TransUnion Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

TransUnion customer service is ranked #643 out of the 1023 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 28.38 out of a possible 200 based upon 251 ratings. This score rates TransUnion customer service and customer support as Terrible.


240 Negative Comments out of 251 Total Comments is 95.62%.


11 Positive Comments out of 251 Total Comments is 4.38%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • TransUnion

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 28.38 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 240 negative comments (95.62%)
    • 11 positive comments (4.38%)
    • 1 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.8 Issue Resolution
    • 2.9 Reachability
    • 1.9 Cancellation
    • 3.0 Friendliness
    • 2.4 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Cheyenne1

I called Transunion yesterday. This was my second try at trying to find someone that I could understand. I asked to speak to a supervisor. The guy just kept putting me on hold. After three times of him coming back on the phone and telling me his supervisor was busy I told him I would call a different day. The next time I called I still could not understand the man. I told him several things on my credit report were incorrect. He wanted my social security number and then asked me to mail him my birth certificate and a copy of my drivers license. I told him I wasn't comfortable with that. He told me he couldn't do anything to help me unless I sent these items. Is this normal? Is this safe? I'm not doing it. How do I get anything fixed. This is crazy.

Posted by Just free credit score?

Could not complete due to lack of credit history although has me. Someone's a liar "TU". Got my credit report someone's deceitful "TU". Called your reditView Dashboard customer service told me I filled something out wrong, when I was able to complete all forms last page said try back later. Was emailed PH# to call got a real person who did nothing but tell me may I have everything I filled out already said I needed to email (write this in your contact info. (if it's wright)) and would not just email the maybe right maybe wrong address hell I don't know I did repeat it back so maybe sent the three documents requested with not even an automated we got it reply it has been 12hrs dear God I hope I have not given some terrorist Org. the ability to use my credit by accident. All just so I could get a free credit score. TU I have seen the 250ish bad Vs. about 23 good reviews for you thousands of people visited the complaint page. Never again will also hear about this yuck it up I know they are in your pocket.

Posted by cowgod

One of the worst customer service providers I have ever dealt with. The employees are incompetent and cant even take basic data to assist you. non of the employees are american or speak English. all have thick accents and are hard to understand. they cant even find data in there own credit reports. America are we sure this is who should handle , issue, or regulate our credit? i think not. this company cant be trusted in any fashion.

Posted by Anonymous

I called trans union to report fraud and after many attempts at speaking with someone I finally got an Indian guy I could not understand. Possibly the worst customer service ever !

Posted by Anonymous

I am trying to lift a freeze. The website is unresponsive. When I call, it is impossible to speak with a real person.

Posted by Robert

I just got off the phone with the most unfocused customer service agent I have ever come in contact with. For over ten minutes he never could answer any of my question and he had over a minute pause with everything I asked. It was like I was waking him up by loudly saying yellow, did you hear the last thing I said. He would respond by repeating the reason for your call. Is TransUnion kidding me. My dispute and accuracy of information is in trusted to people like this. Know I see why we have so much fraud in America. I finally just said since we are not connecting or I have disturb him from something, just give me the address. He gives me part of the address and then goes on a long pause after I said okay, expecting the rest. Had to say hello aging I am ready with pen and paper. I did not get it. So I realized I would not even get a supervisor out of him, so I just said thank you and hung up.

Posted by Anonymous

I'm going to say this one more time, if my money is not refunded into my account, I will have my lawyer take care of this situation. Transunion has taken money from me even after I've cancelled my membership. Your company has taken 17.99 from me for the past 6 or 7 months. I cancelled my membership months ago! Contact me

Posted by Anonymous

I have tried at least 5 times to contact someone to discuss a letter I received regarding someone trying to open a PayPal Credit account in my late husband's name. Neither my husband nor I have ever applied to PayPal. I could not speak with anyone and I will not put my Social Security number on the computer where it certainly can be hacked. What kind of crazy service do you provide to consumers? Awful!

Posted by Patricia

Horrible experience with this company. I disputed a false report from my lender (allegedly) stating that my last mortgage payment had been received in Feb of 2015. So I sent them all my bank statements from January 2014 THROUGH May 2015, to show that in over a year, there had been no lapse in payment. In addition, I sent my lenders confirmation payment pages, for the same 16 month period, with the exact same dates and payment amounts. When TransUnion called to follow up on my dispute, they claimed that they couldn't be sure those were actual mortgage if I have the money to just the exact same payment as my mortgage payment, to my lender, on the due date, for no reason. Really??? I've already mailed in a formal complaint to the FCRA, as TransUnion was inept enough to send me a letter stating that their investigation was closed. I got the letter within 10 days of getting back my signed receipt of the package sent to them.

Posted by jp long

They keep sending me e/mail saying I owe them money for a credit report...I have no Idea who they are and have never used them...from the comments on this site, glad I did not...but they won't quite sending e/mail for payment...stay away from them

Posted by Anonymous

Here's another one for the negative side of your scoreboard. ( not looking to good for ya either, I must say....... my wife noticed the other day that we keep getting charge 11.95 a month.. goes back to oct. 2014.... didn't even notice the charges till last month .so small of an amount didn't miss it. Our bank doesn't send out statements even ... but nevertheless they tell me i signed up for it when i called to dispute an error as I'll call it for now.bit some how signup for this. .. so I've been charged for this since October of 2014 for this . They say i received a username.. in the mail but have yet to see it it is now April... does the people that own this company . Do any of them speak and understand english at all. How do they expect complete customer care when you as a consumer can't understand a word they say. So who knows if they even understand you ... obviously their is two different conversations going on in one phone call.. thanks for taking my hard earned money that you did nothing for but give me a headache and the urge to take out my agression here on this site ... will it even make a difference. Probably not but hey it worth a shot.. so thanks for nothing transunion except my money

Posted by slandered

I was contacted by a police officer in an adjacent county who told me TransUnion told him my name is closely associated with a criminal suspect he is after. He called to make sure this was the suspect's location before driving a hundred miles to my home to capture him. I have been receiving debt collection calls for this person for six years, and now I know why. TransUnion passes bad information to law enforcement.

The office told me this suspect had NOT given anyone this information (no need to file a fraud charge), instead the credit company had collected it somehow, likely from a phone book since he and my husband share the same first initial and last name. I was told by TransUnion they could not help me unless I gave them my information...NO WAY! Like I want to compound this mess by giving them access to my report!!! Four people pretended to be supervisors serially and repeatedly told me the same thing: I must find the suspect and tell him to remove my name, address and phone number from his report. Of course that is ridiculous, the police can't even find him, but obviously TransUnion has no consequences for slandering me and continuing to report me as an associate of this suspect.

How can I bring a civil case against them for ruining my name? I don't look forward to officers arriving at my home demanding to know his whereabouts. This is disgusting and abusive. Why are they even allowed to continue to provide such falsehoods to law enforcement?


I Can Not Believe What A Joke This Company Is. Someone Opened A Line Of Credit In My Name For 50,000 And I Called To Get Some Indian In A Phone Room Who Could Not Even Spell My Name. They Could Not Even Prounouce The Name Of My Street (which Is Congress, By The Way) Let Alone Give Me Important Info. What A Joke And I Will Do Everything I Can To Take This Company Down

Posted by Anonymous

Transunion sucks they rip you off and then wont talk to you and lock you outta your account. But continue to go into your account and take money out.They are thieves, and should be stopped somehow.

Posted by Anonymous

I signed up for 1$ free credit report and then cacelled the same day. Now Trans union is debiting my checking account for a monthly fee. Please stop a rip off I will be contacting BBB authorities. I have sebt several emails to opt out of this .

Posted by Rico-DB9

Ok TransUnion ... You have my credit file in your hands and YOU DONT HAVE CUSTOMER SERVICE PEOPLE THAT SPEAK ENGLISH.

You guys are the ABSOLUTE WORST at getting things fixed considering you can SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACT the lives of Canadians.

I intend to raise a complaint to my minister regarding this horrid system. If it makes you feel better, Equifax is no better.

Posted by Wendy Tatamela

I called Transunion Credit Bureau call center spoke to the lady by the name of Wendy Tatamela, I did not like how she spoke to me and I made it clear to her that she was giving me a bad attitude I even requested to speak to her Team leader about that but the call was cut off.

I tried to log into my profile but it locked me out as I forgot my password. I called the call center as I wanted to retrieve my password but that did not happen. I am still not assisted as my profile is still locked.

I hate it when customer care consultants tread us costumers like we are stupids. We are costumers and they have their jobs so they can assist us. not to be treated with disrespect and bad attitude.

Posted by cho

Their customer service is unbelievably HORRIBLE!
I just wanted to cancel my subscription with them and "Lolly" the rep would not cancel it...she kept me on the phone, cutting me off to try to keep me on their subcription. After several attempts to cancel she final understood I DID NOT WANT THE SUBSCRIPTION.

Posted by BrkrDave

"Customer Service" calls are answered in Asia with people who know nothing more than you should know. They ask lots of questions, blame you and if none of that works, transfer to someone who actually knows something. That process takes at minimum 30 minutes. The person who knows something isn't going to do anything either. They are probably the worst company I have to do business with.

Posted by Hire Americans!

Horrible!! Talked to 2 reps and both experiences were awful! I could not understand either of them. I asked for someone who could speck English and all he did was keep asking for my Social Security number. I have been turned down for several jobs because of an item on my report that should not be there, even though the rest of my credit report is excellent. Shame on you Transunion for messing with the lives of honest hard working people and outsourcing from other countries!

Posted by MommaG

You can, indeed, cancel your membership online; the info given by "mason" in September, 2013, is accurate. Sign in, click on "support", go to FAQs, then click on "Payment" and you will see "how can I cancel my membership". It suggests the easiest way (ha!) is to call, but you can also click on the "here", as Mason suggested in his post. I did, and I am now DONE with this company.

Posted by Anonymous

I spoke with 2 customer service reps and they gave me conflicting info as regarding verifying my account.. Now I am more confused than before and I really need this done this week.
I sent this documents to [email protected] on 23rd October, Thursday and have called twice to verify the update and was told to wait 1 more day. I called now and was told the email address that it should be sent to was not that but rather [email protected].
I am currently confuse because I don't know what to believe any more as different reps tells me different things. I decided to send it again to both emails. I would appreciate a feedback if this has come to the correct department. I really need to verify my account as I need it for a loan application this week.

Posted by itc

transunion has been requesting me2send a copy of my id and proof of address of which i did weeks ago. now i am receiving messages to say i must send these documents within21days. i received email from Zanele and Mellisa from your Consumer dept, when i call i am advised i am not able to speak wth these people who are sending me these emails so that they can tell me what is it that they are looking for, i want my profile to be updated , funny enough i never experienced such bad service and hassles from Experian,Compuscan and Xds,i thought transunion was the better than them. my worry is if these documents are sufficient and you are not advising me then i will be told to resubmit and wait 21days, i am in a process of buying a house hence i paid all my accounts and want my profile2be updated and get my credit report now the delay is with you i am really dissapointed having to write such on Hellopeter, yesterday i resent everything via email add [Email Removed] [email protected] i receive a message2say u require proof of address and id of which these docs were emailed @2.27pm

Posted by Anonymous

Instead of being able to determine one's credit you people should be honest about being able to cancel your subscription. I was on my 7th day and when I remembered to cancel I could not find a wzy to do it. Needless to say it is now in the 8th day and I am stuck for a month They make ot eady to subscribe and impossible to unsubscribe. They sre the rip offs and they are able to stop people from getting credit as they are out and out stealing consumers money aand are allowed to get away with it.. I should have the right to view my credit without paying. This is how America makes its money taking from the small guy. I don' t think I would neex credit If I were wealthy. NEVER AGAIN WITH THESE RIP OFF CHARACTERS. YOU CAN GO ONLINE AND PUT YOUR PERSONAL BANKING INFORMATION IN SO THEY CAN GET PAID BUT THEY DON'T ALLOW YOU CANCEL ONLINE. DIGUSTED WITH THIS WHOLE COMPANY.

Posted by Anonymous

This is one of the most inept credit reporting co. out there. Little of their information is correct, and they have no willingness to correct it. There is no method to reach them, or try to provide the truth to them, they don't want to know. So, they will continue posting lies, partial trues about your credit history, and let you be judged by everybody who looks at it. You'd have to make the earth rotate vertically before they will listen to you.


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Company News
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