RCI Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

RCI customer service is ranked #523 out of the 1024 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 31.43 out of a possible 200 based upon 140 ratings. This score rates RCI customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


131 Negative Comments out of 140 Total Comments is 93.57%.


9 Positive Comments out of 140 Total Comments is 6.43%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • RCI

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 31.43 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 131 negative comments (93.57%)
    • 9 positive comments (6.43%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.7 Issue Resolution
    • 2.4 Reachability
    • 2.0 Cancellation
    • 3.4 Friendliness
    • 3.0 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Anonymous

I purchased a vacation for San Francisco in March 2020. I canceled prior to my vacation because of COVID. San Francisco was one of the hotspots in the beginning of COVID. I canceled because I have lupus and I was traveling with my two-year-old . It is going on almost a year and I am still getting the runaround about my full refund I have been speaking to various agents and various supervisors who continue to apologize for someone dropping the ball and not following through with my refund. It is the holidays and I am waiting for about $500 in a refund. My family has been a loyal customer for over 25 years. The worst customer service experience ever. Every time I speak to a new agent or a supervisor I ask who can I speak to over them and they state there is no one else I could escalate this to! When speaking to an agent I asked for their corporate number they would not provide it to me. Someone from the corporate office can reach out to me that would be great! Seeking assistance with this matter!

Posted by Enough is Enough

RCI are holding their customers hostage during the coronavirus by not returning exchange fees paid for vacations that will be or have been cancelled by COVID-19. I spoke with 2 messengers (agent and supervisor) on your customer support lines this evening and bottom line from both - we do not refund money - only offer credits on future exchanges. However, we have sold all of our timeshare units and the last significant points we have expire in November 2020. Feedback from support - Oh, well, we an help you - pay us MORE money to extend those points! Sure thing, you are holding my money, you won't return it, AND you want me to give you more money - nice try!

One of our $335 exchange credits expires December 30, 2020, so we will be unable to use it. Basic message from support - too bad, so sad, you're not getting your money refunded period - NOBODY has had their money refunded. Call whoever you want, it isn't going to change.

What a wonderful job you have done empowering your support agents. Leave them to absorb the hostility from all your customers because of your terrible customer relations skills. Oh heck, they're only making a bit above minimum wage so you don't need to protect them. If they don't like it, you can always get others quickly. What a wonderful leadership creating a great environment in which to work.

What kind of a company are you running when you won't refund money from cancellations caused by a pandemic? You know the airlines tried that approach too until the government and social media pressure forced them to change their policies and they now refund money rather than giving credits.

Do we have to launch a social media and government campaign to disparage your company and soil your reputation in the market??

Posted by Anonymous

On September 8, I, too, requested a full credit for my $239 exchange fee, since I am unable to use the timeshare week in late September in Massachusetts. That State has imposed a 14-day quarantine for incoming visitors, effectively nullifying any ability to enjoy such a vacation. Seemingly putting profit over health concerns, RCI wanted an ADDITIONAL financial payment for "travel protection" in order for me to receive my original $239 as a future credit. Absolutely disgraceful.

Posted by Not Happy Customer

I have been a member of RCI for over 35 years and I'm paid through 2030. I have back to back weeks scheduled for 10/2 and 10/9 in different states that require a 14 day quinine. I have been told that if I pay $129 per week, then I get the points and a coupon credit. I have talked with a customer rep and a customer supervisor. They offered to comp one week but not both. I was told that RCI needs the money and RCI was laying off people.

I was looking for RCI to do the right thing and issue a coupon credit for both weeks and return the points for both weeks. Not just one week. I asked to speak with the supervisor's manager and was told I had to email RCI. Not a good way to run a company.

Please contact me

Very dissatisfied current RCI member

Posted by Anonymous

Refused to refund exchange fee after resort was closed due to pandemic!! Josh the rep then said are you fine with this. We said no!! Got supervisor who got angry with me and then said hold on it's been 20 min already to refund money to us but she said it's unfair to other members!!!!

Posted by Lincoln Jone

Is it true you are refusing to refund the money cutomers paid for vacations that have been cancelled because of the coronavirus?

Lincoln Jones, Publisher LJNews and LasVegas newsletter.
64 Strada Principale Suite 206
Henderson, NV 89011

Posted by Extremely Disappointed

It was shocking to be notified yesterday by RCI that a long planned and reserved family vacation at the Wyndham Palm Aire resort had been canceled. Not only was this barely two weeks before the travel date, but was due entirely to a construction related event that should have been foreseeable by Wyndham and it RCI subsidiary. Since the family has committed to several thousand dollars of non-refundable air fares, there is the potential for a large amount of financial damages. This financial detriment is something far outside the bounds of reasonable risk and demands RCI and Wyndham find the means to avoid this financial harm.

We have considered RCI to be a reliable partner when we have made travel plans, however, this situation leaves us to believe there is a lack of ethics and integrity in your organization. When you create damages that could be reasonably anticipated and are solely due to your irresponsible behavior, and organization as large Wyndham and its RCI subsidiary should bear the burden of full accountability.

It is additionally egregious that RCI has made no attempt to rectify their wrong. No additional, accommodations or solutions have been offered. Several members of the family spent hours on the phone yesterday, after the abrupt notification, trying to find someone to help. Apparently, there is only one person (Beth) who is in charge of the situation. I have left several messages. I have not received a return call yet. And when asked what other supervisor I could speak to, I was on every occasion sent to Beth�s voicemail.

Is this the manner in which RCI conducts it�s business? I have never experienced such callous and unprofessional behavior from a company. I eagerly await a call from RCI to rectify this wrong. Thank you in advance for your attention to this manner.

Posted by off ge-pissed

Our points are up at the end of January 2020. Our RCI end of May. We would like to use our points before the end of January and have found a resort in Bavaria that suits us. We even have points left over. I attempted to hold the resort but my credit card was not accepted. It's a Canadian Visa and we live in Berlin. So I contacted RCI Germany first to extend our points to April. The card was not accepted (again), even manually. The agent said that because our time was up at the end of Jan, we should renew our RCI membership. I declined, went back to confirm the reservation but the card was, once again, not accepted. I contacted the agent again and she tried, in vain, to book the resort. Guess what? The card was rejected. AGAIN! She suggested I contact my bank. But then I went shopping in Berlin and HOLY SHITE, my card was accepted by the store. So it's not the card that's at fault, but RCI. I guess RCI wants us to renew and then it will unlock the card.
Great marketing ploy. And I don't excuse the language, it's milder than what I would use. No wonder people are leaving by droves. Your service sucks.

Posted by Farside426

As a RCI member we have nothing but issues, last year was the last straw, after our membership ends we will NO longer be members. We were in Aruba at the time and two days before the week we put in for the exchange we get notification that something is available, now who waits until the last two days to book, we actually went to the office and rented the week to extend our stay, we have a search on for over a year and half, then while there talking with members, find out that someone got a unit who was suppose to stay in another resort but due to water damage they were give a unit in our resort, when talking with a member they said it was the resort who did that, no when I was in the office the woman we spoke to said no it would of gone thru her and that did not happen. They also put in the wrong year in our search, when talking with someone on the phone before leaving were told we didn't have enough points, but we went by their points system online, but were told because of the time of year, so when changing it to put more points out there, the wrong date was put in our search to when we originally did the search, others had gotten units in the meantime. I looked at the resorts deposits during our time there, there were 33 units exchanged into that resort. The stress of not knowing at the last minute that we would get something while on vacation was unreal. Each person we talk with had given us different answers and different vacationers we talked with about RCI down there was not positive. You either need to make some changes or get out of this business, customer service SUCKS.

Posted by Anonymous

Need to post an address change. Wanted to talk to a live agent.

Posted by UNH-SS

Every time since becoming a member of RCI I have had a Horrendous experience. The phone Resp. are obviously extremely limited as to the help their able to offer members, the Supervisors are for lack of a better word; INCOMPETENT! I had 2 Units Booked at a Resort both with full kitchens, upon receiving my confirmation email it showed one Unit with partial Kitchen, the other No Kitchen. When I called to informed them of the error the response by at least 3 phone Reps. and a Supervisor showed me this company does NOT care about it's members. The Supervisors solution was to move Us to another Resort which did not meet our Vacation plans. I finally did reach someone at Corporate level who eventually resolved their own error. Now I am faced with a $239.00 fee issue that the system showed would be discounted upon my Confirmation of Booking, well it did not apply any discount as it said it would. Again after calling, I was initially advised that I should get a 25% discount, after much talk with a second phone Rep. and a Supervisor named Chris who works at the Carmel Indiana office nothing was resolved, in his condescending, insulting manner of speaking he did not Honor the request offered by RCI. I will be contacting Corporate again. This Guy Chris over a measly $60.00 chose to be UNPROFESSIONAL, which showed he is a Very POOR Representative of the Company who pays his salary! $60.00!!

Posted by Anonymous

I am 100% unhappy with RCI my Husband has been try to contact a Representative for a couple of weeks about a paid cruise and was told he had to book before November which is totally understandable when he called back he was told that he was not entitled which is not true he tried to contact the first person he spoke to and he's not returning any of his calls my husband has been getting a run around nobody calls him back this is called very poor business this subject has to be resolved soon or we lose our plans for a cruise as far as making reservations because all the cabins will be gone
Joan Ryan

Posted by CG

Does ANYONE know ANYTHING at RCI? Each time I speak with someone, I receive a different story. Unfortunately, we were told a bunch of lies at the time of purchase. After several attempts to book a few vacations, it seems they change the rules.... Today, someone called and said they had a vacation I wanted from my search, only to find out after a 15 min. conversation that the resort doesn't accept upgrades of which I was previously told I could upgrade, once I settled on a smaller unit, especially because I am a "platinum member", that I would definitely be upgraded if my desired unit became available. NOT SO. Now, I'm stuck with this unit, which can NOT accommodate our family, unless I pay an additional $945.00!!
UGH.... Nothing but excuses from the reps and NEVER anyone available to speak to. Extremely poor service, after the sale of course!

Posted by Teri

I am a black member with Iberostar and have had RCI for over a year. I have been trying to get your promotional emails since March and still haven't received any. I keep being told it takes a month to update your system. I find this really disappointing. I was also told that I could just look them up myself.

Posted by Anonymous

I have just instructed my wife to try to NEVER book an RCI property again after she booked two trips to the same location today in ARUBA for $239 per booking, a 25% increase over last year. Obviously an outrageous fee to begin with and an increase that is equally out of line. Our time shares (multiple are with HGVC) and we are going to try to avoid RCI going forward due to this stupid pricing policy

Posted by Anonymous

Worst customer service ever. Reps are incompetent. Don't know the correct information. Supervisor snaps at you when you complain. Been with this company for over 20 yrs and in the last two years I'm talking to people that are not even helpful. Spoke with many members that feel the same way. Looking for a new company. Hate paying for a service that doesn't help you

Posted by Anonymous

Worst customer service ever. Reps are incompetent. Don't know the correct information. Supervisor snaps at you when you complain. Been with this company for over 20 yrs and in the last two years I'm talking to people that are not even helpful. Spoke with many members that feel the same way. Looking for a new company. Hate paying for a service that doesn't help you

Posted by Anonymous

Each year I try to search for a holiday via RCI to try to use up my week that is banked with you Pine Lake England. Each year I am met with the same negative responses, there are no holidays available in England in the weeks that I want to accomodate myself, my partner and our small dog!!! So now I have a week that is due to expire on 31/5/18 that I am once again unable to utilise due to you only having 3 holidays available from 3rd or 4th of MARCH, i.e. when no one else wants to take the holidays because of course it is freezing cold in England and even moreso in Scotland!! This could fall under the Trades Descriptions Act i.e advertising something that just isnt legitimate. How can you help me RCI and redeem your reputation???

Posted by Anonymous

I have been trying to get an answer on a seemingly simple question for three days. Apparently, there is no consumer service department in the RCI structure. All numbers revert to reservation employees who have no idea how to handle anything other what they are scripted to reply. Why is it so difficult to reach someone on the corporate level?

Posted by Anonymous

Totally frustrating. I am trying to book flights with my points and though am a platinum member, have been waiting over 3 hours on the phone and they do not answer. ââ?¬Å? your call is very important to us does not ring trueââ?¬Â?. Very disappointing, at least a call back option would be appreciated.

As I am writing this complaint a man by the name of Daniel finally answered and as I explained that I was writing a complaint here the phone got disconnected. Very peculiar. I hope someone will look at this review.

Dr. Adriana Bierman

Posted by Nate

Do not bother calling customer service. They do not give the correct information. You are put on hold and the next person is no smarter than the first. They are a money hungry institution that does not care about customer service. They are in it for the all mighty buck. They make the rules as they see fit to benefit themselves. By the time you start your vacation you will be broke, so what is the point. If you have Time Sharing I feel sorry for you. If you have a problem, RCI will not be there to help you. It is to bad they can speak with a forked tongue and get away with it. Yet we pay and pay. Try to sell your Time Sharing. That is a bigger joke. Now go and have a good vacation.

Posted by songbird0526


Dear RCI Staff:

In my in box for email today, I received a reminder to take your survey. I have several issues I'd like to bring up concerning our visit to Sunset Beach time share buy in meeting we attended in May, 2017.

1) Upom our arrival ( 4 adult women), we were greeted by our sale's rep. After much conversation, we were informed that we were 'through', and we could go. AT NO TIME WERE WE GIVEN A TOUR OF THE PLACE TO SEE WHICH UNIT WOUD BE RENTED OUT TO ME/MY GUESTS, EVEN AFTER WE REQUESTED SUCH. I did sign up for Sunset Beach Resort. Though much was covered, I have a vague recollection of all that was stated, so I did not completely fill out the survey.

2) Weeks after returning home, I responded to an email I received from RCI welcome committee, and listed various questions I had which were NOT adressed when we were in attendace at Sunset Resort. TO DATE NOBODY FROM RCI HAS TAKEN THE TIME TO RESPOND TO ANY OF MY QUESTIONS!!! To say that I am leary about the company is a slight understatement. If you don't answer a potential customer's questions in an email, how do I know my needs will be met after I buy in??

3) There was an employee standing at obne of the doors, watching how the proceedings were going at the various tables. He was an older man with silver hair & wore a company badge. As he was standing at the doorway for all to see, he stood there picking his nose multiple times, digging .. As if this wasn't bad enough, he then WIPED IT MUCUS ON HIS UNIFOR M PANTS!!! I was absolutely appalled by this & requested his name. Another female rep came to my table where I informed her of the event. She almost choked when I described his actions. Although she attempted to find out his name, she was unsuccessful ( intentionally or not, I'm not sure, as I'm sure she didn't want to embarrass him in front of everyone. I don't believe his actions would be condoned by corporate.

I would appreciate feedback regarding this email, as I need to find out answers to the following questions:

1) Is there a monthly maintinance fee, and if so, how much. Is this fee only instituted when I use the unit?

2) If I want to donate the use of my unit to a non profit fundraiser, how do I go about that? I 'won' my trip to Pueblo Bonita through a timeshare holder with VIPS organization. ( Janice Vella

3) Related to question #2, how is the approximate retail value figured?

4) Can you please send me any photos of my unit so I have an idea what it looks like?

Any help you could give me would be appreciated!!


Katie Farren

Posted by lyndaki

I am in the process of waiting a year for my account to close totally.
I sent the letter in to cancel in January but it has not been activated till 13th March 2017 for some reason.

I have received a bill for £29 (points saving fee) twice now, and I have been onto your staff by telephone twice now , explaining my situation .

I lost my husband in June of 2015 and no longer wish to take holidays alone, therefore I wish to cancel.
The first 2 sales staff I spoke to both understood my situation they said and assured me they would take the £29 charge off as I no longer wish to take holidays .
I certainly will not be wanting to save the points to carry over to the next year.

They obviously had not taken the charge off as today I have received another bill, this time with £33 added for late payment!. I thought this bill had been cancelled, the first time I thought maybe it had not been taken off in error, but now it has gone through for a third time they obviously are not doing as promised.

I called for a third time this morning and spoke to another member of staff on the telephone, she was very unhelpful and told me I must speak to you, the address she gave me for an email does not exist!
The more I have to deal with this the more upset I get as my husband and I used to love our holidays, but the thought of going without him is unimaginable for me.

Please can somebody finally sort this out for me and cancel this stressful situation.

Thank you

Posted by Disappointed, again!

I can never get through to customer service. IT is 10:15 am on a Sunday. THIS is when regular people have a chance to call in to Book their RCI vacations. CUSTOMER service is closed????? Really???? WHY????? I do realize that their employees need a day off, but this is a time when people who own RCI have a chance to search for vacatips and need their questions ANSWERED !!!! RIDICULOUS !!! NOW wonder I never can use my RCI timeshare..... very disappointed, again!!!!!

Posted by Anonymous

For years I have been getting calls from RCI. Most of the time they hang up on me. I have tried to get my number removed from the data base. This morning I got another call from Bill in S Carolina. I said may I ask you a question? He hung up on me. I have been trying to reach Corp of or customer service for over 1 hour. I give up!!


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