Pearle Vision Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Pearle Vision customer service is ranked #337 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 38.23 out of a possible 200 based upon 139 ratings. This score rates Pearle Vision customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


127 Negative Comments out of 139 Total Comments is 91.37%.


12 Positive Comments out of 139 Total Comments is 8.63%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Pearle Vision

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 38.23 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 127 negative comments (91.37%)
    • 12 positive comments (8.63%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.0 Issue Resolution
    • 4.3 Reachability
    • 2.6 Cancellation
    • 3.5 Friendliness
    • 3.4 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Mike

Absolutely terrible I would not recommend it to anyone. Go to reputable store . Don't go to the glassboro the man is a thief

Posted by Anonymous

Is very bad place, no good, no professional,no garantiza los lentes y son malos and very expensive no more businesses

Posted by Anonymous

Went to pearl vision for eye glasses and went back several times for adjustment,finally gave up on them. They treated my husband poorly. Just found out that they made a mistake in the right lens. Will not recommend this place to anyone.

Posted by Anonymous

At the Aguadilla Mall I was told by one of girls that she could not help with a prescription even though I went with an rx to buy glasses. Extremly rude. I will never buy glasses at Pearle and will spread the word.

Posted by I'm moving on from Pearle Vision

February 15, 2022 I had and exam. All went well, no complaints there. The staff was friendly and helpful. I was told my lenses would be in, in 7-10 business days then it would take another 3-5 business days to put the lenses in my current frames. I was told that this was because they were not pearle visions frames. I'm sorry, a frame is a frame regardless of where it came from. I'm sure pearle vision has frames the same size as mine, sad excuse reaally. Anyway, it has been 20 business days and 1 month/1 day since my exam and I still do not have anything. They were quick to charge my card, right! If they call it's too late, I'm moving on and I will be calling for a refund. But thanks for being responsible! (sense the sarcasim).

Posted by Anonymous

I have a friend that work ok pearlevision center in hatillo puerto rico. How is it possible that an assistant manager dont let them work with patients that arrive. All she want is to earn all the commissions from the sales. Is not fair for the other employees. The manager already told her to stop taking all the patients but she still doing it. Where are the rules on this company?

Posted by Rhonda

Good afternoon,
I just wanted to express my concern and dissatisfaction with the Chillicothe Ohio location. My daughter and I have gone to this location for about 3 years now and up until this year we were somewhat satisfied with our service. However, over the last 3 months my opinion has changed dramatically. Both my daughter and I have been 3 months trying to get an appointment to get our eyes checked. We have left several messages and no one calls us back. When you call the store, you immediately get placed on hold for about 10 minutes before getting put into their message system. This is VERY unprofessional. You need to have someone answering the phone and talking with the clients. If you are going to have a message system then you need to have the courtesy of calling the person back the same day and not ignoring their calls. My daughter even applied for a job there last summer and was told she was not qualified. How much qualification do you need to answer the phone and make appointments or call people back? Well, Pearl Vision is not the only eye place in Chillicothe so my daughter and I have went elsewhere. To an actual eye doctor where the office answers the phone and wants to genuinely take care of the customer and appreciate their business. My daughter wears contacts and I wear glasses and we would get our eyes checked every year so in my opinion you not only lost one customer, but two. I would take a good hard look at this location and if you cannot run it properly my suggestion is to close it.

Posted by Mercedes.M

Just had the most horrible experience with Pearle Vision specifically at the location in Tampa, FL (Address: 3708 Henderson Boulevard Tampa, FL 33609) I strongly disagree with the way that Pearle Vision handles the appointment setting online. I scheduled my eye exam appointment online on the website. And right after I scheduled the appointment it specified that my appointment was successfully scheduled. So at that moment everything was good to go. Then I receive two text messages to confirm that I am still able to come to my appointment which was scheduled for today 1/29th Saturday at 3pm. The confirmation messages were sent yesterday Friday and Thursday at the same time 4pm. I get out of work at 6pm, and I did what was asked of me, which was to confirm my appointment on the text message. However I confirmed at 6:30pm because like I mentioned before, I get out of work late and I'm not allowed to have my phone out while I'm on the clock. So I go ahead and make the trip of a 40 min drive to the Pearle Vision location, which is the nearest one to where I live, to attend my scheduled appointment at 3pm. Only for them to tell me that they canceled my appointment for my eye exam because I did not confirm the appointment EXACTLY at 4pm. I confirmed too late therefore my spot was given to someone else! On top of that I explained this to one of the employees about my situation and if it was possible that they could still see me at 3pm, because at the end of the day I STILL confirmed that I was indeed going to attend the appointment. Yet the employee explained that it's part of the policies issued by HR and the head quarters of Pearle Vision. Me being already frustrated and disappointed with the waste of time and effort they made me go through, I simply suggested to this individual that HR and higher ups should fix the policies for scheduling and confirming the appointments and be a little bit more understanding and flexible with their clients. This young man proceeded to sarcastically make an irrelevant comment about how he has two jobs and that this shouldn't have been an issue for me. In other words, he made me feel like this was all my fault and that I was not responsible enough to properly confirm an appointment. At no point time did I ask him if he had 2, 3, or 4 jobs at any time of the conversation. And that is not the way to speak to a customer at all, he needs to learn how to have compassion for customers, even when they are highly in distress for a situation that could have been avoided. I asked the employee to get his manager so I could speak to her, and make it known that the policies should be more flexible. For example, from the beginning right after I successfully scheduled my appointment online, Pearle Vision should specify right there in that exact moment to the customer that it is "MANDATORY" to confirm the appointment via text message before 4PM. And if that the appointment is NOT CONFIRMED BY 4PM then the appointment would be automatically CANCELLED. Therefore the spot will be given to some else. The manager did not seem to care at all about the way that her employee was handling this situation. Personally, in my opinion I will never be returning back to Pearle Vision EVER AGAIN along with my entire family who were also loyal customers for several years. This is very disappointing to be treated in such a disrespectful manner. I highly recommend that the CEO and the whole entire HR team re-evaluate the policy for scheduling and confirming appointments online, and to speak with both the manager and all of the employees at this Tampa, FL Location. Since apparently the manager and the employees do not know how to properly handle situations with respect, compassion, or any professionalism whatsoever. (Manager: Robin M. Brelsford) (Employee: Tommy Tran)

Posted by Dash

Went to Pearl vision on city ave on the 21st of December. Eye exam was fine.Puchased my frames from another vendor however used my insurance with them and they were sending my prescription and eyeglasses off, as the tech stated that day she was mailing them personally.That was the first untruth.I was told they would be back in two weeks, still haven't received them. The pandemic will be used as an excuse..what I believe is they were not sent to the insurance company when stated and instead of telling the truth a story was made up. My biggest mistake was to recommend them to atleast 5 people..Exam is great..follow through unacceptable..

Posted by Mandi Haynes

Horrible Horrible have been waiting over a month for safety glasses on top of that we was told at the time of the appointment they do not take our insurance so we paid out of pocket!!!!

Posted by Kenneth

I had a terrible experience at your location in Orland Park. I would like to start with I have been going to this location for the past 3 years and I have had great experiences up until last month. I purchased 2 pairs of frames and my girlfriend also purchased 2 pairs of frames. We both had a date of 10/12/2021 to pick up our glasses. Hers were ready on the 12th but mine were not, which is understandable considering everything going on. I finally get a text on 10/26 that my glasses were ready, so I went on my lunch to try them on. Both of the pairs had adhesive on the sides and around the lenses. The associate encouraged me to try them on and she would clean them after. As I was trying on the second pair she got up to try and clean the first pair. While I was waiting I seen a paper with my name on it so I picked it up to read and when she came back she snatched it out of my hand and said I couldn't see it. I explained that it had my name and information on it so I wasn't quite sure why I could not see it. Unfortunately she still was not able to get the adhesive off but at this point I was frustrated. I then explained I was not happy with the quality and I wanted a refund. She stated she couldn't do it but a manager could, unfortunately the manager was on lunch. The associate kept telling me to take them anyway but I refused in that condition. She encouraged me to pick out different frames but I had already spent time there last time to pick these 2 frames and I wasn't confident in the quality. The associate then said the manager would call me after lunch. The associate called me back and said the manager declined the return and said the return policy on the website does not include their location. I asked to speak to her and the associate said she had stepped out. I asked for her to call me back and she said she would call me back but hopefully before they close at 7. The associate called me back again to say the manager would return the money I spent but that they own my benefits. I was obviously frustrated and asked to speak to the manager but I was told they had left. I am still waiting to hear back but I still have not. I went to another eyeglass location and shared my experience so they tried to talk to the manager as well because they called to get my prescription but the manager was on lunch. This has been a very poor customer experience and very disappointing all together as they have kept both my frame allowances and lenses and I have no glasses to show for it.

Posted by buslit1248

Got glasses in Medina Ohio on North Court St and didn't the the glasses so I took them back in 3 days and found a smaller cheaper pair when I picked them up I asked the girl for a refund for the between the glasses and she told me it went towards the the lenses to i wend home and called the insurance company and Matt told me they didn't bill the insurance company for the lenses so I went back up there and ask for a refund so the store manager talked to me and told me it was a courtesy they replaced my glasses I said no it's your own policy and she told me the technician told me I wasn't getting a refund I said ten I wouldn't of gotten cheaper glasses so get me back my old glasses and left don't go here they don't even follow their own polices.

Posted by CC

Store: Eatontown NJ off RT 35. I purchased bifocals for my 70 yr old father in beginning of September. Total:$587.00 I have sent them back 2 times because he cannot see with them. The store took them back first time because the doctor made a mistake on his exam. The second time he still couldn't see well so they took them back to make them like his original old glasses and removed the bifocal but didn't refund us for the bifocal which were more expensive. I just picked them up today and he still can't see with them. What is going on? He is seriously upset and hypertensive since his stroke in January. Why should we be stuck with glasses and cost for something he can't wear and see out of? I would appreciate a call to resolve this because the shop said they cannot refund our money. We are stuck now and I am completely annoyed that they are quick to take money without giving us a quality product. Wasted money and time!!!

Posted by IRIS

New to the area I found a Pearl Vision at 3349 Monroe Ave, Rochester, NY 14618 to make an appointment for an eye exam and glasses. I called the store and spoke to Karen who answered. I was shocked to hear such an aggressive unfriendly response to my location questions. I am a regular Pearl Vision customer and am unaccustomed to this treatment. When I got to the store "May' was equally disrespectful and although I only wanted to make an appointment, I was told "go sit down and wait"
The customer service was hostile and I walked out feeling devalued and dimissed. Please contact me to discuss this matter because I don't believe Pearl Vision is not this type of company

Posted by bev

I went to pearl Vision Austell Georgia yesterday to get my glasses adjusted. The lady came back and told me she broke my Gucci glasses. She looked around to find a frame that can fit my lens and give me a cheaper brand with a white inside frame that hurts the hell out of my eyes, until they can order the same glasses which may be discontinued, least to say I almost got in a car wreck going home. then when she realized she was running out of options, another employee brought a sign from the other side of the room that said they are not responsible for breaking people's glasses. I asked her why is that sign not on the door nor why was it not disclosed to me when she took my glasses. Needless to day she had my lens on the table with no protection on it and it is chipped and scratched. still waiting a call.

Posted by Anonymous

I had an appointment and the person at the desk was rude to me telling me that I was late very unprofessional way it was raining so much it's the store at Lutz Florida

Posted by Gwendolyn Truehart

My husband had a change of insurance recently we had to go to another another service provider The customer service was horrible no one in the office said hello it saddens me every time I have to go in

Posted by Alla Z.

To whom it may concern,
I had negative experience with Pearl Vision 20 years ago on Roosevelt Blvd in Philadelphia, PA and tried to avoid your company by using other optic shop. Now I am going through chemo for breast cancer and prefer not go far away to my favorite optic shop, so gave a second chance to Pearl Vision in Warminster, PA on York Rd. The optometrist was great, but optician was very arrogant and unprofessional. I brought to store brand new frame for new lens using new prescription from your optometrist. The comments made by optician were: " I will not be responsible for lens and glasses that are not bought in our store and for holes drilled also!". I pointed out the same style glasses I wear now that are done at different shop 4 years ago. I told him that other shop made it for me and he implies he can't do the same. The store could not order because style was discontinued, so store manager advised to go to Charmain Art site to see other frames and she would order for me. I checked website, but did not like anything, but bought the same exactly style from different optic shop on Ebay from Texas. Brand new glasses, with all tags from manufacture and all labels and markings. I needed new lens ASAP because coating on 4 years lens on current glasses were coming off. This was floor samples. The optician said that other people tried those glasses. I replied that shoes in store also try many people, that does nothing mean shoes goes bad. It was back and forth conversation with arguments from optician he did not want to do anything. I told him he is unprofessional, clueless and has to remove himself from the job. He also made comments that other place will not take my VSP insurance on which I told him it is not his business, I am willing to pay extra, but I will not be buying new frame from that place, it will not happen and they did not have anyway similar light frame.
Your company lost again opportunities to get business from me, I left disgusted and mad from the way your optician conducted himself and conducted business. I wrote one star review for this Pearl Vision on York rd in Warminster, PA and if I could, I would not given any stars.
This coming Friday I am going to my preferred optic shop to do just that: with prescription from your optometrist I will bring brand new frame to put new lens. I told optician I will continue my mission: no Pearl Vision ever ! Will let everyone know not to go to your shops. Your company hires unprofessional, clueless employees with tendency to loose customers cases ( 20 years ago + poorly made prescription by optometrist), and now optician who refused to do the same job that other optical shop easily does. Please, replace optician from Warminster , PA on York rd for one who has knowledge in frameless glasses. I left store mad, disgusted, anxious. Being on chemo therapy, this experience I needed the least , it did not help me to heal. Please, let me know what steps Pearl Vision took to fix the problem and/or replaced optician for knowledgeable one. What steps taken to satisfy customer in this very easy case?

Posted by William

Called and called pearl vision on Hey 72,got message talking about how they were open and wanting business but kept getting answering machine, left several messages but no one would ever call back, I guess they have to much business and I will have to take mine to a competitor and let my friends know

Posted by Melody

Absolutely the worst customer service I've ever received. Rude and unprofessional. I purchased the insurance plan on my frames and lenses. The lenses were cloudy and the film was peeling prior the the one year protection plan expiring. They reluctantly replaced them. After the lenses finally came back and I left with them, I noticed 2 white spots. When I returned and pointed it out they told me it was scratches and that I must have scratched them. They finally agreed to replace them again, However I also noticed that my Burberry frames had lost the symbol on top of the frames. They refused to replace the frames stating that my coverage had expired 2 weeks earlier. Why could they replace the lenses and not the frames. I will never do business with this company again. This is the Seminole, FL location.

Posted by Concerned

I ordered contact lenses at Eyconics and submitted a copy of the script along with my order. In an email, I was informed that they had to fax Pearl Vision (Buford, GA store) to reconfirm the script because the doctor's signature was either not on the paperwork or was not included on the photo.

After a few days, I called Eyconics to find out what the status was on the order and was informed that they faxed the order two days ago but, to date, have not received a response. I asked them to confirm the number on the prescription and proceeded to call Pearl's.

Pearls informed me they did not receive the fax and when I asked them to confirm the fax number it was different from the one provided on the prescription. When informed, they didnt seem very concerned or even very apologetic about it. The woman told me she would let the manager know, but I have serious doubts that she will follow through.

Fortunately, Eyconic's doctor was able to confirm the script.

Posted by Ginger

First, I am a loyal long time Pearle Vision customer and have recommended Pearle Vision to others because of the quality and customer service friendly. I have now run into an issue which no one seems to want to address.
I had an eye appointment and ordered glasses late September 2020. The glasses I received broke around a month after receiving. The eye piece came completely off. They (Des Peres, MO office) replaced the frames. A month later these frames cracked under the lens. Frames were replaced then. These frames have been replaced SIX times (for either the crack in the frame or the eye piece coming off for both). This is beyond ridiculous at this point. When they replaced this last pair, I was also given an additional pair of frames in case the SIXth replacement failed.
It is obvious to me that there is a flaw in the frames I was given, maybe from the same lot or just a flaw in the design. I have not dropped these glasses, slept in them or stepped on them. In fact, I am very conscious of managing delicately so hopefully they won't break.
The Manager of the store (I don't even know name) will not speak to me - she speaks through her staff. They have been very considerate and acknowledged that they do not understand why they are not being permitted to select another design.
Currently, I have sought out another vendor for glasses, as we are doing some traveling and I cannot afford to be without glasses. I should not have been forced to do this.
As far as I am concerned, these frames should be replaced with another style and lenses, sooner rather than later. After SIX pairs, this is the only solution that is acceptable. Please contact me to discuss.

Posted by John

Hello, I purchased 2 pairs of glasses totaling $1,150 from the Robinson Twp. PA. Pearl Vision. Within a month the right lens of the reading glasses had scratched, so I contacted the store. I explained I added the scratch resistance option for $160 and wanted them to confirm that it was added when they fix the scratch. Without knowing who I was the manager said it was not the scratch resistance because they can scratch even with it. I Let the manage know I understood but wanted them to verify that it was applied because that was an option I called in after I purchased so maybe that was missed when they were made. The bottom line was because the glasses scratched quickly, and given I had called in the option after, I wanted the scratch resistance verified. After explaining 3 times she hung up on me. I called corporate and was told to fill out a complaint form. The supervisor said I could not contact anyone directly that could help and the complaint form was the only way. Terrible support

John bush
[email protected]
724 417 2731

Posted by Anonymous

I've been waiting for the Regional Director for the Lexington KY store to call me to resolve an issue. It looks like he does a cut and Paste reply to anyone who gives this branch a poor rating. Still waiting on a call. Surely he didn't just lie to me to make Pearle look better. This branch definitely has some customer service issues. Do you care?

Posted by Rosemarie

Hello, I have a complaint to register or an employee at Pearl Vision located at 932 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040. I was there on January 23, 2021..have been going there for many many years. I had my eye exam and purchased two pairs or eyeglasses, for a total of $890.00 out of pocket. The lady who assisted me with choosing my frames was quite helpful but little did I know that just a front for as soon as my monies was taken from my bank account it was a different story. I was told my glasses would be ready in 5-7 days it took two weeks. One pair was not what I expected it was quite heavy on my face I had it changed for a lighter frame, the same person who was helpful - I learned her name is Jayleen (not sure of the spelling) well let me tell you...she was rude! obnoxious! and the most unpleasant person I ever had the bad luck of dealing with, she certainly needs classes on customer service. I made a promise to my self to never ever again go to the store!


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Company News
Energy BBDO Wins Pearle Vision
Pearle Vision has selected Energy BBDO, Chicago, as its new creative shop following a review launched last fall. Pearle had worked with Arnold Worldwide for more than six years. The Havas incumbent participated in the search that concluded at the end ...
Pearle Vision offering buy one, get one sale
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Ad of the Day: Pearle Vision's Touching New Ad Stars a Boy and His Very Special Glasses
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