Memorex Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Memorex customer service is ranked #597 out of the 1023 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 29.46 out of a possible 200 based upon 82 ratings. This score rates Memorex customer service and customer support as Terrible.


79 Negative Comments out of 82 Total Comments is 96.34%.


3 Positive Comments out of 82 Total Comments is 3.66%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Memorex

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 29.46 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 79 negative comments (96.34%)
    • 3 positive comments (3.66%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.7 Issue Resolution
    • 3.1 Reachability
    • 1.4 Cancellation
    • 3.6 Friendliness
    • 3.1 Product Knowledge

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Posted by h.m.

memorex has made a major corporate blunder by diverting the monies they needed to use for production and quality control to advertising. big mistake.

so i'll never purchase another memorex product. ever.

they are making defective products. and although a good exercise in technical prowess, completing and troubleshooting cd and dvd problems are beyond most of our bailiwick.

Posted by donnie d

this is donnie driggs i went to walmart and purchase two packs of your cd-rw blank discs and for some reason they wont play in my cd player the only thing they play in is my computer and i dont like the idea of spending money on something that dont work right because i want to listen to music on my stereo not my computer i dont understand why i spent my money on something that dosent work right because months back i purchase a pack of your cd-r discs and they work just fine so i was wondering if youll send me a couple packs of your 24 pack cd-r discs and ill do you a favour i wont spread the word about memorex being worthless and having products that dont work right and ill spread it right on facebook and i also want you to get on my facebook so i could make sure that i get those disc

Posted by Akire

I bought 2 100 pack of memorex DVD's when they where on sale. Of course I won't do that again. I taped a movie on a few DVD' s and after finalizing I checked the DVD. That is when I ran into different problems with the DVD's. with one the counter starter over and over. One gave me an error while trying to format. The others would skipped the first 3 minutes of the movie.i couldn't tell you how many I waisted. That's when I checked the other packs and sure the same thing happened. I tried a different brand of DVD and it worked fine. Memorex won't get any more of my money since they don't stand behind their product

Posted by tikicheeks

For the past month I've been slaving away downloading a bunch of my favorite movies. My father bought a 50 case of Memorex DVD's he doesn't burn very many movies so he gave them to me. 5 of those 50 DVDs worked -__- I spent hours frustrated and going ballistic at my computer ..come to this website to find out..its the disks. FORGET ever buying Memorex EVER again.-Tanika S

Posted by PCLEMSC

I have had problems with Memorex CD's for years. Unfortunately, it's the only brand my closest store carries. This time, the first five discs out of the package were defective. I quit while I was ahead. Why waste more time and energy on JUNK DISCS?
I've had as many as 50% of the discs in a package be defective. Enough is enough. I'll never buy Memorex again.

I did have a chance to try Sony discs, although they were a couple dollars more. NOT A SINGLE FAILURE IN THE BOX! When I look back on all the Memorex crap I've bought, where you pay for 30 and are lucky if 15 are useable, there's no sense in paying for crap you can't use. I ended up paying way more than the Sony's for the few Memorex discs that were usable.

Posted by btorious

WOW! just got off the phone with memorex, about once a year I return about 100 to 150 bad dual layer dvd dl disks. I buy about 8,000 a year or so, my name is in there database shows the times I have had to return the disks and what now the lady tells me they dont do it like that anymore. Now I have to take pictures of the disks before they can proceed, BS. They are just making more ways for people to not want to warranty there bad product. if you do research you will see the ritek dye they use is bad especially if you get singapore discs instead of the mexican ones. ANYWAYS LONG STORY SHORT MEMOREX WILL NO LONGER BE GETTING MY MONEY! HELLO VERBATIM!

Posted by lilcrimson

I purchased two 50 packs of dvd-r blank to record on and 20 out of the fifty wont record I get an error. I spoke to the memorex people. They are from Guatamala and do not understand the laws in the United States they tell you it is your problem not theirs. They refuse to do anything to help you and will not satisfy you in any way they say it is the problem of the DVD player you own I said why dont you put a note on the packaging stating your product isn't compatable with all machines, the response was it is not our problem. Memorex will never get my business again. I am not yet done with them I will make sure everyone I know never buys anything that says memorex.

Posted by Anonymous

horrible customer service. we had a defective unit, and were promised an upgrade. we paid shipping to return the item but then were told we can no longer get the upgrade. they totally refused to do anything to help out.

Posted by Memorex=NO GOOD

When I contacted them about 31 discs (of a 50 package of CD-R's) saying there was a visible flaw on the disc's that prevented that section from recording (playback either stops or skips) instead of asking me to mail in examples of the problem I got the following reply from them:
I apologize for the inconvenience. In order to better assist you, I'll need you to complete the Optical Media Troubleshooting Guide that is attached to the email and I'd need you to complete the questions bellow:

What is the issue that is being experienced? (in detail)

Are you using a computer or a stand alone recorder to burn the media?

Have you tried to burn your discs using a different burning software?

What drive or recorder/player is being used? (request for make, model and firmware version)

What Operating System are you using?

Have you tried to perform a firmware update?

Are the discs recognized by the drive?

Do the discs start to burn then abort?

Do the discs complete the burn but do not playback?

Are you using burning software to record the discs? (if so, ask what burning software is being used)

Are you getting an error message when recording the discs? (get a screenshot if possible)

How many discs have given you problems?

Have you tried discs from the top/middle/bottom of the pack?

Is the problem with one pack or multiple packs?

Have you used our media in the past?

Are there any scratches/smudges/marks/cracks on the discs?

Are the discs being finalized? (very important when burning video)

How are you creating your video/movie DVD? (if they are burning video)

Best regards,
This is an example of making it impossible for the consumer to show them a problem with out writing a Thesis and spending hours answering their questions. I also do not like the idea of installing any program in my computer from a link sent by them... This was all sent by email.

Posted by morty2768

Not a Fan! We have two brands of CD-R's that we use when burning/playing music over our basic sound system. EVERY SINGLE Memorex CD played features static noise in the background (popping and cracking like an old vinyl record); however, the other brand doesn't do this at all. This will be the last case of Memorex CD's we buy!

Posted by mercedez22690

They Suck!!! Do not even bother buying their products. I got a boombox for Xmas three weeks later it broke! then Memorex won't pay for shipping and handling to return their faulty product and you can not receive a new one until you ship the old one and then you don't receive a new warranty either. They suck!

Posted by House

I bought a ten pack of your DVD-RW discs for recording and thus far I have had error messages on 4 of them telling me I can't record on them. This is very frustrating and of course I bought a different brand. I have always used Memorex, but no more. By the way I read some of the reviews and it appears I am not the only one who had this problem.

Posted by Gary Ba

For Christmas 2010 I received an under-counter DVD/TV unit - MVUC821. It worked very well for about 10 months and died with a DVD still inside. When I called "support" I was told it only had a 90 DAY warranty and to pay a technician to fix it. When I asked about getting the DVD out, she told me there was no way to get it out of a dead unit. When I said that I would have to destroy it to get the DVD, this very helpful support technician said "it's your product sir, you can do anything you want with it". So adding this to the bad blank DVDs I have from Memorex, you can be sure this was my last Memorex purchase.

Posted by Anonymous

i purchased a 10 pack of memorex cd-rws. none of them erased. junk junk junk.

Posted by servant50

I purchases Memorex DVD-R about 5 would not record. I look at them and all of them have scratches in the same place. Do you have people check the product before they get packaged?

Posted by [email protected]

Up until recently, I have had few, if any, problems with Memorex DVD+R. In fact, I had found them to be the most reliable DVDs for my machine. Recently, I purchase a 100-pack and found that our of the first 9 recordings, five failed. I used a second machine and found that of five more recordings, three failed. I then moved on to a MAC and had two of four fail. That was a failure of ten out of 18 DVDs and the fact that the failures occurred on three definite machines (two Window Movie Maker and one Titanium) indicates a flaw in the product, not my devices. I could not return the pack as I had used one-fifth of the pack. I tried to contact memorex but found no e-mail address for filing a complaint and, when I called, I was told to contact the store from where I bought it. I am very dissatisfied with their system.

Posted by cew

I recently bought a Memorex compact disc player. It grinds, stops, uses 2 AA batteries for each disc. I can't afford this player and it's really impossible to listen to comfortably since I have to hold it at an angle to get it to play at all. It was mf. 3/2011. I'm going to look for another player that will work. This has been a real waste of money and I'm very disappointed.

Posted by Tony Ryan

Everything everyone has said here is true. They are awful; I wouldn't buy again from them and I would advise anyone not to as well.
They, their products and their customer service is very, very bad.

Posted by dd1013

Memorex makes the most crap products on the market,I recently got a portable dvd player that I've had to have sent back for repair several times .luckily I bought a service/repair warranty or I would have lost the money I spent on the initial purchase of the player.I've had the same problem fixed on numerous occasions. I will personally tell anyone friend or not to never ever purchase anything made by Memorex

Posted by momof2boys

I purchased a ipod docking clock radio for the 2010 holidays for my son. The power supply cord has a short and needs replaced. It is OBSOLETE! Cannot replace thru memorex or their supplier. Really? It is not 20 years old, it is less than a year.

No purchasing their products again.

Posted by Very Discouraged

I have a recording issue with your DVD+Rs... I bought a 10 pack, only half of them will record... I want customer satisfaction, so I came to the customer service and submitted the question, how do I get reimbursement? To get an answer I have to PAY $38????????? Why? Now I feel like your website is a scam to give a substandard product provider more money to get more substandard answers... what a joke!

Posted by VictorG

I bought a hundred count of memorex CDR's. None of them worked. Every one was defective; I tried each & every one in both a computer drive & a separate external CD recorder. The corporation's customer service suggested that I mail the garbage I purchased to them (a waste of my time & money) adding that they could possibly replace it with other defective garbage. I told them that instead I recognized that the most prudent choice of action is just to NEVER buy any memorex product for ANY reason at ANY time. Memorex sells trash. They do it deliberately. They do it intentionally. And as long as the corporation is controlled by the same people, they will continue to be a grossly inferior manufacturer.

Posted by Anonymous

I thought I was the only one with a negative comment regarding Memorex CD-R products. The product sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how many times I have tried to record songs and the first 2 out of 3 attempts was a fail. My last purchase of this crappy product was today...I swear!

Posted by Anonymous

I purchased a cd player/radio for my newborn son's room in October 2010...the cd player portion stopped working last week and when talking to the support center and explaining this they tried to blame me for tampering with the inside of the player where the cd goes. Really Memorex?? Like I don't know how to insert a cd properly. On the back it says it was manufactured in July 2010, however this particular player only has a 90 day warranty. I guess since it's a cheap piece of you know what it only deems 90 days before it will break. She then told me if cleaning the cd reader lens doesn't fix the problem to try unplugging it and plugging it back in. Great advice from a support specialist/IT department. Horrible product and I don't think I will be purchasing anymore of their stuff! Why oh why did Sony have to get rid of their Dream Machine that my now 5 year old son has (that has been played on repeat for his whole life)??

Posted by RShultz

I bought a an MD6451BLK CD player which works OK but I lost the instruction manual,
and I cannot understand for the life of me why you people don't have an online instruction manual database with your products in it. ALL YOUR PRODUCTS, not just your so-called top of the line stuff. It pisses me off tremendously that I can't download a few page instruction manual in PDF format. DO you people really care about the customers or are you just in this to make money and to hell with the people who buy from you? I will not buy another Memorex
product until you get your act together on providing online documentation. I MAY not buy another Memorex product AT ALL just because I'm so pissed.


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