Express Scripts Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Express Scripts customer service is ranked #827 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 23.19 out of a possible 200 based upon 1459 ratings. This score rates Express Scripts customer service and customer support as Terrible.


1,430 Negative Comments out of 1,459 Total Comments is 98.01%.


29 Positive Comments out of 1,459 Total Comments is 1.99%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Express Scripts

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 23.19 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 1,430 negative comments (98.01%)
    • 29 positive comments (1.99%)
    • 25 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.3 Issue Resolution
    • 2.7 Reachability
    • 1.5 Cancellation
    • 3.2 Friendliness
    • 1.9 Product Knowledge

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Posted by In the trenches

I'm submitting this for catharsis more than anything else. Express scripts will not be able to change regardless of negative reviews. This is truly the worst customer service experience I've received. I can't believe how many people I had to talk to. I had to explain to things to representatives that they did not know themselves (such as a the existence of the active choice team ...which may actually be called member's choice team, juries out). I would insist for them to check on the information provided with their supervisor...every time they asked supervisor, the representative was like "actually my supervisor said we can do that for you." These issues are not at all the fault of the representatives, who all very nice and really try to help, despite their evident lack of information.

It's very clear from my 2 hour interaction with this company today that there is clear a lack of training support. I do think there is a culture of passing of buck to the next representative ....not because they are lazy but because express scripts evident lack of education and proper support. Shame on CEOs and others at the top of this hierarchy-their lack of care for patients, the health care system, and the employees' needs is truly shameful.

Official company reply

My name is SJ and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 2/6/23 10:53AM

Posted by Jeffrey

Consistently having to call and fix problems such as auto payments, poor communications tgat they say may take 7 or more days to receive a text from them. Amazing they can be profitable but if course, never a mistake in tge consumer's favor. Poor management and processes.

Official company reply

My name is SJ and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 2/6/23 10:52AM

Posted by Roger

Express scripts is worse than horrible. They don't care at all and only interested in making money. I'm still dealing with them on my current prescription and have not gotten it yet since Dec 2,2022. They are a monopoly and I have no choice at all. This sucks.

Official company reply

My name is SJ and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 2/6/23 10:51AM

Posted by Anonymous

Express Scripts sucks. They never want to fill a prescription unless its very generic and customer service never helps.

Official company reply

We’re sorry to hear this and want to help. Could you please email us at [email protected] with your member ID, date of birth and a good phone number to reach you? A team member would like to reach out and assist

ExpressRxHelp 12/9/22 2:51PM

Posted by Anonymous

Express scripts is terrible. I've been pushed from one employee to the next and every time I explain I haven't gotten my medicine do to a problem with their auto pay system the day "that's not my job". I'm now completely out of the medicine I need that I've contacted them about 3 times in the last two weeks. Their response was call my doctor and get a short term supply, not how they are going to fix this issue. I have absolutely 0 faith in this company and it's employees. I wish I didn't have to use them. Incompetence and passing the buck is their company moto.

Official company reply

My name is SJ and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 2/6/23 10:52AM

Posted by Michael

Spent about 8 hours on 8 different phone calls trying to correct an issue on their end. Got a different story about what the problem was on every single call. My doctor's office and the local pharmacy have made calls several times to try and resolve from their side. Issue was never resolved and I have been without my medication for 5 weeks now. I wish this was an isolated case, but sadly this has been the typical level of service that I have recieved from them. Signed up with a new insurance company for next year. Do not sign up for any insurance plan that uses Express Scripts as a provider.

Official company reply

My name is SJ and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 2/6/23 10:51AM

Posted by Koneta

This place is a joke. I had at least three prescriptions that were due to me and they went to my old address. I called changed my address I was told it wasn't a problem since then I have not received my medications. I just got off the phone they said that they went to the old address. I'd have to pay that bill and they would get me new pills. I have brain damage that is why I've been retired from Ford Motor Co. Now I don't have my medications this place is a joke

Official company reply

We're sorry about your experience and want to make sure you get the medication you need. Please consider sending your member ID, date of birth and phone number where we can best reach you to [email protected]

ExpressRxHelp 11/18/22 11:44AM

Posted by Anonymous

This company denies prescription medication that protects life and will not tell you why. My thought would be it's too expensive and they don't want to pay it so they make a higher profit. My question then would be why pay them to do a job they are not doing?? It should not take a nuclear war to get meds that you e taken for 7 years that protect your life just because "it's not covered by the plan". And when you ask why it's not covered you get a pre written script! When you ask what it will take to get it covered it's like a dog chasing it's tail!! I am sick of this!! I have no control over what my body has done but I can tell you if I have to I will do my best to own this company and the person that said no! My life is worth more than money. This is SOCIALISM!!

Official company reply

My name is Shanta and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 10/27/22 2:54PM

Posted by Joanne

Express scripts sent me a melted ice chest of shingles vaccines & charged me $317. My dr tried to rectify this to no avail.I had to call.They said it will take about 30 days to review. This is crazy ... sending vials of a vaccine which I never ordered, wanted, or could use.

Official company reply

My name is Shanta and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 10/27/22 2:55PM

Posted by Addamsruspipe

There prescriptions are almost always late. You will spend hours on the phone. They will frequently tell you when they have messed up and are not going to be able to get you your prescription in time that you should use a local pharmacy. Do not use them.

Official company reply

We are sorry about your experience & want to assist. Please email [email protected] your member id, phone number, handle name, date of birth and how we can better assist. Thank you. ^SJ

ExpressRxHelp 8/29/22 9:13AM

Posted by Lizzy

I too have no choice but to use E.S. Things started out well, getting my meds on time. Gradually they came later and later. Finally to the point where I'm out of meds. Was forced to get myself to my Dr then to pharmacy to obtain a short term supply. The pharmacist did not want to fill script. Told me "next time take it up with ES." This unpleasant experience has happened a couple of times. It's left me feeling very anxious each time, every month about whether my meds come on time or not. Phone call with supervisors at ES leave me bewildered and frustrated. Basically telling me what I want to hear, with no change in problem.

Official company reply

We are sorry about your experience & want to assist. Please email [email protected] your member id, phone number, handle name, date of birth and how we can better assist. Thank you. ^SJ

ExpressRxHelp 8/29/22 9:13AM

Posted by AsianAccent

It's impossible to get thru the automatic voice system, it does not understand Asian accent. I missed my medication because of system was not able to get my birthdate.

Official company reply

We are sorry about your experience & want to assist. Please email [email protected] your member id, phone number, handle name, date of birth and how we can better assist. Thank you. ^SJ

ExpressRxHelp 8/29/22 9:14AM

Posted by Anonymous

Seems to be absolutely no way to navigate the user unfriendly system.
Impossible to talk to a real person.
Very frustrating.

Official company reply

We are sorry about your experience & want to assist. Please email [email protected] your member id, phone number, handle name, date of birth and how we can better assist. Thank you. ^SJ

ExpressRxHelp 8/29/22 9:14AM

Posted by Seminole

My meds are constantly late if they show up at all! I am forced by Tricare to use this horrible, incompetent so called service. Their only solution is to charge me again and tell me that basically it's too bad my other meds didn't show up but they won't do anything about it.

Official company reply

We are sorry about your experience & want to assist. Please email [email protected] your member id, phone number, handle name, date of birth and how we can better assist. Thank you. ^SJ

ExpressRxHelp 8/29/22 9:14AM

Posted by Anonymous

I would just like to say what a terrible terrible company express scripts is. It has been over six weeks since my old pharmacy Optum has transferred my information and prescriptions over to express scripts. My doctor has sent in three of the same prescriptions on three different occasions. I am still waiting for them to be filled. I called six times and still have not resolve the issue. The first time I called express scripts told me I needed a new prescription being I was transferred to Xpress scripts as a new pharmacy. My doctor sent them a new prescription and when I called back they told me my doctor needs to call and change my prescription to home delivery. So far my doctor has taken her time to call express scripts and send a new prescription and tell them to change it to home delivery. Today I called over five weeks later and today they told me they need a pre-authorization for the prescription. I've been in touch with 6 to 8 different people and not one of them could tell me why I have not received my prescription up until now July 18, 2022. After I called today July 18, 2022 I spoke to a girl who transferred me to a supervisor and I told the supervisor I have been out of medicine for over a week. This past Friday I received my other medicine that I hadn't taken in over a month because I was out and I let the supervisor know that. I also informed the supervisor whose name was Claire thought I was out of my other medicines for over a week and I hadn't slept in four days. She put me on hold and came back and said she doesn't know why the prescriptions had not been filled. She put me on hold again and came back to me and told me that I had an outstanding balance of $93 from 2015 and that is why I have not received any prescriptions. I never old a balance and she also said the balance was written off even though I never order balance but yet my medication was still held up. So this is how eXpress scripts Treats their patients who have no medication left and all they care about is $93 that I never owed from seven years ago. They never once asked about my health how are you doing and what they can do for me to get the process sped up. Did basically help my medication ransom until I paid an outstanding bill that I never owed. Not caring whether or not my health was at risk as long as they received the $93 from seven years ago. I think it's disgraceful and I think something should be done by the government to not allow this company to try and shake people down and not give them medication that is prescribed by the doctor because of a fake outstanding balance. I am covered through express scripts from two different healthcare providers and jet I cannot get a prescription filled. Can someone please explain this to me! I do not know who to contact in order to get this problem resolved but be sure I will be contacting somebody to make sure this will never happen to anyone else. I explain to the people I need my medication and the best they can do is to say it's being processed as it has been for the past several weeks. If anybody is looking for a pharmacy I would 100% stand clear of Xpress scripts it is probably the worst pharmacy I have ever dealt with. I will be looking for someone I can contact as far as a government agency or anyone who can help me resolve this issue and I will give an update to anyone who will hear it. Express scripts should not and will not get away with what they did to me and how I was treated .

Official company reply

We are sorry about your experience & want to assist. Please email [email protected] your member id, phone number, handle name, date of birth and how we can better assist. Thank you. ^SJ

ExpressRxHelp 8/29/22 9:13AM

Posted by Out of Time

I am in week two of trying to get my Citalopram prescription. It has been a total nightmare. First, they said my doctor didn't send the prescription on their letterhead, then, once that was resolved, they held it up because someone determined that it might interact with another of my medications. Note: I have been taking all of these medications for years without problems. I only discovered the hold up because I checked my online account. Once again, they said they were waiting back for a call from my doctor, which is not true. They never called my doctor. On Monday the 11 of July, my doctor called them and said it was ok for me to take the two drugs, and so, I though we were done. Express Script then sends me a message saying that the 90 day supply is on the way, but, it won't be here in time. I called again, told them I would need to pick it up at the pharmacy. Went to the pharmacy, and they told me Express Script would only allow me a 30 day supply. This time when I called, the person told me that I need a PA for the Citalopram, and I told them my doctor called them on Monday. After 30 minutes, my call was disconnected and now, today, July 14th, their system is down. I am out of the half pills I have been taking, so I will now be going to the pharmacy, paying full price for 30 days because I have no choice. I have registered a formal complaint with STRS and will now begin encouraging other members of my pension plan to do the same.

Official company reply

We're sorry about your experience and want to make sure you get the medication you need. Please consider sending your member ID, date of birth and phone number where we can best reach you to [email protected].
Kind regards, IH

ExpressRxHelp 7/14/22 8:46AM

Posted by Anonymous

I have been trying to be reimbursed for my medication in the amount of 452.17 since paperwork submission in April 2022. They will not let you talk with the Special Project Team for which is my understanding handles the reimbursement. Each time I call I have to tell my story each time. The supervisors I talk with will tell you they do not see what I'm saying and as of today 6/21, the lady told me I received a check already. This was the case on another medication but not for the one I'm trying to be reimbursed for. Where do I go now. Who can actually help me. What a game they play.

Official company reply

Good afternoon,

We apologize for any miscommunication received. Please send your ID#, Name, Date of birth and telephone number to [email protected] and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

Thank you,
-Ed Green

ExpressRxHelp 7/7/22 12:24PM

Posted by Anonymous

I Will Testify At The Uaw And The Michigan Attorney General Supported By The 100s Of Bad Reviews I Read On Your Corperate Web Site !!!

Official company reply

We are sorry about your experience & want to assist. Please email [email protected] your member id, phone number, handle name, date of birth and how we can better assist. Thank you. ^SJ

ExpressRxHelp 8/29/22 9:14AM

Posted by Sam A

I have a bad experience with this company. The medications they send me have short expiration date, so it is not as effective as the one I used to get from a physical pharmacy. Now I have to trash my medication before the expiration date on it because it is not as effective. For my last order with them, they sent me a large ointment tube with short expiration date. I communicated the company twice explaining that I use this ointment as needed and I need a medication with later expiration date in order not to waste my money trashing the tube while it's hardly used. I received weird replies not related to my inquiry. I called customer service, had to speak with 3 persons for a long period of time, explaining the issue to each one of them without any progress. Finally, I spoke to a manager/supervisor, who spoke with arrogance and did not care when I mentioned that I am not satisfied and will share my experience with other customers. Conclusion, no more Express Scripts. Will switch to another physical pharmacy to save my money and get better customer service.

Official company reply

Hello Sam,
We just wanted to follow up with you and let you know help is still here if needed. We would like to discuss your situation further to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. Feel free to email [email protected] with member ID, telephone number and I can have someone reach out.

Best regards, IH

ExpressRxHelp 5/24/22 9:35AM

Posted by Victim

You are crooked and liars. Turn me into the local cops with false accusations about suicide and cops coming to my door with guns drawn just because because you keep losing my opioids. You've taken my husbands guns because he is dead and can't fight back. Military needs to stop using you. I'm trying to get the so-called recordings that you won't give to me. Hope you go to jail.

Official company reply

We are sorry about your experience & want to assist. Please email [email protected] your member id, phone number, handle name, date of birth and how we can better assist. Thank you. ^SJ

ExpressRxHelp 8/29/22 9:15AM

Posted by None

You are the worst PBM I have ever dealt with

Official company reply

My name is Shanta and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 5/14/22 3:35PM

Posted by Phil

Ordered diabetes medication for my father through their App on April 25th. Quoted delivery date was by today, May 4th. This morning my father got a call from their automated system stating that the order could not be filled due to a payment issue. After confirming that there was no outstanding balance listed in the App, my father called their customer service line.

The rep claimed that they were holding the order due to cost and wanted to speak with someone to make sure that it was ok to charge it. Also tried to claim that his doctor needed to provide them with something, even though they already have the Rx in their system. Father finally asked them if they needed anything else from him to process the order, rep said no and the order would ship within 24 hours. Also received an email from their system saying it should be delivered by 5/13. We will see, but I have had people try to sell me a bridge before.

So why did nobody call in the week and a half since the order was placed to confirm that it was ok to process and we had to wait until the order was supposed to have been delivered to learn there was an issue? Even an automated message of some kind notifying us of a potential issue would have worked. The order was entered in the App, not automatically by the doctor's office so clearly we were aware of the price.

This is just the latest problem we have had with this company, ranging from the automated system trying to reorder medicine that has been removed from automatic reorder to items that should have been shipped but never were because they didn't bother to contact the doctor for an updated Rx. I'm not entirely sure that they don't have my dad listed twice in their system.

For a system that should be straight forward it seems to be falling apart regularly. Looking through other comments here it seems to be a pattern of them failing to get critical medications out on a regular basis.

Official company reply

My name is Shanta and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 5/14/22 3:35PM

Posted by Very dissatisfied

This is a pharmacy that does not fill prescriptions. Sounds strange, doesn't it. Until you file a complaint with Medicare this company essentially ignores you. Then they give you the runaround and still don't fill prescriptions. The worst ever!

Official company reply

We’re sorry to hear of your bad experiences with our services. We’re always looking to improve, so we’d appreciate any thoughts you have. Please email us at [email protected] if you’d like to provide your feedback with us.

ExpressRxHelp 4/28/22 1:24PM

Posted by Very Pissed Off

So as a continuation to my adventure with Ex Scripts, no one there ever thought to send me a replacement for the damaged insulin that never made it to me even though the phone recording kept saying the delivery will be 31 Mar. That came and went without the medicine. I called them around 7pm EST to find out something. I was passed from 1 person to another and then finally a pharmacist who placed the order and I gave her a piece of my mind. These people love to apologize for everything but it does not help when you're sitting home without your meds. I finally received my order on 6 Apr.

Official company reply

We’re sorry to see this and thank you for bringing this to our attention. Could you please email us at [email protected] with a good phone number to reach you and member ID? We’d like to reach out to discuss this further.

ExpressRxHelp 4/28/22 1:23PM

Posted by Very pissed off

The worst company I have ever dealt with in my entire life. Customer service hasn't a clue of what's going on to say the least. The company is crooked as crap. They would not let me refill any meds including my insulin until I paid an outstanding bill that I should have never received in the first place. I have been out of insulin for almost a week now. I ate the freakin bill and paid them and now my insulin was damaged in transit and never made it to me. That was 5 days ago. I am still waiting. I call, they have no idea.

Official company reply

My name is Shanta and we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We would like to make sure your issue is resolved and does not occur in the future. We would like to discuss your situation further please reply to this message with your telephone number, and or email us at [email protected]. Thank you

ExpressRxHelp 4/1/22 9:05AM


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