Liberty Mutual Customer Service

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Liberty Mutual customer service is ranked #70 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 65.92 out of a possible 200 based upon 37 ratings. This score rates Liberty Mutual customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


28 Negative Comments out of 37 Total Comments is 75.68%.


9 Positive Comments out of 37 Total Comments is 24.32%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Liberty Mutual

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 65.92 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 28 negative comments (75.68%)
    • 9 positive comments (24.32%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 4.0 Issue Resolution
    • 4.6 Reachability
    • 3.1 Cancellation
    • 4.5 Friendliness
    • 4.6 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Vik Trolla

Absolutely terrible customer service. The "Right Track" app that tracks your driving is sporadic at best. I was told on the phone by a rather arrogant representative that the discount wasn't based on mileage. I asked why the discount was only five percent, to which he replied that I hadn't driven the minimum 125 miles required for the app to function properly. Avoid Liberty Mutual. I cancelled my policy and found a competitor for half the price.

Posted by angella

Worst company ever! Had auto insurance and renters insurance, dropped me with out any notification. Then send a letter stating I dropped my policy when they wouldn't reinstate it even after payment stay away from this company!

Posted by Trucker chuck

A deer struck my pickup, they told me to take photos of damage and they would mail a check for partial payment. I told them to send an adjuster out but they stated that since covid they do not have any adjusters. After having vehicle repaired they said I didn't take enough photos to show all damage, and that 35 year collision shop did not send necessary supplements for payment. They shorted collision shop $ 1,200 in repairs and now will not return and e mails or telephone calls.

Posted by Jen2623

I made a claim in early December. Both of my catalytic converter's are broke in half.The shop has sent pictures, a video and an estimate. They sent me a check minus the 500 dollar deductible that is 1,900.00 less than the estimate. I have called and sent emails and at first I got the run around and now no one will answer me. My car Isn't fixed. They want the shop to send in a supplement to a website. Why are we doing the adjusters job? You have an estimate. Call the shop and talk to them. The shop said they have never had to do anything like what Liberty mutual is asking. I just want my car fixed. After it is fixed they don't have to cancel me because I am done. This is the worst customer service ever. Going on a not fixed. I am livid.

Posted by Rodney

Liberty mutual sucks! they want your business, then double your rates, then cancel you!!!

Posted by Anonymous

Twice the car insurance cost in comparison to other insurance companies. Very hard to reach any employees, except at the headquarter. Difficult to cancel insurance. No thank you for having been customer for years. Not to be recommended.

Posted by NIUHerb

I politely asked to be put on the do not call list and today I received another call from their Nogales, AZ office. They seem to ignore the do not call requests. I would not do business with them.
Customer Service promised me yesterday that they would take care of this, obviously they did not. Be careful of getting online quotes, these people hound you on the phone.

Posted by BrianS

Dirty crooks, liars, cheats.

They adjust the claim with unfinished doors, not include trim, interior doors on exterior, R13 insulation in the attic, when removing the ceiling they cheat and do not pay to remove the lights attached to the ceiling, pay no clean up, flooring adjuster uncheck the removal, stained baseboards and door trim adjuster crook with 23 years of experience pays for 2" baseboards, unchecks the removal baseboards, uses paint grade instead of stain and then failed to include neither paint nor stain.
Flooring crook uses 3/8 underlayment instead of 3/4 floor, carpet/padding they do NOT include closets, and pay no removal - take all their samples from the single room to avoid more expensive. They engineer declares everything pre-existing prior to even entering the house and their appraiser LIED under the penalty of perjury concealled his employment. In ten month crook would not pay for downspout.
They attorney intentionally willfully knowingly supplied supplied address of abandoned property as a serivice address - used it to deny the discovery and discuss the case with the judge without another party present, made up a law, refused to provide document during discovery and quickly provided supplied documents outside of discovery period on REPLY by person with no knowledge - because they rigged the court. If you buy this insurance you are stupider than I am.

Posted by Anonymous

Absolutely the worst insurance agency ever. My wife was hit by semi truck and they gave us the complete run around. No one was helpful, transferred so many times. Complete pain. Multiple times we were promised they would call back. Never happened. I hope no one ever has to deal with this company.

Posted by Joe J.

Great Rates, Have NEVER had a problem or complaint. I use them for auto, home and umbrella policies.

Posted by Anonymous

Liberty mutual is awful and liars. They don't care about you after they get your business. Dana Demartino lied and told me she would inform my prior car and house insurance of the cancellation. She didn't. I had 3 payments coming out every month and it depleted my account causing hardship to my family. I asked them to refund my overdraft fees and they refused.

Posted by Anonymous

beware if you are having liberty drafting out of your checking. because they drafted out of my account a month after i got a nother insurance co ,liberty took money out and it was late(they knew i changed companies)and charged me $6.00 late fee. so libery drafted money out of my account late and i got charged a late fee. BBB could not do anything about it.

Posted by Kim

September, I was no longer welcomed as an automobile insurer. I became ill and hit with the bad economy. I was late making a my payment (1st time since 1998). I used to think the Roanoke office had the greatest team. However, they were NOT so great or kind when I tried to get reinstated. Again, I have been insured since 1998 w my auto & about 10 yrs homeowner policy. I was treated & talked too as if I was the scum of the earth. they always thanked me for being a loyal customer for so many years & gave the best customer service. Sadly, there was not a win-win situation for me. Linda Bozman, stated, they were not accepting my late payment of $150.00 and IF I wanted to become a customer again, she would write me a new policy & my $600.00 yearly premium would be due NOW - TODAY !! I felt as if I wrote bad checks or just the lowest person on the earth. It was funny how quick the attitude changed because the economy was not forgiving. I never thought I would leave Liberty and/or Liberty would never leave me. Maybe that call was recorded & could be used as training tool on how NOT to treat customers that have every day struggles. I feel, Linda's team assumed I would not get a reasonable rate since I would not be getting the multi-policy discount. Hence, I have never had an accident or any tickets. I have referred over 50 potentials to Kevin Thomas since 1998. Even his attitude changed when I called him that day, only to hear from him " it aint nothing I can do" and the call ended. No Plan B or C for me, just "we no longer value you and don't appreciate my business over the last 15+ years. So, I am preparing to officially end my relationship with Liberty & move my homeowners insurance as well. I am really disappointed at the actions of the Roanoke office which will reflect on the company as a whole. I was happy that Allstate was willing to accept & insure me quickly. I think stockholders would be interested in this type of treatment and SHAME ON YOU Kevin Thomas and your Team.

Posted by Anonymous

I have had this insurance for years and during that time ,filed only once.During my years with Liberty Mutual I have felt like a hostage.For instance the one claim I did filed ,ended with the adjuster and the roofer,laughing in my yard.Only to dien my claim.Recently I called claims and a young lady kept me on the line for twenty plus minutes.In what I felt was an intaragation.

Posted by Anonymous

Just got out of the hospital after a two-day ordeal in the emergency ward to tend to my wife's unexpected health issues which placed my online search for auto insurance quotes on hold. Although I did receive many online quotes via email and several phone calls / voicemails I was unable to continue with sorting out and comparing the quote data received with my current auto policy to render a decision as to a potential switch. In response to the delay, I get the following email from a Liberty Mutual sales rep who thought he was being clever;

"Good Morning Marlon,

I see that you opened up Pandoraâ??s box by going on line to shop for auto insurance. I bet youâ??ll never do that again! When you are done getting voicemails & emails, and if you have the courage please feel free to call or email me back when you have the time. You can even come by the office and see that I am a real person if youâ??d like, just give me a heads up I so I can be sure Iâ??ve brushed my hair.

I hope youâ??re having a great day, and look forward to hearing from you!

Needless to say that his very unprofessional and insensitive comments have assured that I never do business with Liberty Mutual, even if they had the best package and pricing on the market. In case anyone would be interested in knwoing who the slaes rep in question is, please see the contact information below.

Posted by Anonymous

My wife and I are 48 year loyal Liberty Mutual policy holders for our autos, homes, and liability policies. We have an almost unblemished claim history. We moved to Florida and now Liberty Mutual does not want to insure our home here. They took our premiums for 48 years and now turn their backs on us because we are close to the water. It's obvious Liberty Mutual has no loyalty to long time policy holders. Where is Liberty Mutual's responsibility to loyal policy holders which they tout in their TV ads? Watch out because, at some point in time, Liberty will "pull the rug out from under you." We're now forced into looking for a new insurance company because Liberty is putting potential profit above loyal people.

Posted by welcometoltdhell

my company contracts with them for LTD. Needless to say my cut and dry, black and white claim was denied. My doctor stated he was threatened that my case would be DENIED if he would not talk to them on the phone, and it was. They pulled bits and pieces from my medical records to find ANY reason to deny my claim, but NEVER acknowledged the real reason I was off was because of MY EMPLOYER! I am outraged, as is my doctor, AND they never contacted my therapist. All this for 60% of my pay- which I never got. Horrible Horrible heartless company. Paid big bucks to deny your claim. I hope my agent sleeps well at night.

Posted by chrissycnc

I own a 3 story house with a 2nd level deck that used to be a sunroom. my house is very old and the main cross boards are the floorboards for the 2nd level. a few weeks ago the deck buckled and the top 2 levels of my house shifted causing a great deal of damage. the deck nees to be replaced to stop further damage and for safety. it is our only exit except on the first floor and in the curent condition the deck is not useable. from the deck buckling it has caused the stairs to the 3rd floor(my childrens bedrooms) to seperate, caused my overhangs to all shift several falling off the house, the floors buckled and it is clearly seen right thru the carpet in multiple rooms, even the roof has collapsed in multiple spots,
, and it has caused water damage and buckled panneling in the first floor. also doors are no longer shutting properly. we called our insurance company?(who we have had since we bought the house) and they sent an agent out who says sorry we will not replace it or take care of any of the damage except replaceing the outlet and panneling on 1 wall in the first floor. i said what if my house continues to shift and collapses, lives could be lost and the house destroyed, he says even if that happends we will not be responsible because you need to secure the deck. then what the heck are insurance companies for? my house is collapsing, my childrens lives are at risk just being here and they will not help! this company has no problem taking my money everymonth and is suposed to protect their customers when problems aris. if a pipe burst they wil take care of all damage, but my roof is cavving in and my house is collapsing and they wont do anything!

Posted by DemondN

My experience has made me feel miserable and wanting to do something about it. So, I have decided to inform who I can about Liberty Mutual....there agents will lie to you and if not intentionally, they lie based upon their being misinformed.

And even when it's acknowledged, they (LM) will not settle what was previously agreed upon....horrible!

Posted by Dsmfemme

I am SO glad I do not have Liberty Mutual as MY insurance company.
I ran into one of their client's boat trailer (he crossed the road directly in front of me). Needless to say, his boat that was on his trailer went flying into the median, and my car was estimated as a total loss by the body shop that I took it to... Liberty Mutual did not send one of their adjusters out to Wyoming - apparently they have none in the area - so my body shop sent in the estimate and pictures. The original claim manager of the case failed to call me back on ANYTHING, even after I repeatadly left him NUMEROUS voice mails. Mind you, this accident was 08-30-2011 - it is now early October, and I am STILL w/ out a vehicle, a rental car, a total loss package/check. What bogus bs. I've NEVER been treated so poorly, and it wasn't even MY fault!! Oh, and my car still currently sits at the body shop waiting to be picked up by LM's salvage towing.. they claimed they thought my car was still at the orginal tow yard from the accident... well then, who do you think took the pictures and built the estimate for the damages???? The tow yard? I think not! Get your s*it together and quit inconveniencing me, it wasn't MY fault.

Posted by Anonymous

I went with LM for because they offered the best insurance (on paper) - and best price..

Come to find out in my 2nd year term of the homeowners - the policy wasnt worth the paper it was written on. /SCREWED

Posted by Anonymous

if you put in "to many" claims they charge
finance charges on your unpaid premium each
month according to a rep the reason is to
insure they have the money to pay future
claims they assume you will be making

Posted by monica

Going thrue these people is like clapping with one hand. Dont waist your time or money dont get Liberty Mutual they suck bad!!!!

Posted by Amy

I only got the insurance thru Liberty because I purchased a home and needed to add it to my policy. I once had Progressive and they would not cover our home due to it being located in a so call "High Flash Fire Zone" So we moved our auto and home reluctantly together. Liberty first proved itself as being "Bad" on the first accident reported to the claim. i was involved in a 2 car crash that was a fraud and a scamm by the other car..the police filled a complaint saying so..the Liberty M never investigated the police records or the evidence and just stuck it to me making me the liable one. If I want to pursue this I will have to do so at my own expence. It took Liberty Mutual a month to even look at my totaled car that was parked in a junk yard.Due to this I was never settled in my claim for mor than 3 months, at that time I was in a rental that exceded tha amount of policy rental fees so they tried to make me carless. But I fought it and they saw it was them that was at fault and never ever reviewed my car and the damages, or the police report. I suffered, my job suffered due to no transportation. My family suffered. The customer service people at liberty mutual are uncaring and cold. They dont care about your situation. No one ever checked back to me to see if I got the service the company promises. I am no longer with them. They are the worst thing to ever happen to my family as far as incurance goes.

Posted by hitinGeorgia

I was in a parking lot accident with a Liberty Mutual policy holder in metro Atlanta in June. I was the only person in my car, a young man in his 20s was the only person in the other car.
He opened his driver's door after I was about halfway past him in the parking spaces.
I heard the crunch on my right rear wheel well.
When we both got out and spoke to each other I said to him "you obviously did not see me". He said "no I didn't see you."

He called his mother (at home) to come to the parking lot about 5 miles from where they live. And they called the police to make a report.
The mother made the report on behalf of her son and did not give all of his information to the police for the report.
That same day when they called my policy holder, GEICO, the mother would not let her son speak to the GEICO claims agent.

Liberty Mutual has informed me they will not pay for the damage to my car based on the information given to them by the mother.

So they are going on a false statement by someone who was not at the accident.

GEICO did not find me at fault and there were not police charges to either of us since it was on private property. The officer said he could not give a ticket to the young man for not looking before opening his car door.

I told Liberty Mutual that if the son's car door was already open when I drove past him in the parking lot that there would be damage on the front of my car - bumper or front side. But my damage is at the right rear well.

Beware of Liberty Mutual. They have taken the word of someone not at the accident who fabricated a story to avoid having their insurance policy impacted.

BTW: They took their car the next day to be repaired, not waiting for either insurance company to decide if anyone was at fault.

Add your review!

Posted by Anonymous

Long time customer, recently have been hit three different incidents, each time I wasn't moving so obviously not my fault, but Liberty Mutual responded right away and recommended a great place for the repair work

Posted by Beach

In Sept my college son had his computer stolen. I contacted the home owner claims dept. and they were most understanding. Within the day I had supplied them with the needed information ie ser #, police report # and a copy of the receipt. They put me in direct contact with a supplier they use. I paid my deductible to the supplier and they immediately had a new computer on it's way to my son. (computer science)with all of the programs he had purchased installed. The computer arrived three days later and he was using it in classes that day. Everybody I dealt with was flawless with their knowledge and assistance.

Posted by Anonymous

I have Liberty for my Insurance and i LOVE them! We had water damage in our basement and they took great care of us!

Posted by JMB

I have had Liberty Mutual Home and Auto since 2005, and I have only the best service experience, both with auto claims, and home damage claims. Maybe I am fortunate to have a claims office near-by, so I am able to walk in and speak directly to their agents?

Posted by Anonymous

I had a auto claim with them this past summer, and the guy who hit me drove off. I got the police repoort and they end up finding him but his insurance company took a long time to get back to me. So I had a claim with a rep named Chris Tran and he was the most professional and sincere claims rep that I had. He told me he would call the other company (Allstate) and I thought he was b.sing. but an hour later he told me that they are waiving my deductible because of all the criters being met. More people like that and you'll never get complaints!

Posted by Anonymous

Agent Rosa Sankari today 7-16-12 investigated our damages.She was very personable her interpersonal skills were outstanding.She made us feel part of the process.Explained in detail her findings...If I was her evaluator I would rate her as outstanding...She truly made us feel that we are part of the Liberty Mutual Family !!!!

Posted by duratarnish

Immediately friendly and very knowledgeable. Recently the rep I spoke with joked with me while we handled the reason I called but was professional when it came down to business. I've never had an issue when I needed to call and they were always very thorough in explaining what I'm paying for. Good insurance ain't cheap but we're buying the comfort of security with insurance in general. I have that with liberty and they've proven it many times.

Posted by newhomeowner2011

I had liberty mutial a couple of months and have been satisfied with the service so far. They have really good rates on mortgage insurance and the rep I spoke with went above and beyond to get me a relly good rate.

Posted by Anonymous

I have been Liberty Mutual customer for over 10 years, I like the service that I recieved so far.

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Company News
Liberty Mutual becomes third Mass. company to scrap ads on Laura Ingraham show
Liberty Mutual said Friday that it is no longer advertising on Laura Ingraham's show, making it the third Massachusetts company to reconsider its relationship with the Fox News host who mocked a teenage survivor of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.
Why DevOps is driving internal change at Liberty Mutual
The cloud, copious amounts of data generation, analytics and the Internet of Things are disrupting organizations by changing the foundation of how they deliver products and services. In a digital world, insurance companies are beginning to establish ...
Annuities firm to buy unit of Liberty Mutual
Lincoln National Corp., a provider of annuities and retirement products, agreed to pay $3.3 billion to buy a business from Liberty Mutual Holding Co. that sells insurance through employers. Lincoln agreed to acquire the unit, called Liberty Life ...