched to another provider back in March of this year, which it seems like when the extended outages started. Come to fin d out on July 31st, Teleblend ported my number back to themselves, without my permission. Not a customer of Teleblend for about 5 months, my inbound calls go to Teleblend voice-mail. I have tried calling the phone numbers listed, but they only direct you to send an email, for each prompt. Sent emails, but they seems to go unanswered. Port my number, without my permission? I would type of SCAM this has become.

Posted by Pepe

A customer for 8 years. Transferred my phone # to Vonage on 6/25/15. Telblend stole it back from Vonage on 7/31/15 with no authorization from me. Really hope Vonage can get it back. Seems like Teleblend doesn't let go. So frustrated and don't even know what to do.
I stopped auto payments in 6/15, they tried to take $$ on 7/23/15 and obviously could not. Hope they don't claim now there was a balance and that was the reason to take my number back. Do not understand how they can release it and 35 days later steal it.
Called Broadvox, as suggested in a few comments - not even sure why and how they can help me, as they said I was not their customer.
I'm planning on reporting them to BBB. Anyone reported them? Did that help at all?

Posted by Anonymous

Ok. I can see the end of the tunnel. So if you are reading this you are most likely in the same boat. Here is what I have found out. Teleblend WAS affiliated with Level 3 communications and now they are affiliated with Broadvox as a reseller. My assumption is that was the period of our outage for inbound calling. The time that was spent negotiating and ultimately changing from Level 3 to Broadvox. I am finished with Teleblend. I have been attempting to port my number since July 8th. After figuring out the above I called Broadvox today and took advantage of them actually answering the phone. As luck would have it the lady on the phone was able to give me an update on my port request. It will take a few days longer than I want but it is scheduled for a day next week. I guess my advice is to google Broadvox and include this tip in your porting adventure. I wish Teleblend no ill will. I had nearly 8 years of great service. Hopefully they can pick up the pieces of what is happening now and pull it back together. A big part of that is that they have to have a mechanism for customer support. Not answering calls or emails is not the way to run a business.

Posted by Anonymous

Ok. I can see the end of the tunnel. So if you are reading this you are most likely in the same boat. Here is what I have found out. Teleblend WAS affiliated with Level 3 communications and now they are affiliated with Broadvox as a reseller. My assumption is that was the period of our outage for inbound calling. The time that was spent negotiating and ultimately changing from Level 3 to Broadvox. I am finished with Teleblend. I have been attempting to port my number since July 8th. After figuring out the above I called Broadvox today and took advantage of them actually answering the phone. As luck would have it the lady on the phone was able to give me an update on my port request. It will take a few days longer than I want but it is scheduled for a day next week. I guess my advice is to google Broadvox and include this tip in your porting adventure. I wish Teleblend no ill will. I had nearly 8 years of great service. Hopefully they can pick up the pieces of what is happening now and pull it back together. A big part of that is that they have to have a mechanism for customer support. Not answering calls or emails is not the way to run a business.

Posted by vader922

My serivce has been down since June 17, 2015, now 1 month and 6 days! The bill is due again today and I had stopped auto payment because on June 23 of last month I had called Comcast to switch to their Digital phone.

I am about ready to start the long process of changing the phone number everywhere and Teleblend SHOULD HAVE TO PAY me for this lost time and money the last month and continuing. The moment I do that I am thinking of filing charges against them for losses.

Comcast have not been able to port my number. Every few days they are giving me another date when it will be completed. Comcast has made me go thru 3rd party account verification 5 times. Wanted me to do it a 6th time today and I refused. They at least did give me a temporary number on June 26 that works!

Teleblend owes me a lot of money for the lost time and services due to the outage.

Where do I start reporting these illegal activities of holding our numbers, charging us 2 months of service for NO SERVICE. No communication. The one email I got said they would update via Features and Billing. There is no longer even an attempt to do that since they claimed it would be up 2 weekends ago.

I have been a customer for nearly 10 years(since Sun Rocket) and this is how they treat loyal customers.

Posted by Anon

Here is the address

Unified Communications

Teleblend is the DBA (doing business as) name for Unified Communications Corp.


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Company News
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