Office Depot Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Office Depot customer service is ranked #142 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 52.40 out of a possible 200 based upon 267 ratings. This score rates Office Depot customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


220 Negative Comments out of 267 Total Comments is 82.40%.


47 Positive Comments out of 267 Total Comments is 17.60%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Office Depot

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 52.40 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 220 negative comments (82.40%)
    • 47 positive comments (17.60%)
    • 4 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 2.6 Issue Resolution
    • 3.8 Reachability
    • 2.6 Cancellation
    • 4.5 Friendliness
    • 3.9 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Linda

I arrived at office depot at 1:29 pm. No one spoke to me on the copy and print depth. There were 2 people ahead of me and only one person behind the counter. Another customer arrived. The girl at checkout finally realized that I had been standing at the counter(20 minutes) apparently she couldn't do the binding job I needed done. So she helped the gal who came in after me. Finally the gal behind tr counter asked me what I needed to have done. The next person was helped... she did say she would be with me in a minute. Finally she finished with the customer before me.. then tells me that she is going to have to stop on my work if someone comes in. I told her I expected 30 minutes of time.
It took me 50 minutes to get a 8 minute job done. Please put more service people behind your counters and teach them customer service.

Posted by Danby washer

Will not order from Office Depot again. Ordered a Danby washer on 20 March 2016 and arrived on 1 April 2016. Only after calling to find where my shipment was because by 30 March 2016 washer hadn't even been shipped yet. The customer service was helpful and made coordination to deliver on 1 April 2016. Was happy until the box was opened or should I say the bottom of the box was barely holding on. I noticed the box was damaged on one side didn't give much though because the packing material should have protected it. WRONG! I called the customer service again but this time about the washer being damaged, was told to wait 4 -5 hours for a response from their team. Waited 5 hours and called back, won't be able to do anything till Monday because now everything is closed. I needed this washing machine No Later Than 5 April 2016 because my household goods are being shipped the next day and Office Depot does not ship oversea. I was offered to have the shipment expedited but won't be here till 7 April or latest 8 April 2016. This does me absolutely no good. Customer service was nice and friendly but could not help me with this issue. Will be refunded the money but needed the washer. Extremely disappointed!

Posted by sprimo

Do not buy from these people. I bought a printer from them and 1 month later the document feeder stopped working. They said "too bad" call your printer manufacturer. If it is over two weeks they will not stand behind anything they sell. There are much better companies to work with.

Posted by Anonymous

I'll never shop at office Depot again because of crapy return policy for Unopened HP Toner cartridges. 30 Days...really. So they are saying they are no good after 30 days?

Posted by rapierwit

I overbought supplies for a specific job and then discovered their stingy 30 day product return policy on office supplies. What that implies is that their products have no value after 30 days so I won't ever buy anything from Office Depot again. The sense one gets from being in one of these horrible "warehouse stores" is that the customer is not welcome nor has any value. I would like to see Office Depot go entirely out of business as they have the worst customer service of any company I have ever dealt with.

Posted by NEVER AGAIN INK!!!

Why only 30 days return/refund for Office Depot ink products. This sucks; may be that Office Depot ink cartridges tend to dry up.

Posted by Anonymous

They will not exchange wrong printer ink purchased because I did not have a receipt. Without a receipt I could only exchange them for the same type? Huh? How does this even make sense? They sent me on a wild goose chase to hunt down my receipt and had to wait days for it to never come. Had to call again and make a second request. Still waiting!! What retailer requires a receipt in todays technological day? I will NEVER do business with them again! So long.. after 20 plus years!

Posted by Tony

Do Not buy their "remanufactured" inkjet cartridges. They charge top dollar and they dont work. Do the rest of us a favor and dont recycle your empty cartriges. It is not a real recycle program its just aa cheap way for them to make more faulty products.

Posted by Anonymous

I am writing about our delivery man, Willie Barefield, he delivers to our office in Overland Park, Kansas. Since the first day he started delivering to us it's been such a wonderful experience. I have worked for Allstate Insurance for 37 years and I order all the supplies for the past couple years and he is such a pleasure to work with. Always helpful, has a smile and willing to do anything to make us happy. Please pass this on to the appropriate person or persons because he deserves to be complimented and is an asset also. My name is Kathy Shackelford at . What an amazing employee. Thanks for listening.

Posted by Lynn

This store sucks the workers act like they don't want to be there they are rude and have very little knowledge about the job they should learn all products not just copying and faxes I was in the store 1 hour and 40 minutes and paid for something I can't use it and is not what I asked for I did tell them what I needed I had it written down this was in Jackson ms Robinson rd the morning shift never again and no I didn't realize I had the wrong item until I got back to work with it

Posted by Ms S. Carter

After walking around this store, I then approached a young, White male at the front counter, & asked about a product. He immediately told me that the item was sold out. Then suggested I try looking in 2 diff locations, within the store. After walking around for about 10 min, a young White female agent, asked if I needed assistance. She then walked me directly to my requested item. There were lots of Rolodex products, with many different sizes & prices. That front counter agent later said ,that these items will be discontinued. Only 2 items were on sale, but everything else still showed its regular price. After paying for my items, the cashier(another young White male, wearing glasses), was barely polite. While placing my change into my wallet, this cashier's whole demeanor became very different, while assisting the next person in line,(an older White male).Not only did he say "Thank You", but also "have a great day". I am a tall, older Black woman, & I feel that all cashiers should consider thanking all of their customers. This is a great store with lots of great inventory. I will definitely return, but not anytime soon.

Posted by abcynd

I have been trying unsuccessfully for about a month to return a defective computer. I got return authorization right away, but instead of providing me with a return label, they sent UPS to pick it up....from the wrong location. The first mistake was understandable, but after confirming the correct address two more times and UPS continuing to go to the wrong address, it was obvious I had to have the return label. Oddly enough, they were the ones that suggested the label when I asked if I could just take it to UPS myself. I have never received the label. I've called and called and they open a new ticket. My emails are responded to with the original form reply that says they are working on it, and ironically, that it will be "picked up at the earliest". There is a major language barrier - it is obvious that the customer service center is in India. It took me five minutes to confirm my mailing and email addresses with one woman because she did not understand me nor I her. I have had enough of them and will never buy anything more than paper and ink from them in the future, and that only because they are the most convenient supplier. I have contacted the VP of customer service hoping I may still be able to receive my return label, and ultimately the refund. We'll see...

Posted by Anonymous

My business had ordered online office supplies for years. My last order on October 12 seemed routine until I did not get my order. I called and was given the official line that they would check on it. After 4 phone calls and 2 emails I never received my order. Twice I insisted on talking to a supervisor but still nothing. They stated they had attempted to deliver it and gave me the times and guess what the office was open and personnel were present. I call that lying. There was NO customer service and no one made an effort to deliver they actually sent my order back to the warehouse.

Posted by Darby

Bein an avid OD shopper, I found this to be atypical of my shopping experience there.

Wanting to have scans mare of my prescriptions, I went to the counter where I was met by Jason. He had other customers so we waited patiently.

Once freed he came to the counter and I have him my request. He demenor was already curt and unfriendly To begin with. To the point of being downright rude.

With every question he became noticably exasperated and less attentive. I felt I was interupting him with my purchase.

Another Office Depot sales associate stopped Jason to ask him a question. He replied to him in the most disrespectful manner 'go away from here!'

How unbelievably unprofessional and shocking! No one should ever be spoken to in that manner AND in front of customers.

This sad unhappy man, I later found out, is a supervisor! Imagine that this is the man you hired to train your staff and represent your company to the public.

Is this part of your company culture?

How sad for you as a company to have this sort of antisocial, angry maniac as an Office Depot icon for the public.

Shane on you for your lack of training.

Posted by Anonymous

I tried to get a booklet bound and the manager refused to do the work as asked. Had to go to an Office Max in another part of town to get the work done. Will not return to the Creve Coeur store again.

Posted by TomWP

I purchased an HP laptop through The laptop did not meet my expectations. So, I contacted customer service and asked to return it. I was told I would get return instructions via email in a couple of days. When I got the instructions, I was told that a service would pick up the return in a few days. I contacted customer service and told them that I could not stay home from work and wait for a pick up. I asked for a UPS return label so that I could drop off the laptop at a local UPS Store. I was told that they would send me a label in a couple of days. When I received the email, it said that UPS would pick up the return. I called customer service back and told them that I had asked for a return label and that I do not want a pick up. They told me they would send me a label. I did not get a label, and on my fifth call to customer service I was told that they would have someone pick up the return. I told the agent that I had repeatedly said that I do not want a pick up because I will not be home, to which I was told I could leave the return outside my door. I told the agent I was not about to leave a laptop out in the open for anyone to take. A supervisor was supposed to call me back, but did not. I contacted my credit card company.

Posted by Officedepotcustomer

I ordered merchandise from that failed to perform as advertised. I tried returning it to the store, but they said I would have to contact online customer service, because it was not carried in the store. They put me in touch with that department and the representative was very polite and provided me with a Return Authorization Number. He said that it would be picked up at my house within 2 to 5 business days. This was on September 2.

Those days came and went and I have placed three additional calls to customer service. In each case it was "escalated". The department in my state returned my call the next day and confirmed that the package would be picked up. In one case I was told it would be picked up the next day.

It is now 20 days later and it is still not picked up. I believe that although Office Depot agreed to the return, they are hoping that I will forget about it because of the hassle in getting it picked up. I understand that UPS is supposed to pick it up. If they wanted to serve the customer, they would just email me a return label and let me take it to their store, since Office Depot is a UPS pickup point.

Posted by educatedconsumer

Today is the reason why big stores should not merge, they no longer have to be nice - there is no competition. In the past, when I went to Office Depot, I would take coupons, ads, etc from either Staples and OfficeMax, and they would gladly match the price or honor the coupon. Office Depot has now merged with OfficeMax so I guess they think they no longer have to play nice. The dreaded day came yesterday - my computer died and no, I did not have everything backed up. So, after talking to my computer guy we came to the conclusion to go ahead and get another computer and he tole me that HP was a good brand. So, off shopping I go. Since I had always gone (for the past 3 computers) to the Office Depot in Suwanee, that is where I went. I also had a "coupon" that I downloaded from Staples that was for $100 off an in-store purchase of any clearance computer of $199 or more (the one I picked out was $599). I asked my sales person if they would accept a coupon from Staples and he said yes - no hesitation. He then called someone else to get the computer and the guy came and did his little wand and said yes they have one, and I told him about the coupon. He said he didn't know, but he said if they could not he should have an email. He came back out and brought the computer and said that while he could not find anything in his email about not accepting this coupon, but then of course he called his manager at home, and no go from the manager.......duh, he has a customer, why would he accept a coupon? I then called Office Depot Customer Service, "BJ" said that they don't accept coupons online, but some stores still accept them. She would do an accommodation if I would place the order with her - why would I do that - I already had it in my house, in the box, but in the house. At this point, I'm seriously rethinking doing any further business with Office Depot. Wake up OD, you still need to take care of your established customers!!!

Posted by Susanscuba

As a long time Office Depot customer, I am now a FORMER Office Depot customer. We ordered office furniture over the weekend, set up delivery for yesterday and assembly for today. As 5pm approached yesterday, we called the toll free number for the third and final time, only to be told the shipment was on the truck and would be delivered before 5, which was in 9 minutes. Of course, it not only did not come, it did not come today, either.

So, that makes 3 times a customer service rep either deliberately lied or is so stupid as to not be able to read the information on their screen. Doesn't matter, end result is the same - 2 days off work waiting for something to delivered that was not going to be. Finally get a call today from the freight deliverer - they did not even get the order until last night and did not get the merchandise until today, so that's 3 days waiting because they are going to deliver tomorrow. I have a lot more faith in that company than I do OD at this point.

It also means we paid for an assembly service that isn't going to happen, either, so chalk up a few more unproductive hours while we put it together ourselves.

I am just DONE. The lying was the worst; everything else is secondary, but I cannot tolerate lying employees.

Posted by Anonymous

purchased school supplies and a "backpack". There are LARGE signs saying all backpacks 50% off. When the back pack was rung up, it said "LAPTOP, BKPCK, 1 $39.99"
I asked the associate why the 50% was not taken off & she said, "this ain't no backpack, it a laptop case".
I beg to differ, it clearly rang in your system as BACKPACK, so she called what I believe was a manager & he said, "this is a business case, and business cases are not included". Where on earth does it say that the backpack is now a BUSINESS CASE? Again, I beg to differ. This backpack was placed on the large display --along with SEVERAL OTHERS of the same brand and style (it wasnt just a random bag left in the wrong place).
I FEEL LIKE OFFICE DEPOT/OFFICE MAX is dishonest and ripping off their customers. I am a single mom trying to provide my daughter with her basic needs for school, and the fact OFFICE DEPOT felt it necessary to NOT give us the discount makes me sick.

Posted by Anonymous

their continual use of rebates that take months to receive and then expire. Just a cheap con to get more money. Bait and switch you on getting a "sale price".

Posted by Anonymous

They lie. Enrolled six month ago in rewards program. As an occasional user, but significant buyer and cartridge recycler, I specifically asked if rewards points ever expired. I was mislead, points expire at the end of each quarter (3 months). Lost thousands of points to this absurd store policy. Goodbye Office Deport. So long Office Max.

From now on, I only support honest stores.

Posted by a2hs

Re: Order number

Difficulty in getting exchange pick up and delivery, multiple phone calls, no response

The issue started with a phone call to exchange a damaged item. A pick up of the old item and drop off of a new one was processed on 7/25 and scheduled for 7/29. Someone was supposed to call the day before to give a 2-hour window. No call, and no pick up or delivery took place, I called and inquired and was escalated to the customer service team, then received another call for another delivery day, and again no pick up or delivery took place. Then called again and was told to wait until 5 and that the item is going to be delivered that day. I waited at home and it did not happen. Then called again, and was told to wait until 7 because delivery can be delayed, and sure enough nothing happened, then called again, and I was told delivery will happen the next day, and that I should leave the damaged item on my porch and they will let the drivers know to pick up and leave the new item at the porch. Did not happen, then called again, and was told they will check with the driver but the driver went howe already, so wait until the next day and someone will call me in 4 business hours to schedule a delivery (and was given a confirmation number for the request). Of course no one called, and I returned how and no pick up or delivery was made. Then I called again, and was told that the item was delivered already 2 days ago and was singed for my DRLS and was left on my porch. Of course, there is no DRLS or anyone else in in my household, and the damaged item is still on the porch, and no delivery was made.

Now, I have been on hold for exactly 33 minutes (because the supervisors are in a meeting and dont care I guess...still on hold as I type)... oh now after over 40 minutes she hung up, must be a way to deal with things at Office Depot!!!!

Problem not resolved.

What I need to know- does this company have any degree of self respect? How shameful...How can they treat customers like that?

The damaged item contains a big piece of glass, and as such is hazardous if mishandled, and is sitting for days distorting my front porch. Not to mention I still do not have my desk as I still did not received my item.

Compare this to receiving a new item, No problem, but when it comes to exchange they make you go through all this. And lying to say they delivered it is another story that contradicts itself. If it was signed for by someone, then how come they claim it was left on the porch? If truly delivered, then how come they did not pick up the damaged item? and when I asked about where they delivered it and who is DRLS they said they dont know!!!

Posted by [email protected]

My Home store office Depot Meridian has a real problem sticking to its closing time. Especially when it comes to untrained or inexperienced night managers. It is not good business having college students getting off at ten and eleven o'clock.

Posted by BLIZZBEE

This Place Is Completely Incompetent. I Ordered A Desk And I Wanted To Bring It Home With Me But They Said It Had To Be Delivered. So I Said Fine, Whatever. No Big Deal. But The Supervisor Was Rude, The Sales Assistant Spent His Time Talking On The Phone With His Girlfriend And Ignored The Fact That We Needed Help. Then The Day Before The Delivery They Call And Say Someone Needs To Be There To Sign Between 11-1. Completely Inconvenient But We Found Someone To Stay So We Can Get The Delivery. Then On The Day They Were Supposed To Deliver It The Driver Days He Will Be There By 10 Am! So My Fiancee Had To Take Off Work To Be There After Being Told A Different Time, Which Was Frustrating. And The Driver Didn't Show Up Until 11. So My Fiancee Took Off Work For Nothing. Then I Called Customer Support. The Bunch Of Them Sounded Like Napoleon Dynamite And A Bunch Of Pot Heads Who Couldn't Even Speak Properly. Apparently The Driver Was The Same Exact Way. What Kind Of Establishment Is This!?


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