Comcast Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Comcast customer service is ranked #489 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 32.55 out of a possible 200 based upon 2899 ratings. This score rates Comcast customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


2,686 Negative Comments out of 2,899 Total Comments is 92.65%.


213 Positive Comments out of 2,899 Total Comments is 7.35%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Comcast

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 32.55 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 2,686 negative comments (92.65%)
    • 213 positive comments (7.35%)
    • 42 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.9 Issue Resolution
    • 2.4 Reachability
    • 2.1 Cancellation
    • 3.6 Friendliness
    • 2.6 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Anonymous

Customer Service is horrible! I have been trying to get cable wires buried that they left above ground plus the cable box is old and torn up!
I wait on the line forever to get to talk to someone!
They make an appt and give me a ticket number and never show up! This has happened numerous times! I am getting ready to report them to KPRC Investigates!

Posted by Xfinity

Hi my name is Adele Denton I was with these people (xfinity) for almost 20 years never really had a problem with them I went to the hospital and my bill was overdue but I lost my job because i just got out of a abusive relationship and he made me lose my job but I still tried to keep up on my payments I went to the hospital but I did talk to somebody I paid what I what they told me to and I they told me to pay another amount at a certain day and my service would be okay so I did that my cable was shut off without letting me know when I paid it my bill was $782 which I paid 200 of it which made it go down to $587 then I paid what they told me which was $307 which made it were I would owe about 100 dollars or maybe less to them mind you my cable is inter ruptured not completly shut off still couldn't watch cable or have interner during the time so I was not having cable to pay for then my cable gets shut off completely I get a bill it jumped up to twelve hundred and some dollars representative said they charge me for my equipment take the equipment in and they will credit me or give me my money back so I did that yeah they credited me but then my bill jumped up again 400 hundred and some dollars ridiculous mind you I was in the hospital practally dying there was nothing I could do I did call let them know but they still did it and they still told me it would befine if I would pay a certain amount on a certain day I did that i will never go back to this company their prices are so high I should have changed the long time ago they're Liars they're thieves if I were you I would not get service from this company at all the internet don't work anyways the cable you see the same movie on 20 different channels so I'm done I am going to a different company and hopefully it have a better service there do not use Xfinity no matter what they're not going to say they're wrong and give me my money back so I'm just giving up they can have my f****** money theves stealing from a sick struggling single parent

Posted by BASS. PRO

Comcast is a horrible company they have no costamer service they change my bill every i sighed a 1 year contract for UNLIMITED internet service and now im paying a 100 dollars more every month UNLIMITED only gives100 M.G a month my contract says unlimeted nothing about going over UNLIMITED

Posted by Na

Say goodbye ? 2 a 8 yr customer. I didn't like what u did and are doing 2 me.yes I was there 4 u what did u do in return disrespect and disregard us treat us like we are not worth your time well I spent 2 much money to be treated that way

Posted by Ash

The worst customer service ever They do not have any train customer service the customer service is not in USA they all over the world They do not know what they talking about They are so mean and they hang up on you when they don't have answer for you And why not no one checking on them!!!

Posted by Xfinity Prisoner

The newer phone system is maddening. I don't know anyone who hasn't resorted to swearing at the robot, though it obviously doesn't help. Whoever designs the flow is clearly focused on saving money and nothing else. Comcast doesn't care at all about the customer experience.

I'd drop Comcast in a heartbeat if competition existed in my area. In fact, I'd pay double to leave them.

Posted by Anonymous

Comcast customer service is worst in the world. They put you on hold for hours and no one answer the phone. And when you got someone on the phone, they are lack of knowledge how to fix the problems.

Posted by Ron

Customer service is horrible! This company appears to have a corporate attitude that effects their ability to satisfy customer problems. They take total advantage of being a monopole in cities across the U.S.

Posted by Flgh

There customer service is non-existent. All they do is tell you happily why they can't help you...after waiting hours on hold.

Posted by DJRocky

Comcast/xfinity has gotten from bad to WORST!
I called comcast the other day to complain about an increase on my billing (Netflix premium upgrade which I did not make). Called their customer service who was extremely polite (as expected) and suggested to lower my bill. Since I used my smartphone to call them, the rep told me to just confirm the adjustment through my phone, of course, without reading the "fine print." Not surprisingly, a series of unfortunate events happened.

Immediately the following day Netflix (which the bill is originally incorporated into my Comcast/xfinity billing) charged a separate bill into my credit card. When I called Netflix they told me that Comcast altered my subscription and removed Netflix. I immediately called Comcast after three (3) representatives and was put on hold for more than an hour only to tell me that I have agreed to a new 2 year contract with a new subscription increase of more that $30. When I told them about "misunderstanding" that was actually brought about by the first "customer service representative," I was told that my old subscription is no longer available and that I am now committed to the new subscription that I have agreed to with a much higher monthly bill. To top it all, they told me that I am now bound by a new 2 year contract with them. I am planning to CANCEL my contract immediately and will pay whatever penalty they will impose but will NEVER avail of their services EVER AGAIN!


Posted by Add a comment

First. They changed my package without even consulting with me and charged me $17 more on my bill.

Second: You can't even talk to a human to resolve your issue. I was on chat for an hour yesterday and never had my issue resolved. Billing was to call me in a few minutes and never did.
Thirdly: I talked to 4 agents previously regarding my voice mail. I never in the history of being with Comcast for years had I ever had voicemail. Suddenly messages that were left on my answering machine were never there. Comcast sent them to voicemail. That was 4 weeks ago that issue was never resolved yet.
Fourth: Comcast is the worst company that I have ever dealt with, They are not knowledgeable, they are aggravating and time consuming, I speak to people from Hong Kong or asia that is supposed to fix my problem.!!!??? They are disgusting to deal with.

Posted by Anonymous

I have been a member of comcast since 1978 and your customer service stinks. I am paying for a servie that I cannot even use. You do not have a live person to talk with and when you get one all they want to do is so restart. We have been having issues with our tv staying on. When we get a picture it is clear and precise. We will be watching our and it just goes out to a black screen.We unplug tv to reset the tv on our DVR Box.. We have done that more than 10 time since Christmas. We think it is the DVR Box We need to have a customer service person come out and help us with the problem.

Posted by Xfinity Bargains

We'd like to thank our customers for their support over the years. To celebrate, we're raising prices. Thank you for being in the Xfinity Family!

Posted by Xfinity Bargains

The deals have never been better. Be sure to ask to have extra fees added to your bill, FREE!!

Posted by Anonymous

A tec was suppose to be here between 8 and 9 am this morning. I recieved 5 calls reminding me of this appointment this morning. The 6th. call told me i missed the tec. I had been sitting in my kitchen with both doors open all morning and no one showed up!! I called several numbers to find out what happened, but was unable to find a number where i could actually talk to a person. Problem with my internet has been going on for months and been trying to get it resolved for as long. I have about had it with your company!

Posted by Anonymous

Seriously after all the years with Comcast I get my internet service interrupted without notice? You can send me the bill but no reminder that I am getting close to two months overdue? Very very unhappy this morning. Rose Sapoznick

Posted by Anonymous

You customer service has a lot to be desired. Service call are of the stone age and I have call four times for your company to come a fix my home cable from the wall. Why. Because one of employees was tooo lazy to get his own ground cable and stole the one from the direct T V box.Still have not gotten repair.

Posted by Anonymous

Re-nominating Comcast as Worst Company in North American -- though in reality only their repair crews are on this continent, with customer "service" outsourced to the Philippines. Yesterday Comcast email was down for at least 7 hours. I had to speak with THREE reps over a period of SIXTY minutes just to be informed that the problem was at Comcast's end. The first rep read from a script to advise me I should purge "cookies" from cache and reboot computer. When I asked for a supervisor she put me on hold, never to return. Second rep was also at a loss; again, I requested a supervisor. Supervisor took TWENY minutes to inform me about the outage, saying she "assumed" the previous reps would have told me. English-speaking ability at the call center is MINIMAL; they may understand basic sentences but are unable to grasp anything even slightly complex or to put anything into context and have ZERO knowledge of local conditions.

I called the Comcast "corporate office" today to complain and spoke with someone in Tucson who used the word "unfortunately" about 100 times. He claimed there was something called a "We're on It" line based in the U.S. that customers could call to avoid the Philippines customer-"service" center but said he was "not allowed to disclose the number" and that I could "find it online." Online search revealed NO phone number for this dubious entity, just more of the usual B.S. Corp-office exec also refused to issue credit for the time that email service was out, saying since Comcast email is "free" they have no obligation to compensate.


Posted by The Elder

Have TV, phone, internet with Comcast. Recently phone line was very staticy, so I called. The guy that showed up, Peter, only spent about 10 minutes listening to it. Insisted I had a loose connection at first (I didn't, I had checked before calling in), and then changed his story and said that his boss, Scott, would check the line from HQ and would call me later in the day. This was BS. Of course Scott never called that day or any other day after. I finally got through to someone at night who reconfigured my system from where he was and the problem has now gone away. That first guy just does not care about me, the equipment, or the company he works for.

Would try Verizon FIOS, but if you look on this site, Comcast has 90% negative ratings and FIOS has 90% negative ratings too, so why bother switching.

There's so much money to be made here you wonder why they can't be bothered to have at least decent customer service.

Posted by Anonymous

really nice recording way to contact a real person....
While preparing for the storm, I noticed that the cable box on the side of the house was uncovered and mangled. I can't believe that your techs left it that way after the last visit.
did not want to personally mess with it because I find Comcast to be tempermental and I didn't want to inadvertantly lose service. when things calm down and before the next hurricane, could you please send someone out to fix it?


Comcast is the worst Co. on this planet!! THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE DOESN'T SERVE ANYBODY BUT THEMSELVES!!! "Service" look up the definition COMCAST!! I use to work for a public service co. and we never treated our customers like Comcast does!! Stop hiring people that can't speak proper English!! Your people have no idea what their doing, they all read from a script that they were taught by Comcast!! You tell them your problem and they want to sell you another product or service! HA!! They also lie!! Got a new modem and the personnel at the front desk said call and they will tell you how to activate! How can you call WHEN YOUR PHONE DOESN'T WORK!! DUMB,DUMB!! Luckily my neighbor was at home. 2 hours later he finally got my modem activated, after I had to keep telling him I was using my neighbor's phone!! The stupid dude kept asking me if lights were on or off!! How can I do that when I'm at my neighbors home?? STUPID!! Thats the kind of people that Comcast hires!!! They don't care about their customers so long as they get their $200.00 a month!! My first year with them was horrible!! It took them the whole year before anything got settled and solved then 2 months before my contract comes up for renewal the same problems start all over again!! Future customers BEWARE!!! Be prepared to have a battle with Comcast to get anything done or resolved!!!

Posted by Anonymous

Fairfield rd.,plymouth meeting pa. Cable is out ,get out here and fix it it has been 12 hours...or we are switching to fios

Posted by BEVERLY

Service is terrible and customer service poor since I've subscribed starting about 3 years ago when I moved here. I didn't think anything could be worse than TimeWarner; I was wrong. The guy who installed said it was his last day working with the company -- said he quit because company was so awful and he felt bad for the customers. I work at home. Have had my signal go out probably every day for 3 months. Over last few weeks it's gotten more frequent. Waited for tech a week ago, changed out equipment and said now working perfectly. It's been worse ever since. Got the bill but Comcast says it won't give me a credit until the problem is fixed. Now I'm supposed to wait home again for another technician to come. I have lost so much time I could have worked and am now behind, not to mention the stress dealing with customer service has caused. I tell them I want a credit for at least the last 3 months -- but becauuse I didn't have time to stop and complain and spend a lot of my day back and forth with horrible customer service I have no proof. A couple of dollars credits won't compensate me for lost work time and the stress. ComcastCares they call themselves on Twitter. No, Comcast does not care. They are a legally sanctioned monopoly with huge monetary barriers to entry by potential creditors. They need to be broken up at the federal level by regulators.

Posted by Anonymous

I have a husband who is 90 years old, WWII veteran. I work and he is home all day. At least one week a month our TV goes out for what ever reason. Most recently they say I have not paid my bill - They do not send me a bill. They automatically withdraw an amount from my bank account to pay for telephone,TV and internet. I have the bank statements from January, February and March which show that I have had $200 withdrawn from my bank account by Comcast on 13th of each of the three months. Not sure what their problem is but if we had a real market economy and not "fair haired boys" I bet I would have better customer service from the currently only available cable company.

Posted by Marerose

Well it looks like my disatisfaction with Comcast isn't anything new. But I will never recommend your service to anyone. my biggest issue today of my 'customer service" (the term I use losseley) was horrible because I could barely understand anything the woman said based on her Hindi accent. I can't believe you guys can't afford to have proper English speaking American's as your support. I had a really important issue to get resolved and I ended up hanging up on her. It is astounding that they don't know how bad their accent is. I will be filing an offical complaint to management.



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