Gander Mountain Customer Service Complaints - page 3

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Gander Mountain customer service is ranked #29 out of the 1023 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 82.82 out of a possible 200 based upon 106 ratings. This score rates Gander Mountain customer service and customer support as Acceptable.


71 Negative Comments out of 106 Total Comments is 66.98%.


35 Positive Comments out of 106 Total Comments is 33.02%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Acceptable Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Gander Mountain

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 82.82 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 71 negative comments (66.98%)
    • 35 positive comments (33.02%)
    • 1 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 4.1 Issue Resolution
    • 4.8 Reachability
    • 4.1 Cancellation
    • 5.8 Friendliness
    • 6.1 Product Knowledge

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Posted by NC Redneck

Gander Mountain is always advertising firearms, ammo and Liberty safes in their flyers. When you go to the store, they are out of stock, or "they never got any".
The Firearms Counter is always understaffed. Customers wait 1 hour (plus) to talk to an associate. Many just give up and walk out.
Their ammo prices are also high.
There is never anyone working at the Archery Counter (even during bow season).

Posted by roadscum

Unable to get through on the phone after 3 attempts and almost 1hour on the phone.

On-line Tracking and FedEx tracking show no movement for 5 days... ??? And I cant get in touch with anyone at Gander to even inquire to.... noi one answers the phone!

Posted by Jim Hite

My wife and I were in your Sherman Texas location this evening about 7:50 pm. I was interested in purchasing a CHL handgun, Siig Sauer 9mm. There was no customers in the handgun dept, but there were three employees standing around and behind the counter.,carrying on their own conversation. NO ONE offered any assistance, nor did they even acknowledge us. We kept looking and waiting, there was NO eye contact or help from anyone. We hung around a few more minutes, and became so disgusted with none existence of service we left.
On way to front we stopped in the clothing felt. Again met several employees, of which none even spoke to us.
Finally I ASKED if they were closing, one of the lady employees said, no; we are open until 9:30. As far as I am concerned, they'd might as well have locked the doors then. I think I courted 5 customers in the entire store, and at lest 8 visible employees. I do not know what the problems are in this store, but I am sure they are abundant! I have a Gander Mountain credit card, and have purchased from this store before. However my last several visits have been very undesirable, and it appears service, or the lack of, is rapidly deteriorating!
We ended up going to Academy sporting goods about a mile away, and received stellar and professional service. Greeted at the door, quality assistance, and service in the handgun dept. they also carry Sig Sauer hand guns and offer service too!
Whoever the Zone or Territory Manager is for GanderMountain in Sherman Texas needs to address the manager, and employees of this location. It will be a long time before I ever darken the doors of this particular location again !!
Respectfully submitted
Jim Hite
Pottsboro, Texas

Posted by Vmartin

I am posting my review any and everywhere I can. I ordered several items online and went to pick them up at the Mooresville, NC store which is an hour away from my home. We wanted a few other items at the store that we did not have to order. When my husband got home and we opened the meat mixer that we had ordered, we discovered that we had paid for the higher priced one and the company switched items and sent us the lesser mixer. I called the store manager and he stated he would not do anything that we had to bring the mixer back and he would get us another one. I told him I lived an hour away and I ask him if he had the right one in the store, he said he did not know he would have to check, I told him they could just mail me the right one and the postage paid box to return the wrong one and he said he would not do that. Keep in mind Gander Mountain got their money and now I have the wrong mixer and an hour drive to return it because of Gander Mountain trying to cheat their customers out of money. I have packed the wrong mixer up as well as everything else we purchased tonight and it will all go back and they can keep there items since CHEATING customers is the main priority.

Posted by Starlight24

I ordered a gc for father's day on June 12th, received shipping confirmation on the 15th. It is now June29th and I have yet to receive it! Emailed customer service but no reply!

Posted by STH

I bought an XCR Remington 270 Xmas of 2013 along with with a $800 long range rifle scope. (Can't remember the brand of scope cause I'm to angry at the moment). 6 months after purchase the inner barrel was pealing and they refused to correct the issue even though I had bought extra potection. Another $14?. Just left tonight after they wouldn't except a $506 check which has thousands in the account. Come on GANDER MOUNTAIN! PICK UP THE SERVICE AND GET IN LINE WITH ATLEAST WALMART. I was told the $506 check must be more than we can except. Really?

Posted by Edklem

I will never walk in a gander mountain store again...
I had a pistol on lay away and decided I wanted a different caliber... They wanted to charge me $50 dollars just to switch guns.
They ended up charging me $50 to end the lay away all together. To top it off the kid behind the counter was laughing about it.

Never again will I buy from these criminals again.

Posted by ebb7011

Wow, talk about your Customer Service Failure. On May 22 I ordered 1,000 Rounds of 9mm ammo from Gander Mountain online. The product was in stock and the price was $249 for UMC HANDGUN AMMO BULK BOX, 9MM LUGER, 115-GR., MC, 1000 ROUNDS. I receive two emails stating there will be a slight delay because the item is out of stock and they expect to receive it shortly and ship your order. I could have ordered the ammo from a hundred different places and had it already. But, I didn't want to end up with 2,000 rounds of ammo and with my belief that Gander Mountain was an organized, well-run company, I decided to wait. I received an email on June 11 saying that they don't have my ammo, won't be getting my ammo and are cancelling my order. I called their customer service line and spoke to a nice woman who said after I asked if they would substitute with another ammo they would. She asked what I would like and I told her that I wasn't in front of a computer and don't know. She said that she would note the account and they would take care of it. I just called and found the same exact size ammo in boxes of 50 in stock on sale for $14.98. The customer service agent puts me on hold to talk to her supervisor. She comes back and offers me 10% off??? I explain to her that it is not a deal. She insists that the 10% is a fair offer. I ask her how paying $20 plus sales tax more for the same exact amount of ammo is a deal; it is a customer service failure. Her response: "That's the best I can do." So, failing to deliver what you offered a customer and offering a replacement at a higher cost is good customer service? In the old days they called that bait and switch.

Posted by Anonymous

I've tried to make a payment online for thrre days and all i get is a blank screen . I wouldve never got a carrd if u can't make it in the store. DAH!!

Posted by LanaiLens

My boyfriend and I were in your new Tulsa store on Friday, March 13th, 2015 to purchase two personal firearms. I personally was looking and asking questions of sales reps and was quite literally ignored, with the reps choosing to address only my boyfriend. There was only one rep who did not do this to me. Jesse was very helpful and well informed on the firearms. We arrived at the store at approximately 5:30pm and had chosen our weapons with Jesse's help within an hour. We had to wait another 45 minutes to complete the information for the background check. We asked if we could complete one set of paperwork for both weapons and were told no (but did see more than one person do that exact thing). I was the "money" person and funding the entire purchase. When it was finally our turn the computer would not work, so we were shuffled to another counter to hand complete the forms. Jesse finally took our forms for processing at around 7:15pm.... And we waited, and waited, and waited... There were TWO people supposedly ahead of us at that time... We watched several people who came in and submitted paperwork WELL after us be escorted out to their vehicles by employees with weapons in hand. Finally at 8:45 we were told everything was in order and we could make our purchases. We were told we had to do two separate transactions, as there were two firearms. The first transaction went through without a problem. The second transaction was rang up and the total was over $150 more than it should have been. I questioned the amount, and Jesse agreed that the pricing was wrong, and went to pull the gun out of the display case to confirm the price. He called a manager. Dewey over and explained the price discrepancy... It was ONLY at this point that we discovered Jesse had in fact pulled the incorrect gun from the stock room. When the gun was originally pulled it was simply placed on the back counter with our paperwork to be processed. We were never aware the incorrect gun had been pulled. So now we are in line, with a transaction rang up at 10 minutes until closing. My boyfriend was very frustrated by this point and stated he would have to do the paperwork all over again... Meantime my gun (which was a used weapon, so had no case) is simply sitting on the back counter already paid for, along with $170 of additional ammunition and accessories yet to be purchased. Jesse took the original paperwork and crossed out the incorrect model and serial number and again called Dewey to ask what to do next, Dewey advised him to date and initial it, pull the correct gun and put the correct information on the paperwork and proceed. We thought great, easy fix. Ten minutes later Dewey comes back and says oh, well since a "disposition" was already done we had to start from scratch... NOW, let me stress here that AT NO POINT did Dewey EVER speak directly to us, no apology, no I'm sorry for the inconvenience, nothing. Jesse, however DID apologize and said if we would like to come back tomorrow that was fine... Now we drove OVER 50 miles to do this, and there was no way we were not leaving with only one firearm. It was not our fault that we were put off and overlooked simply because we were very nice about everything and exhibiting NOTHING but patience for well over two and a half hours at this point. The paperwork was again completed. At this point Dewey took Jesse off the case and assigned him to another area. Jesse explained "Whale" (who is very good at his job, by the way, and very friendly and respectful) would be doing the processing and finish everything up. Again we wait while Whale assist another rep who was struggling with processing the paperwork for another customer. We are then approached by a different young man, who asked what was going on what was the next step in our process. I answered that we had to have everything called in again and checked out so we could pay and leave (the store is now closed at this time and the employees are cleaning up). This young man refuses to acknowledge me and looks at my boyfriend for answers. This is almost the last straw for my boyfriend, who asks this young man why he refuses to acknowledge that I am answering him and who when we first arrived refused to acknowledge me when he tried to tell me the "only" gun for me was a S&W Shield. The young man confronts him and asks what the problem is with him addressing HIM about his purchase. I told him just let it go. and let's get this done... Though it really upset me, the person with a wallet full of cash was treated like, well, a stupid woman. regardless, this young man took the paperwork and started the process on the computer. At this point Dewey is now back in the picture and grabs my firearm, which I already paid for off the counter and starts asking what it's doing there. Of course none of the young men know, as Dewey shuffled Jesse, who sold me the gun off to do something elsewhere. I answer it is my firearm... Dewey ignores me. I answer again it is my firearm, I have already paid for it and I have the receipt in my wallet to show that it is paid for. Dewey still ignores me, but I know he heard me, because he gets very short when he is told it goes with the gun the young man is processing now... He says well it has to be paid for with that gun. I AGAIN say I already paid for it and I have the receipt... I admit, more loudly and at this point I am quite frustrated by this treatment. My boyfriend loudly says it is paid for, we have the receipt. Dewey ignores him, starts asking the other employees where is the case... no answers from them. I say it has no case because it is used, again, ignored. Dewey grabs the firearm and goes to the back, no explanation, NOTHING! At this point Dewey has STILL never once addressed us directly. My boyfriend asks where is he going with MY firearm? We are informed he is going to see if there is a case for it... Oh good, I thought, maybe after all this nightmare I won't have to pay another $10 for the simple hard case I picked out. No such luck, Dewey comes back out with Jesse in tow who goes over to the other young men and explains I have already purchased the firearm... Ummm I think I said that I had the receipt more than twice!!! Kicker of the whole thing??? That last time, we were processed and out of there in less than half an hour once the final young man (cashier # 606029) who had previously shunned me got a hold of the paperwork. While his "lady customer skills" suck, I admit he is very good and efficient at his job. Not once did your management team apologize or even acknowledge our inconvenience for YOUR employees mistakes and mistreatment that day! We left the store at approximately 10:04pm we had waited ALMOST THREE HOURS because of inattention to detail. I have worked with the public for many years, and understand new employees learning their jobs. I do NOT, however understand the complete lack of regard my management for the way we were treated and in all reality ignored that day. A simple, "I'm sorry for the wait, and inconvenience, my employees are learning a new system here" from Dewey would have went a long way. To be giving him the answers to the questions he is asking and be completely ignored is in my book unacceptable. You can bet your bottom dollar that I will be telling all of my friends and family about our experience at every opportunity and on every social platform I can find. I'm not sure what you can do to make this right, but you can be assured I will NEVER walk into Gander Mountain again with $2,000 burning a hole in my pocket to spend. I would appreciate a response to all my concerns. Unless, of course it is simply the corporate policy of Gander Mountain to ignore customers across the board. Thank you, Stacy Giefing

Posted by Dan

Gander Mountain does not honor their return policy. They claim to get back your money in the form you paid with. I paid cash for a handgun the order was canceled. I took my receipt back to the store. And had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get my money back. When customer pays cash the refund should be on the spot.

Posted by Anonymous

Gander Mountain's website is severly flawed. It comes up as a blank page and has error
HTML Parsing Error: Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed (KB927917)
It is completely unusable. One can disable scripts and much of the website will come up, but scripted functions do not work. Gander Mountain needs some IT support to fix their webpages. Otherwise, it is likely their internet sales will substantially decline.

Posted by Sherry

I was very disappointed when I heard that Gander Mountain does not give a discount for disabled vets. Other stores like Walmart, Academy, and Cabellas honor disabled vets. I will not be a customer at a store who does not appreciate the sacrifice that these brave men and women have made to preserve our freedom. I live in Fort Worth and the new store in Lake Worth said that they do not give a discount. If this is not a store policy, please let me know.

Posted by Anonymous

After shopping at Gander Mountain in Tyler and Waco, Texas, I am concerned about the management style and personnel practices. On three different occasions ( two in Tyler and one in Waco) your checkout employees took 30 plus minutes to accept our check, each time explaining that system validating the checks is faulty. You obviously are way understaffed because we have had problems getting help on the floor with purchases and we stood at the checkout in Tyler and watched as a young man ran out the door with one of your bows. Unnoticed by the clerks there or by the manger walking the floor. The alarm sounded but the clerks at checkout did not notice because one was trying to get your system to accept our check
And the other was overwhelmed by a long line of customers. Your staff is pleasant and helpful but seem to be working at a disadvantage . That is uncomfortable for them and unprofitable for you. Just thought you might want to know.

Posted by Anonymous

I went to pick up my wife, because she had gotten a flat in your store parking lot. I then decided to go into the store while we contacted our insurance company’s Roadside assistance and take the opportunity to look for some ammo. While making my way into the store my wife told me she did not want to go back in the store because a floor salesman had been stalking here throughout the store and was very rude to the point of take items away from my son and not letting him touch anything.
When she told me this I asked her to point out the floor salesman to me. I walked into the store before my wife and noticed that when she and her mother walked in the Floor Salesman noticed them and began walking straight toward them. She noticed the Salesman and pointed him out to me. He noticed me and began to walk past me. I told him that I wanted to speak to his manager. He looked at me and said “My manager " and I stated “Yes, your manager” he then made a snickering laugh and ignored me and walked away. At that point another floor associate noticed what had happened and asked me what was the problem, I explained to him what the issue was and he called over the manager. The Salesman again made his way over to me and I began to ask him why he was following my wife around the store, he then stated with a very sarcastic tone "you talking to me" I then became very upset with his bad attitude and told him that that I did not want to speak to him and he walked away.
The Manger, Daniel Mehaffie showed up a few moments later, and asked me what the problem was. I explained to him that The Floor Salesman had been pretty much stalking my wife around the store and watching everything that they were doing as if trying to imply that they were going to steal something. He did not even try to be helpful at any time. He was so obnoxious that when my mother-in-law picked up some boots to look at. He would stand directly next to her, wait for her to put the boot down then pick up the boot and adjust it, and put it back in the same spot she had put it. He then would wait for her to pick up another item and do the same. When my son picked up a shirt he would go over to him take the shirt away and "shoo" him away, and try to keep him from picking anything else up. He continued to do this the entire time they were in the store, until they left.
I then told Daniel Mehaffie the Manager that this upset me very much and was uncalled for. I also told him that I would file a complaint with the store and my JAG Office because I felt this treatment of my family was so heinous that I wanted to make sure this would never happen to anyone again.
The manager Daniel Mehaffie was helpful and understanding and did try to make this up to me and my wife. But the Salesman “Jay Autry” was completely and totally Obnoxious and Unprofessional Sales Associate and was borderline Raciest. Even when I walked into the store wearing my US ARMY uniform he still had a horrible attitude and showed no remorse for his appalling attitude and character.
This experience has made me change my opinion of GanderMTN. I feel that if you employ such poor quality of personnel and horrible moral character such as of the person “Jay Autry”. Then it has much to say of your Store and its customer service.

Posted by Anonymous

The store in Cicero, new york is by far the worst in costumer service. Every time i go there i get harassed by employee thinking that i am going to stealing something they stand by me and watch (more a starring)on till i leave the department. This last experience was my last of this harassment. I have never in my life ever stolled anything for them to harrass someone that way. I had enough of this that i am going to make sure to post in every place possible for your horrible customer service and this is coming from someone who works in the retail business.

Posted by kc

Gander mountain customer service is among the worst I have ever dealt with. I was buying a gun and scope combo from them and they wanted to charge me to bore sight it so I cancelled my purchase and went to dicks to which they bore sighted for free and we're much more friendly I will never Dell with gander mtn again.

Posted by Anonymous

The following occurred at the Niles, OH location on December 31, 2013.
On December 18, 2013 I purchased a Heckler & Koch action set as a Christmas gift for my son. An employee was very helpful in selecting it and informed me of the store warranty I could purchase when I expressed my concerns of how long a $119.99 (originally $159.99) airsoft gun would hold up. My total spent was $134.98 not including taxes. I took the package home, wrapped it up, and my son opened it on December 25, 2013. On December 28, 2013 my son took his new gun to a local spot for the sport. The stock on the gun came loose and was falling apart. I read my paperwork which stated that the store covers the first 30 days after purchase, and the warranty I purchased covers anything for the following 12 months after that. I took everything that had come in the package and brought it to the store for what I thought was a simple exchange of defective merchandise for working merchandise.
Here is where the ignorance, and complete lack of customer service comes in...
The young girl that waited on me first told me automatically that she could not accept a return without the original packaging.WHY?? I had a receipt and the BROKEN merchandise, yet for some reason this girl wanted me to keep the plastic wrap it came in forever? I waited while she got a manager to explain this to me. The manager came up and immediately told me that the store couldn't accept it, and I had to deal with the warranty place (which, by the way, is also Gander Mountain!). I called the warranty number right there and then. The woman I spoke to on the phone said it was on the store since it was still in the first 30 days, then registered the item and told me the warranty would still cover it when I exchanged it. I informed the manager of what I had been told, he apologized, and told the employee to go ahead and do the "EXCHANGE". I said exchange, not return. Multiple times I stated that I had a broken item I wanted replaced with a working item. So, this girl working the register does a return. On ALL of my money. To my credit card. I questioned her on what she was doing as she did it. I told her, "NO!, I wanted an exchange, not a return". To which she replied, " Oh, my's gonna take 2 days for the credit to go on your card.". I then lost my temper on her and informed her of how incredibly stupid she was, told her I could not deal with her anymore, and requested her manager again. She sent a different manager up that had no idea of what was going on. So, I informed him that not only did the store lose my $134.98 sale but they also lost all future sales from me, my family, and my friends. Did they seriously expect me to come back 2 days later and spend the money at a store that treated me so ignorantly? Yeah, well...they have competitors around that will happily take my money.Also, I tried calling their customer service number to lodge my complaint but I feel my time is valuable and found it completely ignorant that I was left on hold for 35 minutes without a person ever answering the line. I will NEVER shop there again. They have poorly trained employees, poorly staffed store, and management that is an embarrassment. Worst customer service EVER!!

Posted by CGSU

I am writing because I think you should know about my visit to the Mankato Gander Mt. Store.
On the 11th of Dec. I visited Gander Mt. looking for a pair of camouflage gloves for our granddaughter. I found what I believed to be just the perfect pair. The problem was I needed a size large. The Mankato store only had a medium.
I went to Customer Service and asked if they might order a size large for me from another store.
The clerk spent a long time with my request. The line behind me continued to grow. I apologized to the lady behind me. She was ber understanding.
FINALLY I was told the order was completed. And I was told the gloves would arrive in 4 or 5 days. The young man told me he would phone me and let me know when Ii could pick them up.
After I got home I called Gander Mt. because they were going to call me. However they did not ask for my name or my phone number.
I did get the young man who had waited on me. He said. "Oh yes. he would need that information".
I told him I needed the gloves for our granddaughter's birthday party on the 20th.
On the 16th I stopped to check on the gloves. They did not seem to know anything about them.
Now it is the 20th! No call! So I called yet again. The clerk put me in touch with the manager. He assured me he would. "look into it".
I told him that I lived in Janesville and would stop in on our way to the party in St. Peter.
We asked for the manager and of course got the wrong one.
Now the manager that I had talked to miraculously appeared with the gloves.
We said this was a good thing because our granddaughter's party started in 30 minutes.
The first manager we talked to told us they did have gift bags "For Sale" !!!
We left the store with the white bag from the shipping company postmarked Dec. 12th. We had a feeling the gloves had been there a long time!!!

Posted by Anonymous

Gander Mountain St Augustine Black Friday Weekend
I will never shop Gander Mountain again after the Saturday Am Sale Black Friday Weekend. Tickets distributed early am.
Employee night before did not mention. Manager could care less. Don't bother calling Corporate Customer Service they claimed I would get call back by Tuesday, I called Thursday
His response Tickets handed out to control crowd. Yet when
came to limited substitute item that was ok for free for all. His response That could have been handled better.
Lack of Customer Relations is my reason to end my 8 year
dedication to this Retail establishment
The Silver lining I guess is Bass Pro Shop is building a store this year in the Jacksonville Market.

Posted by Anonymous

Do I still have an account? James L. Beard,Jr.,


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Company News
Gander Mountain to lay off all employees at Palm Beach Gardens store
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Gander Mountain closes its doors as nationwide liquidation sale ends
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Closing date set for local Gander Mountain store
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