Snapfish Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Snapfish customer service is ranked #396 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 35.37 out of a possible 200 based upon 475 ratings. This score rates Snapfish customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


440 Negative Comments out of 475 Total Comments is 92.63%.


35 Positive Comments out of 475 Total Comments is 7.37%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Snapfish

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 35.37 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 440 negative comments (92.63%)
    • 35 positive comments (7.37%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 2.3 Issue Resolution
    • 2.7 Reachability
    • 2.7 Cancellation
    • 3.7 Friendliness
    • 2.6 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Rose

I created 4 picture books for Christmas gifts to our children. Once they arrived, there were several pages that the photos were ORANGE! I called customer service 3 times to try to correct this problem and they kept assuring me it was personally handled-IT WAS NOT!!!! So I now have 12 books that I was ASHAMED to give our children!!! My photos were great on the review but printing was awful! I'm VERY hesitant to use this website again. In trying to start another book now in February, I cannot get photos to upload to their site-MORE anguish with them!

Posted by Anonymous

can't find your phone #, why are you charging $15.00 + shipping fee, when you have adds for free shipping on

orders over $29.00 plastered all over the internet?

please send your phone #, 800-634-4500 is no longer in service

Posted by penona

I am so tired of speaking to customer service reps who are not native english speakers. There is definitely a communication issue when speaking to someone in a completely different culture. Which leads me to an issue I am having with Snapfish. I recently ordered 76 coffee mugs. I placed my image well within the required borders. When I received the mugs the borders were not correct. They were not equal distance from the top and the bottom. I reported this issue to customer service and informed them that there was a production issue. The customer service rep just placed the order again and did not bother to check with the production department to resolve the border issue. I again received 76 mugs with border problems. Snapfish has now printed 152 mugs which I cannot use. After receiving the reprinted order, I again called customer service. I decided to change my image and make it smaller than I actually wanted. Snapfish printed one more mug. I received the mug and the border issue has still not been resolved. The image is 1/2 inch from the top and 3/8 inches from the bottom. NO ONE has resolved this production issue. And it is impossible to find someone with the where with all to resolve the problem. I have spend hours on the phone in an attempt to get the issue resolved. I even called the corporation office number and had to leave a human manning that phone.

Posted by Paul gracemere

Book arrived before time. No problems

Posted by I dont know what this is

Pictures did not return on time, phone number to customer service doesnt work, chat is impossible to use, POOR customer service!

Posted by Mike

They completely failed to supply a simple photo card for someone's 60th birthday in over 2 weeks. Claimed they sent it tracked, but had no idea how to track it. Refused to send a new one inside 4 days to get me out of a jam.
They just refunded my money and walked off the job. Terrible.

Posted by Anonymous

I have not had a delivery of two photo albums. Ordered in early December for Xmas. I cannot find a phone number to contact. My order number is . Please do something about my order as I have paid for it

Posted by Anonymous

I'd like to write to you to express my concern for how awful I was treated by your customer service department, and how upset I am that all of my work was lost on my photobook.

This past year I spent months working on a huge book, it was a 12x12 book, with over 1000 pictures and over 90 pages, I selected each background and placed specific embellishments on each and every page. I was planning to order this for Christmas, so the day before the cutoff for Christmas Gifts I was finishing up and minutes away from putting it in my cart and there was a technical difficulty' on your end, all my backgrounds turned gray and my embellishments were all gone. I contacted support immediately, they told me to wait 2 hours and my stuff would be back. It was late and I waited until the morning, nothing was restored. I contacted support again, I let them know how important this project was and they told me they needed and expert to look at it. After days and about 5 attempts to get help, I was told sorry you'll have to redo all your work' they did assure me that this time they wouldn't lose anything. I was so upset (and still am) because this was months' worth of my time just lost, and most importantly there was no way I'd have this book by Christmas.

I was so upset I wasn't even going to bother, but I decided that I would finish it, since it was important to me, So on the 30th and 31st of December I sat in my house and spent about 15 hours redoing all my work. As I did this I found that the book was not ok, I was not able to shuffle my photos because there were place holders for the lost embellishments, and the shuffle feature would not put pictures over them. They did not show up on the edit screen so that made them impossible to delete. At this point I did a live chat, huge mistake on my part, the tech was awful, I was on that chat for about 45 minutes, the person was unhelpful and incompetent; he kept saying to me we are not able to retrieve your stuff, you have to do it again'. I was completely aware of that, actually that was exactly what I was trying to do, I explained a few more times the problem with the place holders, he told me click on them and delete them'. I have been making books on your site for years, I'm well aware of how to delete things. I explained again that I was not able to and why, he then sent me a screen shot of text and told me he was able to delete it. I'm not sure why he would want to delete text that was visible, but I was trying to delete the place holders for the embellishments that were lost (at now fault of my own), text and embellishments aren't even the same thing. I finally told him to not do anything to my book, I would work around this because I absolutely did not want my work lost again, and since no one at your organization seemed to care about me as a customer I knew if my data was lost, I'd be out of luck.
As I continued to work on this book, I noticed that on pages that I'd already completed pictures were randomly being deleted, and now there were gray boxes where they used to be. I was on page 70 and pictures were being deleted from page 3. Finally I got things back to how they were before the disaster that ruined my beautiful Christmas gift. I was able to place the order and am now hoping that there are no issues with printing or mailing it to me.

Although this experience has made it clear to me that Snapfish is not a company I want to use for my printing and photo gift needs, if you take a look at my account you'll see I was a very loyal customer for many years up until today. Hopefully you can correct this behavior and get a better backup system in place so that others don't have these issues. Also I work in IT, I've been a successful Network Admin for 20 years, a company your size should have backups and the ability to recover lost data. Even if my work could not have been restored to the moment it was lost, there is no reason that my data wasn't able to be pulled back from the previous day. I'd love to share the chat log with you from the 30th so you can see just how terrible the support is that is being provided by your staff.

Thank you for your time,
Raelyn LeRoy

Posted by Anonymous

I will never use Snapfish again. I placed an order of Christmas cards on December 6th and they said they shipped it on December 8th. It is December 22nd and I still have not received them. I have talked to customer service numerous times and they have a different story every time. One told me that UPS lost the package. I called UPS to have them track it and they said it was never tendered to them. Called Customer service again and the rep told me to wait one more day. Waited three days still did not receive, then called again asking for my money back and the rep said that she was not authorized to give me my money back but she will have her supervisor call me within the hour. I waited the whole day and they never called. Finally I called again and The rep on the phone was rude and told me sometimes the shipping can take thirty days and the only way I was getting my money back was if I never received the cards. This company is truly horrible and should never be allowed to work with customers. Also I know I was not the only one having issues as every time you call they tell you what number you are in line to talk to an agent and it was never less then 150.

Posted by Anonymous

The most frustrating customer service ever!!! I keep going around in circles...i dont think they understand english. Trying to check why part of my order didn't arrive i keep getting comments that are bleeding obvious!!!

Posted by Anonymous

I cannot access my account at all, I have sent emails and received one reply, no reply to the one I answered. The help page has nothing on it. I cannot understand what has happened.

Posted by Anonymous

Never would have ordered if I knew the customer service would suck so bad. Leave a number!!!

Posted by Anonymous

I am trying to log in to my acct and it is impossible because every time I put in my gmail info it says it's not valid email. That's because it is gmail!!! Which is how l signed up originally

Posted by Anonymous

How Can You Stay In Business When You Do Not Give Your Phone Number???????? I Wanted To Do A Photo Book, However, I Guess I Will Have To Look Elsewhere As I Need Phone Support.

I Do Not Want Email Support Or A Tech Online.

Call Me At Or Forget It

Posted by Anonymous

Your helpline is an absolute disaster!
The phone number must be incorrect, as the number is unable to be connected.
The email address leads to nowhere as well!
Some of my photos have disappeared and I need your help to retrieve them!

Posted by Anonymous

I posted all of my photos on snapfish and upon logging on all of my photos prior to 2006 are gone.. All of them! .. I reached out to their online help and they said, "sometimes that happens.. sorry... there is no way for us to retrieve them"......
Stay away!!!

Posted by RegJo

5/10/16 Number no longer works. Now you get a recording telling you to go to the website.

Posted by Dixeychic

Snapfish suck - 3 weeks notice apparently given by an email to purchase all albums or they are deleted for the new website. It's 2016 - how can data not be migrated! Wasted hours and precious albums gone. They have lost a customer - shocking Snapfish, be ashamed and embarrassed about how awful your service is.

Posted by unhappy customer

I used snapfish for years and was happy. Last year, they were sold. I have not been happy with them since the sale and conversion to the new website. Support is automated or outsourced outside the US. I put a question on their chat box and my answer was not related to my question. It was as if they picked out 1 or 2 key words and used the best answer.

Posted by Anonymous

I have just gotten off the line with LIVE CHAT. I have two accounts (new one was just made in order to switch photos). I am wanting to close down due to virus and move all photos from ther. LIVE Chat told me that you may be able to help. Thank you. This problem has been very frustrating.

Posted by Rafikiro

Spent time to put a project together then went to purchase, they have a premium option which really doesnt do anything for you but you have to click on it to find out what it comes with, however once you do that you have to either delete your project and start over or pay them for the "upgrade" which really doesnt come with anything else.

Posted by BANU

Attached is a copy of a transcript between myself and one of your web -customer service folks. Thursday Feb 25 approx. 5pm till 5:40pm -- Eastern time - Ontario Canada

This conversation took about 40 minutes.... what too long and feel like this person was multitasking .... and not giving me their attention.

Banu (Listening)
Banu: Hi, my name is Banu. How may I help you?
Walter Ertsinian: Hello..
Banu: Thank you for contacting us through Snapfish Live Chat. I am happy to help you today.
Walter Ertsinian: Back on Dec 7, 2015 I placed and order and I have not recieveed it yet. can you help
Walter Ertsinian: hello... you still there ?
Banu: I am very sorry to hear that, It would be my pleasure to help you. Can you please help me with the order number?
Banu: Yes, I am with you Walter.
Walter Ertsinian: I typed the order # when I connected to you folks with my name... do you see it ?
Walter Ertsinian: # 4208058021-05M
Banu: Thank you for providing the order number.
Banu: Please kindly hold on the chat for a minute or 2, meanwhile I look up your account.
Banu: Thanks for waiting.
Walter Ertsinian: welcome
Walter Ertsinian: So , what did you find to be the problem with my order ?
Walter Ertsinian: it's been like 11 weeks and it should have arrived by now...
Banu: I checked your account and I see your order was not processed due to some technical issue.
Walter Ertsinian: I was going to do another order but I've been waiting for this order to come in and now the time limit from my McDonald's winning has expired.
Banu: Yes,we are very sorry for this unacceptable delay,but we assure you that it will be delivered very soon as I had resubmitted the order just now
Banu: Once the order ships you will receive a confirmation email regarding that
Walter Ertsinian: what was the technical issue that would cause this extreme delay in completing the order.?
Walter Ertsinian: You folks are usually pretty good.
Walter Ertsinian: Pretty good on completing orders in a reasonable timeframe.
Walter Ertsinian: What is the new time frame for me to get this order in my hands or at my home.?
Walter Ertsinian: Again, What was the technical issue that would cause this extreme delay in completing the order ?
Walter Ertsinian: Hello are you there .?
Banu: Yes, I am with you Walter and Sorry for the late responce.
Walter Ertsinian: DO you have any answers to my questions ?
Banu: Yes,
Banu: 2-Day Shipping UPS or FedEx: Estimated total order time 3-7 business days.
Banu: You will receive the order within 3-7 business days.
Walter Ertsinian: What was the technical issue that would cause this extreme delay in completing the order ?
Banu: As if now we dont have any information about the order but dont worry you will your order very soon.
Walter Ertsinian: OK - I guess.
Walter Ertsinian: Thanks 4 your help.
Communication with the Oracle Service Cloud Chat service has been lost. Please wait while attempts are made to restore the connection.
Disconnection in 90 seconds.
Connection resumed.
Communication with the Oracle Service Cloud Chat service has been lost. Please wait while attempts are made to restore the connection.
Disconnection in 90 seconds.
Connection resumed.
Communication with the Oracle Service Cloud Chat service has been lost. Please wait while attempts are made to restore the connection.
Disconnection in 90 seconds.
Connection resumed.
Walter Ertsinian: don't really like this live web help
Walter Ertsinian: like as if your not connected to me.
Walter Ertsinian: prefer a phone next time to follow up.
Communication with the Oracle Service Cloud Chat service has been lost. Please wait while attempts are made to restore the connection.
Disconnection in 90 seconds.
Connection resumed.
Communication with the Oracle Service Cloud Chat service has been lost. Please wait while attempts are made to restore the connection.
Disconnection in 90 seconds.
Connection resumed.
Walter Ertsinian: Guess that's it......... you don't say bye.
Communication with the Oracle Service Cloud Chat service has been lost. Please wait while attempts are made to restore the connection.
Disconnection in 90 seconds.
Connection resumed.
Banu: Thank you soo much Walter and have a great sleep.
Walter Ertsinian: I've copied this message and will like to forward on to another representative.

Posted by Anonymous

I have attempted to use the new Snapfish site several times and it NEVER works. My albums are all out of order. I can't transfer prints from one album to another. I get blank screens. I get no options at the top of the screen. I attempt to order prints and nothing shows up in my cart. Complaints by e-mail get pointless responses which don't help. I was told to change to FireFox from Safari (Safari was always just fine with the classic Snapfish), and my problems just got worse. I loved Snapfish till now. I recall having one problem 3 or 4 years ago and it was handled immediately and thoroughly. This new Snapfish is a complete waste of time.

Posted by Kelley

I have been working on a photo book with snapfish for several months. I have had a problem that I cannot fix. I have tried to use the help line but the answers the helpers give do not relate to the questions asked. They are using canned answers. There does not seem to be a way to talk to a live person. The customer service is the worst I have ever experienced. It makes me vow to never use snapfish again.

Posted by Anonymous

I was told that my calendars with saved dates, special holiday, etc. would transfer to the new site. That was incorrect information. It was also hard to communicate with the rep via online chat as it was clear that English was not her first language and all her responses seemed like they were cut and pasted from a manual. Super disappointed and will be taking my business elsewhere.


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Company News
Late delivery of holiday cards has customers of online photo service Snapfish steaming mad
Part of the anger stems from extreme backups on Snapfish's phone lines and online chat system for customer service. When a USA TODAY reporter tried the chat facility, he received a message saying there were 513 people in front of him.
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Today's deals include Snapfish, Skype, sports logo products, personalized gifts, jewelry, blwling in Clayton, The Peanut Roaster, Italian food in Chapel Hill, mani-pedi in Raleigh, hair salon in Cary, gourmet candles, baby blankets, makeup kit, gourmet ...
HP To Shut Snapfish India On September 16, 2013
Founded in 1999, Snapfish was acquired by HP for $300 million in 2005 and currently has presence in 21 markets including Germany, France, Ireland, Netherlands, USA and United Kingdom among others. The company launched (pdf) a dedicated India site ...