Citi Mortgage Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Citi Mortgage customer service is ranked #867 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 22.14 out of a possible 200 based upon 797 ratings. This score rates Citi Mortgage customer service and customer support as Terrible.


772 Negative Comments out of 797 Total Comments is 96.86%.


25 Positive Comments out of 797 Total Comments is 3.14%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Citi Mortgage

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 22.14 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 772 negative comments (96.86%)
    • 25 positive comments (3.14%)
    • 7 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.3 Issue Resolution
    • 2.0 Reachability
    • 1.4 Cancellation
    • 3.0 Friendliness
    • 1.8 Product Knowledge

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Posted by mike

Citibank is the biggest scam artist on Earth. How are they allowed to continue with unethical and frankly illegal business practices? We have been going through a loan modification for the past two years, and all we get is auto response email and the runaround. I absolutely distain the "customer service" at this company! I can't wait to take my money and mortgage elsewhere. The cosa nostra is illegal, but Citibank is not! I trust the mafia more than these crooks!
Michael Caudill

Posted by President

Thank you for sharing your comments. All of your comments confirmed what I knew what was happening as a consumer.

I wish I had read about this website before I financed with Citi.

What a shame...I will do my best to warn others. If enough of us band together many ants can make big hills!

Posted by Irene

I have a mortgage with Citi. I do not have to state the issues because I have experienced each one listed previously for the last 700 or so comments. Loan refinance, loan modification, short sale, and pending foreclosure

Once I am able to rid myself of Citi's yoke I will have my health back again.

My tax dollars helped to bail out Citi as an important financial structure for the U.S. but did they help us smaller folks? No! I have 13 years until retirement and I plan to have my credit back at that time. I will do business with another bank when I purchase my new home. It will definitely be a Mom and Pop bank!

Thanks but no Thanks Citi.

Posted by Anonymous

They held up my refinancing of my first mortgage with another bank when I tried to subordinate my CitiMortgage home equity loan. These people are incompetent and have no idea about customer service. I ended up closing my home equity acct with them. They should not be allowed to do business. They bully unsuspecting victims because they are big bank. Do not use them for any loans.

Posted by Anonymous

It is difficult to imagine any more inconsistencies, runaround and complete and total lack of answers or action in efforts so few.


My home is financed thourgh CitiMortgage. It burned and was a total loss on May 20, 2014. I recieved the check for the insurance company 5 days later. I sent it to CitiMortgage for endorsement and received it back because their "policies and procedures" dictate they will release the money in increments to "protect their vested interest." They then sent a packet that had to be returned with the check. The packet was clearly geared towards a site built house. I called and explained that this was a manufactured home and as such several of the items simply did not apply and could not be done until I had my money. Returned the packet completed to the best of my abilities. They released 1/2 of the monies. The bank then held the payment for 10 days. (Federal banking laws). So about a month later, I finally had access to part of the funds. About once a week during this time, I would receive calls/letters asking for paid receipts, signed contracts, etc. Each time, I would call, explain again that it was a manufactured home and that I would not have this information until certain things happened. The middle of July, after looking at several homes, I placed a purchase order for a new home to be built. I made a down payment. I sent a copy of the down payment and the check and receipt to CIti. The purchase order clearly states that the home will NOT be delivered until it is paid in full. I was told by Nathan that when I needed the rest of the money, just call and it would be released. Well, my new home is finished, so I called last Monday to get my money released. I was told they would need to do an inspection. I AGAIN went over the whole manufactured home situation, and that the house could be inspected at the factory. (It is local) I was told they would inspect in a couple of days and then it would be another couple of days before the check would be released. Okay, that put the move in out another week. No problem. I'm in a rental and have to be out September 30. Doable. So then, I get a call from the inspector who did not tell me who she was or why she needed to look at my property. I explained the manufactured home situation and that the house would not be placed until it was paid in full and that could not happen until I received the money from Citi. I started to tell her where the house was so she could inspect it, and she stated, I don't do those kinds of inspections, I have to get back with my office. Haven't heard from them again. Got to thinking and called Citi yesterday. AGAIN reiterated the whole scenario and was told, this has to go through a committee and that takes 7 days. So, another week and a half before I receive payment. Can I move by the end of September? Who knows, with the major screw ups that Citi are. Don't get involved with Citi. If I could, I get my loan moved.

Posted by Anonymous

I have been paying my mortgage for 20 yrs usually paying extra on principle. I also have a home equity line of credit and pay extra on that. THEN I MISSED one payment, $10.79. They said I had to pay today or they would send to credit debt.


Posted by Anonymous

This Company does not honor their word. There is only three phone numbers that are listed for assistance and when you try to call them the error comes "The number you dialed does not exist" or "check the number you dialed and try again". you can only get through about 10 percent of the time. This company lost two of my mortgage checks that never got cashed while I was on military deployment and charged me a bunch of last fees for their mistakes. I have to call ever month two make sure they are processing my payments.

Posted by Anonymous

I totally feel sorry for Citi Mortgage customers! Good luck trying to get a loan modification. Never goes through and of course by the time you are told that you are so far behind in payments you face foreclosure. Customer service is horrible! Credit is ruined so cannot change mortgage company. BAD BAD!!!!!!!


Patrick Hadican In The Executive Level Is Horrible. No Respect For The Customers. He Rushes Decisions Without Even Knowing The Full Details Of Modification. Very Inconsiderate Executive So Call Officer. Horrible. Patrick Hadican Of Citimortgage Is Not For The Customers.

Posted by Anonymous

I was behind in payments 3 years back. I requested a loan modification and sent pages of documents they had asked for. I made numerous phone calls to inquire where I stood. NEVER got an answer. This went on for months. I went into foreclosure and had to file bankruptcy to keep my home. Citi Mortgage would not work with me. After about 4 months I was finally told I could do a re-payment plan. (Make my usual monthly payment plus extra to make up for the missed payments) By this time I was so far behind this was not reasonable. So like I said I filed bankruptcy to save my home. I am still having issues with them. Just recently received a letter from their lawyers that I have defaulted again, saying I have missed two payment. I HAVE NOT. I retrieved all of my bank statements going back to July of 2011 plus copies of cleared checks and gave these to my Bankruptcy attorney to prove I am not behind. This is such BS. I don't know what more I am to do, I have made all my payments, they really need to stop harassing me!!!!!!

Posted by Anonymous

Citi Mortgage 2 months ago took over our mortgage from OneMain. Our payment is due on the 20th of each month. I just today received the statement for the month of March. Is this the way this company try to collect past due amounts from their customers ? I check the Post Office daily. is there a reason that makes sense for this fowl up ? We are located in New Mexico, it's not that far from Arizona is it ? Can your company reply to this?

Posted by Anonymous

I currenlty stay in a home under land contract the gentleman on the loan passed away. No one in his family wants to be in charge of the estate. So because i wouldn't get any benefits for paying i stopped.I called numerous times telling them i would love to have this house but still act as he still alive. This man would love for me to have the property but citi would rather for it to go to foreclouser than to work with me. I payed over 25000 in payments I can afford it. This company dosent want to help and train people to be rude and nasty all the time. Something has ti give.

Posted by pjswanson

amazing I have had all the problems that are listed below, whoa be to the dummies that deregulated banks to begin with. This mortgage company needs to go under. I talked to Quicken extremely nice helpful people, they wanted to do my loan but cant cause Freddie mac is too tight, Lucy Haddad is horrible, sends same stuff over and over and never returns calls. There has to be some organization out there that can make this bank get their stuff together, they are awful awful and I did not have a choice, they bought my loan. Nobody should willingly do business with these people

Posted by Close the Bank

Please be advised that CitiMortgage or Citibank does not have actual loan officers they could not pass the state tests that are required by mortgage brokers or Mortgage bankers they hide under the federal charter laws and they use collection agents to submit refinance applications with zero training and or mortgage knowledge go to a local broker or banker for a refinance or purchase money mortgage do not waste your time money or sanity with Citi. As far as concerns regarding modifications, same story from upper management to supposed titled Support Specialists they have no idea of what they are doing!!! When the assistance programs were first enacted they were modifying mortgages based upon unemployment income which is non-sustainable and a year later was reprimanded by US Government should had only gave reduced payments for up to 6 months under Unemployment program. Then started giving modifications to a divorced couple, with only 1 signature and a quit claim deed. No good since quit claim deed only relinquishes that spouses claim to ownership of the home will remain legally liable for debt until satisfied. Now Citi is trying to get the other spouse's signature on the modification agreement by sending a $100.00 gift card!! Wow let me locate my dead beat abusive spouse to sign these documents 2 years later, I don't think so!! All these stories are 100% true and amazingly it is with every lender since they do not want to pay a decent salary nor do they want knowledgeable employees since they do not want to be held accountable?? It is pass the buck around here!!! Your documents that you faxed in always missing? Fax servers and e-mails are uploaded off-shore in Manilla Phillippines, Mr Jones's paystubs were uploaded into Mr Smiths account that is why they say we never received them. Now all the lay-offs and servicing will be predominantly handled off-shore to save these too big to fail Banks reduce their costs and show a profit for their investors at the hands of the US tax payer whom bailed them out is just amazing

Posted by Jason Mac

this company has completely ruined the experience of buying my first home and now apparently im stuck in it for life.. two years ago they tried to foreclose on my home but it was there fault by miss applying my funds to somewhere else.. Lucky for me I am a 100% disabled vet from wounds I received in Iraq so the being a VA loan I had them get involved and do their own investigation. The VA kept them from foreclosing and auctioning off my house every month.. this caused me several medical issues along the way.. finally after a year and a half the investigation concluded I was right and citi was wrong.. It only cost me my credit and they added on a $10k modification fee onto my account when it was their fault to begin with. They also want me to pay for $5k attorneys fees, but again because they are complete idiots they want me to pay the price for their incompetence. I was even part of the class action law suit and was paid a check because of their scams... I think citi mortgage is the devils work and they are now holding me and my mortgage hostage. I bought this house brand new in 08` and owe more now than when I bought it 6 years ago. how does that happen.. im referring my case to the dept of justice and will be getting an attorney..

Posted by Lizzie

Background: 8 years with Citibank; never missed a payment; excellent credit.

Tuesday, January 14: contacted (via "live chat") an agent ("Jason") to discuss refinance options. I told Jason that I had resources to pay down current balance significantly, then would like to proceed to refi on that balance.

Jason assured me that because Citi valued me as a long-time client in excellent standing, he would cut an additional .125 percent from the current rate, and quoted me figures that sounded promising. He also followed up with a phone call, and said this cleared with his manager. Said he would email me the application and details immediately following this call, to include this client reward reduction, and that this process could be expedited, due again to my "customer loyalty."

Wednesday: Still no email from Jason.

Thursday: Letter from Citbank, dated Jan 15, stating that that my loan will be transferred to Seterus, Inc (google this "company"- yes, as Slitherin as it sounds) effective Feb. 1. They wanted to also take the opportunity to say "thank you."

Thank you, Citibank. Free at last, and am so happy to post my thanks for your hypocrisy and deceit over every wall, with a cyber spray can.

Posted by lizziecat

Our mortgage is serviced by CitiMortgage and has been for the last 2 years. We have been paying on line from their website. After setting up our 1/1/2014 payment, I found that they had in "error" taken twice the authorized amount. That was 10 days ago, they still have yet to return the overage to our bank (Bank of America, they have been great) We have been calling every day and every day the dead line changes and we are just suppose to be patient and understanding. How understanding would they be if we owed them? I have also noticed that when we call in now we aren't routed to someone in the Phillipines but to someone in AZ, not that is getting us any closer to getting our money back. It's just shameful that they are forcing people to choose between feeding their family or defaulting on their other obligations.

Posted by very aggervated

I will never recommend this company to anyone. They are horribly unorganized and no one seems to have a clue what they are doing or what is going on. I have a current mortgage with them for ten years now and wanted to refinance my loan for lower rate. Well it has been almost 4 months now and still are yet to close. I have never been late on a payment nor have I ever missed a payment mine and my husband have great credit..But they have been dishonest and told me things they never went through with. Has been nothing but a huge headache wished I had went through any other loan company!!

Posted by Anonymous

WE HAVE NO HEAT, NO KITCHEN, TONS OF MOLD AND A ROOF THAT LEAKS IN TONS OF PLACES!!!! CITI MORTGAGE DOESN'T CARE AND WON'T HONOR FANNIE MAE'S VALUE THEY GAVE THE PROPERTY OF $265K! CITI MORTGAGE WANTS $310 OR IT WILL GO TO SHERIFF'S SALE NEXT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13TH!!!! I lam the tenant in a CitiMortgage short sale property. This property is still currently owned by the homeowners but they moved out almost a year ago. The property was not winterized and had permits pulled for a huge two story addition that failed the rough framing inspection and never had another inspection after that but the addition was finished years ago. There are still open permits and since the property wasn't winterized all of the hot water baseboard heat pipes were broken. We are living in the property with our children with no heat, a roof that leaks in the house in tons of places so there is mold and then more pipes broke in the kitchen during the night flooding the kitchen so now we are left with no kitchen! Fannie Mae backed the loan so Citi's advice was to contest the value with Fannie Mae through the HomePath website under short sales. That was done and they lowered the value from $310K to $265K. We still think that is way over priced but because we have three special needs children that have a very hard time with change we decided we would pay the $265K Fannie Mae had valued the property at to prevent further trauma to our children. We sent our acceptance offer in to CitiMortgage the beginning of November but were told today that CitiMortgage says they want the $310K or is will go to Sheriff's Sale next friday. I have been a customer of Citi's for years but I will be closing my accounts and cancelling my credit cards with them. How can you do this to our family???? Or anyone???? They are trying to hold us hostage by waiting a month before giving us any information and then springing this on us. We have no where else to go and have had to spend thousands just to make this house livable and now they do this to us. I have emailed the Office of the President but all I got no help! WE ARE VICTIMS BUT TO CITIMORTGAGE WE ARE NOTHING! WE NEED HELP!!!! I LIVE EACH DAY TERRIFIED MY CHILDREN WILL CAUSE A FIRE OR GET BURNT ON THE SPACE HEATERS WE ARE USING TO TRY AND KEEP WARM! I HAVE TO HAVE BUCKETS ALL OVER TO CATCH THE RAIN. WE HAVE TO WASH DISHES IN THE BATHTUB BECAUSE WE HAVE NO KITCHEN AND CITI DOESN'T CARE AT ALL!!! HERE'S A COPY OF THE EMAIL FROM FANNIE MAE From: Rorick, Robert Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 1:04 PM To: Subject: HomePath Short Sale Our analysis of the dispute documentation you provided for this case is complete. After reviewing this information, our internal valuation, and market conditions, we suggest an effort be put forth to acquire a gross offer amount of $265,000.00 Please make sure your current offer and any future offers regarding this property are delivered directly to the servicer for consideration. The servicer will convey all decisions regarding short sale offers. Thank you for using the Short Sale Escalation Desk. AFTER AGREEING TO THAT PRICE HERE IS THE EMAIL THAT CITI SENDS TO THE SELLERS AND THEIR SHORT SALE ATTORNEY ------ Original message ------ From: Fortner, Anthony Francis Date: 11/11/2013 3:17 PM To: Cc: Subject: Red Rose Dr -- CitiMortgage -- No new offer on file Hello, I was reaching out to give you an update on your file. Your file has been assigned to a negotiator, Angel Baker. We are still waiting for an offer that meets the investorâ??s guidelines. Has a buyer come forward with a higher offer? I see the Hud that was imaged in your file was an offer for $229,000. We will need to submit an offer that is in line with the Investors Counter of $310,000. The window of opportunity for the Mortgage release has closed so; please send in your highest and best offer. Remember, during any point of your treatment review you can reach 2. I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Anthony F Fortner Homeowner Support Specialist 855-843-2549, Extension 0475268â?  (use leading zero)

Posted by [email protected]

My name is Sandra Frederick and I have an underwater loan with you. I contacted someone about the service you offer of placing a late payment at the end of my loan.NOTHING ABOUT A LOAN MODIFICATION. For the second time a get a letter stating they can not offer me a modification. They say I withdrew the request, did not accept offer for Trial period. I JUST WANT TO MAKE ONE LATE PAYMENT ADDED TO THE END OF MY LOAN. DOESN'T ANYONE LISTEN TO THEIR CUSTOMERS ANY MORE??????????

Posted by brucekie0603

we sent citi our nov. house payment on the 4'th. here it is the 16'th and it still hasen't been cashed. also we r in bankrupcy. citi want's to raise our house payment up 245.00 starting dec. we r owned by fanniemae. they went through our bankrupcy court maybe 1 year ago to get us a remodification. we were approved through the court and now citi wan't to raise our payment. i called the bankrupcy dept. at citi talked to a lady told her the situation. our escrow was 21.00 over the limit so we mailed an xtra 22.00 with our house payment. everytime i call citi they give me a run around. dec. is coming and we can't afford to make those kind of payments.our home owners specilist is leola terrel.haven't heard from her about anything. i have emailed her numerous of answer. i have a paper from our cout signed by gidget r armstrong.bankrupcy specialist. have heard nothing from anyone to help me. can u help us?????? my citi account #

Posted by Hope it Helps

The truth is that CitiMortgage has call centers in right to work states paying a minimal salary and none of the people you actually speak with have any authority, nor mortgage experience. They are untrained and could not answer the simplest mortgage question a consumer would have. If your loan is Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac owned (ASK)or look-up on their respective web sites, and you are not at least 61 days past due, on your loan you will not be modified. The 3 imminent default factors if current on payments, are Death of a borrower, Divorce or Disability and your gross income divided into your mortgage payment must exceed 31%.You will speak with an agent that asks numerous questions about your income and expenses and will input information into a computer module and will then pass the buck and assign you to another agent called a HOSS stands for Home Owner Support Specialist (Joke) untrained as well that will make numerous requests for tax returns paystubs bank statements and they will then tell you weeks later they were never received. That is due to, Citi uses E-Fax servers and an employee off-shore in Manila who makes $700.00 a month has all your information and attempts to upload in a viewing system, based upon your account number or name, which is uploaded into the wrong account or just deleted since they do not comprehend what they are looking at! Fannie and Freddie had mortgage servicers just send out loan modifications on delinquent accounts since these too Big to Fail Banks could not handle the requests for HAMP modifications. Mortgage lenders whom offer FHA loans when you buy or refinance a home are required to have loans underwritten by DE approved underwriters who hold a CHUMS number and are certified, yet, when you default on your FHA loan, they are underwritten by a collection agent with a special computer program? Hmmm?? And you wonder why all the issues. Well it is much more than that, the banks spend more time trying to pass the buck then actually help the consumer, that truly needs help. The agent who you speak with is required to verify personal information advise you of call monitoring recording and depending on the state you live in a few more laws and they base his call on handle time 750 seconds to get you off the phone so after all disclosures leaves about 6 minutes. They have a quality control department who listens to the calls not based upon facts since they have no mortgage experience as well it is scored based upon how you said it, even if everything that agent told you was false, he passes the call and you the consumer, received nothing but lies since the untrained agent you spoke with has no clue of what they are talking about! Just look at all the foreclosures proof enough. Problem with the HAMP program was since it was thrown together so quickly no kinks were worked out for years. I have seen so many mistakes and errors, supposedly before these documents were sent, they were quality controlled.It must be hard to find errors, if they have no qualified employees. Just try it ask an agent who your investor is? Ask if your loan is fully amortizing ask them your per diem interest is and what was my original LTV when I originated the loan if they cannot answer these questions within a minute ask for a supervisor. They have a little more about procedures and request that your file be escalated to a higher authority and that requires that your loan be reported as an issue to the government monitors not like that is going to help you anyway but it is a start

Posted by Close the Bank

Please be advised that CitiMortgage does not have professional trained or licensed loan officers they have collection agents handling the refinance lines due to high call volumes. They are masquerading as Citibank so they would be under federal charter since none of them can pass the tests to be licensed. please contact a local Mortgage Banker or Broker since you will just waste time, money, and your appraisal fee and will not close here and will not receive the rate quoted since they cannot close a loan to save their lives any other business ran like this one would be gone by now Thank You

Posted by Horse Lady

I, too, am fed up with Citi Mortgage. It took me almost a year to get a modification, and the modification is more than what I was originally paying. The bank that secured our loan with Citi refuses to do anymore business with them, and when our roof was damaged, my insurance company refused to send the check to them to cover the damage. We are looking to refinance with another company and get away from Citi. They still do not have the correct address for our property on their records.
Horse Lady


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