SafeLink Wireless Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

SafeLink Wireless customer service is ranked #634 out of the 1023 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 28.53 out of a possible 200 based upon 646 ratings. This score rates SafeLink Wireless customer service and customer support as Terrible.


618 Negative Comments out of 646 Total Comments is 95.67%.


28 Positive Comments out of 646 Total Comments is 4.33%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • SafeLink Wireless

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 28.53 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 618 negative comments (95.67%)
    • 28 positive comments (4.33%)
    • 3 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 2.1 Issue Resolution
    • 2.1 Reachability
    • 2.0 Cancellation
    • 3.5 Friendliness
    • 2.4 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Henry Rinehart

absolutely craptastic scene all around--call centers can't transfer to a supervisor or actual tech support, and 'corporate' refuses to take responsibility for anything. DO NOT USE TRACFONE IF YOU VALUE YOUR PRIVACY!!!

Posted by Chastidy

I am tryin to get help getting service but it tells me I already am enrolled but I never received my phone or anything so I'm not sure what to do here

Posted by Zlloyd

Have been using Tracfone for the past couple of years and I thought that was as bad as a company could possibly be, but then they switched me to this SafeLink joke provider....
OF COURSE their so called 'Support' is an overseas call center, so that you can't understand anything that's being said, and even if you could it wouldn't make any difference.
The Internet coverage provided by these scam artists is ridiculous, and the only 'Support' you can get REQUIRES you to have a second phone number for them to reach you while they clap their hands or 'troubleshoot', which is ignorant really. I mean who has 2 phones truthfully??
The final verdict, you can have a phone that'll make calls and send texts, but it will NEVER provide Internet with these criminals!!

Posted by Will

Customer service reps are typically nice and polite.. but seem confused about resolving your phone issues. You will usually be told to reboot the phone.. this never resoled the issues.. I've gotten hung up on.. transferred to other departments and the issues don't get resolved.. horrible service

Posted by Christine

I can't even get my phone service activated because I am all alone - just moved and have no other phone to use while they do the activation.
The agent Wilmer suggested I knock on some neighbors doors to see if I can borrow their phone ( I don't know anyone here) - I guess I have to buy a new phone to enable me to keep my old telephone number for this free service
Wilmer would not even transwr me to a supervisor. Absolutely refused.
If this is their customer service and informational process ( no where is it mentioned you need two phones to keep your old number) I can only imagine how crappy their phone service would be.
Big thumbs down - no wonder they got such a cruddy customer satisfaction rating ....

Posted by john

safelink deactivated my phone without warning..have spent the last 2 days attempting to reactivate it...waiting now for a call back...most of the time numbers i am given are just automated and wind up hanging up after trying to get me to buy airtime..very frustrating

Posted by Andy

First I'd like to say I've been very polite and patient I've been on the phone off and on for 2 days for about 8 hours I have names wrote down of the customer support for the people that are useless to that company it's no wonder to call volumes always so high and there's a long wait time because they're not helping anyone if you ask to speak to a supervisor you get disconnected I wish someone could do something about this worst customer support I've ever seen I'm going to be contacting the better Business bureau and I will try to find an attorney that will take this case to call volume wouldn't be as high if they would help people but I think they're trained to cheat people back to a 4 GB data plan they change mine I asked for no changes I asked no one to change it they changed it after 8 months of service of 25 GB of data they're trying to convince me that I only have 4 GB of data on my plan all the customer support Representatives have been trained to Bull blank all the customers into different plans they must think people are really stupid and are taking advantage of people I'll be looking for an attorney to take this case profiling invasion of privacy and just deliberately cheating people I'm still waiting on my call back from the supervisor if an 8 hours I haven't talked to him yet why does the world and everyone has to be so greedy what happened to the customer comes first people and companies only care about money now their stocks the public needs to them stop using them and watch the companies go under I'm a very unhappy customer PS they slow your internet down after your customer for a little while that's why it gets slow they want you to purchase faster data different plans continuously trying to take money from the customers God bless you

Posted by Rosemary

Terrible service I tried to get a phone and after they said I was eligible they told me to.check shipping status and I was on the phone for at least seven or eight hours then they told me no account was created

Posted by Anonymous

Safelink phone has had no data for about week. Customer service says I am qualified until January 2024 and I have everything. Still no data. I've talked to 3 people for 45 minutes to an hour trying to update my phone with a promise of a call back. No calls or data Still. I would say this is the worst service for the elderly. I will be getting another service today.

Posted by Jennie

Safe link wireless has poor customer service. Customers are having constant issues with there sm data data rendering them and myself unable to use your phone. Unable to receive or . Send messages or accept calls...etc. Their customer service is more worried about selll than their customers. I personally did not want to switch over but was forced to buy their customer care, claiming that my current Sims card would be deactivated unless I signed up for safelink and had a Verizon SIM card, they could care less what the customer wants. I have had to dealing with nany issue ever since and still unresolved

Posted by Anonymous

Unacceptable service it took me over 40 days to get time on my phone after they screwed up and took my girlfriend's number without their permission on the phone that I called them to fix mine to bring my old number over they took her phone number and put it on mine doing so that I had to cancel my service which I had to recertify and do everything all over to get service on my phone which they couldn't attach the minutes cuz they attached the number wrong again and they couldn't figure that out for two days until I mentioned it again and again and again they failed to listen well they finally attached my girlfriend's number back to her phone and it worked for 2 days thankfully that's what I used and I finally got time on my phone last night at 10:00 now today it said I used all my data up 4.6 GB after that I only got my phone at 10:00 they used all my data up travel troubleshooting it and whatever else they're doing with it just transfer numbers and blah blah blah well meanwhile my girlfriend's phone from simple Mobile where they stole the number for service got discontinued again due to their mistake this is all done to your mistake this is took me over a week now to get all straightened out and it's still not straightened out I've been on the phone from 7:00 in the morning till 11:00 at night time the headaches the stress the hardship this is caused is ridiculous I want some compensation for both of us and I want her phone working immediately tonight I am working on it on a call back I doubt they get it working for her this is bull crap I want my data back and I didn't sign up for 350 minutes and 4.5 gigs of data and and no hotspot who would do that there are way more deals out there I can't believe they're trying to pull that one even here on your side it says it's a thousand minutes you guys are saying I got 350 minutes what the heck who would do that I signed up for unlimited minutes and unlimited text and 25 gigs you guys trick people into this and this is a joke I'm not very happy so who's going to compensate me for my time and the anguish and the hardship this is all caused this is cause major fights between me and my girlfriend because of her phone and everything else I haven't been able to contact my kids who got covered at their mothers because my phone don't work I live in Aurora area so you're screwed if you don't have a phone this is all due to your agents not listening in the first place I can't even get up to a higher level without having to be Stern and calling back about a dozen times to tell them that it needs to be transferred to a higher department they all think they can handle it and when you tell him that they think they can handle it all boy they screw it up even more and they put another ticket in and screw up something else why can't they just listen and move us up to a higher department soon as you read and open it up on the phone it's not that easy they can see they should bite their pride and move us up to a higher department this is ridiculous get some training in on your agents or something I think a new phone at least the top of the line phone off your line would be at least something decent for me just for the trouble that I've been going through instead of this old 4G phone that you gave me I'm sorry that I don't seem grateful but with the service in the crap that I've been through I just can't be this is just it's total just because I'm low income and I get government services I should get treated like crap and get crap I want something from my time time is money for me and you guys have took enough of my time with this phone I wouldn't even have service right now if I wouldn't have put four days and night and day into it to call him back you nobody would ever call me back I would just sit here with a phone for a paperweight nobody could ever fix it they would try and try and try and they couldn't fix it and then they'd say oh they'll call me back well yeah they never call me back or listen to say they couldn't call me back or they couldn't message me cuz they couldn't listen they wouldn't listen when I told him that give him an alternative number that they could call me back on and he still didn't call me back because they couldn't fix it and couldn't bite their pride and send it to another level see my frustration this needs to be fixed and I need to be compensated something for my time and anguish thank you for your time sincerely Jesse schweigert

Posted by Angels Davis

I have been trying to o get a replacement phone fromu safe link wireless for three day due to mine being stolen I am in thelufelune program and I trird to do the new application but it will not let me and they do not want me I am a 109 percent disable like ve alone n get don'tdrivebcould someone please help me I have no way of doing anything I can't access s email n I am on my friends phone now.

Posted by David

It seems to me that no one on any of the numbers is capable of independent thought or problem solving.i have gotten answers to no service ranging from wait until the 5th of the month to be reloaded(original load!)to I need to replace my 1 week old phone (from simple wireless) to my enrollment from 8/26/22 has expired .I literally have made 33 calls in 2 days.

Posted by Anonymous

Safelink wireless customer service is the worst of any company i have dealt with in my life. I applied for service June 30, 2022 and as of today Aug 11, 2022 i do not have a phone or working line. They lie and lack training.

Posted by Anonymous

All of you in the Philippines are bums dumbest ppl I've ever spoken to it's been a year I've been trying to connect my service through them and it's always something with these dimwits.

Posted by MotherWarnedYou

Like a lot of you we use SafeLink Because it was the service assigned to the Obama phone . However the Obama phone seems to be ran by two companies SafeLink AND TracFone. My husband has been the owner of this Obama phone for as long as we have been together so about 7 years . However In the last year for some reason He always has to call their customer service support line because they always forget to Add data to this plan. And it's the same old run around that you all are getting , having to spend many hours on the phone talking to many representatives who have done nothing to fix the problem. We have heard excuses from Oh it's the other companies issue So you go see the whole steps with the other company just for them to say oh it's there issue . Or it's Not assigning the application number to the account I don't know how many different numbers my husband has had . Oh and at one point they tried to sit there and say it was because our phone wasn't 5G and it's like we're not even required to update to our 5G phones anytime soon , It was Oh our computers didn't update from the last time we ran updates. We have been doing this every month for a year. I'm at the point that every time I call I'm getting their name and operating number And what happens Because I'm creating a longstanding log to send over to the FCC. I've already submitted one complaint to the FCC, and I Implore all of you who have any problems with this company or this phone to do the same if they get enough complaints maybe, not holding my breath on that, they'll do something about it . Secondly can we stop getting millennial snowflakes operating the phones Did it ever occur to you that people may be using wireless earsets Well needing to talk to you because where we live the law says we can't hold a phone while driving so if we raise our voice one octave your employees go oh my god sir man That way your voice And when we do it again it's like they hang up I'm getting tired of being hung up and little punk kids don't have a backbone let alone the worth ethic to be having a job, let alone the education to understand my problem at hand . This company has some of the worst operators and has the very worst customer service I have ever dealt in my entire life , and I am somebody who has been around the world and has lived in many countries And despite having language barriers dealing with other countries I have never ever ever ever on my mama's grave ever have such piss poor customer service as how you receive from SafeLink You guys are a hundred times better off dealing with the company that you have to Pay into, a place where you can actually physically talk to somebody face to face It's actually worth the money. This is my husband's issue. I'd not go on for this headache anymore I switched over to Mitt mobile and it only costs me $75 for every 3 months , and I have never had an issue with them At least they're on top of the ball And no win I'm supposed to be getting my new data. And some of these people are right there are people out there that rely on having a phone for the job , so you guys mucking around with people's finances and all you can say is I'm sorry Where do you guys do with your finances Where does it go? I mean is this something else I've got to add into a future complaint to have somebody look at your financial practices, your technical practices, you're overall business practices Oh that just reminds me I my next complaint will be going to the better business bureau anything for you guys to pull your heads out of your rear ends Instead of being a half-assed company that doesn't give a damn about the people using their products. I'm going to make it my point to keep making enough complaints for you guys to get things done or for you guys to Get banned from practicing businesses this way . Because and I'll honestly you're messing with too many people's lives There are people that need a phone for work, there are people who need to have a phone because there are single parents and a school may need to get a hold of them if their child is sick, there are people that have physical or medical issues that need to have a phone but again you guys aren't caring so I don't care If you no longer are company Your lack of attention to your customer service is going to be what tears you apart It is going to be what fails you !!!!!

Posted by Rtbury75

SafeLink customer service is a joke. You can't understand half of what they say plus they reject benefits for no reason. They sit in a air-conditioning facility while workers are in the heat rain or snow. They give us issues constantly. Most rudest customer service I've dealt with

Posted by UnkineE43

This has to be the most illiterate under trained company I have ever dealt with. No body seems to know what they are doing from the reps in the Philippines to the so called Americans located in Miami, Florida. I'm told to do this through a national verifier and once completed I return the call to to the company to just stay on the phone 10 hrs with 20 different reps who says they can't resolve the issue or their programs on the computer aren't working properly. Where the hell are these guys from and what is the real moral integrity of the CEO and upper management knowing that the company you represent has such low standards of operations and about as much knowledge of tech support and customer service as a new born baby. The sad thing is that this is the only life line company in my area that can be used and can't even do that because no one can seem to be able to properly help you or address the matter at hand. I'm sure there are thousands of not millions of American citizens that need and could use the jobs that are being given to other people in a different country that are representing an American based business. This is only being done to ensure that the owner and investors are making the most money rather than actually providing a company that is set up to help those who are less fortunate, dealing with medical issues and really needing this service. There mission statement is far from the case morals and standards are far from the what use to be true American standard. In my opinion the government that pays this company billions of dollars in grants and funding should black ball this company revoke their business license and turn it over to a company that actually gives a damn about morals, standards, and actually providing services to the American citizens who truly need it and not allowing such people to take advantage of the American citizens and causing them more headaches and frustration than what the service is probably actually worth.

Posted by M. Rider

The customer support line on ANY (800) number to reach them through is, HANDS DOWN, the worst collection of "employees" I have ever had to deal with, including the support chat page. And, not just once. I mean, consistently...every single representative I dealt with...every single time...any time of the day. I won't say they are outright verbally rude, if you can understand them (between the language barrier & the volume of their voice during the call.) That given, they will knowingly lie right to your face during a moment when you have absolutely NO service & need assistance. Say they are setting up a callback to resolve the issue & nothing. They will BS you. Minimize issues to end a conversation. Blame your device. Not respond for loooong periods of conversation. In general, they will just make everything an absolute NIGHTMARE for unsuspecting patrons that otherwise can't do anything with their given device or sim card without the help of support. But, believe these words: it is a lawless department that seems to have even less concern for customer satisfaction & than repercussions given for their behavior. I truly can not fathom how any self-respecting company would tolerate a CUSTOMER SUPPORT rep operating like this...let alone the entire department (at least every single time I've called.) If it wasn't for being a lifeline service provider it'd be completely not worth the stress & mistreatment. Unfortunately despicable. 4 thumbs DOWN!! P.S. I'm really not a spaz & hard to handle or a "karen" but truthfully EVERY SINGLE TIME I contacted them to assist in resolving an (always relative) issue it would end in high blood pressure & cuss words. ? That's not me. Especially with folks I don't know. Wanted to clarify...I know a "hard to handle" type & I'm quick to admit but I'm not even close. pinky promise. ?

Posted by jim

I bout an Alcatel phone from Safelink on 5/16/2022 and got it on 5/16/21,

1. They said it was a 2 day shipping. it was not!
2. The phone had no sim card.
3. The phone wouldn't work.
4. I spent 4 hours on the phone making 16 calls and talking to 39 people.
5. They would transfer me endlessly and I got hung up on 8 times.
6. They couldn't find the order # even though I read it to them.
7. Some said to buy a sim card. No! It was supposed to have it. And I don't want phone after this bad service.
8. They told me to call another company that sold the phone...turned out to be a doctor's office.
9. Oscar transferred me and it came back to Oscar who told me the same thing...he couldn't return $.
10. I was tired out and mentally sick after all of this.
11. Nobody would help me return the phone.

Posted by ???? crazy ass ppl

Every month something new. supposed to receive the unlimited talk and text and keep running out after 350 and all hear is need to qualify in order to receive certain stuff like that but refuse to help me figure out how and when call number they give me NO ONE SPEAKS ENGLISH ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND MORE THAN A FEW WORDS THEY SAY. How about hiring more people that understand and speak more than two sentences

Posted by Wavies

The last post had some auto corrections in it that were wrong. They cannot seem to keep my service on. I cannot chat with the enrollment dept via chat

Posted by Wavies

Do Not Get Service from this company. I promise you, you will regret it as I have. Switching tomorrow cause they can seem to keep my service on even though it's paid for and each time I have to borrow a phone in order to get it turned back on. I can use wifi to chat with their enrollment dept and that is the only dept that can turn me back on. Trust me. I know. This has happened over 6 times now. I'm switching tomorrow

Posted by Anonymous

I recertified twice after being with SafeLink 10 years. They stopped my minutes I called many times a days on hold up to 2 hours at a time for 2 months. Still no minutes. It has interfered with my life. As In emergency s. And I'm stuck with our a phone now. Very very aggravated!!!¡!;;;. Patricia White. 870 783 0485

Posted by Mitchell

Safelink keeps dropping my calls and I can't enroll in the ACP program.


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Learn more about Safelink Wireless
Safelink provides Outreach Coordinators to aid in the application process and assist in one on one customer service. Contact Susan Jacobs, NC Area Outreach Coordinator, to help assist you with this service by phone: 828-243-9809 and email: ...
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Kannad Marine has instigated a global recall programme following a problem with the company's SAFELINK Manual and Auto GPS EPIRBs. Kannad Marine SafeLink GPS EPIRB - AUTOMATIC. TAGS: gearsafety. Boat owners are being urged to check their Kannad Marine ...
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