Bing Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Bing customer service is ranked #920 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 20.44 out of a possible 200 based upon 147 ratings. This score rates Bing customer service and customer support as Terrible.


144 Negative Comments out of 147 Total Comments is 97.96%.


3 Positive Comments out of 147 Total Comments is 2.04%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Bing

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 20.44 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 144 negative comments (97.96%)
    • 3 positive comments (2.04%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.1 Issue Resolution
    • 1.8 Reachability
    • 1.5 Cancellation
    • 2.9 Friendliness
    • 1.9 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Anonymous

Dear Bing,

As an Artist you have put Artwork upon your webpage, it belongs to me and you do not have permission to put my artwork out for the minnions to copy and use as there own...I am advising you that you need to take the Afghan Hound Artwork off your page or I am going to sue you for art theft. You may contact

Mrs. Nibarger

Posted by Anonymous

When you search for Westminster Council a box appears to the tight with THE WRONG INFORMATION which need changing immediately. It says that the phone number is (this is wrong, that number belongs to a small arts charity called Westminster Arts that have nothing to do with the council and are merely based in the same borough) and as the address Council House which is where some elements of the council used to be based several yeast ago, but which is now a building site in the process of being restructured for a college. I am the Director of Westminster Arts and if you need to contact me to verify any of this please call 020 7321 2702, leaving your number if you get the answerphone. We do not have the resources to continually answer the phone for Westminster City Council and I am sure you can understand this is very annoying. Thank you for your attention in this matter

Posted by Anonymous

I really don't like Bing Maps format, why did you change it it is horrible.

Posted by Anonymous

I don't appreciate the message that unless I tell you my feelings on ads I will be terminated. James cannon Quite frankly it is none of your business!

Posted by L Faulkner

Stay away from these folks...I have been a loyal Bing/Microsoft user for years and then just because I took advantage of the rewards program they suspended my account. suspend my account because I did searches everyday to win the points....really. Customer service responded with a snotty terms copy and past email, did not even take time to write back, must have there own BOT.

Well goodby to Bing and anything on this computer that referenced Bing and as I told them they have not only lost a browser customer but Microsoft products are going bye bye as well. MS has gotten its last dime from me.

Posted by Bing Ads Suspension

We were running our Bing Account for last 4+ years and any changes in the website / Ad-copies etc. were done under the supervision of Bing Account managers that were assigned to us under this tenure.

Just a day before this account got suspended, we got an email from our account manager "Brenna Feely" that says most of the site links are approved however a few ads are still left for review.

Since last 4 years, there was no problem with the content. This account went Under periodic review several times and came out of it on the very next day. If there were any problems, our account manager asked us to correct it on the website and till the time it was not rectified, the account remained Under Review.

Every week we use to have a call with the account manager to discuss the health of the account, during the entire tenure there wasn't any update in the website or Bing account which was not in sync with account manager. We have always followed the Bing Guidelines as and when there have been any update.

Last we were told to remove the phone numbers from the ad copies before Monday(07.27.2015), This was updated to us on Thursday 23rd. We made the necessary changes within an hour and updated the same to Brenna, our account manager assigned from She acknowledged the changes made and was happy with state of the account. But after that we have no idea what went wrong or what exactly happened that we have reached this stage or suspension.

In past one week, we have tried thinking every possible reason for this but failed to identify any. We have gone through all the policies several times, again failed to identify any breach or non-compliance of any policy.

We use to spend around $200,000 / Month over Bing/Yahoo Ads from last 4+ years which itself means that we were following all the policies and shutting down the account all of a sudden like this has left us in the dark.

All I want is to consider our request to just check how good this account have been as an advertiser, if there's anything about the account which we are not aware of or if any policy update which we are not following, please give us a chance to make the corrections and start advertising.

Posted by Bing SUcks

Bing rewards closed out my accounts with very little explanation, and this is after I have redeemed at least three rewards. They closed the account after I tried to redeem my fourth.

When I emailed the costumer service, they would only tell me that "it is within our right's under the Program's terms of use" to close the account. The support refused to provide any additional details. From my understanding, this is how they usually deal with their costumers.

DONT waste your time using Bing search to earn points and make money for them, stay with GOOGLE.

Microsoft is starting to look like a big LOSER when they're getting beat left and right by Google and Apple. Their company will continue to be stagnant and swirl downward soon enough.

Posted by jmosk

I agree that Bing support is the worst I have encountered. And like others, I am feeling that it is nothing more than poorly programmed bots to generate responses unrelated to the issue at hand. It is obvious that no creature that has a brain actually reads what you write to them. I have a problem for the last 18 months and it keeps thanking me for waiting for the automated solution. I ask for escalation and get canned responses unrelated to what I state.

Posted by Lo

I have never encountered customer service as bad as Bing's. The employees don't even read the emails they're answering! If you ask them to "please do ***, since your Webmaster Tool for doing *** is broken and I therefore can't do it myself", they will write back over and over that you should "do ***". I think their customer service actually consists of very badly programmed robots. They usually respond very quickly, but most of the time their response doesn't address the question you've asked.

Posted by psalm35read

Just saw your bing vehicle with cameras on it. I do not want my car tag on the internet. Its violating my privacy.
I am not no criminal an don't want people looking up my car to find out where I live. That's called stalking. because you supplied the pictures of my vehicle tag with the pictures you took April 21,2015.

Posted by gausshawk

never wanted it and got it shoved down my throat. unfortunately other search engines have followed suit and have become just as unreliable. when I type in a specific sight. I expect to go there. not get 100 pages of trash to search threw. you have opened the way to trash and virus. congradulation to the educated idiots that screwed up a working internet search with their contaminate trash finder / infector

Posted by Wild Bill 256

Bing works well for some searches. one thing, forget about ever redeeming Bing rewards. my experience is it can not be done. reason: no mobile phone for text. no auto dialer.

Posted by Anonymous

Please pass this on. I was driving from Cocoa Beach to Orlando on 4/7/15 and was cut off by your bing map car. Rig 0016. I followed him for a while and he was constantly cutting drivers off and nearly caused an accident. Not a very good representation of your company!

Posted by Samuel

I am a very frustrated customer. Please KEEP off Bing as much as possible. They refused my credit cards on very flimsy grounds and advised me to use wire transfer. This is where my trouble began. I paid to the tune of 200$, 150$ for commercials and the rest bank charges. Upon receiving the funds, they refused to activate my account, citing very frail excuses. They said they will refund. We have exchanged over 100 emails and over 20 live chats to no success. It is a shame for big organization to con a very peasant businessman trying to earn a honest living. Todate, I have not received my refund. Just endless promises. I can provide all evidence if prevailed upon to do so. Simply put, Bing main interest is the money - they don't regard customer concerns at all.

Posted by Anonymous

I have been trying for weeks to get Bing off my computer. It's as bad as any virus I've encountered. There's no way to keep Bing from being the default for my opening new tabs on Firefox. I've tried every possible thing to get rid of it, change settings, following instructions on apple and other websites...nothing works. I want it off my computer, and I would love your help in getting rid of it. I did not download it intentionally--and I'm really careful about what I download. Somehow it was attached to something else I downloaded... And I'm sorry--but I hate it. It pulls up completely inappropriate business-setting pictures as defaults, and I promise I will never ever under any circumstances click on one of those links or buy something advertised... Not ever. Please let me know how to get Bing off my computer and I'll post a more positive comment about your customer service.

Posted by mimi

I spent all day yesterday trying to get rid of Bing add-on to my Firefox that sneaked in with other download. The program is so imbedded and hidden, it is nearly impossible to uninstalled. I tried most of the suggestions posted online including subscribing to services that supposedly able to remove it, and none worked. I never wanted it in the first place and now I can't get rid of it. It is shameful that a legitimate company engages in such practice and infests computers with "bugs" that are no different from the malwares and viruses put out by criminals.

Posted by roninxian

Microsoft and Bing are two organizations that pay absolutely no attention to user problem,s, complaints, etc. Both will deny any problems and throw them back at the user.
The "Trending with Bing" is the biggest pain in the butt I have encountered is a long long time. How can MS and Bing not do something to get rid of it? How many people have to complain about it? It's their annoying little pop-up that no one seems to want. Are they so blind as to see users moving away and on to other search engines and web browsers. Just keep losing numbers to others MS. It's all justified.

Posted by Anonymous

I'm just surprised that BingPlaces has a listing option for "Mailbox Supplier" and not one for Videographer. I'm not sure if my listing will come up in search options. And I'm not likely to spend any money on advertising if I can't be found in a search. It's probably time for those listings to be updated.

Posted by Anonymous

I tried calling the listed phone number -- it is Microsoft's switchboard and they have no phone numbers for BING. I would like to complain about the Bing weather. It seems to be wrong a lot -- by wrong, I mean radically different from all the other weather forecasts. For example, it is saying the low tonight here in Mount Airy NC will be 23. NOAA, Accuweather and Weather Underground are all saying 31 or 32. This has happened a lot recently.

Posted by Private

Bing Bar has adverse effects on the performance of machines it operates on. It reports habits of browsers and statistics of PCs.
Bing Bar was put on my PC against my will.
I removed it.
I had to install Silverlight. I did not authorize Bing Bar to be re-installed. It was re-installed without my knowledge.
I have had to remove it again.
Even after removal I found traces of it in my system registry.
I should be paid for my time and bandwidth that has been dedicated to dealing with the trespass on my computer.
I do not want any products that are surreptitiously promoted through deception, coercion, and fraud.

Posted by Anonymous

When the next terrorist attack happens (ie France, yesterday, 01/07/14), I won't be surprised or sad when I hear that it happened at bing headquarters in WA. Dead bodies everywhere. it could happen. ;)

Posted by Anonymous

I called the man to change the address of my docket and he was extremely rude, it felt like he was yelling at the phone. He was not listening carefully to the details i was talking about. He was rushing me off and didn't care. I asked him to email the docket to me and he said that he can't do that because he had no access to a computer and I asked it i could leave the email address for him tot do it later but no, he hung up on me. I regret buying their products especially because their extremely rude customer services. He has claims that a one star energy efficiency is the best. How is this man still in the business when he has not a clear knowledge of the product

Posted by Anonymous

Hello - my teen daughter happened upon a video today that discussed how Google, Siri and yahoo will redirect a search to prevention if someone searches/asks how to kill themselves. It mentions that Bing does not redirect to prevention services/resources. If this is true, please adjust your search, it could save lives. Thank you.

Posted by Anonymous

Customer service is horrible. No one knows what they are doing or what dept. to transfer you too. Huge run around! Hire USA reps. that understand and speak proper English. This is ridiculous.

Posted by char

bing has no regard for privacy and truth in presenation, slander free for all- SHAME ON YOU BING!


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Company News
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