Xcel Energy Customer Service Complaints - page 3

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Xcel Energy customer service is ranked #854 out of the 1023 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 22.51 out of a possible 200 based upon 103 ratings. This score rates Xcel Energy customer service and customer support as Terrible.


100 Negative Comments out of 103 Total Comments is 97.09%.


3 Positive Comments out of 103 Total Comments is 2.91%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Xcel Energy

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 22.51 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 100 negative comments (97.09%)
    • 3 positive comments (2.91%)
    • 2 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.5 Issue Resolution
    • 2.4 Reachability
    • 1.6 Cancellation
    • 2.3 Friendliness
    • 2.0 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Anonymous

They gave out my personal information with out consent! I would not trust them ever again I am shutting them off!

Posted by Jeremiah

I am at a loss of words with the lack of service from Xcel energy. My wife and I moved into our new address on 10/15/15, I filled out a Transfer Service on the Xcel energy website and received an email stating - Confirmation for Your Transfer Service Order - 10/14/2015. In this e-mail it also stated there will be a start-service fee.

We worked out with the seller of our house that Bear Creek Tree removal would remove two trees from our property, they worked with Xcel to have some lines removed and reattached while the work was going on.

On 10/30/15 and Xcel truck showed up at 8am to disconnect the power lines. The tree removal was completed at 6pm, and Bear Creek stated they were in contact with Xcel and they were on the way but did not have an ETA. The last time Bear Creek spoke with Xcel they were supposed to be at the address at 3:30pm but were delayed due to another call. I also called the person Bear Creek was talking too at 720-253-9506 to see how long it would be because it was starting to get cold. I spoke with a rep that said the reconnect was scheduled but they did not have an ETA. I then called the 800-895-1999

After 40 minutes on the phone I found out that Xcel is claiming I only changed our mailing address to 3200 W. 8th Ave and not the transfer of service. Because of that the house was considered vacant and no one was coming to reconnect the lines. I was also told that they only do reconnects Monday-Friday until 2pm every day. So now my family and I will be without power Friday (day of work), Saturday and Sunday.

How can a company send a truck to an address, talk to the owner to disconnect wires, and not come back to reconnect the power? Thank God it is not cold or snowing right now! If there is any damage to pipes or other heating related problems, I will be holding Xcel fully responsible.

Posted by ronbrownavnn

On 9/9/2015 I attempted to pay my electric bill with this company. After receiving a bill for payment of $104.08 in the mail, I tried the phone 1st, nowhere on my account was the amount from my notice, it stated a completely different amount. I attempted to make my payment through "Bill Matrix" a third party credir card payment vendor for xcel. My payment was declined, but a authorization was placed on my card for 10 days (placed a hold on my account) Now I don't have the funds to pay my payment because xcel has a hold on my funds. This xcel experience has been THE worst payment experience I have ever had. I am Cisco certified in computers and networking, I work 10-12 hours a day online, this is the worst company as far as ccustomer service goes. I will NEVER utilize "BILL MATRIX" again, It seems that the old go to the grocery store to pay my bill is the only thing that works, as it has for years, no errors, no HOLDS on your debit or credit cards.....Just a payment, they give you a receipt and ONLY CHARGE YOU $1.00 transaction fee. ( BILL MATRIX CHARGES $3.45 per payment....What's happened to AMERICA'S Corporate world...YOU MUST PAY ANOTHER COMPANY TO PAY YET ANOTHER COMPANY XCEL >>>YOUR PAYMENT SYSTEM SUCKS..I HAD TO SPEND 2 1/2 HOURS ON THE PHONE TO GET THIS STRAIGHTENED OUT,My time. NOW it's going to be another 24 hours till I get my hold released from my debit card. Why is it they instantly can place a "HOLD" for 10 days in an instant but it takes 24 hours to release. Something's wrong people..call your congressman and complain. I'm going to!

Posted by barryj0301

Had given them a check over the phone with specialist Rosa dated for 09-10-2015 but they ran the check 09-02-2015 Since they ran the check early I had to cancel all plans for my labor day weekend and caused me to have to borrow $$$ from friend for gas and groceries. They have real issues with customer service. This all started when I didn't get billed for a month than 2 bills came at the same time. I had been making my payments on the 10th of each month and when I called in my July payment I asked the agent about my deposit of $225.00 and when I should see that since my inaugural date was coming near. He told me I would get it back after a year and could apply it to my bill. I took him at his word and when I didn't get a bill for 2 months I assumed that they were applying the deposit. Well when both bills came at the same time than I called them and told the woman I would pay the outstanding over the $225.00 on 9-10 and apply the deposit to the remainder. She said that was fine so I took her at her word. Than on 9-2 I received a call from xcels collection department asking me to call them. I did so and than was told balance was due and since I wasn't on auto pay I couldn't use my deposit. At this point I demanded to speak to a supervisor and was referred to Rosa Doe Specialist and she understood that I was led to believe that the deposit would be used and told ne she would apply it and than took a check for the difference dated 09-10-2015. She told me also to set my self on auto pay which I told her I would do that evening. After about a 5 minutes wait for her to input data into her system she said everything was good to go. I took her at her word and proceeded the next morning 09-03 to sign up for auto pay which I did. Than comes 09-04 and I go to the store for my trip and my card declines and I find out they ran the check on 9-2 when I called them. I was told there was nothing they could do other than a reversal which would take place at the earliest Wednesday told them no needed money refunded immediately. Went round and round with them, they told me to call my bank which I did but they say said since I authorized the charge the fact they deposited early was between them and I and they wouldn't be able to reverse it till Wednesday. Called xcel back was given the were sorry BS line and was told to file a claim for any fees incurred. Told her fees were not the issue but the lost labor day weekend was she supervisor Julie Pippinger basically said she could care less and all I could hope to get back was the fees and if I needed to sue them than go for it. terminated call

Posted by Angel

And to be crystal clear..they were just paid a lil over $600 before they did this..it don't matter how much you pay or about your health they will SHUT your electricity OFF And take there "vacation" time cutting it back on!!horrible!!

Posted by Angel

like lots of citizens in America Im sick and disabled and have 3 KIDS one that is 9 with a disability called epilepsy and we both recieve ssi and struggle every month to pay "ALL" of our bills and I get that none of your agents in customer service really don't care..and you know what that's fine but there comes a time when ppl in the office of excel need to be held accountable for there incompetents and inappropriate rude behavior!! Wouldn't you agree that a sick disabled 41 yr old women on oxygen with a lung disease would die with out her oxygen she has to have to breath and live?? Iv had nothing but issues with you guys since Iv moved hear to Colorado from Washington state..let me just tell you what me and my daughter Alizay LeBlanc has been threw..it's no secret that Iv required home oxygen for the last 6 yrs due to sarcoidosis of the lungs it's in my account file with excel under the name Angela Drayton..after moving to our new address 16169 east rice plc unit A off the top my daughter was given a ridiculous $400 dollar deposit for not having a checking account witch was impossible for us to pay right then and there because we just paid last months rent deposit our car note phone and food with cash because they just cut our food stamps from $435 to $60 each month witch is our problem not yours..but what is your problem is this you faxed my medical application for the 60 day hold for my oxygen to my doctors office after she received it she filled it out and tried to fax it back to you from her office you guys kept saying you hadn't received it so me and my daughter picked it up and tried to fax it back to you from a different place we ended up having to fax it 23 times to 4 different fax numbers for ONE HOLE INTIRE WEEK..look my daughters account up if you Haft to to confirm everything that I AM saying..we went to Kmart ace check cashing places a hole week dealing with agents being rude dealing with nasty attitudes to the point my daughter sat down in a corner in our home and "CRIED" she was shaking and got so stressed out she vomited outside our car in the parking lot of kmart after yet again trying to fax it to you AGAIN we were exhausted spent most our monthly money for gas to get my 9yr old daughter to children's hospital everyday on running back and fourth to different ace check cashing places to fax this signed doctors note to you guys so we have a 60 day hold..at the end of the week and end of that day we had to drive the signed doctors note to your excel office at down town Colorado and hand it to the lady!!! And to add insult to injury you made the most hudgest mistake of putting someone elses information on the medical application you faxed to my doctor..then tried to accuse my daughter of identity theft after you looked at the paper and realized the information you put on there was wrong!! OH THAT'S NOT ALL..we had leap pay you just a little over $600 dollars to you after we FINALLY GOT THE HOLD..then a couple weeks later you call us threatening to shut off our electric if we didn't pay more or get a life support hold..so we ask you to send us the application you said you would we were waiting and watching the mail..next day after picking my 9 yr old daughter up from medical day treatment center at children's hospital we come home electricity SHUT OFF ..NEVER RECEIVED the life support application..as we tried to manually open our garaged door..my 9 yr old daughter collapsed fell on the concrete side walk and into a huge epileptic seizure from being so hot from waiting on the garaged door to be opened to get in our air conditioning home..my oldest daughter had to pick her up and carry her in the house and put her on the bed..we had no way to turn on the fan to help her..after taking her to the hospital we called you..you came out cut it back on after my oldest daughter cried and begged you to..now..that we FINALLY got the application..we faxed it to you AGAIN 2 times plus mailed it to you last Monday guess what you called us and said??? YOU NEVER RECEIVED IT..and AGAIN we brought it to you to your OFFICE AGAIN and handed it to the person at the door!!! tell me after all that.. ridiculous and totally incompetence!!and you know what it sounds like with all the proof we have?? HUGE LAWSUIT!!

Posted by Activeman

Transferring me to three different services just to confirm a new address is quite repetitive and pretty lame! The people I spoke to were friendly, but the way their service works really needs to be improved!

Posted by T. Nguyen

Customer service don't show the real respect as needed. Lacking of qualified professional service. When I got a power turn off they did it quick, but when I did the payment and ask for turning on they failed. They confirmed that sending the technician out but had no access, the truth is there is no access because the meter open outside just step in and turn it on (I don't know for sure that they did or did not?). I had no power for four days on weekend and holiday. If you were CEO what do you think? They promised to turn on at Friday, finally I called back at the evening same day to check (at 4pm) they told me to wait because no body go at that time then I had to wait for four days.

Posted by MN Guy123

I had an overdue bill for a former address and set up a payment plan to pay it off at my new address. The next due date for auto pay takes out the entire amount that was supposed to be spread out over several months. When I called to find out what the issue was, the rep this time told me there is no payment plan set up because I have autopay and the only way to undo the damage was to go to my bank and put a hold on the payment by claiming it as an unauthorized payment. They can't do anything about it and said whomever told me they could do a payment plan was just wrong. Now afraid I may still get charged the extra amount through the payment plan over the next few months because there is clearly no communication on their end, I ask them to check to ensure I'm not still set up to pay an extra amount on my regular bill. The rep tells me they can't even look that information up for me, I have to check my bill when it comes. So now they've taken a huge chunk of money from me when I was not able to pay it and I can't even stop them from charging me twice until after the fact.

Posted by minnesota j

A few weeks ago our power went out and once we called customer service they notified us that we had to pay a $600 bill that was overdue. We need the power on because I work from home. Well after going through making the payment we were told that the power was out due to a transformer exploding not because of past due payments. Outraged at this point we say our good buys and "pay" the bill.

Now today at 10 am I wake up to a quite home. This is unusual because I sleep with a fan on. I got to my door and see that I have a disconnection sticker on my door from xcel. This kicker is that it's in the same amount as the previous bill (which I paid off so I thought). I call xcel roughly at 10:30 am and they tell me the customer service rep didn't make the payment because she "forgot too". I've called numerous times to be reconnected to my power but they tell me it could take up to 24 hours. Why do I have to wait because of their mistake. This company sucks do not trust them!

Posted by mamatellie

Shut our power off on a Monday morning and told me the amount we needed to pay to turn service back on. Got the money together by Friday but then found out they wanted the entire bill (why didn't they tell me that when I talked to them on Monday?!) So, we had to ask the person we borrowed from to loan us even more - went and paid it around 7pm on Friday night. Well, it's Sunday and we're still waiting because apparently customer service 24 hours a day is bogus. Their auto system still says we owe the bill and I have to speak to someone in billing before they can turn us back on. I understand that they shut people off for non payment, that's not my complaint. My complaint is that once someone pays to get their power back on, they shouldn't have to wait a whole weekend. I still have to call them tomorrow morning and talk to someone to find out when they're even going to turn us back on. Extremely frustrating, especially since this past week, it was highs in the 40s and still getting down into the 20s and 30s at night....and us with little kids and no furnace. One tiny little space heater for our entire house. Luckily for us, our neighbors were kind enough to let us plug a couple of cords into their garage so that we could power the basics this week. Why can't they have customer service reps handling reconnections on the weekend?

Posted by Anonymous

The worst customer service ever!!
I did forget to pay my bill, and I paid in the evening. I called this morning to have them reconnect after 3:30 pm, they agreed, and I am still waiting at 9pm. They clearly could care less about customers!!!
When I called about 5 pm to find out when they might be here, the poor clerk is not allowed to find out. She told me they have no obligation to either let me know or even get it done anytime soon!
The company is completely unprofessional, just the electric company tyrant!

Posted by Frustrated

Called to get new service just had surgery....the first lady says oh I will have someine out there today...she said they work until 10pm...called later to find out what the stat is on the service request...told something totally opposite. The next day my husband calls they claim it would be on today still nothing no one can tell us nithing. All answers are different...finally asked to speak with someone over the girl I was speaking to and wa a told it takes three days and then that they came and couldnt get it but how did they get in to turn it off...crazy!

Posted by judy

On Wed., Feb. 4th my computer surge protector started on fire in my home, burning my carpeting, fortunately, I was home and unplugged it right away, when my electrician came on Thursday, Feb. 5th he said there was a problem with my xcel energy electrical line and was registering 167 volts instead of 122-124. I contacted xcel to schedule a service technician to come out was told the problem would be resolved by 2 p.m, when called back at 2, was told it would be resolved by 6 p.m., then when called back at 5, what told that xcel had to call out a special crew to repair my line, they were 2 hours away and it would take 1 hour for the repair, therefore, it would be another 2-3 hours. I had spent the entire day waiting at my home for xcel energy to show, I left to go the dinner because I turned off all my electrical power from the main breaker box to prevent an additional fire in my home. of course xcel came while I was gone and tested 2 lines at my meter and said everything was fine. I contacted xcel the next morning, Friday, Fed. 6th and said they needed to send someone out again because there was a problem. When the xcel energy technician finally showed up again on Friday, mid afternoon, he first said that he was on a wild goose chase then, upon speaking with my electrician conducted the proper tests he should have on Thursday when he was here and discovered that my electrical voltage was the highest he has ever read at 200 volts and proceeded to call in a crew to repair the problem. His notes on the order request was not specific as to how urgent my situation was even though I told the xcel energy call center each time I phoned in that their electrical caused a fire and could have burned my house down, subsequently, my furnace, refrigerator, oven/stove, garage door opener, bathroom fan, door bell, 4 surge protectors and other electrical items were damaged due to the excessive voltage and having to be replaced, not to mention the burn hole in my carpeting. I have requested a claim form, which can only be mailed and have tried contacting the claims department but only receive a message and I am unable to talk to a live person to see what I need to do to replace these daily living necessary items. I have had no heat, live in Colorado, which at night temperatures get to the 30s and 40s and find it unacceptable that xcel energy did not acknowledge the severity of my situation and just blew it off! Whom am I to speak with to find out what the process is to get my furnace, refrigerator, oven/range and other items replaced to I can get my life and home back together?

Posted by Kerrie

Am going to start off saying everyone that works for this company is very rude. They all tell you a different amount when you call and ask for your remaining balance. I paid an extra 100 and something dollars to get my gas tured on in 12 hours. It's now going on 23 hours. It's 7 degrees outside and I have to little ones. They don't care. They sure are in a hurry to shut it off but when it comes to getting it back on they take their time. I wish I could go to another company but unfortunately I can't. Get your stuff together xcel.

Posted by anonymous

We need more electric companies in north Texas than just xcel energy I paid my bill $1160 and they tried to Shut it off a week later!!!! Horrible horrible service! Ugh!.

Posted by Anonymous

Very RUDE Customer Service from a LOUD and OBNOXIOUS person that won't listen and speaks in a non-American language. Almost impossible to do business with as the person loves to argue. I have never had this type of service from Xcel before. Not happy.

Posted by anonymous

The monopoly is terrible. The customer service has ebills but it takes 5-7 business days to process something that immediately comes out of your bank account.

Posted by anonymous

Excel is full of crap. One customer service agent says one thing and then another says different. They are quick to disconnect, but take all day to turn it back on. They are racist mfs!!! They do not care if it's 100 degrees. He said he would come right back I am sure as soon as he saw the color of my skin the prejudice eastward took all day on purpose!!!

Posted by Anonymous

Excel Energy Are A Bunch Of Crooks.we Paid 80% Of Our Bill Of The Amount Of $1280 And They Called Me And My Wife Low Life Which We Have Recorded And Have Sent The To The Local News Station.we Are Now Looking To File A Lawsuit Against Excel.to All Customers Dont Let These Corporate Jerks Run You Over.stand Up To These Scandals!!!see In Court Very Soon Excel Energy!!!

Posted by Anonymous

I am a builder in Colorado been doing it for years(9). I requested for new resadential service .November 12,2013. The bill came in over $17,000.00. Which was paid march 10, 2014. Still don't have service. It has cost my customer and my small family company thousands of dollars. We have lost most of the profit on this job because of excel. Dropping the ball.

Posted by Anonymous

My thing is this crap happens.I called them they said there is no disconnection notice yet yesterday morning the guy showed up my door here to disconnect the electric with out a notice. He disconnect and I pay that morning so now that hole day plus the next day no reconnect my fridge is leaking and they can't give a answer to when there coming. They sure will disconnect bright and early but to connect they drag there ass wtf.

Posted by unsatisfied customer

I've just got done talking with a very rude customer service representative. I have worked in as a CSR for decades and Excel Energy is the worst. She kept on repeating the same thing over and over again and even putting words in my mouth. I finally got fed up and hung up the phone. All I can say is,(and I dont ever say this to any one but with the rudeness), BI_TCH LISTEN TO THE CUSTOMERS! Wow. I can't believe I just said that. I am so frustrated with them. This is not the first time neither. With this many negative feed back, you would think a company as big as Excel would change their persona.

Posted by Anonymous

Amused by your suggestion to use a small lamp to read by in order to save energy. The new light bulbs are so dim that I have had to resort to using two lamps on either side of my reading chair. Sewing with one of your suggested lamps would be a joke. Task lighting is no more. The candles we use during our frequent power outages throw more light than the new light bulbs.

Posted by BR

Seems everything about them is stuck in the 90's except price. Payment process is painful and auto=pay setup frustrating.

If I had another choice for natural gas I would switch even if it cost more.


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