MoneyGram Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

MoneyGram customer service is ranked #937 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 19.67 out of a possible 200 based upon 267 ratings. This score rates MoneyGram customer service and customer support as Terrible.


262 Negative Comments out of 267 Total Comments is 98.13%.


5 Positive Comments out of 267 Total Comments is 1.87%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • MoneyGram

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 19.67 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 262 negative comments (98.13%)
    • 5 positive comments (1.87%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.3 Issue Resolution
    • 2.1 Reachability
    • 1.5 Cancellation
    • 2.2 Friendliness
    • 1.8 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Mandy

I am writing because I have been sending money to my son in college for the last 2 years. Twice money gram has cancelled my transactions on their own because of suspicious activity. My son has my same last name and I send him money every week, this time it was for only $50.00 and they stated they did not feel comfortable giving him money so they cancelled the transaction but I have to wait 3-10 business days to get my money. What is so suspicious the kid has my last name I have been doing it for 2 years so he can eat. You denied him money two other times then times after that let him receive the money, so obviously not too much of a threat. I asked them why they was not comfortable and they could not tell me nor give me a cooperate phone number. My son still has no money for food because that was all the money I had to send him and still is not back in my bank account. I think it is time to start making lawsuits and contacting better business bureau that is what I did today. I have spent lots of money in last two years sending money, and they are the rudest people I know.

Posted by Anonymous

I still havent get the money that was being sent to me. Wheneer I go to moneygram outlet they always said that they are not the authorized agents to pay out the cash because they is an exact location to where should I get it but the problem is I've been to places you gave to my sender. But they answer the same. This is the frst time I encounter this kind of service in moneygrm.

Posted by Barney

What a joke. Their services suck! They try to intimidate a person and make you feel like a crook or something if you are receiving money. I was trying to collect funds from a sender in the country of Peru. After playing 20 questions with one woman at the counter, twice in one day, I went back the next day to another woman with an exact copy of the sender's form that they emailed to me from Peru. I knew I had them by the......, this time. No way they could really get out of it. And the crazy thing was, the sender's phone number is an important part of the process, but on the second day they never asked for the phone number! Still had to play a 20 question game anyway.

We've used the service a couple of time for sending money within the U.S. and it was painful at best in the past. Give me Western Union any old day. It's simple, it works and it's all over and done in one fourth the amount of time! Problem is, good ol' Wallymart is slowing taking down Western Union service counters. There are few left in our area. I swear they truly do make you think you're living in a third world country and some secret police are going to come and haul a person away or something.

We'll never use their services again for anything. We've almost quit shopping at their stores anyway because they suck, well now we can safely say the whole thing sucks. And then they wonder why their numbers are off when it comes their stock....go figure.

Incident: Walmart store in the Quad Cities IA/IL area, Nov 2016

Posted by Hopless person with lost the hug

I don't know why I choose the quick transferring money to abroad via MoneyGram?? May caused the bank I usually to do the local transaction had suggested me? OK, I had felt satisfied for more than 100 transferred times to my friends for my work. But not at this times!!! I have lost my money to sent to my friend much more than 210,000.-Baht (More than 6,500 U.S.Dollars!!!). When I tried to find out with the Bank Agent I had sent (of course, it's my usually bank I sent more 100 times), but NO ANSWER ONLY THERE WAS PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED!!! BUT my friend had called me from his country which in different Continent with me to asked me about my money was hold at my country? I said my Bank said the money had been received already!!!! If my friend had got this money why he must called me to let me know he did not and confirmed me that the Bank Agent at his side said the money was hold so very very often? And he was disappointed me and MoneyGram that not find out for us. If my friend had gotten this money why did he call me from his country (more 5,000 Miles far) to me every hour to ask me what's going on? Even in my lately night time that I had slept????

I tried to contact the Moneygram to find out, and the answer was they can not do anything to do for me with my lost money! They sent me about the TIPS for The fraud transaction???? What's it mean?????? That is MoneyGram Find out Process to treat the lost money people? I feel so much angry with the Sentence : - Remember that wiring money is like sending cash - the sender has no protection against loss.

Do you know? The MoneyGram sending form not provide the receiver information about address or any necessary receiver identification than THE RECEIVER NAME!!!! That is THE MOST CARELESS that MoneyGram NEVER CONCENTRATED to PROTECT ALL CUSTOMER SENT MONEY and in the same time, YOU MONEYGRAM STILL BLIND YOUR EYES AND CLOSED EARS TO ACCEPT AND IMPROVE THESE PROBLEMS!!!! Can you say you are the GLOBAL FINANCE?? I don't stop to Complaint and also do prosecution to get my money return!!!

I can absolute definition about your services : "The GLOBAL WISE CORPORATION ROBBERY TO GLOBAL PEOPLE"!

Posted by losonoso

I filed a complaint on their website due to a scam I was a victim of and they said they could not return the money or provide any information on these scammers. These people extorted money from me and my brother! There needs to be information about the receiving end, isn't there security protocol for picking up any money transferring? I need answers! because at this point im thinking maybe all of western unions and money gram are behind these scammers!

Posted by None

This is one of the worst ways to send money. They never get the name or addresss right. And to pick up the money it's even worse.

Posted by Anonymous

I received a call on Sunday from an old friend who was in desperate need of some money for a room for the night and food. This person was standing on the street, had been sleeping outside for four days and had not eaten. He told me that I could send the money quickly, without leaving my home, using MoneyGram. It was my husband's birthday, we had family at our home, etc., however, I stopped and went through the process to send the money. All the information was entered correctly, my credit card information and I answered many personal questions. (I was quite surprised at some of the questions and wonder where in the world they get this information about you and your family). I quickly received an e-mail stating there was some kind of security issue and I would have to go to a store to handle the transaction. I called and spoke with a representative and then their supposed supervisor and was told, over and over again, that "my account" was closed and they could not give me any information. I kind of lost it because if there was some issue, which there was absolutely no reason there should have been, why wasn't there someone who could tell me what it was. I called back and spoke with two additional people (all very polite, but some difficult to understand, and all they could do was give me the same old line like a robot). I asked if they could give me the name or number where I could contact someone by phone or e-mail to try to find out why the transaction was denied, but they said there was nothing they could tell me. Talk about angry! I had to leave home and go to my nearest Walmart to send the money since the person had walked four miles to their Walmart to get the money. I did not send it through MoneyGram when I got there. Why would I after I received such terrible service. Don't bother using them. More trouble than it is worth!

Posted by Anonymous

I will never use moneygram again after they put a fifteen dollar transaction under review that caused my mother to be stranded for twelve hours.

Posted by olanzo


I'VE FAXED THE CLAIMS DEPARTMENT OVER 160 EMAILS TO STOP MY MONEY ORDERS. THERE PROCESS IS TO PAY THE pdF FORMAT AND FILL IT OUT SIGN IT AND EMAIL THE FORMS AND THE COPY'S OF MONEY ORDER STUBS and it will expedite the process but will cost $45. okay since i'm trying to stop $1450.00 from being lost.. nothing absolute

thereis no suck department and its all a crop of crap about will get this process within 48 hrs. well that was 8/25/2016....... then september 3,4,5,6th and then today more crap from todays call and more hang ups as usual.. never using money gram

Posted by Moneygram Sucks

Horrible service. will never use again. My friend sent me money for my bday. They refused to let me receive it. Needed the sender to call them. Its a scam, why allow him to send it and then not allow the receiver pick it up? They need him to call? For what? They had no problem taking his money our information and now they want to put the money on hold. What a scam!!! Never use them again.

Posted by Raju

I don't get any help from Ace express employee Doreen,she so rude..i asked to help me to send exact money to my country,but she refused me to help....i am regular custome of money gram from 7 years,now i am done with moneygram.....

Posted by Anonymous

Your customer help people are very rude and hange up on me three different times and no one helps me out with any thingthey just say they can't so I don't know what the hell you even gother them working for they are a bunch of jackass I need moneysent to my girl freind and you guys told me what to do and how to do it and then you don'tsend it what the hell is going on if any one no how to get money sent

Posted by CJ16

(SORRY THE BELOW MESSAGE HAS A LOT OF TYPOS I AM PISSED!!) I have completely baffled about the level of professionalism that i have received from Money Gram. After looking below at a number of complaints I now see why! The only different is I WILL NOT STOP!! until I reach someone. I work way to hard for my money. My issues is I made an online transaction last month and had to cancel do the the suffix of the receivers name. I get it! However I was told that it will take 3-10 business days to for my funds to show up IN my account. I have not received anything!! I have been hung up on 3 times from the escalation department and the call center via phone to only be told that I can pick up my funds at the local Walmart even though I paid online via Visa card! I was even giving a transaction number to only get to Walmart and be completely embarrassed!!! When ever I call in to the call center No one seem to be able to find my information after verifying everything but my blood type, when I am transferred to the escalation department AND it magically appears! My next move is to Sue MONEY GRAM AND WALMART FOR THE STEALING MONEY FROM HAND WORKING CITIZENS LIKE MY SELF. I will be filing a case against them in small claims today!n I suggest you all do the same. Why should we be taken advantage of when we spend millions at Walmart and money gram if you use the services often. DO NOT LET THEM WIN!! STAND UP ,DO NOT GIVE UP AND KEEP FIGHTING!

Posted by CJ16

I have completely baffled about the level of professionalism that i have received from Money Gram. After looking below at a number of complains I now see why! The only different is I WILL NOT SPOT!! until I reach someone. I work way to hard for my money. My issues is I made an online transaction last month and had to cancel do the the suffix of the receivers name. I get it! However i was told that it will take 3-10 business days to for my funds to show up n my account. I have not received anything!! I have been hung up on 3 times from the escalation department and the call center via phone to only be told that i can pick up my funds at the local Walmart even though I paid online via Visa card! I was even giving a transaction number to only get to Walmart and be completely embarrassed!!! When ever i call in to the call center No seem to be able to find my information after verifying everything but my blood type, when i am transferred to the escalation department it magically appears! My next move is to Sue MONEY GRAM AND WALMART FOR THE STEALING MONEY FROM HAND WORKING CITIZENS LIKE MY SELF. I will be filing a case against them in small claims today!n I suggest you all do the same. Why should we be taken advantage of when we spend millions at Walmart and money gram if you use the services often. DO NOT LET THEM WIN!! STAND UP ,DO NOT GIVE UP AND KEEP FIGHTING!

Posted by Anonymous

if you are about to open an account online, its absolutely waste of time. They rejected the transaction even though you will reply all the answers correctly. in the end they ask to go to the nearest location where you will be asked the same question on the phone (i dont know how it is different then making an online account and then calling thier line and answering the same questions.

Posted by not a happy camper

Yesterday, my mother tried to send my brother (in the same state) some money. When he went to get the money, he was told there was a problem with the transaction and that the sender needed to call MG. After four phone calls and being hung up on four times, she finally gets a woman who could not speak English very well. This woman wanted to know how the money would be spent, how she knew the recipient, where did she get the money, where the receiver worked, what he did, how he was going to pay her back, when was the last time she saw him and spoke to him. Somebody explain to me WHY they needed to know all of that!!!! My mother is 73 years old and stood in Walmart for over 2 hours on the phone with these idiots just to send $40. It would have been easier to drive the four hours to give him the money in person. Never again. I will use Western Union for anything like that from now on.

Posted by not a happy customer

I would send any complaints to their headquarters address located at 2828 North Harwood Street Dallas, Texas 75201. Don't even bother with their 800 numbers. their customer service people just repeat themselves over and over and sound like robots. The President of the company needs to hear from frustrated customers first hand.

Posted by not a happy customer

do not use this service. they need to have their practices overhauled or be shutdown altogether. they refuse to issue refunds when they know they should. I advise anyone to tell their friends, family, co-workers, clients and anyone else you meet to avoid this company at all cost. I am surprised that a civil suit has not been brought against them yet.

Posted by mob

This is the worst company with worst customer service. because of my name being mohammed am bared from sending money to my family. shame one you guys and they don't give you reason to why except to tell you that we don't want to deal with you. Am no longer using their services

Posted by dkc

Moneygram is pathetic. Twice my recent transactions have been initiated by the agent and PAID by me on the sending end. Each time, the receiver called me to say that I need to contact Moneygram to authorize their transaction. My transactions are simple business advances that my employees who travel for me will need from time to time. So I called Moneygram. The called reached rude, ignorant and poorly trained people who said they were in the Phillipines. They said that Moneygram could not complete the transactions which were destined for locations in Maryland and Georgia. It wasn't like I was trying to send money to Nigeria, Syria or even the Phillipines. Of course, the Moneygram agents would provide no explanation of any problems to me so my only choice is to NEVER use Moneygram again. Really sad business practiced. The entire conversation was worse than I care to waste time repeating but they lost business.

Posted by Anonymous

I Do Not Understand How Moneygram Stays In Business. You Continue To Make It More And More Difficult For Customers To Send Or Receive Money!!!!!! First, Here Is No Logic Reason Why A Customer Can't Use The Online Service And Be Able Rto Purt In A Test Question If The Receiver Doesn't Have Their Id. It Is No Different Online Then Over The Phone At A Location. You Have No Way Of Knowing If Any Transaction Is Fraudulent Unless It Is Reported So You Can't Give That Reasoning As A Valid Excuse. And Know Not Only To Do Make It So Someone Has To Go To A Moneygram Location You No Longer Give The Option Of A Test Question. Nothing Like Making It Difficult For Senders And Receivers!!! And Then When We Call We Can't Even Speak To Someone Who Can Clearly Speak English!!!! Again You Should Be Out Of Business. I Will Now Be Using Western Union And If You Check My Records You Will See I Used To Use Your Services On A Regular Basis To Send Money To My Son. You Have Lost Me As A Customer And My Money Which You Were Receiving Several Times A Month!!!!!!!!

Posted by Scott

I have been sending money with Money Gram at the Walmart in my hometown of Monroe, Washington. I got some text messages from a Girl that I have met online named Kezia. She said that her roommate Mary went to pick up the money, but something was wrong with the transaction.She needed money to help her out with paying for her College education and then apply for a job as a registered Nurse. I haven't had this problem before with sending money through Money Gram.I don't know why I would have this problem now. I will go back to the Walmart and ask them if anything was wrong with my transaction and I will send the money again but if it doesn't work then I'll send the money with someone else. I'm still upset & am losing my patience with Money Gram.

Posted by Anonymous

Having processed tens of thousands of pounds of mine to reni=ovate a house I own in Cameroon, today I tried to send £100 and was kept waiting on the phone for over an hour being asked the same question countless times - 'who is the recipient to you?', answer, 'a family friend' - 'have you ever met the recipient?', 'no but I have known the family over ten years, have photos of them, and they work for Arab Contractors Cameroon Ltd. This Company is hopeless. They gladly take tens of thousands of pounds from me,and when I try to send £100 to effect urgent repairs on the electrical circuit in the house they ask absurd quastions, countless times, then refuse to process the transaction.
I will make a high level formal complaint to their supervising body. APPALLING!!

Posted by hollysmom

I am still unable to resolve anything with this company. Their representatives are ruse and disrespectful.I had a family member send me money.when I piced it up I was given a money order. This money order is uncashable. Nobody will honer the check including money gram itself.They don't honer their own money order. Their reps. have sent me on a wild goose chase.I literally have been to every check cashing place in my town. Nobody affiliated with this company has a bit of integrity. They just keep rudely passing you off. What is worse than having my money blatantly stolen is the bad attitude of the company reps. Does anyone in this company have an ounce of respect for its customers. I was charged a fee for a service that so far they refuse to provide. I have an honest good check. I have been very understanding. My patients are at the end. I can only hope from this point other honest people decide not to do business with them. Do yourself a favor and use western union.This really has been without exception the worst experience I have ever encountered. So disreputable they don't even honer their own check.Their associates blatantly lied to me numerous times. I am sorry that I ever thought that I would be treated fairly.I am amazed that this type of thing can exist in this country .worst of all is they are fraudulent to the most needy of our society. This is a scam and ripped off.I will not get my money because they refuse to resolve it. Please beware of what I have experienced as the worst company in America.

Posted by rolando sarreal

Sent $100 to Philippines June 13. Got authorization # 28645911 but did not get reference # for pick up by receiver. Called my bank that positively remitted said amount $105 with charges to MG.Contacted MG 18009227146 confirming MG has system problem sending online transmission. Money will be refunded to my bank within 24 to 48 hours.

Come 3 days and MG now is saying money is pending in their security system and now have to wait 10 working days. Called again customer service that says to cal my bank because MG did not get the money. LIAR. Spoke with Ms Jen from MG online escalation dept giving same for contact. My bank will call them . I'm very frustrated and dissatisfied with MG defective refund system.


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Company News
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