Pinterest Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Pinterest customer service is ranked #859 out of the 1023 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 22.41 out of a possible 200 based upon 156 ratings. This score rates Pinterest customer service and customer support as Terrible.


151 Negative Comments out of 156 Total Comments is 96.79%.


5 Positive Comments out of 156 Total Comments is 3.21%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Pinterest

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 22.41 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 151 negative comments (96.79%)
    • 5 positive comments (3.21%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.5 Issue Resolution
    • 1.6 Reachability
    • 1.7 Cancellation
    • 2.6 Friendliness
    • 2.2 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Cindymansu

They suspended my account and when i called they want me to pay them $149 to reinstate my account. Its a free site, its extortion

Posted by DJeffery

I had a board there called "My Fan Fiction" which linked to various chapters of my fan fiction over at FanFiction. I had to delete that board since Pinterest has now decided that such links "may lead to spam", and won't allow them to connect.

Geez! I can't even promote my own work over on Pinterest anymore (Facebook will let me. Twitter will let me. DeviantArt will let me. What makes Pinterest so high and mighty?!)

Posted by Barni2212

My account get suspended for no reason. They said they sent me an email about the reason to my suspension but I never get such an email. I tried to contact with the support about 8-10 times but I never got any response. I lost probably over 5000 pin. I will never ever use this fake site again. I gave you an advice you should do the same. They suspending accounts for no reason. Honestly go to Hell Pinterest with all your employees as well....

Posted by DJeffery

Pinterest is getting to be too much of a pain. Followers suddenly drop you without any rhyme or reason, when you have a number of boards that should appeal to almost everybody.I'm seriously considering cutting my losses and leaving Pinterest.

Posted by hushhhh

Everyone that says Pinterest essentially has NO customer service is correct. For the second time since I started using Pinterest years back, I've been suspended. I'm very careful with my pins. They state that I've been sent an email about the suspension - NOT TRUE. Nothing. Of course, no one ever gets back to you from customer service, even though it says that they will and even gives you a basic timeline for responses. It's a joke. Once I figure out how, with my account suspended, I will fully remove my stuff from the site and never visit it again. A shame - I used my boards mostly as a file cabinet for ideas, recipes, etc. All that time, wasted.

Posted by Anonymous

I've been a long time Pinterest customer and I enjoy everything they send to me into my inbox.
I have been having problems for a while and I have no reason why this keeps happening. I continue to receive in my inbox Pinterest pins however, when I try to open them nothing happens. Then say a couple of weeks later they say welcome back and I'm able to open my pins, then the next day or even later on in the day, I again try to open and nothing happens. I would like to continue to receive pins but this is very frustrating and this is a free service for anyone who wants to sign up for them. I would like to know why this keeps happening?

Posted by Silly girl

Pinterest has suspended my personal account not used for business or spam. Won't respond. Can't access email Pinterest is using gave alternative email with their help center on Pinterest site. No response or resolving the issue. I no longer want an account with them and they will not delete or reactivate it so i can delete it. Highly disappointed with Pinterest. Been a faithful pinner for years. You suck Pinterest.

Posted by Micah

I am about to quit Pinterest. It's become nothing more than an ad board. I'm fed up with "promoted pins".
It's also extremely annoying to click on a pin to look at it more closely and your entire feed changes. There were other things I was interested in on the previous page dangit! Not everyone has the attention span of a fly.
I used to enjoy pinning so much. But I suppose that didn't make anyone any richer.

Posted by Scoz

My account was "suspended" for re-pinning too many pins in different boards! I didn't even realize it and would never had done so if I had known I was going to be blocked out of my account. I have been contacting Pinterest for over a month now with zero response. I am an artist and use Pinterest daily for notes and ideas. I have invested a great deal of time over the past years organizing my account for my career. Now I have no access to it and have not been able to reach anyone through the "Help" center. I have found online through articles and blogs that this is the case for many others as well. NO RESPONSE FROM PINTEREST!!!!

Posted by I dont think I have one

I was suspended and did nothing that I know of
I don't even know how to spam and barely can use the internet

Posted by Not given

Obviously Pinterest does not care about its customers. Customer service for this platform is non existing. The changes they make from time to time are absolutely useless and annoying. You think they would listen to their users that are all in agreement that their changes are horrible. It just keeps getting worse. It's no wonder that this platform is going downhill.

Posted by judyk

apparently you don't want people to use pinterest. I changed my email and pout it in several times but you refuse to accept it. My password has NOT changed. It is still the same as I had it. I don't know what kind of stunt you are trying to pull, but I don't like it.

Posted by ken

i had ordered 3 pair of Nike sneakers 2 came wrong color & style,everything is in Chinese language...i refuse to pay for some thing I had not ordered

Posted by Gabe&Penny

I uploaded pins of things I made personally. I linked it to my Facebook page, then discovered one day that the link had been changed to a Carnival Savers offer! When I contacted Pinterest they told me that I wasn't the person who had authority to alter the link because they were what they called Rich Pins and I had no authority over them. So I contacted Carnival Savers. They apologised and contacted Pinterest, neither of us have heard back from Pinterest since. They just don't care and are refusing to help fix the cock up.

Posted by clinterest

There is NO customer service at Pinterest. My account was suspended without a reason given and only a notice that an email would be sent on how to contact them. I never received an email and when I attempt to contact them, I am taken to the log-in page where I am notified of the suspension (again). It would be nice to get the reason for their actions. I have not posted anything that is against their rules. As a matter of fact, I have been sent suggestions by them for other accounts that are clearly breaking the rules, including borderline pornography. I am thoroughly disgusted with their site and lack of communication.

Posted by Doris

I Really Would Like Someone To Answer My Email. I Am Trying To Open Some Crochet Patterns To Get The Pattern So I Can Print It, But I Can't Figure Out How To Open A Specific Pattern To Read It & Print It.
Thank You Very Much

Doris Dunn

Posted by Anonymous

My name is Barbara Valentine. I have been a Pinterest customer for many years and had my password in my notes in my phone. Getting a new phone my notes with passwords did not transfer over to new phone. Since phone and password has changed is there a way I can get into my old account to make the changes without starting over. I have over 12,000 followers. Thanks

Posted by Anonymous

I have texted emailed and called Pinterest on at least 10 occasions in the past couple of months begging you to stop sending me unsolicited emails with what you think are pins in which I am interested. I am not and your suggestions are invariably way off topic. Additionally you send me two or three of them a day with 18 or 20 suggestions in them clogging up my email inbox and ignoring my pleas to stop sending me emails. I have spoken to people I have gotten emails back from people all promising that you will stop doing this to me and yet it continues it is relentless and annoying and unprofessional. I use Pinterest as a bulletin board solely. I do not care who else looks at my posts I do not care to look at other people's posts. I want you to stop sending me emails that have nothing to do with my interests and have made me really hate your website.

Posted by Anonymous

The funniest thing is calling it a "service". They do absolutely nothing, and if one ever gets an response, it's "there is nothing we can do". I heard nothing else in several years of using Pinterest, during which time I had several big glitches. In the last one I lost 4000 followers in a couple of minutes, and this customer service kept trying to convince me that they left voluntarily, all at the same time, and "followers go up and down".

This "service" can be ran by cats with similar results.

Posted by Anonymous

I've been trying to stop email from this company for 3 months I call costumer service and all they do is be rude and hang up

Posted by Anonymous

i have not received an email from you for change,of email aol accont no longer resives email i can;t access it,my new email is rob.can you please update your data base with this email,and sen me conformation.kind regards robert.

Posted by Angelpie

I use Pinterest mostly just to save pins, but I wanted to share some on Twitter the other day, but it would not work. I put in a support ticket, and they wrote me back telling me that they had replied. WHERE? The link that says "View Ticket" does not take me anywhere but to the help center, not to my ticket, not to the reply. This is absurd!

Posted by Anonymous

I haven't yet s@igned up with Pinterest. But I would like to know looking at some of the items you have on your website what's for sale and what's not where are the prices is there a possibility of purchasing these items you can reach me back at thank you

Posted by Johnny J

Pinterest has a lot of problems . NO customer support, no PHONE number . NO help I have wasted many hours in trying to reach out to them with no help at all .On a grading scale abcd they get an F- from me . They are doom ed to fail if they don't change structure soon. Its just a matter of time until a competitor come up a similar product and will kick their hind end .

Posted by Z71kitty

I never tried to contact Pinterest until two days ago. All they did was send me the exact same "fix" as they have in their help center, word for word. My boards rearrange themselves. I put them in alphabetical order and next time I log in, they are messed up.Also I spend five minutes trying to get a new board from the bottom to the top. It won't let me drag it more than one row at a time so I am siting here -drag and drop - drag and drop- all the way to where I want it. It does the same on my husband's computer so it's not that. I have tons of photos to put on Pinterest but hate to do them one at a time. Why can't we drag and drop from our own files on our computer. 'We used to be able to' is NOT an answer.Stop asking for my phone number when I log in. You're not going to call me, you won't even address my complaints.


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