Wells Fargo Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Wells Fargo customer service is ranked #814 out of the 1023 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 23.49 out of a possible 200 based upon 1424 ratings. This score rates Wells Fargo customer service and customer support as Terrible.


1,380 Negative Comments out of 1,424 Total Comments is 96.91%.


44 Positive Comments out of 1,424 Total Comments is 3.09%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Wells Fargo

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 23.49 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 1,380 negative comments (96.91%)
    • 44 positive comments (3.09%)
    • 19 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.4 Issue Resolution
    • 2.5 Reachability
    • 1.6 Cancellation
    • 2.6 Friendliness
    • 2.1 Product Knowledge

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Posted by JoseyWales

I see that Wells Fargo is giving college money to diverse areas, code word for no whites allowed. How can only the black population be diverse to Wells Fargo. Your company is so woke is sickening!!

Posted by Repeat Victim

Wells Fargo placed my entire auto payment on principal then tried to charge me for several months of late fees. I contacted the Consumer Finance Protection Agency and completed an online complaint against Wells Fargo. The next day I received a phone call from Wells Fargo stating they were going to research the issue. While they researched, I refinanced my auto loan with a local bank. The very nice gentleman from Wells Fargo called every couple of days to provide updates and he was able to get the late fees retracted. I would not have gotten this service if I hadn't made an office complaint to the Consumer Finance Protection Agency. Once my loan was paid off I never heard from Wells Fargo and received no explanation as to why they put my payment on principal.
I strongly advise all who read this to contact this agency.

Posted by Nima

Worst customer service ever! They gave me an hard inquiry for no reason, and then declined to remove it from my account.

Posted by Anonymous

After banking with Wells Fargo for 29+ years My card was lost or stolen somehow they figured out my PIN number went to 3 different banks withdrew 806.00 As soon as I realized my card was missing I called the fraud department found out there were 3 withdrawals They assured me we would get to the bottom of this I asked to see the video coverage from all 3 banks They informed me that either I took the money or allowed someone to do so I did neither one now they're saying file police reports in both towns have them subpoena all of them I ask what vechicle was it a car truck minivan sports car was the person male or female NO answer to any of these questions Over half my house payment was taken Ihad just made a large deposit the day before worked 3 10+ hours days
I am so angry about all of this insulted to be accused of stealing my own money or allowing some to do so I'm 68 year's old working constantly and in constant pain just to survive I have literally died 3 times but by the grace of God I've been giving more time
Wells Fargo obviously doesn't care about their customers This could. Be resolved quickly by letting me see who the dirtbag is so I know who to have arrested Have to file multiple police reports wait for subpoenas wait for Wells Fargo to hand over everything I have never missed a house payment now 1/2 of my payment is gone It's nice to know how little Wells Fargo cares about long time customers

Posted by Cmoney

Wells Fargo has put a hold on my account due to a wire that I received for my fiancé since she needs a payee to manage her money. Their loss prevention team called me and plain out told me rudely that my account has a hold on it due to a wire that was added to my account earlier that day. They said I wasn't supposed to receive that money because it wasn't in my name. They then proceeded to tell me that my account will be closed in the next 30 days. Right after telling me the news they told me to have a nice life and just hung up.

Posted by Anonymous

Wells Fargo doesn't care!
My wife and I are entrepreneurs. We have wanted to go on a cruise for many years but due to the pandemic and challenges with the economy we have had to postpone this dream until recently. We saved our money for 7 years and finally, December '22, we got our wish.
On 12/23/22 I deposited a check for $8500 in my personal WELLS FARGO acct. - this was written from a BANK OF AMERICA ACCOUNT, from a business that I OWN. The check was signed by me. There was plenty of money in that account to cover that check. I am a WELLS FARGO customer since 2004! This money was for the purpose of covering the cost of our cruise. I have signed dozens of checks from my B/A account to WELLS FARGO acct over many years, never an issue.
We left on our dream cruise on 12/29/22. After almost thirty hours of flying to our destination I was notified via email, from WELLS FARGO, that my check was returned and the funds were withdrawn from my WELLS FARGO acct. and returned to my B/A acct! The reason was "irregular signature".
I am now on my dream cruise and notified that the money that took us 7 years to save was now NOT AVAILABLE. Please keep in mind that I was in Europe. I had little or no internet access and was working with a 7-9 hour time difference. Add to that, we were in the middle of the New Years holiday making it very hard to reach people. We were so stressed. How are we going to get access to our money? Time zones and holidays made this so frustrating trying to reach people and due to the limited internet access trying to move money around was impossible. We were distraught.
I called Wells Fargo and reached the first person who could not have cared any less. No compassion, no sympathy. I was told the following:
• my signature was "irregular", therefore the money was returned.
• I explained that I was the authorized signer and was ready to offer any security measures required of me. I was told "we understand and apologize but there is nothing they can do".
• I begged them to verify the check to ensure there were funds in the account. I was told, that was not the issue.
• I asked them to look at ANY of my previously written checks and they will see that my signature was the same...for years! She couldn't care any less.
• I asked for a supervisor and after multiple requests, she begrudgingly agreed. After waiting at least five minutes, expecting my connection to drop at any moment, a supervisor responded. I explained again that I was in dire straights and need them to put the money back in my account. Again, I was received a bunch of disingenuous apologies but there was nothing they could do. They promised me that I would hear from a supervisor within hours.....today is 1/9, TEN days later....NO CONTACT FROM WELLS FARGO.

The facts:
• The check was written from an established BANK OF AMERICA account with more than enough funds to cover the amount.
• My signature was no different that dozens of checks written by me. This was easily verified by a simple review of my previous check images, readily available from my account.
• I contacted Wells Fargo on 12/29/22. Offered them every conceivable form of security to verify authenticity of the check they were denying. They denied me and promised a supervisor would call withing 48 hours - ten days later, no contact.
• I was charged a $12 fee for the retuned check!!!!

It is clear to me that Wells Fargo could not care any less about their clients. My cruise was saved only by contacting a friend, who was in my home town, who covered the amount until my return. The damage was done. I lost three days of my dream cruise because WELLS FARGO doesn't care. The stress was awful.

I implore anyone searching for a new bank....Do the research. You will see that my situation is common for this uncaring financial institution. They are terrible people who disguise their selfish motives under the guise of "My security"!!?? My situation was easily rectifiable by a simple security check or reviewing my previous signatures.
Shame on you Wells Fargo. You could not care any less....or maybe you could.

Posted by pissed customer

So far the worth customer service i experienced. Some smug 20 year old rep just laughed at me when i informed that my identification was compromised and ask about what security protection i can receive for my account.

Posted by Kim

I've called on 4 occasions to remove an overdraft fee service and everytime u get that confirmation that it has been removed and here we are again stuck with another bill of over draft fees, def changing banks.worst company

Posted by Deej

I'm in escrow and needed to do a couple of wire transfers -- one at the beginning of escrow and one at the end of escrow. I made the first wire transfer a month ago on advice of a Wells Fargo rep over the phone who advise me (which is why I called). The rep told me that when I need to make my final escrow transfer, I can do it the same way but it'll be easier the second time because the Escrow Bank account is all set up now. Well, tonight, 11/16/2022, I tried to do the final escrow deposit online and it would not go through -- the rep gave me bad information. I called Wells Fargo, and Maria couldn't help me. Maria said banking nowadays is very difficult, said it's hard to get an appointment and some banks don't even answer their phones, etc. I asked for more help. She sent me to the escalation manager whose name is Olga. Olga was EXTREMELY RUDE to me over the phone. She spoke to me in a condescending manner and blamed me for the situation of me not being able to do the transfer, blamed me for the fact that she they couldn't get me a timely appointment at my branch. IT WAS SURREAL to say the least. I told her to stop talking down her nose to me in a condescending manner. She said she'll hang up on me if I yell. I said I'd stop yelling if she stopped talking down her nose to me. UNBELIEVABLE. First I'm given bad advice then I get the worlds worst escalation manager who was only good at escalating one thing -- my blood pressure. There are not enough words to convey how awful Olga spoke to me over the phone. Eventually, she hung up on me! Even after we found a way to speak to one another rationally she simply hung up on me -- which only solidified my thoughts that she's horrible and should not be a customer service rep. What is wrong with Wells Fargo that they hire someone like her? One can only wonder. I shut down Bank of America in 1990 for bad customer service and never looked back. Sorry to say I have to yet again remove a banking institution from my life. Needless to say, I will change banks.

Posted by Anonymous

I had a someone draw from my zelle account without authentication. It's to easy for someone to conformise your account with wellsfargo. Then I called to report this and the person didn't listen and did it all wrong so now I have to wait even longer to get my money back.

Posted by Michael

On November 2, 2022 @ 2pm we walked into the Wells Fargo branch on Fairfield Drive in Pensacola Florida, the branch I have been using for about 6 years since they closed the location that was closest to me, then proceeded to close the next closest branch as well. So now I'm driving to what was the third closest branch which is now the closest. I have had 2 accounts at Wells Fargo for about 12 years and did not only my personal banking there but also the banking for my small business. I opened my daughter her first bank account there with me as the primary when she was 13. Well when we arrived yesterday we sat down and waited, I was having divorce papers notorized and adding my girlfriend to my account. After about half an hour someone finally approached us and informed us it was going to be about an hour since I didn't have an appointment. There was only 1 person available to help customers other than the teller windows. So we left, confused as to why they didn't staff so they could actually assist customers. When I got home about 20 minutes later I immediately made an appointment for 9am the following morning. After having a rough night, I'm disabled, i ended just getting up and not going to sleep so I didn't sleep through my alarm and miss my appointment. We arrived at 10 minutes till 9 and where the 3rd customers in line. The doors open and we take a seat. A few minutes later a woman steps out and called a Hispanic name for a 9am appointment. A moment later she comes back out and asked what we needed. The tone in her voice said it all. She was not interested in doing anything to assist anyone and we where a road block to what could be a easy day. At least that's what her tone, body language and attitude displayed. She then proceeded to tell us that "Our banker" (I have never been assigned a banker at any bank and Wells Fargo isn't any different) "she is running late and will be in later, well she isn't running late we scheduled her later" and proceeds to switch up the reason and tweak it more when my girlfriend started asking why at 9am they only had 1 person to assist customers other than the tellers. I then asked to speak to the manager. I am met with "hi how are you doing". So in other words this woman is the manager. Then come to find out it's the same woman from the previous day who had told me there would be an hour wait since I didn't have an appointment, again there was only 1 person to assist customers other than the tellers. In the 12 years I have been banking with Wells Fargo I have never had to have an appointment. And it's never taken more than 20-30 minutes from the time I walked in until my business was complete. Most of the time I am greeted by name when I walk in. If not then then definitely when I get to a window. This woman, three manager, couldn't have cared less that I was upset that after doing what they told me to do the previous day that they still where not going to be able to assist me in a reasonable amount of time, that she had wasted my time or that I made it very clear to her that I was so disgusted with the way in which that branch was treating me that I am seriously considering closing my account and taking my business to another bank. When I informed her that I would be looking into other options her words where "ok". Not the first apology, not the first let me see what I can do, this woman showed absolutely no concern for the fact that I was receiving anything less than acceptable service at minimum. She flat out was not concerned, not even when a customer of 12 years with 3 accounts informs her he is so disgusted that he is ready to leave and go elsewhere.
Since the onset of the Covid 19 virus customer service has gone downhill everywhere. It seems every business is using it as an excuse not do the very minimum to ensure business runs smoothly, not to staff their stores and a wide variety of other ways of neglecting running the business. It's as if they think that all they have to do is open the doors and customers have no choice but to spend their money with them. It's as if they have forgotten that the customer is who pays their pay check and without them they don't have a job. At almost every business I walk into lately (for the past couple years) they treat customers as if they are an inconvenience rather than the sole reason they are even there. Without customers there is no reason to open the doors! I am so disgusted with the way Wells Fargo has treated me in the last couple days that after 12 years doing business with them I am seriously entertaining the thoughts of closing my accounts and going to another bank. I will not be treated as if my business doesn't matter! I will not be brushed aside by a business I don't have to do business with. It's time businesses are reminded why they are here and what their primary focus should be! It's time that those fat cats sitting in their plush offices taking expected European vacations living to excess and collecting fat bonuses actually stand up from their desk, walk out their office door and get to the brick and mortar stores and do what ever it takes to earn their pay checks and remind their employees that no customers means no jobs. With banks, no depositors means no money to loan, means no interest payments seriously reduced income the the bank which means layoffs and people loose their jobs. It's time banks and every other business is reminded that customer service is their #1 priority and those people that ask for your help, that set appointments, that walk through the doors to spend money on your goods and services are how the person who signs your paycheck is able to do so and the fewer of them there is the less money there is for insurance, vacation time, raises and all those perks and other things that make a perticular job worth having! And if you don't want to do the job, if you don't want to take care of customers and treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve and take care not to waste their time then there is always another person out there who is more than willing, eager even, to take your job, to fill that position and to do so happily and eager to assist the customers who pay their checks each week with a smile and a friendly demeanor. And that applies to managers just as well as crew and staff. Just because you have a little authority doesn't mean you can't be replaced. And in my years running businesses, hiring, firing, promoting etc. if I had ever had an employee treat one of my customers that way, like they just couldn't care less that they had wasted their time (especially 2 days in a row), and acted as if their business meant nothing to that location, manager, Crew, sales associate, maskot or god they would have been in the unemployment office the following day.

Posted by DrJekyl

My experience with this department started in April 2021 when I filed a claim for fraudulent activity on my account. The claim itself was originally denied for reasons unknown. Of course I kept pushing Wells Fargo because this yes in fact it was fraudulent and it took four months which was in August 2021 for them to actually do anything about it. At which point I received a partial credit into my account and Wells Fargo's reason for a partial credit was due to them only being able to do a partial amount due to a certain timeframe. Since August 2021 I have been pushing Wells Fargo and asking questions to which they did not answer until today. So yes I'll save you from doing the math. Total time from when it started until today is roughly 18 months.

I have been passed around to a total of 40+ "Case specialist." Yes I put case specialist in quotes because I'm not sure if you can even call them case specialists. The reason I say that is because on numerous occasions I was lied to and given incorrect information regarding my case. On one occasion I was told by this "case specialist" quote that the reason my claim was denied was because I did not file the paperwork within a certain timeframe. At this point I'm confused because I know I did everything that I was told to do by Wells Fargo, so I've been asked this "case specialist" what that timeframe was and he told me 60 days. At this point I'm fuming because I know for a fact that I filed the correct paperwork within that timeframe and then I explain this to him. At which point his entitled attitude seem to have disappeared and he got quiet.

After that he told me that he was going to escalate it and then give me a call back within 10 days. That call never happened. It took me finally getting a hold of what was his supervisor and being told that he was on vacation. Numerous times that I have called and spoken to someone I'll need to be passed around to somebody new again over 40 times and which being provided inaccurate information. Until today which again 18 months later I spoke to a representative that told me even though I've been lied to and given all kinds of inaccurate information especially over this past year that my claim is still denied. I didn't pointed out the fact that numerous employees have violated your own code of ethics on a number of different occasions and the only response from her was, "I'm sorry."

My advice to anyone would be to get away from this bank because it's Full of dishonest people who have no clue what they are doing. I pointed out specific parts of their code of ethics that state that if Wells Fargo does make a mistake they will acknowledge the mistake and take action to fix it. They never did that. It also states that they earn their customers trust with honesty and integrity. In one specific email I even put in the definitions of both. And still nothing. The only thing they are doing is sweeping this under the rug.

What I am doing is letting the world know my experience and the hell that I have been through for the past 18 months in dealing with this. So again my advice to you would be if you are associated with this company at all you need to run away from it as fast as you can. I can assure you that anybody and everybody that I know that currently has any kind of business with Wells Fargo will know the hell that I've been through over the past 18 months and Wells Fargo will lose their business.

Posted by Keki

No customer service at all
If I could give 0 stars, I would. My account was overdrawn by a dollar and some change and I thought that I had made a transfer to cover it. Instead of Wells Fargo notifiying me and letting me know that my account was overdrawn and that they were going to close it, they CLOSED my account with NO PRIOR NOTICE and notified me after the fact. I think that is HORRIBLE customer service. I've heard a lot about them not treating their black customers fairly and this is completely unfair. Had I been overdrawn a hundred bucks I would have been notified. So I don't understand.
Wells Fargo, If you don't want black people to bank with you, JUST SAY THAT!!! Don't just close accounts and notify later. That's not appropriate when you are in the business of customer service.
Wells Fargo customer service told me I need to go into a branch or online to reopen an account instead of just helping me and providing me with the customer service that I deserved. After being a customer of theirs since 2009, I am no longer a customer all because they did not want to provide me with the service I deserved.
Date of experience: October 25, 2022

Posted by Ja

Terrible customer service and credit card department Treat me like I'm a criminal

Posted by Tired of incompetence

You close almost all the branches in Salt Lake City and expect a customer to drive 12 miles to your remaining branches and then have to wait 50 minutes to do business with an incompetent teller. Go out of business already!


Terrible Credit Card Customer Service - Long Recording And Very Difficult To Get A Live Person. Most Others Are Better.

Posted by Sam

If I could 0 stars, I would! The employees at this branch make "Dumb & Dumber" seem like scholars! The worst service I have experienced in my life..... so much so, that I will be canceling all accounts and moving them AWAY from Wells Fargo. Apparently any idiot can work there... in fact, I think that may be a requirement to work at this branch!! A bunch of idiots all around!!
Branch 066567

Posted by cece

I have been with this bank for 20years now, and i have lost 1000.00,from your ATM. The problem is you don't want to admit that they are faulty, instead you accused people of receiving money when nothing was disbursed at the time of transaction. I am a 63 years old woman and I work darn hard for my money. I don't live on handout. You would have think that's why the cameras are for to show if the funds was really disbursed during the transaction.No. i was told it was not for that purposed. How ever you just loss me as a customer. I know many other people who have had this experience.

Posted by babak

my name is dr babak etemad,, over 75k was taken out of my account over last 1.5 which I never noteiced the charges now in small fine it say only pay back for 2 months,,,, unbl

Posted by Wingsofdove

I got an auto loan with Wells Fargo on Easley SC. For a 2018 Nissan Rogue. I purchased the car last January 2021. My cousin cosigned for me. She passed away in March 2022. I sent a cashier check for the full payoff. Then suddenly come may after my cousin had passed away. They started sending out past due letters to her address and calling me 5 times a day trying to say I was behind on payments. Even though my bank statement showed they got the money. I got the paperwork in saying paid in full . her name removed from the loan.. They started saying they never received the money. Even though I faxed them proof. Then night before last they had their recovery company sneak out and steal my car in the middle of the night. I have being on phone with them numerous departments trying to locate it do at least I can get my personal stuff and the car and I have being given the run around and told to call back.

Posted by Craigd53

Absolutely horrible service. In person or on the phone.

Posted by Anonymous

Today I spent 3 hours with customer service. I was calling from Thailand with no toll free. I spoke to the first person who was nice and transferred me to her supervisor who asked the same questions as the first person. After 1 hour on the phone she transferred me to another person who had no idea of my situation so I had to start over with her. 3 hours and nothing was done. Plus they made me feel terrible with their attitudes.

Posted by PattonFussell3

I was just told that being a client for 10 years "doesn't matter." Jorge was his name. I can't access my money and nobody can tell me why. I recently moved and updated address and new phone number and everything has imploded.

Posted by MindYour

I got a cryptic letter from Wells Fargo saying my account would be migrated to a different kind of account with different fees for a different daily balance. I called the 800 number and was immediately berated for being stupid and not understanding the letter. "It is very clear what was sent to you." WOW. I then complained that I still didn't understand and he HUNG UP ON ME. I called back and was not able to get anyone else.

Posted by Anonymous

they suck. Bounced my husband and I off the accounts, closed the accounts cause of a few bounced checks after being customers for many years.


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