Singer Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Singer customer service is ranked #948 out of the 1023 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 19.18 out of a possible 200 based upon 102 ratings. This score rates Singer customer service and customer support as Terrible.


101 Negative Comments out of 102 Total Comments is 99.02%.


1 Positive Comment out of 102 Total Comments is 0.98%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Singer

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 19.18 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 101 negative comments (99.02%)
    • 1 positive comments (0.98%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.0 Issue Resolution
    • 1.9 Reachability
    • 1.9 Cancellation
    • 2.2 Friendliness
    • 2.1 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Anonymous

Terrible customer service and support. No reply to e-mails. Not updates. Delivery is very late. Online purchase is not reliable service. Not interesting to buy anything again this company.

Posted by Singer TV service center damage

I am really dissaponted about your service center services at kota road. My TV has been handed over to repair your service center on 17.07.2021 due to no picture once it switched on (job no- 2409373) After 10 days one of your worker called me and asked that my TV cannot be repair because your company does not have such parts at the moment. After one day another person called and told me that you could have to chance to repair it and one of your singer SERVICE AGENT" will communicate with me on this regards. However 30th of July Your SERVICE AGANET (Lasantha-0775318843) called me that TV has repaired. He can come with the Tv to my residence. He came on 01.08.2021 with the TV and cost was 6800.00. ( reiept no 926402).
When i see my TV its frame has been cracked in six places ans tape sticks in every where. What is the service you are providing to your loyal customers.
However i accept my TV Because i have no any other option. Children are watching cartoon at the noon everyday.
Next day again tv was not worked and informed your TV AGENT. Then he came and ckecked. After many days Singer vehicle came to collect my Tv Without any document. I asked them to give me a document and get back tv. Then teo days back they sent an email and collect the TV.
Still no any possitive answer.
Today i calles your service center manager - 0706514565. He offered 30% discount becuase of the damage they have made. Now a days your singer web page has sever level discount. He given 30% from the LIST PRICE. unfair. Its actual discount like 17%-15%. What a service. Then i get a contact number 0773505150 of regenal service manager and made my complaint. Really he is not suitable for such a possition. Even my complaint not accepted.

I have many of singer products.
Mr. Dammika Perera, i made this complain about your people.
Please take necessary action regarding my complain.
I am waiting to hering a possitive feedback

Posted by Salman


Posted by Isuru Karunaratne

I am very dissapointed about the sevice of Singer i bought a LED 49" TV with a 3 year Warrenty the Tv strted giving a problem and the service team came and collected the TV afterwards since the tv was irreparable service centre told to get a new TV for free of charge thwn i visited the Singer Mega Nugegoda and they are informing me that they dont have 49" tvs and they can give a 42" tv for the price i bought the erlier TV i bought a 49" tv because of my requirement now thay are saying that they can give me that or i have to pay more and get a 43" smart tv paying 25,000 rupees extra this is totally unprofessional and unethical and unacceptable of Singer i will never sight Singer in my life so horrible after sales service!!!! Mr.Dhammika Perera Singer Service is extremely poor and i will never buy anything again from Singer!!

Posted by Anonymous

I bought an orbitrack from your outlet at duplication Rd in March 2020. The machine was not used for about 8 months,when I tried using it, the handle cracked and came apart. Complained to the said branch, but I have not heard from them regarding the after sales service

Posted by Anonymous

The after sale service of singer is very bad . I bought a washing machine from singer after two months it got problem . After several times of calling and going there branch almost after 3 weeks they send their service man for servicing .But they didn't fixed my machine properly and it showing problem again . Several times I called them but they didn't respond and didn't fix my machine .
Don't buy any product from singer if any problem occurs you will not get proper response .

Posted by Anonymous

Very disappointing after sale service. When complaints are made to customer care they promise to get back to you in 2 days. This never happens. Despite several reminders already one week has passed no one has contacted or visited home to rectify the defect. We have been long standing customers of Singer. My complaint No.w0210422850740. Made on 22 nd April 2021 to customer care. Upto now no one has contacted or attended to my complaint.ginigathhena manager is verry horrible man

Posted by Anonymous

I thought you are a very good company but you are having very bad customer service because i purchased a cloth coupboard on 22 april 2021 but until 25 april nobody came to fit the coupboard after purchased you dont thing about the customer

Posted by C. Fernando

Very disappointing after sale service. When complaints are made to customer care they promise to get back to you in 2 days. This never happens. Despite several reminders already one week has passed no one has contacted or visited home to rectify the defect. We have been long standing customers of Singer. My complaint No.1852533. Made on 19 th April 2021 to customer care. Upto now no one has contacted or attended to my complaint.

Posted by Harith Eng Co,Ltd

Hi Singer, I am Singer customer and for the last yaer have alredy purchsed more than ten Singer AC units. Just to inform you that very poor after sales service and my home AC was stoped since last sunday no cool at all, Informd the situation more than ten times so far no action from your end... Horriable service Singer

Posted by Complaint

I have been a loyal customer of Singer for over 30 years and with this confidence I purchased a Deep Freezer from the Kegalle Singer Plus Shop on 23/03/2021 on an easy payment scheme. ( Number -Copy of BNMA 10 8590/site code BNM010)

I was in a hurry to purchase a Deep Freezer as it was an urgent requirement. At the time of my inquiry for a Deep Freezer I was told by the Manager that there were no stocks available and he could make an arrangement after discussing with the Head office to home-deliver the Deep Freezer before 25th.With this assurance I paid initial payment Rs.15150/-) and reserved the item.

At the time of the initial discussion with the Manager I explained to him that we need to store fish and meat separately in the Deep freezer and he showed us a picture of a Deep Freezer with two apartments which I agreed to purchase.

As promised we didn't receive the product on the following day but they delivered the same on 25th,at about 1.30. PM. With the understanding that we received the required Deep Freezer we stored Meet and ice cream in the two separate sections of the Deep Freezer.
However towards evening we noticed that ice cream section of the Deep Freezer is not cooling enough and ice cream stored in it is getting melted. I informed this to the Singer Service Section thinking that it was a manufacturing defect but they inform that it was the nature of the product. At that time only I realized that we were given a wrong product by the Singer Manager and this was informed to the Manager immediately.

His( Manager) explanation was that the customer should have known that if there were two sections ,it was for deed freezer and for normal cooling. When I told him that we were not educated by the Manager about his product and thereafter requested him to exchange the product to the correct one, which is having two sections with equal deep freezing, he says that he has no authority to do so.
Since the Deep Freezer given by the Singer Manager is no use for our purpose I request Singer authority to look in to this matter and rectify the situation at their earliest.

Posted by Anonymous

My mom has been a seamstress all of her life! Even after retiring, she still continues to sew. She is 78 years old and can still make the most beautiful clothes/crafts that you've ever seen! She's made wedding dresses, bridal attendants dresses, curtains, etc. You name it, my mom can make it! Her sewing machine finally bit the dust so she decided to get her a new one! I took her to our local Walmart and she decided to purchase the heavy duty singer machine. She was so excited! Like a kid in a candy shop! Well, we get the machine home and get it set up in her sewing room. We then discover that there are a bunch of different buttons that we had no idea what they did. So... we proceeded to look for the book explaining all of the buttons and their functions. Well, we didn't find a book. What we did find was a post card looking piece of paper that was to be used to order the book ($15) that would explain all of the buttons and their functions!!!! I was fuming! Not about the $15! That's nothing! If you could have seen the happiness and excitement just completely be taken over by hurt and being let down that my mom felt.... you would understand why I was mad!!! This is a dirty way to do business and a good way to lose business! She has always purchased Singer products. I have a strong feeling, that after today, that will change. She says she's going to box the machine back up and take it back. I'm not going to try to talk her out of it either! There was a Brother machine setting right beside of it that did the exact same thing!!!! Singer really dropped the ball on this one!!!! It was a very sneaky, dishonest way of doing business! If you aren't going to include the book that explains the details of the machine, then you need to put it ON THE BOX that the book has to be ordered separately! I understand that my mom's $200 will not break your company; however, if the word gets out to enough people... who knows? Dirty, sneaky business equals losing a customer!!!!!

Posted by WH

I googled singer to try to reach someone who CARES at their corporate office, and found this site with all the complaints!
I ordered a machine and when it arrived the box was damaged and parts were missing. it's been 2 weeks and I still do not have the parts.
I tried leaving a bad review on their page, and I got an email saying it did not meet their website guidelines, and was removed.
I'm on a mission now to be heard.

Posted by Bandara

Don't buy laptops from Singer mega or whatever the outlets.
Laptops are worst and the service is money and time wasting.
Take only the service charge but very bad service.

Again I'm telling don't buy laptops from Singer mega. Only marketing and branding. No quality.

Posted by samantha

I tried getting Technical support for a fridge brought from them. Suddenly the lower compartment stopped cooling and we had to remove all items from it. From sometime the cooling wasn't happening properly and food was turning bad due to that. I called them on a Saturday and they asked to log the issue through their Self Care App. I did so and informed them, to which they replied they don't have any technicians near by and promised to send a on Monday. Since no-one arrived on the said time, I called them back, to which they responded that they don't have anyone available. I was pissed off and wanted to call their head office and all the lines were busy or were un-attended. Shop with these guys if you are ready run into disappointments like this.

Posted by Priyadar

Extremely bad service of your outlet. Your company forward massage as delivered successful but it is not true. Request wardrobe and office cupboard delivered box of wood. So pleasure service. Paid cash Rs 74833 at 12th January complete delivery 3rd February still not it not in usable situation wordrode and office cupboard.
We think singer is best brand to customers. But now we know you bad service.hence we will never do transaction with singer also I communicate my colleagues about it.

Posted by Lasi

Singer,, Really Really horrible pathetic service from AC service Section of 0112743806. For the third time also no action at all. Already given calls more than ten times. So can we get this AC service from out side party and who will pay the cost ???

Posted by Xpen2000

Ordered and paid for an accessory online for my sewing machine. The merchandise has not arrived after a month. Their on-line customer services is invalid and no phone call is answered or returned.

Posted by Nirukshitha

Dear All,
I purchased Prestige Blender few years back with 3 years extended warranty from the Singer SL katubedda(Moratuwa) branch . Before the warranty was expired, Bender cup was damaged due to its fault and given it katubedda branch for sending it for repair. It was handed over to them on 14th Dec 2019 with the Job number WO19121410221552. On 06th March 2020, I got a message from Singer Service center saying that product has been released from Singer service center. Accordingly I visited to the Katubedda branch and checked it before collecting. But they haven't fixed the issue. Therefore, I rejected it and told them to do the job properly. When they were rerunning it , warranty had been expired . Therefore, I told them to correct their fault without cost because it was given it Singer before expiring the warranty and they took so long to repair. As the fault happened from Singer side, Branch Manager committed to repair it without cost , but now he is trying to give me a new cup with its cost.
It's really disappointed way he talked to me today and he has forgotten his commitments and try to charge for me. I do not want to pay for that because this was given to them for repair before expiring the warranty. I do not want to accept their delay in repair and not satisfy the service and customer service. Anyway , I do not recommend anyone to purchase anything from Singer as they are not providing good service as expected.

Posted by Samitha

I'm very disappointed with the service. I brought zogi sewing machine in 12/19. Today is 12/23 but operator didn't come to fix it until today

Posted by Anonymous

Never expect after sales service ....Not a promising brand at all..???

Posted by Ruth G

On October 23, 2020, I purchase an extension table for my Singer 6800 sewing machine. As of this writing (December 9, 2020), still have not received table or refund. Three months and no closure except for hundreds of emails and promises of shipping or refund and nothing. Customer service lies and states they shipped the item and/or requested a refund (Dana). Now Dana claims she found the shipment in the warehouse and would ship immedately. That was 3 days ago and still no tracking info or table. Unbelieveable how Singer has become one of the worst companies to deal with. Used to use Singer all the time -- never again.

Posted by Disgruntled employees.

I bought a Daewoo microwave on 20th Of October 2020 i tried to heat up a small amount of food place it on 3min but it was warm i had to place it on another 3mins so it could be hot enough i took it back to the store in cross road and asked if i could pay the difference and get a different brand so said they would have to pull it to see what was wrong which they did and then i was told that i should come and collect it because nothing to wrong. This is not the first microwave i had bought and use do you people think i am Making up a story i have been shopping with singer 15 years now all my appliances were purchased at singer.I look up your exchange policy and i see nothing which says i could not get it exchange i took it back with everything in place as how i got it if i was a rich person in high society no questions would be asked. Disgruntled customer.

Posted by Anonymous

We purchased refrigerator,microwave,AC(ionizer) in 2018 and IPS, water purifier, AC(inverter) in 2020 from Kalabagan branch(Manager: Mizanur Rahman) but we did not recieve any purchase documents even after asking frequently. All but installment of inverter AC are complete. We don't wish to pay anymore and want our documents through email.Also we want to return inverter AC. We have bank transfer history as proof of purchase.Please send our documents and take back AC.Purchase should be in the name of Tasmi Tamanna or Mohammad Zavid Parvez.

Posted by Anonymous

I received the singer talent from my daughter for the light sewing I do. But the threading system does not work and only tangles the thread each time I try to thread it. I don't see often but it seemed like the perfect price point for my usage level. I brought it to a singer dealer and he fixed it. But it happens months later when I used it again. I want to return it to singer.


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