Ryobi Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Ryobi customer service is ranked #480 out of the 1024 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 32.72 out of a possible 200 based upon 554 ratings. This score rates Ryobi customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


519 Negative Comments out of 554 Total Comments is 93.68%.


35 Positive Comments out of 554 Total Comments is 6.32%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Ryobi

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 32.72 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 519 negative comments (93.68%)
    • 35 positive comments (6.32%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.9 Issue Resolution
    • 2.7 Reachability
    • 2.0 Cancellation
    • 3.6 Friendliness
    • 3.0 Product Knowledge

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Posted by JC

I was on hold for an hour and fourteen minutes even though customer service was closed for the day
I called the next morning and got a call back when I told woman in customer service what happened she said how can I help you?
Directions are terrible and staff is slow and ignorant
They all need re training or to lose their jobs to realize that they should give better service
I'm buying a different brand not to deal with total incompetence of this company. Stay away!!!

Posted by Texan

Ryobi's customer service is non-existent. You fill out their claim form with the model and serial number. You already know that Ryobi no longer manufactures this product and no parts are available. It's 1 year old. And you wait, wait, wait. 1 month now and no contact. Right now I see Ryobi products AND the customer service worthless.

Posted by Anonymous

I am in need of some help with an issue that has been going on for 2 years. I'm getting no customer service whatsoever and this issue needs to be resolved. I purchased a Ryobi riding mower which was under the Ryobi warranty when I took it to Home Depot (Store 0144) the first time on 5/23/21. The mower looked almost brand new and the only issue was the blades wouldn't engage. The shop took 4 months to get the mower back to me. I, of course, had to buy a push mower so I could mow my lawn for those 4 months. When it came back there was oil all over the batteries, pooled under the batteries and all over the back of the mower. This mower doesn't take oil. The manager said another tool broke on top of it and all of the oil spilled on my mower. Not only that, whoever packed the truck, piled stuff on top of the mower which may or may not have been the reason why one tire was broken off and the half inch thick piece of metal on the back of the mower was bent down. I know this because one of the managers took pictures when he was unloading the truck because of how ridiculous it was and showed it to me.

I had the mower sent back to fix the new issues that occurred when the mower was in Home Depot's possession. After another 3+ months at the shop it was returned. The oil was still exactly where it was previously. Nothing was cleaned up whatsoever. The back metal piece was still bent and had paint chipped off of it. The wheel was still broken off. This time the mechanic at home depot put the wheel back on in front of me and pumped it back up. I drove it in the parking lot and it was significantly slower than normal. Maybe this was from the oil spilled on the batteries but I don't know. I'm not sure what was done in the 3+ months it was at the shop since nothing was touched, but it was sent back again.

This is the 3rd trip to the shop. Again, after 3+ months it was returned to me. The home depot employee took me to the outdoor section to check it out. It was filthy. The seat was disgusting and the entire mower was coated with dust and some kind of black dirt. We had to get a rag to clean the seat off just to sit down. Once again, the oil was STILL not cleaned up. The back metal piece was still bent. This time all 4 wheels were flat. I did not bother driving it since nothing was done once again. Again, I'm not sure what they did to the mower for that amount of time. It was sent back again for its 4th visit to the shop.

3+ months later I am contacting Home Depot to see why the mower hasn't been returned yet. They said the transport company lost the mower. Another month went by and it was found inside one of their trailers and delivered back to home depot. It was in the same nasty, dirty condition with nothing done AGAIN. One of the managers and an employee in the tool rental area told me the mower is unrepairable. I contacted Ryobi and they will not help even though it's under their warranty. The new store manager, Zack Tithof, called me and said he was going to get this issue resolved. It was no longer under the Ryobi warranty since the shop had it for a total of 14 months so far. He sent me to Asurion since I purchased an extended warranty. Asurion wanted to send it to the shop to repair it even though it was deemed unrepairable. The shop picked the mower up and kept it for about a month before bringing it back. They said the last shop it was sent to had all the wiring underneath messed up. The mower would not go up a small hill when it was returned to me. Nothing was repaired and it was even slower and less powerful than before. The shop took it for the second time. The store manager, Zack Tithof, e-mails me that 2 of the batteries need to be replaced and that's not covered under the extended warranty. I reminded him that oil was dripped and pooled all over the batteries and that is probably what caused the batteries to be defective. He said there was no evidence of the oil causing the batteries to die.It is from wear and tear.

So, the mower was originally sent to the shop looking almost new with just an issue with the blades not engaging and running fast and powerful like it should be. It is now filthy, dirty, damaged and 2 batteries dead from "Wear and Tear". I haven't had the mower in 2 years and the batteries were perfectly fine when I first sent the mower to the shop. The shop must have been casing the wear and tear on the batteries and there's no way to tell if the oil did not affect the batteries. Zack Tithof is offering me $200 for the cosmetic damages and its being returned to me not working. This isn't how Home Depot treats its customers. I am a huge Home Depot supporter but this is not fair. I've been extremely patient and reasonable over these 2 years and just want a fair resolution. I will never buy another riding mower from Ryobi given the way I've been treated.

Posted by Roger

bought a new ryobi 21 lawnmower June 2022. two batteries.. worked great last summer, worked fine until last weekend. now it wont' start. both batteries fully charged. call ryobi, the don't answer. leave a message, they don't call back. used the text service, someone was there, I asked can we speak on the phone. No only text was her reply. must be run by teenagers!! not understanding the purpose of a phone. anyway told i had to ship to to another province, PEI and wait 12 weeks or more. as no one in Halifax, including Home Depot can service them, when they break , which according to these comments is quite often. There's $700 I would like to do over again.

Posted by Ryobi User

Ryobi, Very cheap crap products, They should be out of commission. I will never buy any of their product ever again. This is an actual garbage product. Customers are not the priority, and the company's culture makes them wait until they get tired and disconnect. I am on hold for over 2 hours for customer service. Even the automated chatbot is ridiculous. Awful, I ran out of words to express my discontent about this product(s) and customer service. I hope they have enough bad reviews, people request their money back, and Home Depot drops the contract, forcing them to close. I feel bad for the employee, but go work for Milwaukeeat least they have solid tools.

Posted by Johnboy037

Ryobi Customer Service employed personnel who know absolutely nothing about their produces, don't care to educate themselves about a specific customer problem with their tools to assist their customers. I've exchanged over 20 emails with different customer service reps to no avail. They apparently read the email history before responding.

Posted by Anonymous

I bought Ryobi 40V Lawnmower July/2022 stopped working August 1 2023 waiting time for repairs minimum 6 weeks had to buy new lawnmower for rest of season there is only one service center in Vancouver BC Canada

Posted by Completely dissatisfied

Ryobi is number one for the worst customer support. Call, text,chat, or email parent company in Japan are all terrible

The ask you to imagine with Ryobi, I imagine a world without Ryobi

Posted by John

3 Months in the shop for repair. That is one entire season, an actual quarter, or 25% of a year to replace 2 controller boards. Total labor? 1 hour. Out of 2100 hours I waited, it took 1 hour to fix it.

As an added highlight to my experience, I had to pay $25 as a deposit. Deposit for what? I have no idea. It was promptly returned from the Ryobi authorized repair shop when I retrieved the mower, and frankly, the shop was courteous and friendly. They were 20 miles from my home as there are very few Ryobi authorized shops around. There were more but for reasons I can only speculate, they pulled out.

As I needed to cut my lawn, I had to buy a new mower and although the Ryobi got the job done when it worked, it struggled and overloaded often. The grass was not overgrown. It was simply thick and this mower did not have the power I needed.
Therefore, I bought a gas-powered mower and will not return to electric.
If the Ryobi was repaired properly, I may keep it as a spare yet I have to test it over several cuts. The referenced failure was that the mower simply stopped completely, then the self-propel started up again with no blades. This happened numerous times during one cut.

I don't remember owning a gas mower that failed. Now, I think about how the Ryobi just stopped and would from now on anticipate the surprise every time I cut the lawn. If it fails again, I am sure I would encounter another ludicrous extended repair period.

I contacted Ryobi several times. In my first contact I complained about how long repair was taking in detail. Their reply was "Thank you for choosing RYOBI. If we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact us again. We have created a new and convenient way to reach out to us via text messaging. Simply text the number 800-525-2579 Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm. (est). Thank you again for choosing RYOBI and I hope that you have a wonderful day.

Further assistance? There was no assistance whatsoever!

Also, a suggestion for compensation for my trouble, having to buy a replacement lawn mower and 80 miles of driving was answered with "We cannot do that."


My review summary on Ryobi: NEVER AGAIN!

Posted by Anonymous

3year 18v charger failed , no help from ryobi c.s.gonna end up in the dump . Electric is not going to be the future if you don't back up your product . You should have taken this back for repair or replace at what it cost . Your scamming folks out of their dollars . J.Rosenthal

Posted by Anonymous

Buyer BEWARE!!!
HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE customer service !

I will be contacting our state Attorney General. Also, BBB too.

Posted by Hotgas101

Bought the self propelled lawn mower from Home Depot and used the mower twice. Let me tell you the battery on them is the worst. My yard isn't big and the battery would cut off about midway. Then charging takes a while and after 2 times of using it the battery no longer charges. New lawn mower. Called up customer service and had to wait 2 hours before getting someone on the phone. Told me it would be 7-10 days before I would receive the replacement battery. They are quick to send you an email asking for a review, but never send you a follow up email and lie about the hold time of when you would receive a battery. I called them the second time after the '7-10 days promised' and they tell me they are backed up as it is summer, which I understand and get companies can get busy but don't lie to a customer and misquote a time frame. How about instead of saying you are busy because it's the summer, make it right to keep a customer. There is no accountability. I am very disappointed in their lack of accountability for their product and lack of customer service. I will never buy a single product from them again. I returned the mower and got my old gas mower serviced in just a few hours and is more reliable then this 500$+ mower that is a piece of sh*t and I dont think I'll ever go back. The product AND customer service sucks. Would never recommend them to anyone. Please do your research before buying to avoid having the same issue, because I did not and I find it funny how some of the reviews I was reading earlier was the EXACT same situation I just had to deal with.

Posted by [email protected]

Seems like I am in the line up of dissatisfied customers! Way to go Ryobi, job done at being the worst rated. Bought a VERY expensive electric lawn mower at the beginning of the summer (2023) and here it is August, the batteries won't hold a charge! They agreed to replace the batteries but saying that it will take 7-10 business days to receive the batteries! Ok we swallowed that....here we are 3 weeks later and still no batteries. I called to expedite things and after 2 days of trying to get a hold of them either being on hold for over an hour and then opting for a call back then not getting a call back, only to start the process again the next day!! I was then told that the batteries that were on order were not in stock, they told us they were in stock when we originally spoke to them about the battery issue, they then said they will have to send out other ones not sure why that couldn't have been done in the first place. I then spoke to a supervisor who told me that they can not over night anything because they don't have the contracts with the couriers to support that ? the whole thing is a joke. At the end of this we would have waited 6 weeks for a battery replacement!!!! I hope that anyone interested in Ryobi reads this.... Their products are not reliable!!! Their customer service is incompetent and the whole experience was just outrageous! We will NEVER buy Ryobi products again and will stick to buying Dewalt ,at least they are reliable and stand behind their products and have good customer support!!! Ryobi look at your ratings its there in black and white how poorly you are rated!

Posted by Anonymous

WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!! I have a Ryobi stick vacuum that is still under warranty. The nearest service center to me is over 75 miles away. I'm trying to order the faulty part and have it covered under my warranty. Cannot get anyone to help via phone, text or email. I've called several times - on hold over 30 minutes, then disconnected, or transferred to another department and on hold again over 30 minutes. I'll never buy another Ryobi product again!!

Posted by Anonymous

I bought a Ryobi lawn mower on September 11th, 2021, Used it during 2022. Tried to run it this summer, it will go forward but the blade doesn't turn. I tried to contact Ryobi, what a waste of time that company's system is, I still haven't been able to talk to them, you go around and around and disappear into a black hole, each call, minimum over 30 mins
per call, no answer.
I tried their website for service center's, No 1, was a house in the middle of the country, with an overgrown yard, filled with old broken farm machinery. The man on the telephone said just leave it around back, that wasn't happening. Shop 2 was 25 miles away, they have been trying to get parts from Ryobi for about 5 weeks now, but no luck.
I would rather get down on my knees and cut the grass with my wife's scissors than buy a lawn mower from Ryobi.
$400.00 and it was used probably 10 times, $40.00 each time I mowed the front lawn, plus I had to buy a Honda gas mower, nearly $600.00, which works every time. Thanks Ryobi for a summer of wasted time, energy and money.

Posted by Anonymous

I bought a Ryobi lawn mower on September 11th, 2021, Used it during 2022. Tried to run it this summer, it will go forward but the blade doesn't turn. I tried to contact Ryobi, what a waste of time that company's system is, I still haven't been able to talk to them, you go around and around and disappear into a black hole, each call, minimum over 30 mins
per call, no answer.
I tried their website for service center's, No 1, was a house in the middle of the country, with an overgrown yard, filled with old broken farm machinery. The man on the telephone said just leave it around back, that wasn't happening. Shop 2 was 25 miles away, they have been trying to get parts from Ryobi for about 5 weeks now, but no luck.
I would rather get down on my knees and cut the grass with my wife's scissors than buy a lawn mower from Ryobi.
$400.00 and it was used probably 10 times, $40.00 each time I mowed the front lawn, plus I had to buy a Honda gas mower, nearly $600.00, which works every time. Thank you Ryobi for a summer of wasted time, energy and money.

Posted by Jimmy

I've had a Ryobi mower from Home Depot about a year ago. One day, it just quit. Home Depot wouldn't give me a replacement. The service centers are overloaded with Ryobi's. The place I had to go to was 45 minutes away. They just looked at it yesterday after having it for 2 months. Control module is out and blade engine is out. Parts on not in stock. No word on when available. Talked to Ryobi customer service and was told about that after 90 days if no parts are available a warranty claim can be filed for replacement. Then it would have to be reviewed and approved...probable another 90 days. They don't call back. Service center does not call back. I have been calling daily to even talk to someone. No more Ryobi's for me. Terrible customer service.

Posted by Anonymous

Ryobi 40v pole saw, the plastic "trigger" broke, its not protected from any damage at all and mde of cheap plastic, it got snaggeed on a branch.
called for support, on hold 45 minutes. was told I had to go to a servce centre to have it repaired. I found the part on line, its 77cents! but Ryobi refuses to ship it to me.

Posted by Kpk

Trimmer motor failed just over 90 days last purchase. Home Depot would not replace and RYOBI customer service requested I drive 3 hours to nearest service center!!!! Very poor experience and service.

Never again!

Posted by Jeri

Been trying to get service for our lawn mower for 3 months, they send us to fix it shops that don't work on their products, or the mailbox is full and wont take a message. I have sat on hold in the last week for over 8 hours, tried the text messaging service, and online chat that will say they will get back to you but never do. Ryobi in my case has the WORST customer service I have ever delt with. Sad thing is, I like some of their products but I will never buy another because of my customer support experience.

Posted by Sean

Ryobi is a trash company, their customer service is horrible!!! I bought batteries 2 years ago, and they stopped taking a charge. Their warranty is three years, but they will not warranty them, they say I have to go to one of their service centers. The closest one is full of a bunch of rude employee's, they have bad reviews and treat you like you are a crook. The second location is some guys house, when you call he says to send the SN's and he will look into it, but never responds. The next closes service center is three hours away. What a joke of a company!!! Their plastic tools are not even good enough for my kids. TRASH TRASH TRASH!!!!!

Posted by Anonymous

Stunned at how bad the customer service process is at Ryobi. I tried for 6 weeks to contact them via phone both in Canada and at the US based number the Canadian operation referred me to. After that I tried to text the number they gave for service which turned out to be a Ryobi purchase racking text message site. Then I tried the automated chat on their site that finally asked me my zip code and after entering my Canadian postal code they said it was invalid and went into the the final loop I was prepared to endure from this awful company.
What really bothers me is I called Home Depot to tell them how bad the customer Sevice was from one of their largest exclusive suppliers and they basically said they weren't responsible for them. Hmmmm I bought this at Home Depot one would think they would have an interest in how badly their customers are treated by one of their largest exclusive suppliers!!
Never again!

Posted by Gardengal

I have a 40V battery that seems to be defective. Home Depot gave me the Battery Service #1-877-655-5250 and waited 15 minutes for live help.

Then hung up to supposedly faster service on live chat 1-800-525-2579.

I explained problem on text BUT then the text wanted order #.
I didn't order anything, I want help with a defective battery.

Then I tried the website and the area that I needed was blackened out and evidently unavailable.

I loved the Ryobi tools and recently bought more including a mower but I am rethinking as it appears they don't want to stand by their warranty or service if they can't communicate properly telling you for faster service text and do a LIVE CHAT! No LIVE CHAT if you don't get through.

Wasting valuable time with this FIRST TIME issue. Home Depot needs to get on the ball and do something to help us customers get what we paid for! NOT HAPPY!

Posted by Den

I have a saws all that broke while under warranty. That happens even in the best of tools.

However trying to get it repaired under the warranty by Ryobi is most likely the worst experience I ever had.

First I live near Pittsburg Pa. The closest repair center was in Youngstown Oh, a three hour drive, so the best I could do was to mail it to the repair center at my cost.

Once they repair center received the saw it took almost three months to get it back. And that is only because I kept calling them.

When I tried to call Ryobi customer service I was on hold for several hours to talk to a do called customer service rep. How was of no help what do ever.

The service place in Younstown Oh kept blaming Roybi for not getting back to them. Roybi Jeep giving me all kind of excuses what the service center has not fixed the saw.

I own serveral Ryobi products, but this is the end of the line for me.

I understood tools break but the service and availability of customer service from Ryobi is the worst I have ever experienced.

Posted by Jack

No help with Ryobi sprayer. Emailed many times, sprayer pump dead. Was told to buy new pump. Sprayer less than a year old and used once.


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