Sprint - Nextel Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Sprint - Nextel customer service is ranked #79 out of the 1023 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 63.73 out of a possible 200 based upon 300 ratings. This score rates Sprint - Nextel customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


227 Negative Comments out of 300 Total Comments is 75.67%.


73 Positive Comments out of 300 Total Comments is 24.33%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Sprint - Nextel

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 63.73 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 227 negative comments (75.67%)
    • 73 positive comments (24.33%)
    • 5 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 3.3 Issue Resolution
    • 4.4 Reachability
    • 3.1 Cancellation
    • 4.7 Friendliness
    • 4.2 Product Knowledge

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Posted by cbr63

After 12 yrs of loyalty w/ sprint i finally said goodbye! At least I thought. They had the balls to send not only 1, but 2 monthly bills with texting charges AFTER my # had been ported out and my account closed. This will be a no brainer to resolve!-WRONG-Trying to resolve this through CUSTOMER SERVICE resulting in me getting hung up on 2 times and get this, the CS Rep. said my texting was on a diff. billing cycle than the reg. phone service! Huh??......Bottom Line. They were trying to sneak additional text messages in and didn't think i'd notice. I obtained my texting records with #'s (in&out) for the 3 previous mnths. to check 'em out against my previous bills. EVERY month had inconsistencies in the amount that benefited SPRINT. Example: My texting records showed 50 for the month of April. Sprint billed me for 59. For May my records showed 84- my billed said 122. I wonder how many months this has been going on?? A little here.....a little there. Back in the day, my bills used to show an itemized usage. Then that stopped. They called it a bill that "was easier to read". ...right. 10 texts from me and a little from the other 50 million textures adds up to alot of $$$ for Sprint. Needless to say, for the most part i was a satisfied sprint customer and now I'm glad i'm done with Sprint and I was very disappointed & pissed off to discover this blatant mischievous behavior that went back who knows how many months/years before i caught it. DON'T take things at face value when viewing your monthly bill.......it's probably been not what you think it is.

Posted by A Customer

Sprint company is the worst company I have ever seen in USA. Even he third class companies are even better than sprint. Seems like the company want to earn as much money as possible in any ways before closing. Unfortunately I am the sprint customer from last 6 months and one half year left to finish my contract with sprint. I feel like punished by sprint without any reason. Sprint has worst not only in customer service but in every area of their business. Personally I will never ever use sprint after finishing my contract with them. I am facing lots n lots of problem with it, that I can not discuss in a short period of time. Sorry about that. But I can make the future customers aware of it by suggesting them not to buy any sprint plans and go for other decent company plans for their piece of mind.

Posted by Anonymous

It's sad that Sprint has no plans between that 900 minute plan and the unlimited. That forces everyone to be on the unlimited plan and receive piss poor customer service and phone service. Sprint has 51.9 million customers had 90% are on the unlimited $99.99 plan

Posted by DPet

This is absolutely ridiculous! I had been a loyal customer to Sprint PCS from September 2011, when I first received my HTC 3D with 4G capability, to December 2012. In January 2013, everything went to hell. My phone kept being dropped from the network beginning in January. Called on multiple occasions to check why. I would spend nearly 2 hours on a phone call with Sprint customer service, being transferred from one department to the next without anyone having any idea why I kept being dropped. Ultimately, at the end of the phone calls, someone would come onto the line and say “there has been maintenance going on in your area and a ticket will be created” which, after being told that so many times, sounds like a ‘we have no idea what happened’ statement.

From the problems beginning in January through April, I had to go through a troubleshoot session, a factory reset, and hard reset with every call and visit to their store. It got to the point where I didn’t even bother to personalize my phone because there was a possibility of having to reset it.
All of this boiled up to me absolutely having to replace my phone and it had not been the first time I requested for it to be replace. After 5 and ½ hours of being hung up on, transferred to one wrong department to the next, being yelled at and hearing excuse after excuse, all on my roommates phone, I was finally getting a replacement phone. Found out that it all more than likely stemmed from a repair that had been made to the phone in October 2012, apparently a refurbished motherboard. I was told that I would receive a brand new replacement phone within 7-10 business days with no option for rush delivery. I never received a tracking number for the new device and waited about 2 and ½ weeks before calling them again. I called and was told that my device was returned to sender because my apartment number was not included in the address…after nearly 6 hours, and confirming the address twice, they still didn’t get my apartment number!! What’s worse is that couldn’t call me to let me know!!!

So, I resupplied them with my correct address and received the phone within 4 business days. Got the phone (late March) and there was already water damage (the normally white slip was pink). I cancelled my insurance on the phone (early April) because this replacement phone should have been able to last to the end of the contract and I was ready to move on. I was even thinking of adding a line for my sister. Not too soon after, the phones motherboard died [again] less than a week later. That was the absolute last straw. I had no service from the time the phone’s screen went black (Monday, April 29th) to the earliest time I could port the number to another phone service company (Friday, May 3rd).
Soon thereafter, called Sprint to tell them that the services paid for were not being properly rendering, i.e. voice, data, text, insurance, given a lemon phone on multiple occasions, etc. was told the Early Termination Fee (ETF) would be waived and would receive confirmation. Never did. Instead, I called back, worried that the issue had not been resolved, and explained the situation again. Apparently, whomever I had spoken to did not document anything and I was told that, on their end, there was no fluctuation of service over the last 7 months and I was told by Kellen in escalations that “…I don’t doubt that you experienced connectivity problems, but on our end there was no significant fluctuation…” So, all the calls and the visits to the stores, the screenshots of no network, and ‘attempting to connect to network’, was summed up to him to be “some connectivity issues.”

During all of this, I had missed important calls from loan companies, my family, friends, and prospective jobs; not to mention a time when I was stranded on the side of the road after getting a blown tire. If it wasn’t for a local shop keeper, that barely spoke English, bless his heart, I would have lost my job (no call, no show is an automatic termination) and would have had to walk nearly 10 miles back home in scorching Florida heat, in heels, in less than savory areas.
My roommate, having seen me go through this from the beginning, will not be renewing her contract. I have told all of my coworkers my experience and they will not be switching to Sprint. Told my friends, who will also not be renewing, and it will not stop there.

I have got documented proof i.e. their notes, my notes, phone screenshots, receipts and more. All of this could have ended with a simple “We’re sorry for your experience, we hope to have you back as a customer in the near future, please disregard the ETC notification. Have a great day.” But unfortunately, that could not be done.

Posted by RH0615

These comments are horrible overall. Does anyone at the Sprint Corporate Office even care? Seriously. My company issues have lasted over 10 months and everything from reception to billing has been a nightmare and Sprint has cost us many frustrating hours. I will not bore you with the details but the "Dedicated Service" is anything but service.
If anyone wants to sue Sprint as a class for not delivering service count me in.

Posted by JIM

I Spent 35 Minutes On The Phone With Sprint To Ask Them To Remove An Activation Fee For Changing My Phone To An Iphone.

They Ended Up Reducing One Of Two Activation Fees. I Had To Talk To Three Persons Before I Could Get Someone To Approve This. I Also Had To Threaten To Terminate My Service Before They Would Consider Any Action.

This Is Lousy Customer Service. If Sprint Had Half A Brain, They Would Increase There Monthly Fees By $2/month Instead Of Charging Customers Everything Up Front. This Type Of Sticker Shock Of Paying Sprint For Nothing Is Ridiculus.

Posted by Casey

Sprint is the worst phone company I have ever used I am canceling my plan and will never suggest it, service is slow an my main complaint is this. My plan is under my name only but my ex has a phone through me, he was able to get into my account, change my pin and security question, and shut my phone off without my ssn or any complications even though his name was nowhere in the account. To make it even better I wasn't able to turn my phone back on or freeze the account without going into a store with photo ID. They need better security. I will tell anyone who asks never to go with sprint.

Posted by Patrick

They have no troubleshooting skills, and apparently aren't capable of managing a blockpoint change. They updated their system and my account information reverted to what it was years ago. Old address, email, everything. They texted me my pin, and when I gave it CS they stated it was wrong. Had them for 12 years, and now I'm shopping.

Posted by DON

Sprint Service is the worst on the market. The dropped calls, the hanging calls in thin air. Sprint is great with the excuses and wanting money but no help with service. What is terrible is 21 dropped calls in two days and when calling Sprint no outage in area tell me it's just the poor Sprint service because Sprint doesn't have the tower Verizon, etc have. That is bad when Sprint tells customers that they are not as good as the others. I am very dissatified.

Posted by one of the dumb people who bough

Very poor service...no 4g even though we pay $10 a month for it...most days we have a minimum of 3 or 4 dropped calls (and that is if our phone works at all!).
I think I will sue for charging me for service they cannot provide.

Posted by Anonymous

Horrible customer service. I ordered two wifi hot spot devices online after speaking to a Sprint Sales Associate through their website chat. The associate misinformed me and it cost me $70+. The 14 day guarantee is absolutely incorrect. You have to cancel the service/accounts 3 days from activation so you don't pay an activation fee. Activation occurs when you place your order NOT when you receive it and follow the directions that come with it that you need to that says you need to follow to activate it because it is already activated. I cancelled it the 3rd day I received the devices (4 from the order date). This is why I will NEVER try Sprint again. I hope people read this and stay away from Sprint! Horribly customer service!

Posted by LisaMarie

I was a Verizon customer for 18 years and switched to Sprint a year ago because of their package price. Biggest mistake ever!!! I have no service in most buildings, in my home, at my office. I drop calls, miss calls, and constantly have trouble with the internet. They offer a great price, but the service is beyond terrible. I hm locked in with them until September 2013 and can't wait to get out of my contract. I would rather pay more for Verizon and have complete use of my phone than to save anything with Sprint which, in my opinion, is worthless!!!

Posted by ICQ7

Sprint has failed to investigate a security breach at a Sprint Store where the store manager AND ALL EMPLOYEES have access to your bank information - routing check numbers even if you only use paper billing.

Sprint has spammed me with over 100 emails trying to close a case that the Fraud department refuses to investigate. WHY IS MY BANK INFORMATION AVAILABLE FOR SPRINT STORE WORKERS TO TAMPER WITH !!?? The service at sprint sucks.

Posted by Anonymous

I have stopped using different companies over the years, but NEVER have I been happier then to get rid of sprint. I have not been able to make and complete a call outside my house for months, and the tech support is horrible. I had numerous dropoped calls while on the phone with the tech support. Go you think they would have the decency to try to call ME back? Not once. They keep telling me that it is due to them upgrading, and they are almost done. That was more than 6 months ago. They finally gave me (after much fighting) a airrave which helped, but it to is lame. I had to reset it at least once a week. As far as I am concerned, they are crooks and stole my money for months. Good riddence!

Posted by SeanPatrick

Count me as another one ripped off by Sprint.

The wife, mother-in-law and I all got new phones at Sprint July 2011. The salesliar sold me on some total protection BS, $7/month covers EVERYTHING he assured me. Since I worked outdoors a lot in sports media, seemed like a good idea.

Fast-forward to Feb 2013. The screen on my HTC EVO 3D is not working, so I bring it in to Sprint. First I'm told that I don't take it to Sprint but some third-party outfit. Uh, okay. And only then for the FIRST TIME do they tell me I have to pay a $100 deductible?


Your guy told me my $7/month covers EVERYTHING - I've been paying for this service almost TWO YEARS and now you tell me I have to pay another $100 to actually USE it?

$7/month x 20 months = $140 + $100 surprise deductible = $240 they ripped me off for a REFURBISHED phone I could have got on eBay for half that.

Of course, when you tell the drones in the store it's, "Uh, nothing I can do."

Well I can - I am counting the days to be done with this scam. Their reputation for horrible service is well-earned. Buyer beware - I will never deal with this company again.

Posted by ACTION EMS

I own an ambulance company located in New Jersey switched to Nextel service in 2009. It was the biggest mistake and poor business planning on my part. Since 2009 the service was so bad we counted e mails complaining adding over 100. Lies after lies which is unlawful and we will prove it... How could they NOT" address these complaints with people lives depending on our services is beyond me!

To add insult to injury!We paid extra for the exspensive government plan other then the basic to insure "Better Service" since Feb, 2013. We were 'never placed on the plan but paid all these years for horrible services.

Feb 01,2013 they were advised our company is filing a judgement against them. The kicker..Since then, our service works perfectly. How is that? Did someone forget to add us on the plan and lie all these years? YES! they did!

We will put the final end to this incompetence once and for all.

Posted by antoniorw

Sprint is not the company i thought it was. PERIOD. I just got phones

in December 2012. I bought the phones from Sprint in Arundel Mills mall (buy one get one free). I asked how how much to activate them? I was told that I only

had to pay he phones and $36 per phone for activation.

GREAT! NOT!!!!!!!! I paid $200 before the phones when I signed up. Got the Bill...

$289 for a plan that I was told would cost no more than $165 including my Government discount.LIES!!!!

So they charge $5 to have a spending limit. Unless you do automatic bill pay that is. But of course I found that out after being on the phone for 30 minutes that even if my bill is below the spending limit they will still cut it off if the current amount due isn't paid on time. Like why do I have to pay a charge for a spending limit if it doesn't mean anything. So we are going to charge you for having a spending limit but even if you're under it we will cut you off. So I payed $107.10 on the $289 bill,thinking that I would be safe because it left only a $189 balance and that was under the spending limit of $600. NOT!!!!! They interrupted my service. So lets sum it up....in LESS than 30 DAYS I was charged $729 by sprint. $529 and the anytime minutes on the bill still say ZERO! No overages, no downloads, none of that. These were activation charges, fees, and prorated charges. I pay all of what they asked except for $190 and sprint reps tell me my service will be cut off even though I am $170 away from the spending limit that I am being charged $5 monthly for....WHAT A WAY TO MAKE A CUSTOMER FEEL GOOD!!!!#GREATJOB. So then the rep tells me that I can make a payment arrangement so that they won't cut the phone off. GEE THANKS!!!!

THANKS BUNCHES!!!!! So then I ask since it was LESS THAN 30 DAYS since we got the service could I cut it off because I have experienced several drop calls and the 4G speed that they advertise is false. NO. they changed it to 14 days and of course that time has passed. Of course there is a "early termination fee" which is equal to about 2 months of service. We have 2 phones so $700 total. Yep that's about 4 months of service. So I then inquired about suspending the service. Of course you can't do that until you have had the service for at least 90 days....Which we haven't had. So then I inquired about changing the plan because obviously it is going to be more expensive then what the sales rep told us. I was then told that because we have SMARTPHONES the only other plan that I would be able to get is actually EVEN MORE than the one that we are currently using. So basically we roped into a contract under false pretenses and there is nothing that can be done about it. I have to put up with the Lying sales rep that told me that I only had to pay $200 to purchase 2 phones for a bill that is not supposed to be more than $165 per month...run around customer service that does not have the authority to do anything but make payment arrangements. I am so sorry that I did not find these sites and reviews BEFORE I got the service, because I surely would not have signed up for this. Not at all. I saw all the reviews for "Award Winning" customer service.I only found this sight when I was looking for the Corporate Office contact info.AFTER I WAS ALREADY ANNOYED from being on the phone for an hour with no acceptable resolution to me. In my opinion this is NOT award winning customer service....I feel like I have been Hoodwinked into a lousy contract and it will ultimately cost me over $1200 to get a new provider unless I want to ruin my credit. Unless I have $1190 on hand I'm short. Which means that I would have had to spend $1290.00 to have had 2 sprint phones for ONE month. This doesn't even include the price that I payed for the phones. Then will still have to see about getting another phone with another carrier and how much they will charge. AWARD WINNING? I THINK NOT!! How can you have policies that don't benefit the customer. What happened to the customer is always right. I am assuming that whoever they surveyed for those results must have been paid. There is NO WAY with all of the reviews that I am finding that sprint could actually considered consumer friendly...furthermore have award worthy anything. I wish I had just went with my first instinct and walked on by. These are some websites that popped up that have numerous complaints about phones,services, and customer service. I don't know which people were surveyed but it was not any of us. The way I feel about this company right now I would not recommend it to ANYONE! I would tell them DO NOT use this service!!!! Their customer service and policies really suck.

I don't even want a cell phone anymore, I hate this phone now. I wish I never got it and now am forced to spend my money at a company that I am totally unhappy with for the next 2 years. I am SO SORRY that I ever signed up for this service! I think that I'm going to post this letter on some websites now.


Antonio W

Posted by Anonymous

Sprint is not the company i thought it was. PERIOD. I just got phones

in December. I bought the phones off craigslist. I took them to the

store and asked how how much to activate them? I was told that I only

had to pay a security deposit of $100 for each phone. Got them on.

GREAT! NOT!!!!!!!! I paid $200 before I even signed up. Got the Bill

$289 for a plan that I was told would cost no more than $165.LIES!!!!

So they charge $5 to have a spending limit. Unless you do automatic

bill pay that is. But of course I found that out after being on the

phone for 30 minutes that even if my bill is below the spending limit

they will still cut it off. Like why do I have to pay a charge for a

spending limit if it doesn't mean anything. So we are going to charge

you for having a spending limit but even if you're under it we will

cut you off. So I payed $209 on the $289 bill, thinking that I would

be safe because it left only a $70 balance and that was under the

spending limit. NOT!!!!! They said my service was scheduled to be

interrupted in 48 hrs. So lets sum it up....in LESS than 30 DAYS I

was charged $489 by sprint. $489 and the anytime minutes on the bill

still say ZERO! No overages, no downloads, none of that. These were

activation charges, fees, and prorated charges. I pay all of what they

asked except for $70 and sprint reps tell me my service will be cut

off even though I am $230 away from the spending limit that I am being

charged $5 monthly for....WHAT A WAY TO MAKE A CUSTOMER FEEL GOOD!!!!!

#GREATJOB. So then the rep tells me that I can make a payment

arrangement so that they won't cut the phone off. GEE THANKS!!!!

THANKS BUNCHES!!!!! So then I ask since it was LESS THAN 30 DAYS since

we got the service could I cut it off. NO. they changed it to 14 days

and of course that time has passed. Of course there is a "early

termination fee" which is equal to about 2 months of service. We have

2 phones so $700 total. Yep that's about 4 months of service. So I

then inquired about suspending the service. Of course you can't do

that until you have had the service for at least 90 days....Which we

haven't had. So then I inquired about changing the plan because

obviously it is going to be more expensive then what the sales rep

told us. I was then told that because we have SMARTPHONES the only

other plan that I would be able to get is actually EVEN MORE than the

one that we are currently using. So basically we roped into a contract

under false pretenses and there is nothing that can be done about it.

I have to put up with the Lying sales rep that told me that I only had

to pay $200 to activate 2 phones for a bill that is not supposed to be

more than $165 per month...run around customer service that does not

have the authority to do anything but make payment arrangements. I am

so sorry that I did not find these sites and reviews BEFORE I got the

service, because I surely would not have signed up for this. Not at

all. I saw all the reviews for "Award Winning" customer service.I only

found this sight when I was looking for the Corporate Office contact

info.AFTER I WAS ALREADY ANNOYED from being on the phone for an hour

with no acceptable resolution to me. In my opinion this is NOT award

winning customer service....I feel like I have been Hoodwinked into a

lousy contract and it will ultimately $1000 to get a new provider

unless I want to ruin my credit. This is the ONLY thing that I have

had in my name ever. Unless I have $770 on hand I'm short. Which means

that I would have had to spend $1259.00 to have had 2 sprint phones

for ONE month.This doesn't even include the price that I payed for the

phones. Then will still have to see about getting another phone with

another carrier and how much they will charge. AWARD WINNING? I THINK

NOT!! How can you have policies that don't benefit the customer. What

happened to the customer is always right. I am assuming that whoever

they surveyed for those results must have been paid. There is NO WAY

with all of the reviews that I am finding that sprint could actually

considered consumer friendly...furthermore have award worthy anything.

I wish I had just went with my first instinct and walked on by. These

are some websites that popped up that have numerous complaints about

phones,services, and customer service. I don't know which people were

surveyed but it was not any of us. The way I feel about this company

right now I would not recommend it to ANYONE! I would tell them DO NOT

use this service!!!! Their customer service and policies really suck.

I don't even want a cell phone anymore, I hate this phone now. I wish

I never got it and now am forced to spend my money at a company that I

am totally unhappy with for the next 2 years. I am SO SORRY that I

ever signed up for this service! I think that I'm going to post this

letter on some websites now.


Nikaiya Adams

Posted by Anonymous

I have been dealing with Sprint since September. I bought a new phone thinking it was my old phone going out to find out it was the service in my area. I was unable to use for phone for two months from my house and had to leave my neighborhood to use my phone. Then I started getting bogus charges for travel minutes. Apparently my phone is being picked up by towers in Washington state when I live in California. Every month I have been on the phone for hours getting the charges removed and trying to resolve the issue. I get a different story each time. I was on the phone again for this month's bill. I'm done with Sprint! I turned my phone off. I have been inconvenienced and aggravated beyond belief. Everything about Sprint is poor! Exhausted in California

Posted by tvance

I ordered a Samsung Galaxy II and called for a return shipment form and was told that they no longer gave 30 days for a return and even if I had returned it, I would still be subject to the 2 year extension and the buyout would be $350.00. I had been with Sprint for 7 years and I noticed that my bill kept going up and up. 10 bucks for 3g svc and after the Samsung another 10 for 4 g. I pointed out that we dont have 4 g and was told that didnt matter, that my phone had that capability so I was being charged. I was never informed of the 14 day return which I was told by the rep that it started when the phone shipped and by the time they recieved it on the return. Meaning if it sat in the warehouse 2 days before shipping and another 2 or 3 when received, that given the mailing time and time for me to play with it, say 2 days to decide I wanted to return it, it was engineered so the customer was at a time disadvantage and would be stuck with the phone, charged and also the auto contract extension. They are told not to tell customers about the new policy and you can no longer order phones from sprint you have to get them from a 3rd party...Best Buy.
Im done with Sprint, the extra charges, the higher rate to buy out your contract and the total lack of customer service. I have always paid on time, never been cut off and I feel because I was a long time sprint customer they used my familiarity with the usual policies against me and trapped me into being unable to return the phone in a timely manner and the extra 4 g charge which doesnt exist, and the 100 dollar increase in the buyout. I ported my number with Cox and will get a tracphone when I travel. I was shown no respect cooperation or caring or even any motivation on their part to retain me as a customer...Wish granted!

Posted by Anonymous

Sprint is doing nothing to encourage their Nextel customers to stay with Sprint as they shut down the Nextel network. In fact they are encouraging them to leave Sprint by charging all Nextel customers with an additional $10 fee per month. This charge is effective 1/1/13 according to a letter all Nextel customers received in Nov. 2012.
NEXTEL CUSTOMERS BEWARE: The charge is suppose to be prorated on your bill beginning 1/1/13. My Dec 3, 2012 to Jan 2, 2013 was prorate AND they charged me a full $10 in addition. Baffoons in Customer Service were actually trying to tell me this was correct. It took a manager to remove the charge plus about an hour on the phone. An hour of my life I would like to have back!

Posted by PAYeachmonthINFULL

The sprint employee name Porscha; the two enter id action numbers another employee provide me with for the employee is: enter action id
enter action i. I was calling sprint because my Internet wasn't working and I need tech support. As I was explaining my issue Porscha started Laughing. I asked her what was funny? What's funny about me? She laughed again. Then replied I don't you what you are talking ma'am. The conversation was record, so it's clear evidence she laughed twice at me. I felt discriminated, and uncomfortable during the call. Why am I being treated like this and I'm paying $88 a month in full, and sprint staff discriminating against me. I was so upset, I am commenting and did not resolve my issue with someone else, but I felt offend and very upset. I will contact corporate because I want something done about this conflict I had with the employee Porscha. She had an African American voice, not sure of her race. Also, I am African American too.

Posted by Anonymous

Sprint has the worst customer service for loyal customers who have been with them since nextel, then later merged into Sprint. They charge ridiculous fees and offer no room for compromise. If I can, I will cancel all my 5 lines with Sprint.

Posted by Anonymous

I was a nextel customer for 13yrs and the service was great. after Sprint started taking over my service got worse. i was told they were weeding nextel out and the sprint service was better. i was not in a contract for 4 yrs and i went with sprint. this was right after the hurrican hit. i had no service. i was told because of the storm and service would be restored and better than before. the service still sucks and my 2 week return policy is overe and they now want me to pay a cancellation fee. is this how they make there money.. bad service and then charge people when they drop them for their bad service..

Posted by Frustrated in Denver

I bought a new iPhone in June 2012. I bought unlimited minutes and text and data. Sales person signed me to a wrong plan with limited minutes. By the time I noticed this error and contacted Sprint two months had gone by. Sprint blamed me for not calling earlier to report the error and refuses to give me credit for over $500 in overage of minutes.


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