Dish Network Positive Customer Service Ratings - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Dish Network customer service is ranked #432 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 34.25 out of a possible 200 based upon 2052 ratings. This score rates Dish Network customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


1,895 Negative Comments out of 2,052 Total Comments is 92.35%.


157 Positive Comments out of 2,052 Total Comments is 7.65%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Dish Network

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 34.25 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 1,895 negative comments (92.35%)
    • 157 positive comments (7.65%)
    • 17 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 2.0 Issue Resolution
    • 3.1 Reachability
    • 1.7 Cancellation
    • 3.5 Friendliness
    • 3.0 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Erica

I am very pleased today to be attended by ERICA attendant, who gave me the best support attention in Portuguese, being courteous and helpful. Parabens keep such people in attendance at the Dish. my name and Roberto caus.

Posted by Jeff

Surprised to see so many negatives for Dish. I have had this service for 20 years with very few outages or customer service issues. About the worst thing that has happened is after they installed a cable box for a new TV I bought, they swapped out several of my other remotes that were getting old. The Tech accidentally took one more remote than he left behind. Wasn't a big deal, they sent me a new one at no charge the next day... Overall, I never have any major issues. And I may lose satellite service once or twice a year at most.

Posted by Big H

I was a DISH customer. My only real complaint was that after my 3 months of free premium channels, I had a lot of trouble cancelling---took several months, with bills for them! (I tried to decline up-front, but the installation tech told me I could not.) I went to cable, but as with every provider, they keep jacking up the fees. I would love to go back to DISH--if they had FOX NEWS. I read a lot of complaints of subscribers who would like to cancel, since they dropped FOX NEWS, but cannot. WHY DOESN'T SOMEONE TRY TO START CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT? Many law firms specialize in them. The FCC and other relevant federal agencies are totally worthless to the consumer!

Posted by CAW

I am a very sad former DISH Network customer. I was a DISH customer for 8 years and LOVED DISH. Unfortunately, the price kept creeping up until we were paying about $150 for our service. TOO Much my husband says so we switched to Direct TV because we were going to save about 1/2 off with the Intro offer from Direct for a year.
Before, we switched I called DISH and told them how much I love DISH and hoped they would match the intro offer that we were getting from Direct. First they offered $45 off for 3 months (not enough of a savings), I called back a few days later, this time they offered $40 off for 8 months (still not enough. When I finally called back to cancel the service, they offered what I had wanted all along (basically a match of what Direct was offering) but by then it was too late. After experiencing Direct service for a month, I still think DISH is much better. Their channels are arranged in a logical manner. They have more channels that I like. The remote is a funky shape with small badly arranged buttons and switches. Their rewind and fast forward is slower. I could go on and on. I'm sure that the Customer Service Reps are instructed to low ball the offers to keep customers but I told them exactly what I needed to convince my husband to stay with them.
After 8 years of being with DISH, now we're stuck in a 2 year contract with Direct. I am very very very sad.

Posted by Barry

I believe it or not had only one bad experience with a customet service tech about two weeks ago that tried sell me HD service. She tried to tell me my reiver and smart card was old and out dated and I was out of luck. I called again two weeks later and I got a male tech and he resolved all my issues in fiteen minutes. Thank you dish!

Posted by Faye Roberts

I have been a Dish customer for about 8 years. When the last rate increase happened I called and talked with someone who was very helpful and I was able to reduce my monthly bill to a more affordable rate while still keeping our most watched channels. Our service has always been excellent and I live in a rural area so didn't want to change carriers.

Recently our receiver went out and we had a new one shipped to us within three days, along with a postage paid box to return the defective one. There was no charge for the new one.

I also like how I was given a fifty dollar credit for a referral. That friend also got a credit and she is satisfied with the service as well.

Posted by darryl moore

We are tired of being lied to about getting the internet after we was told we can get it and we was not able to get it and then we can not get cause of the type of account that we have. Basically its like descriminating against a person because of their account which isnt fair at all when the people are keeping the account paid on time or sometimes early. We are very upset and is to the point of discontinuing service

Posted by mattman6304

I've had dish for a few months now I think they're better than DIRECTV and Comcast. I've had no problems with the middle everytime I call they were always polite help me out they don't work out a payment arrangement with me I'm done with dish! keep up the good work dish they explained everything to me on my bill.

Posted by desi_runner

I switched from Directv about a year ago because of the Hopper. Overall I'm very glad I made the change. The hopper is fast and the UI is more intuitive. I'm paying less and watching more TV.

Great decision!

Posted by bluefootedboobymashed

I've had Dish for about 3 years. Since then, I haven't really had too many issues. I don't look at the bills, but I see it on my credit card statement and it's usually a lot less that what my family pays TWC in New York.

Had 3 issues that required calling customer service, and once they had to send a technician. I've had a good experience with the call center and with the technician. I thought they were polite and helpful -- but maybe i'm more easy going than some people on this site. :-)

Posted by fumer88109

I ordered Dish for my apartment in Manhattan. After offering to install the equipment the following day, I requested that we schedule the appoint the following week.

The day of the appointment, it was dumping snow and Manhattan was slowing down. Still the installer showed up on time and was very polite.

Though I was disappointed to learn than the $29 America's Top 120 package actually costs $43 with the hopper, my bills have been what I expected. Apparently the "hopper equipment is free" with a 2 year contract, but you still have to pay a monthly service fee.

Posted by Paul

Hey, I've had Dish Network for twenty years and they just keep getting better. I called customer service three times and got my problems fixed each time. I guess it is dep[endent on whether or not you have enough sense to understand what they are saying to you. If you don't get it you might just be stupid. I don't know.

Posted by Charlie E2M

I was on the phone today, January3rd 2014 with Charlie E2M. His customer service and patience with me was outstanding. It took over an hour to figure out what was wrong and not one time did he get impatient with me at all. He needs to be recognized for his outstanding customer service. Thank you Tami D. Waterston

Posted by Hate_Directv

Switched from Directv! Enough said. Never hand an issue with Dish not performing as expected. in a year i had 3 issues all three taken care of immediately.

Posted by Anonymous

Good morning I would like to give Angie39Q five stars on her excellent customer service I really think she deserves some type of incentive for her service and patients

Posted by Anonymous

One of the main reasons I decided to switch to Dish was because they offered local network options. I am a fan of The Cleveland Browns, and have not had the opportunity to watch them on the local Fox Channel,as other teams are on that I don't really follow. What is the reason for this?

Posted by clossensandra

attn.albert valdez I was letting u no tht I got my statements from the bank it doesn't have where she took out the money from my card like she said she did.but my husband was here when I gave her my card she had the last 2 numbers wrong when she tried the card I told her I knew it was good I just used it . she said can I have ur number on the card again I gave it to her an she said she had the last 2 numbers wrong. so she tried it again with the numbers I gave her an it worked. why did she say it went through if I don't show it on my bills they said she left a note saying I told her to cancel my card. I nvr. told her to cancel ever .wish I would of got her name. but according to the man I talked to other than albert before him he transferred me 2 albert valdez. all I no is it was order to take it out at the regions bank. if it wasn't it isn't my fault. ive done my ck. book an it comes out rt. I pd.73.21 to use im not paying it again. I don't thk. I should have to. it was set up automatic withdrawal an if tht. didn't happen it not my fault. or the other 14 people at least who payed the bill but use said use didn't get it. that lady did something I think use should find out who she was an what happen to the money an why she never put it in the account it was suppose to go to. I can see if she was new messing up but not at least 15 other people. something is fishy in denmarek I would say. I am not paying it again thank you for your help. Sandra clossen

Posted by David

I love Dish. There are only 4 programs that I watch on TV, and Dish has them all. They are NCIS,partial signal loss, total signal loss, and my alltime favorite, acquiring satellite signal. Service is great as well. If you need to call for service, you only have to wait for 5 min. while you listen to a soothing conglomeration of half sentences, before they hang up on you. I guess things could be worse.


My Name Is Barbara Faulks In Pineville Mo I Had Some Issure With My System. You Sent A Young Man By The Name Of Jared Thomas. Very Nice Fix It All. I Want To Give Him Five High Fives. What A Wonderfuly Employee That You Have. Please Give Him A High Five From The Dish Network.


I had to contact customer service this morning as my receiver got turned off and I had no picture on 2 TV's. I called Dish and spoke to Abel in Texas. I really was impressed with his customer service. He was very patient and walked me through how to establish a picture on my televisions. With all the negative comments today, I think Abel needs to hear how I appreciated his help and attitude. "Hats off to Abel". I actually enjoyed talking with him!

Posted by Trudy Valdez

I truly hope that you have recognized the excellent and professional "care" that your employee, Daria Vinson OPF4S, offers to your customers.
My husband is bedridden because of an injury and wouldn't you know, the TV in the master bedroom had problems. We called Dish Network and was "blessed" to have had Daria's help. I am NOT electronically inclined, but she was VERY patient in helping me through the process necessary to get the TV up and running!
We NEED MORE service people with Daria's
expertise, patience and most of all, CARING to help the customer!!!!10 STAR Employee!!

Posted by Anonymous

Just called technical support and got the nicest young lady who helped me solve my problem in less than 5 minutes. She was great!

Official company reply


That is excellent to hear as we strive hard to provide the highest quality assistance in the industry! I will pass along your compliment and we'll look to keep this type of customer support going! Feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions or additional help needed!

Kirstie.Filosa.DISH Network 4/4/13 8:27PM

Posted by gorge548

Most the problems I have with Hopper deal with ability to read the text.
1. The Guide now shows 6 channels at a time with no ability to reduce it to 4, thereby making the text larger.
2. You can't skip forward to the same time each day (now you have to use the forward button to advance 24 hours, a half-hour at a time).
3. The channel information bar you get when you press the Cancel button, is hard to read for no reason. You can readily see the time, but the duration of the program and minutes remaining are more faint and should be the same clarity as the time.
4. Now comes the worst part. When you try to look at what you have recorded, it no longer shows it in the old easy to read format. You now get ICONs that are too small to read without getting out of your chair and close to the TV to see what they are.
5. The caller ID now is so small it also is difficult to read. Also, you no longer have the ability to bring up a list of phone callers with number and time of day.
This is not progress, this is regress. I suppose if you had a very large 50-60 inch TV it wouldn't be a problem, But even then, why do you need this. It all was fine the way it was.
My wife has vision problems and it's impossible for her to see anything dealing with the new system and Dish won't let us go back to the old system.
Before you invest in Hopper, go to someone that has it along with a TV size you presently have and you will see what I mean.
There is also a deceiving feature that Dish promotes and that is the Hopper records your local network stations daily and allows you to watch them commercial free. This comes at a price. What they tell you is that you can record up to 6 programs at a time. What they don't tell you is that four of the stations are being used by Hopper to record the local channels, therefore only allowing you to watch one channel and record another, just like it was before. They at least give you the ability to deactivate this feature, thus allowing you to watch one and record five.

Posted by rockdoc

I have been a customer of Dish for about 10 years. I have always had good customer service. Recently I have had some issues because of misleading information received from 2 installers and 2 phone support people about the Hopper system. I have called customer service numerous times and have frequently been placed on hold numerous times, but not before the rep politely asked me if he could put me on hold. My suggestion would be to make sure that EVERY employee has the information and ability to communicately clearly and precisely about your new system, and that phone reps try to limit the times on hold to a minimum. Miscommunication leads to confusion and anger on the part of the consumer. After numerous phone calls my issues have all been resolved to my satisfaction. I wish, however, that the first contract installer had told me the right thing from the get go and this would have avoided all my problems.

Posted by SDroadking

I HAVE HAD GREAT SERVICE FROM DISH NETWORK ... they are a little "by the book" on the phone, so you need to figure out what they are reading. Best way to get to the bottom of the situation is ask to be transferred to "Customer Retention" as they are the ONLY ones with the power to deal for your business.

I just upgraded to a Hopper and the contract installer was just the most lazy guy you can imagine. Probably some homeless guy they are paying minimum wage to for installations. He tried to run a WHITE cable wire in the middle of a red siding wall instead of following the white eve of the house. (and extra ten minutes and a ladder) Lazy, stupid and said he and only he can decide how an installation is performed on MY house. Not!

So .. if you get the free install, watch out for the installers! They might be great, and they might be criminals that needed a job and casing your house. DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED.

PS .. I love my Dish Network!


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Company News
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