Electronic Arts Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Electronic Arts customer service is ranked #634 out of the 1024 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 28.53 out of a possible 200 based upon 940 ratings. This score rates Electronic Arts customer service and customer support as Terrible.


888 Negative Comments out of 940 Total Comments is 94.47%.


52 Positive Comments out of 940 Total Comments is 5.53%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Electronic Arts

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 28.53 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 888 negative comments (94.47%)
    • 52 positive comments (5.53%)
    • 3 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.8 Issue Resolution
    • 2.2 Reachability
    • 1.7 Cancellation
    • 3.3 Friendliness
    • 2.5 Product Knowledge

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Posted by CharmedTrack945

The first time I had a problem with Ea they wouldn't help me and I asked them for a refund and they say f*** you and and then hung up and then I try again and no one answer they just been ignoring scents they would help me the first time and they still will not help me out at all no more I got a great heart I don't want anything to happen to anyone but ea is making me think differently about that and I am trying to stay positive but Ea is sucking they are disrespectful and they don't care about anyone all they care about is money

Posted by Anonymous

hey over a year ago ive gotten the sims 4 and had my orgin account and everything.. everything was good. then i stopped playing and forgot my orgin acoount i already had my sims on . i made a new orgin account tried to play the game again and it wont work beause i have already used the code. so how do i get that information back or what should i do ??

Posted by Anonymous

Hands down the nicest yet worst service that I have ever received. I had to contact them several times for missing game content. The first time I was in a chat que for 2hrs... The second time I spoke with a pleasant representative yet he didn't listen to my issue and lied to my face(The details would be to long to mention here). Finally after another chat request that was luckily only a 30min wait I was connected with a half way competent rep. They cleaned up the mes from the last rep that was caused by him not listening and lying. Sadly though even this new rep was not able to help. After several consultations with their "higher team" she redirected me to their forums. After spending more than a day on these guys I threw in the towel and got a refund. Their content management system and that deplorable first representative earn them a 1 on every category. Hopefully they step up their game sometime soon.

Posted by Pamela B419

I have tried 4 times to pay my Pogo bill. I have tried to contact you and get no results! I've been a Pogo holder since 2001 n have never not been able to pay this bill before. Please help me before my renewal is up.

Posted by Jordan G.

I made an in game purchase of $40 and was disappointed with the game. Multiple times on their site I was assured if I am unhappy with a product I would be able to get a refund. When I tried to refund it, only one day after the purchase, I was denied being told since I used "Sim points" it wasn't real money so they couldn't help me, no understanding to the fact I spend real money on it. I searched their website high and low for this policy, even attempted the same purchase to see if I was given a warning and I was not. I asked to make a formal complaint on the issue and was actually denied that ability by a supervisor. They completely refused my money back and refused to let me have a problem with that fact saying I'm the only one who sees it as a problem. The way I was treated by their customer service was like a bad dream, unbelievable. I will not give them a single dime of my money ever again. Extremely greedy and poor business practice.

Posted by Anonymous

You guys are idiots! I told Gurinder S. That I wanted to delete the new account created on my new phone because I can't transfer my old account off my old phone to the new one. He said no problem. I asked if he wanted to verify the account with the user I'D, but he said no he only needed the email address. I had two accounts on that email address on two different phones. He deleted the old phones account that I wanted to keep and the new phone still has the account assigned to It! I just lost hundreds of dollars on upgrades because you didn't listen to my request accurately, instead I can hear you arguing with someone else there at your office! WTF!!!

I will be filing a complaint with the management.

Posted by tiredofea

Im really too tired to write a fully review of ea's crap. the summary, my acc has hacked. two days of telephone calls (only) between 6pm and 5am (their only operating times in my county) my last wait time was 50 minutes listening to that horrible elevator like music.

Posted by SaintNeval

Tech support was absolutely awful. I was shunned away with threats of fraud. I called to report being scammed or report a glitch. During the game my tokens were erased during a bid. It was impossible to have lost all my tokens bidding on a player when my token were far far lower than the buy amount. Either way, EA refused to reverse the transaction and accused me of fraud. I explained my position as a officer of the law and would not jepordize my career over gaming tokens. I just wanted things to be corrected. Nothing else. They refused to allow me to speak to a supervisor. I called back to tech support and "Josh" in tech support did confirm it was a glitch and transferred the case back to customer service. They again said it was fraud and refused to help. Told me it was a google play issue. I don't even use google play.

Posted by Metalmadness616

Im not a major player on ultimate team, only recently I put more time into it. Packed a legend viera and sold it on for 1.8 million. Bought my team. Reus aubamayang bale etc. Then bought my little brothers bronze players he didn't want so he could buy counting and went off for the night. The next morning I woke up and was banned, admitted straight away what I had done to the advisor on phone, admitted never reading t&cs and not knowing what I did was against rules as I assumed purchasing or selling coins was the only illegal part, I didn't realise helping my 13 year old brother was against any rules and apologised and accepted my short term ban. BUT 2 weeks later and 15 phone calls with advisors telling me it'll be sorted within one day and others telling me twenty days. I have just received an email stating they are not lifting the sanctions and now I am banned for good. FOR TRYING TO HELP MY LITTLE BROTHER. I hate this company they have single handedly ruined family gaming and all the other great companies they have bought out an ruined.

Complaints process is awful. They don't have any idea of what is going on or how long things will take to get fixed. They're are all. Scripted lovers on the phone.

Will never be playing an ea game again and would recommend the entire gaming community think twice about supporting this joke of a company.

Posted by salsap

I had a security issue playing Monopoly. I was killing all slowly, suddenly my browser page reloaded to a spoof "head transplant" page. So you can send a command to my browser now through EA? I guess my IP is out there if I play even a simple game. Anyway, with no help by email I gave up, only to get a final email from a different dept., which I decided to respond to, spent 30 min composing a proper response that would get across how EA was not taking advantage of the time I was willing to put in to this security issue for their site, only to find that, unstated in the email, it was from a "do not reply" address! here is my response, which will outline the original issue for you all, if interested. It should make it all clear:
I think the reason I have not replied further, is that your agent who responded by email said I should contact you all by chat as he could not help me. I don't get that: obviously I am not seeing the reasoning behind how you have your cs or security set up to respond to issues like mine. I had what I see as an abuse or security issue. I did offer to call myself. But the way he responded, plus the fact that I had to repeat the same thing 3 times and then told I would be contacting someone else by chat and obviously starting my story from scratch, made it seem this was not important to you. In my email I offered to call, but not to call someone cold to start explaining again all over. that's a big difference. It's of course for me to have proper security on my end. So I am pursuing that thanks to this issue coming onto my radar. It's for you to keep your site secure for users and to follow up on those that violate TOS or the law. I wish you success in that. You might have more if you had a channel for users to work with you, rather than a blanket "we can't divulge any information."

Posted by suffuredwolf15

Tried calling the website phone number. I can't log onto battlefield 4. Message tells me it can't retrieve info and I see my friends online. This is really inconvenience to have to try and contact someone and the information on your website is wrong.
how do I contact someone if your website is misleading.

Posted by Anonymous

I have called EA of the past 2 years probably 30+ times to get a ban off my BF3 now I could have opened a new account and just dl bf3 FOR FREE while it was free, and had the same game but no I wanted to have this ban removed, let me tell you something about 2 years ago my account was taken over, I did not find this out by any email notice but by readit; that's right REDDIT! many people where claiming that there account was taken over by someone in another county just look it up its still on the internet. So I wanted the ban lifted due to these scumbag account thief hackers. Have I got it unbanned no, will I probably not, these ppl at EA are just as bad as the scum that took over the account and used it at their pleasure, I am ranting anywhere I can about this horrid practice. they say DICE denied it yet I cannot talk to DICE how strange everyone has a email or phone number, but yet I cannot talk to the people who incriminate me that's right folks incriminate I am a criminal in DICE eyes I broke the law, I would LOVE for them to take me to court; will they nope, why they fear they will lose. Oh and just to say these people why took over the account TRIED to make purchases and tried to add friends to the account also changed all my account info. I was violated my information breached and I get treated LIKE TRASH. I hope this company burns.

Posted by Anonymous

I was Feeling pretty bad about my EA experience until I read the 850 bad Reviews, and see that my Little Problem (can't reach anyone, can't have my Problem resolved, never get Responses to any emails or Messages I send) are really minor compared to everyone elses. So now I'm actually pleased with the Service, because by comparison, mine was ok. I'm assuming that the 49 positive Responses EA got are from their own employees who they probably paid to write them.


Posted by Anonymous

I need someone to call me to help with my game problems. I bought plants vs zombies 2

an have been playing it for the first week it came out. Everything was fine except

over the last month or so, I getting kicked of the server after playing for 40 minutes or so. I have to start all over losing my progress and losing all of the pack defensive plants I put it place over the course of the game. I would not care except I have purchased the pack with real cash. Please call me a.s.a.p. to fix this problem and get credit. Thank You Frank Stoncich

Posted by Anonymous

What is the point of having a phone number if it just hangs up on you? Just another example of a company that doesn't understand how business works. They lost mine.

Posted by Anonymous

They disconnected that phone number. When you call the 650 area code phone number and transfer to customer service, that number is also disconnected.

Posted by Anonymous

Good luck with getting EA to resolve your problem. EA has outsourced their entire customer service to India. When you do speak with someone your better off talking to your garage door. If your lucky enough to speak with a person get ready to experience Ground Hog Day each time you have to speak with them.

Posted by Anonymous

Please I need your help... I bought a ps4 Fifa 16 deluxe edition and the code is expired... I talked with the seller but they told me that they can't do anything and the responsible is EA......I also called Sony and they told me the same.... Can you help me to solve this?

My husband sent you a message an hour ago and he has a claim number and he is trying contact you by chat but it is impossible... we are not having a response..

Posted by Anonymous

The phone number you have does not work. I need to reset the email account that my friend made on my player profile, and delete the one i made for my email, so that i can use my email with my account, not his email with my account.

Posted by Wink5100

I was robbed online yesterday by another gamer on Madden Ultimate Team by the name of RushxKingX. We were doing a trade for a Michael Vick card and he got all of my players and I never got the Michael Vick. I spent over $300 on Microsoft points to build my team and I need something to happen immediately.

Posted by EA Disappointed

Returned a XBox game for replacement. It has been over four weeks since they received it. After a few emails from EA asking for the same information we submitted originally, the replacement has been sitting with "UPS Label Printed" status going on a week. It still has not been sent to UPS. I am not sure who is handling their customer service, but it has the feel of a dirt-floor bamboo hut in Cambodia, waiting for the donkey cart to take the package to the depot.

Posted by Vincenttiff

n November I was trying to obtain the 99 odell Beckham master card I completed 5 season and 2 division milestone I did not open the packs I wanted to see how many i could do in a week then the auction house went down when madden mobile came back four days later I lost my 7 unclaimed items so I focused on getting the season set I realized that I did 15 rwcieved 5 more then was required and had extra I thought it would do that for the division set but it didn't I'm at 10 million fans but now I'm 2 short from completing the series and have know idea how to get the last two to finish the set I've worked on for over 10 months and hundreds of dollars

Posted by Kittenchaser

Aditya was the worst customer service representative I have had to deal with, I had security questions that he never asked me and was quick to tell me my account was gone forever. After a short talk with his coworker my account was back in my hands which to me proves that he was doing nothing but pushing peoples problems away rather than helping

Posted by PappaNovak

The worst customer service so far in my entire life. Account is being banned for a game I dont even own because my psn was compromised and they keep bassically saying its my fault that I was hacked and that they will do nothing about it, even after Sony has already acknowledged the account was compromised and is fixing the issue. Absolute terrible. Cant dispute over the phone, can only send mindless emails that just get cookie cutter auto responses. Everyone over the phone is outsourced so you can't understand anyone at all.

Posted by Ether2k

The absolute worst. To reach customer service one must navigate a gauntlet of BPO buffers, electronic chat with the equivalent of a Speak n Spell and then... if lucky enough... one gets to be mistreated by an actual employee. EA actively and unabashedly avoids any contact with the customers that made it 1.8 billion last quarter alone. Disgusting business practices. Just gross.


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