Sallie Mae Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Sallie Mae customer service is ranked #800 out of the 1023 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 24.13 out of a possible 200 based upon 312 ratings. This score rates Sallie Mae customer service and customer support as Terrible.


301 Negative Comments out of 312 Total Comments is 96.47%.


11 Positive Comments out of 312 Total Comments is 3.53%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Sallie Mae

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 24.13 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 301 negative comments (96.47%)
    • 11 positive comments (3.53%)
    • 1 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.5 Issue Resolution
    • 2.2 Reachability
    • 1.7 Cancellation
    • 2.8 Friendliness
    • 2.1 Product Knowledge

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Posted by firsuresuz

I have repeatedly contacted Sally Mae Customer service requesting a hard copy of my loan status. I am told that I would get one, but to date, I have received nothing. I have contacted them at least twenty times in the past two years.

Posted by No Respect for the Financially D

Ever since I graduated, I have had difficulty paying Sallie Mae because they charged exorbitant rates that exceeded the monthly and yearly gross income that I earned. I would send what I could afford because I made an executive decision to pay the rent and help relatives that had no viable options for help otherwise. However, not one single dime of anything I have sent has ever been credited to my account. Yes, they have a record, but they have never credited what I have paid in over 15 years. I recently sent them a check for $3200 and had the company that issued the check on conference call and they blatantly lied and said that they never received the check. After I lost my temper and screamed and shouted, the representative finally acknowledged receipt of the check. This constant bickering has sent me to the emergency room on numerous occasions throughout the years. They do not set payment standards according to your income, and if you make a four or five figure income that is exceptionally low, they expect you to pay what you would earn if your salary was six figures. I do not even know of ANYONE who can afford over $2000 per month even with six figures! What do you do if your rent is $1600, your medication is $678 per month and your healthcare/hospice is $500 per month? They seem to think you can wave a wand and make money appear when there isn't any money coming in! And if you make an honest and concerted effort to send whatever you can when you can, even if you wind up eating out of the dumpsters for dinner, they refuse to acknowledge it. SOMEONE NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE THIS COMPANY.

Posted by jr

I contacted Sallie Mae by phone to discuss my loan repayment etc. I am new to repayment and was asking a lot of questions in order to understand. After I was asking about the 0.25% discount for an autopay -- she at first was unhelpful, then said "I'm gonna need to place you on hold for 2-3 minutes while I pull up my calculator"... This customer service employee was rude, inconsiderate and power tripping on her ability to place me on hold. Not sure if she gave me her correct name.. But "Tommy " made an innocent and curious conversation turn into a very upsetting and frustrating experience. Very displeased with Sallie Mae right now.

Posted by Anonymous

I have a comment that was rejected, because it claims this message was already posted. I'll reword.
Sallie Mae called at 08:00 on Labor Day. I jumped out of bed to listen to a recording telling me I am late. I over pay the $87 monthly by $113. That is, I sent $200 on Aug 8th. Check your own records (the check has cleared).
Wow, you people are frustrating. Have a human call me.

Posted by Anonymous

TherevARE NO humans at Sallie Mae. The above contact info put me in an unending recording loop. Sallie called me at 08:00 on Labor Day with a recording. I am up to date on my daughters payments. Why call me with a recording? Have a human call me, rather that even consider the thought that YOU made a mistake. I will continue to make a $200 (minimum = $87) monthly. Check your records. Next call should be a human to apologize to me! Give me your number so I can wake YOU on a Holiday, for no reason.
Check your records, clowns!!!!

Posted by HAO

NEVER cosign for,or borrow from Sallie Mae. Ive been paying for 4 yrs a month ahead of due date. The dysfunctional, inept, negligent dumbasses still screw it up. They lose payments, misapply payments constantly and then call and want $. I despise them! it is as if Sallie Mae does everything they can to keep you from paying. Ive called corporate office twice to get things fixed. I have to call them again now. I REPEAT, DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH SALLIE MAE. You will be sorry you did.

Posted by fallguye6011

This is one of the most unorganized, Mickey Mouse companies I've ever seen. I'm sorry to say I've had to deal with these idiots since 1997 when college came to an end. Boy do I ever rue the day these jokers bought my loan out in 93 without me ever knowing anything about it. One minute I was dealing with my hometown bank and a lady I know, the next minute, I'm dealing with SM. With all the harassing phone calls, junk mail and emails I've gotten from them, I almost regret ever going to college.
With some of the poorly paying jobs I've had, these people have never been anything but a nuisance expense. I've used forbearance before, however, I don't care to be dealing with these jabronis the rest of my life, so I'm paying what I can, when I can, and often paying for two months at once, usually one month behind.
Their customer support and service can only be described as nothing short of a circus act.
Recently, I received calls first thing on a Monday morning, two weeks straight, with an automated message saying it was important I get on their website.
The first time, I knew it was because I was a month on payments, but then again, 95 percent of the time they won't call you unless it involves late payments. I didn't bother getting on the site since I'd sent a payment off before the first call came.
Nine days since I'd sent off the payment, the same call came again at the same time. Nothing like having an automated bill collector calling you first thing on a Monday morning.
I care to have as little to do with SM as possible, so I very rarely attempt to get on their website, so of course, I couldn't find my password and had to attempt to reset it. I wasn't going to get another call a week later, so I reluctantly tried getting on. I tried the temporary password they'd sent me, but neither time was I allowed access before they locked me out of my account. Sadly, calling their customer service was my last resort.
After about a 10 minute wait, I was finally connected to some foreigner I could hardly understand. I'd asked him why I was being harassed again when my payment should've been received before the second Monday? After being put on hold numerous times and hearing how much I owed at least twice from him, he said my payment had yet to be received. This was well over a week after I got the check in the mail. I told the idiot that I was being harassed to get on the website, then I got locked out of it because their password didn't work. He had nothing to say about that and the next thing I knew, the conversation was over either from disconnection or he hung up on me.
The real surprise was when I found out the next day I'd be getting an overdraft less than 12 hours after I talked to the moron since the check had come back if I didn't get more money in that day. The cashier said the check had come through before I'd called CS in the first place.
I wondered why I'd wasted 25 minutes on the phone to basically just hear what I owed several times when my payment was already there. I've even been harassed at my job by both CS and a collection agency long ago with the collections threatening me on more than one occasion at work. How both places found out where I worked beats me. I do know we'd have probably caught Saddam Hussein and bin Laden quicker if we'd turned them into SM.
Like most have said on here, if you're looking to get a loan, go anywhere but Sallie Mae. You'll be sorry if you do, they're one jumbled up mess and you'll know less the more you deal with them.

Posted by anblls

On July 15th i called Sallie Mae to request a payment scheduled for the 24th be changed to the 2nd of August. i was on the phone with the representative over 45minutes and was given the confirmation number for the canceled payment as well as for the new payment. On the 24th Sallie mae withdrew the money from my account causing 6 checks to go into overdraft at $35.00/ea. ($210.00). I immediately called and was given to a supervisor who called my bank with me (because they didt' see the paymetn anywhere in their system)...after speaking an confirming with the bank i sent the appropriate proof of the payments to them via email and was assured the monies would be back in my account 24 -72 hours later. Today, $210.00 was refunded (the overdraft amount), not the payment or the additional overdraft fee that came in yesterday. I have been given the runaround since 8am this morning, with "managers" saying they were taking care of it and would call me back in 1/2 hour. Well it is now 6 1/2 hours and numerous phone calls later and i have yet to speak to anyone who can tell me anything. When a payment is late i get phone calls non stop and many many threatening letters. This is th worst company to deal with, i agree, we need to get a class action suit together to stop these people. This is not the first or second time this has happened; anytime you call to make a change you can rest assured you have to make at least 3 or 4 follow up calls to be certain it was done correctly. Biggest mistake i have ever made dealing with them.

Posted by Murphyjoed

As an educated professional who has dealt with the public and customers for over 30 years, I can only say that these people are the most incompetent and untrained I have ever encountered. I am responsible for payment of co-signed loans and have taken over the Federal loan repayments for my children. I faithfully send my payments in on time. Over 8 years, these people have lost my payments, misapplied loan payments, and have harassed my with round the clock telephone calls when they screw up. I have spent hours on the phone over the years with their "customer service" reps. correcting their mistakes. I have never received an apology. I have also filed a complaint with the attorney general of the state where I had sent my loan payments. I think it is time to get people together and file a class action suit against these low class thieves and expose them to any student out there who might be thinking of getting a salliemae loan. In the alternative, we need to write to our congressmen and senators and expose this company. We should also write to the attorney general, consumer fraud, in the state you live. I don't know what else to do to get out the word of unsuspecting students applying for salliemae loans. Please give me some hope.

Posted by Anonymous

atodsy,7/01, 2013. I made the ninth callto Sallie Mae regarding a loan my 84 year old mother , co-signed in 2007. I became her power of attorney in 2009. My mother has never worked. She was drawing a social security check for $372.00 amont. She had excellnet credit. Two $15.00 a month payments to two department stores. My dad, the bread wiiner of the family had alwayd paid all the bills and made the income for the family. Sallie Mae stated to me they do not care about the income, only the credit rating when they open loans. Let me see if I understand this. I can have $372.00 a month in social security, but when the bread winner of the family deceass and the household in come drops to $1100 a month you come afrter the comaker , who could not have qualilfed to beging with. Predatory was the word that came to my mind. The student, was out of work with no income( not ilogical in this time period). So Sallie Mae states if you make 10 payments in a row for $169.00 amont, and send in the request form we will wprk to get the co-signer released. Of went th payments and the release form. OOPs , they said the didn't get it but they did get ia copy of my power of attorney. Odd they sopoke with me all along with out it and odd again that they didn't get a copy of the relese that was with the release form. Yet a supervior sdtates she sees it " in the notes". Now for the part I don't get. The representative stated thata part of the release was that school had to be completed. Well, Computor has been out of business, can't finish the school that doesn't exist anymore. Bettter yet, there is a class action suit against that company. I spoke to Unit Manager, Cary Foss and he stated he could not discuss that matter, when I asked for the Department Head or Directors name to address the issue, he said he did not have to provide that information, and he did not. I called back for the information.The folllowing representatives refused to give me the information, Pamela Stevenson, "Lindsey" Stevenson,Chris ext 57278. I finally got 1 rep who knew how to proceed with a Regustered complaint. Gerald Hornbuckle. He gave me the name of the atrty I wished to address. I had given them the copy of the last payment for $170.00 dated 6-7-2013 cashed by Salle Mae check 1826 and the account number. I advised them to query the date 6-7-2013 for payements received with check 1826 and they had still not done so after 2 weeks. They sugggested I send a copy, I advsied them to pay for the fee and I would send the copy. I made the decision to protect my mother, I would address this with my state senator. I have sevral issues of lending practises, collection practises, and disclosure practises that need to be addressed. The Virginia Attoney General needs to know that if you wnat banks to follow guidelines, so should the governmant agencies. I spent 35 years in the banking industry and can assure you this needs to have a serious overview by the Department of Education, The Treasury Department and the Justice Depatrment. I will mail a letter to Kelly Hoiser, Sr Director of Collections and await her response to deficiencies in her department. I believe she will take the problems seriously. C. A. Hickman

Posted by me

Do not take out a loan with this company. These people treat you like you always owe them something instead of helping you. The managers have an excuse for everything the one i talked to was Megan. I suggest that anyone looking for a student loan should go somewhere else.

Posted by acct123

Sallie Mae Is A Criminal!!! They Will Steal Your Money And When You Call For Help, They Never Help You. They Claim They Fixed Your Account, But Really They Just Re-arrange Your Payment History, So At The End Of The Day, You Owe More Mone. Do Yourself A Favor And Never Get A Student Loan Through Sallie Mae!! Biggest Mistake Of My Life!!!

I Had To Call To Complain, And The Supervisor On The Phone Started To Yell At Me Before Hanging Up. They Claim That The Employees Who Are Incharge Of Fixing Accounts Are Not Allowed To Talk To Outsiders. Biggest Scam Ever

Posted by D

Worst customer service and collectors, the verbal I have had to go through with these people is out of this world.

Posted by pinkslppr

Under no certain terms should you EVER get a loan from Sallie Mae. The person that said "screw Sallie Mae" is absolutely right they do just what he said in his comment above. They are ridiculous and horrible to deal with. They should be against the law and shut down.

Posted by Anonymous

I have had the worst experience ever in repaying the student loan for my daughter that started in 1999 and is only one quarter paid now in 2013. They never answer questions or address concerns, only harrass when a payment is late. There have been more mixups with the loan than I can name. When calling the "help" number I never spoke to anyone on USA soil. Strang it seems for a Federal USA loan!
Charlotte NC


WHAT EVER YOU DO DON'T GET A LOAN FROM SALLIE MAE!!! They are the worst company ever to deal with. They tell you one thing then they change things around with out tell you and then they blame you for not making your payments (example) payment due date is the 28th of every month and is set up with automatic withdraw. They take a payment on the 28th of one month then on the 15th of the next month they change your due date to the 5th and because it is past the 5th they say you are late on your payments. It's BS AND SO ARE THEY!!!!

Posted by Rusty

The worst company I have ever dealt with. There are so many other companies to use, please don't do what I did and use Sallie Mae. Everytime you need to speak with someone you will be let down. I talked to Latricia in the ghetto (I know this because she said "I'm in the ghetto dawg"). I was then transferred to I think it was Alger, or Aljeer (English is definitely not his first or second language). I have been told lies when people don't know what the answer is, given the wrong pay date, the wrong forbearance end date, invalid credit card entry, a voided credit card entry that made my payment late because no one put a name on the card I used, and not to mention sitting on hold for hours out of a day to try to find someone that has more brains then my dog. I think they write things down with crayons, that is why they can never keep track of anything.

Posted by susan

absolutely the worst customer service ever. Never again will I get a loan from them and will get rid of them as soon as possible. I will tell everyone I know not to go to them for a loan.

Posted by Tiffany30

The customer service collections man that called me tonight not only shut the recorder off so he could yell at me and accuse me of not paying for no reason but then when I got angry hurried up and turned the recorder back on as to make it look like he had done nothing and I was just blowing up at him for no reason.

Posted by LouAnn

This is the worst customer service I have ever received. I can't believe they are so unwilling to help or just basically do their job. . I submitted a request by fax twice with supporting documents to start a loan deferment as per their instructions. They sent me a generic letter 2 weeks later saying "thanks for contacting us, here are the services we provide." Well DAHHHHH I called them and explained the situation that I am applying for an economic hardship deferment and I need it processed yesterday because I am buying a house and they need to see that my loans are in a deferment. They just argued with me, and started blaming ME yes I said ME for why they didn't process the loan deferment. Then they said that I can wait 2 more weeks for it to be processed. Their attitude is accusatory and they act like its not their job to help. Even when they do something wrong they are not willing to fix it or make it right. Unbelievable!!!

Posted by Anonymous

Taking out student loans was the worst mistake I made in my life. They will not work with you to see what you can afford or postpone your payments to give you time to find a job. They basically don't care.

Posted by happybooker98

I wanted an online savings account that I could access immediately and I made the mistake of using Sallie Mae. They delayed one transfer 2 to 3 business days. Then, on another transfer, because my monthly transfer to their savings account was pending, they delayed my transfer until the deposit went through, even though the transfer and deposit were unrelated. I will NEVER use Sallie Mae again.

Posted by Dont use Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae customer service is horrible. They obvious do no value their customer. I will never use them again and I put them on facebook to warn everyone not to use them.

Posted by dchery

Sallie Mae has been the most difficult to deal with even when you are upfront about your circumstances/situation. I would avoid them at all cost if I could do it differently!

Posted by anthony39482

Every year we have to reapply for IBR and every year Salliemae computes our payments wrong so we get to call and talk to customer service. My wife has been reduced to tears more than once because of the level of ineptitude. Their customer service reps seem to have no idea what they are doing. If you get one that seems like he is just making stuff up off the top of his/her head, you just have to hang up and try again. Every year, eventually, we have contacted someone who is able to fix the seemingly simple problem. This year we have had no luck so far...not sure what to do.


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Company News
Sallie Mae Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2016 Financial Results
NEWARK, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sallie Mae (Nasdaq: SLM), formally SLM Corporation, today released fourth-quarter 2016 and full-year 2016 financial results. In 2016, the company grew private education loan originations 8 percent to $4.7 billion, ...
Sallie Mae posts $71M profit in second quarter 2017
The announcement comes just days after Sallie Mae revealed it has asked Delaware to provide a $2.2 million taxpayer-funded grant to help fund the addition of 285 new jobs at a customer service center near New Castle. The company says it plans to spend ...
Sallie Mae Reports Third-Quarter 2018 Financial Results
Sallie Mae executives will be on hand to discuss highlights of the quarter and to answer questions related to company performance. Individuals interested in participating should dial 877-356-5689 (USA and Canada) or 706-679-0623 (international) and use ...