CarMax Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

CarMax customer service is ranked #137 out of the 1023 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 52.90 out of a possible 200 based upon 56 ratings. This score rates CarMax customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


49 Negative Comments out of 56 Total Comments is 87.50%.


7 Positive Comments out of 56 Total Comments is 12.50%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • CarMax

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 52.90 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 49 negative comments (87.50%)
    • 7 positive comments (12.50%)
    • 1 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.8 Issue Resolution
    • 4.5 Reachability
    • 2.6 Cancellation
    • 6.5 Friendliness
    • 4.8 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Eclipse909

In addition, this Person has called me on my cell phone not to apologize but to intimidate and scare me, a customer. However, when I returned the call fortunately for me I get to hear his voicemail yelling out his last name Jimenez. To the corporate office of Carmax, please investigate what happened at Carmax in the City of Ontario, CA on how a number of staff ganged up to embarrass and insult the customer. I am asking corporate to act on this matter.

Posted by Eclipse909

I have visited Carmax at the Ontario, CA location. Prior to my visit I have talked with someone from sales asking about the car I requested for a transfer from another location. I was told that the was in the location and that the can be seen but cannot be test drove. When I came to the location a person named Jorge Jimenez, which I assumed the manager on duty. I have never been disrespected in my whole life and the worst part of it was in front of his staff that he had disrespected and unable to handle the best customer service. I have asked for his last name, which he refused to give just so I can send my complaint to the corporate office. As I walked out of the location, his staff were laughing at me on my way out. I have never ever been treated so low and insalted in my entire life. I have acted histerically loud for customers to hear and see what I have experienced and because of how I was treated. I am writing this complaint that hopefully corporate office would respond with sincere apology to unknown customer and apply the right punishment to the management of this location and the staff who had their fun on embarrassing a customer. Tape will show laughing staff. I will never nor will I ever recommend this location to anyone I know. I am asking the corporate management to do something.

Posted by lavonbrown77

I've purchased a car over 2 months ago and have yet been able to get my tag for my car and have been getting the run around from car max. I have contacted the dmv and they said they've received nothing from carmax to start the paperwork process. Any day now I can get pulled over and receive a ticket for driving off a expired paper tag. I haven't received any phone calls back like promised.this says a lot about the staff.

Posted by nini4nya

On September 17, 2014, I left the Plano Carmax with a vehicle I had purchased. On September 18th I called my salesman Larry and indicated the vehicle had few minor issues. Larry contacted me back and said he had given my name and number to a service department associate. Later that evening James called me back and I told him the issues I had discovered (vehicle pulling to the right, wobbling when vehicle took off from stop, and almost staling at stops). James indicated to me I needed to bring in the vehicle so he could look at it. We had decided I would bring the vehicle in on Monday after I got off of work ( 9/22/2014).

When I arrived I told the young lady at the desk who I was and that I needed a loaner. James was there as well but never acknowledged me. She indicated that she didn't see I needed a loaner, and I said James and myself had discussed it (James still did not acknowledge me). She went over to him and asked him if he remembered me, and he said to her, "did I put that she needed a loaner?". Needless to say he went and got a loaner ready, and still never acknowledged me. I later got a call from him which I had missed so I tried calling back with no luck until 445p I finally got a call back, and he said he was just trying to reach me to tell me he would look at my vehicle in the morning, which I said ok.

Yesterday 9/13/2014 at 145p James called me and said he and his manager drove the vehicle and found nothing wrong. I asked if they took on the highway because the day before I had brought it I had drove to Fort Worth and on the highway I had major pulling to the right. He didn't answer me. He asked me what kind of car I traded in, I told him Mercedes (which I don't think was relevant), he said well some people who drive a Mercedes then get into a 4 cylinder vehicle don't realize the effect, I advised him that I am 56 years old and have driven every kind of vehicle and know the effects of different vehicles, and in case he didn't know, my Mercedes I traded in was 4 cylinder. I advised him that there was definitely something wrong with the vehicle and I was concerned. I had advised James that maybe I would need to return the vehicle because I was not happy with the outcome, he proceeded to say, well, maybe you should. I ended the call and when I got off work at 2pm I went t Carmax.

In the midst of this I called back to speak to manager Pete to find out what he thought and I was left on hold for 10 minutes. I called back again and a lady came on the line and asked my name, I told her and she placed me on hold and came back and said "he said your car is ready, come and get it", I advised her I wasn't calling about picking up my vehicle, I needed to talk to him. She placed me on hold, then came back on and just put me through to his voice mail (I did not leave message). By this time I had reached Carmax.

I went to the counter and the young lady k=evidently knew who I was and gave me papers to sign and gave me my keys. I had texted Larry (salesman) and let him know I was there and I was upset. Larry came to me (was crying at this time) and asked me if Pete had called me because he talked to him, I told him no. He said wait a minute, well I was pretty upset at this point and decided to leave and take the vehicle to my mechanic (Firestone).

I was convinced to go ahead and get alignment so if needed I wouldn't have to pay to see if needed and also for alignment. Well, yes, it was a "little" off and they fixed it, but there was a recall (steering) on the vehicle which firestone went ahead and did for me. I and the service manager at firestone drove the vehicle and he also determined vehicles steering wheel was pulling to the right and had to be controlled manually, he also felt the wobbling that I had indicated to the service manager at Carmax. He said for them to actually get under the vehicle and determine what is causing it could be costly ($60 per hour), not to mention the repairs. He advised me to contact Carmax since I had service warranty and ask them to fix, I told him the issue and he as well advised to contact corporate. He and the mechanic who looked at my vehicle said that it's possibly Half Cam or maybe even axel issue but again couldn't determine unless fully diagnosed.
Needless to say, I should not even have to go through this, and I don't have the funds to go get diagnosed.

The issue with almost staling at stops was normal, the Firestone manager told me it's an idle down issue, but its normal, but I can truly concerned about the steering and wobbling.

I'm not only concerned about the mechanical issues, but after purchasing 3 vehicles from Carmax I never have been treated so disrespectfully. James and Pete (manager of service dept) totally disregarded me as if Carmax already had my $ they didn't need to cater to my needs. I am totally appalled and literally hurt emotionally over this treatment.

I paid $42.59 for the alignment that was needed, and still have mechanical issues with this vehicle. I love my new vehicle but am even more concerned because it's my understanding that even the recalls are to be tended to before selling the vehicle.

I would appreciate a call or even a response. If in fact someone can tend to my vehicle am concerned about the back lash and treatment I would receive if in fact I did have to go back.

My next step is the BBB, not to mention legal advice. I am not a vindictive person, nor am I a problem, but I will be willing to pursue this considering the treatment that was given to me.
I do have paperwork from Firestone for the alignment, but they were unable to indicate they saw issue because I didn't get diagnostic.

now:I spoke with Vicki Waters today who had been helping me on a matter in reference to Carmax Plano TX. My mechanica issue is being resolved, but upon being told that I should take my vehicle to my own mechanic if not happy with Carmax service department telling me there was nothing wrong. Needless to say At request of your corporate office Vicki told me to take to Courtesy Nissan and get the vehicle diagnosed (attached assessment).

Today I spoke with Vicki to ask if I would be refunded to paying for alignment on vehicle thinking it was possibly alignment and she told me no, that Pete the service manager whom I had issues with in the first place told her no because they didn't tell me to go get alignment. I know they didn't tell me it was the alignment, I assumed on my own it was possibly alignment since it was pulling and shaking. I sent paperwork to your office showing alignment was off and they fixed it. Alo the vehicle had a recall that carmax never remedied which my mechanice went ahead and did.

I in my first letter (attached) did indicate I wanted my vehicle repaired after your mechanic (Nissan) said there was in deed something wrong with vehicle. I have been told I will not reimbursed for alignment on vehicle.
I am totally disappointed in Carmax and needless to say I will "never" come back to Carmax after purchasing 3 vehicles. I will turn this over to the BBB just to add to the numerous complaints on Carmax which I gave the benefit of the doubt.

I am at this point livid, Its not the $50 I spent on the vehicle it's the fact that your service department including the manager just disregarded me, and my complaint, and litereally told me to come get my car there is nothing wrong.

I know there will be absolutely nothing done regarding this and they will not be reprimanded, but I will tell you this, I will in fact be turning over to the BBB>

Posted by Irene

I purchased a Toyota Yaris from Carmax on July 24,2014, On August 23, 2014.The electrical system shut down. I've contacted the Carmax on Mt. Zion Parkway,Norcross, and also their corporate office to get the issue resolved. Stay tuned as i will post the end result. Irene Rice

Posted by DeeBill

I currently bought a 2011 dodge charger . It's my first car and I thought it was a good decision because I finally got the car I have always wanted. I bought the car July 8,2014 the day I bought the car they of course fill up the tank for you, well the next day my gas gage dropped, I didn't really think anything of it until I got into the car an hour later it had risen. So I called trying to set an appointment and they were booked all the way out until August 7,2014... Are you kidding me a month later! During that time other problems started occurring and of course there was no availability. So I'm stuck driving the car that who knows what else will happen. So I finally get my car in and when I go pick the car up they say the car is great and in good working condition, yay great right? Wrong! I get into the car and it's reaking of gasoline...I thought it was like that because they worked on my gas gage sensor. Well come to find out the next day my car started leaking gasoline. How can the mechanics test drive my car and not smell it. And I almost wasn't able to get my car towed because of the leak. Anyone could smell the gas coming from my car. And of course this happens Friday and the service center is then closed and the next day is Saturday. So Monday August 11,2014 comes around and the service manager Kelly Hohn basically told me it's my fault it's leaking and claims she runs a "tight shift" obviously not if I'm leaking gas. And she stated I'm basically stuck with the car now and they refuse to buy the car back because of their problems. After communicating with another girl I told her to tow my car from town all the way to Fairfield and we had discussed it and no one ever showed up and Kelly claimed we never discussed that but I had told someone else so they blame me, clearly she's running a tight ship, way to go! So I have to get it appraised and who knows how much they will give me for that, basically nothing. I will never buy another car or get a car service through carmax ever again. I can't believe they would let a 20 year old leave the lot driving a death trap. I'm sure if their kids had a car with Carmax they'd get it in right away. I do not recommend buying a car with CarMax unless they fix their sh**. They are careless and don't care about their customer.

Posted by Never Again @ 90 days

I will never use Carmax Service for any type of repairs! 1) They are always booked and appointments are 5 days or more away to get service 2) Their employees are not the most knowledgeable and have no attention to detail. They attempted to repair a water leak that took them 3 weeks to find and had to call in a 3rd party to fix. With the amount of time elapsed and charges for labor going through the roof I opened an insurance claim to cover the repairs. 2 months and 2 different service technicans later; my car is finally ready to be picked up and i see that my car has been noticeably damaged while being repaired. They quickly try to amend the issue by doing a half way job that has made me very disgusted with their level of service and care. I have lost all faith that they even knew what they were doing to begin with and the amount of new damage isnt worthy of another insurance claim. I am definately going to corporate on this one because I have never had such a horrible experience in my life.

Posted by Chrissy6

Ok so about 4 months ago i purchased a 2008 saturn aura xe i have taken it into th newport news va,carmax three + times to be fixed for the shaken while im stopped,now my passanger airbag sensor is failing which they said they had to check into before i got the care ,one of the workers told me that my car is shaken because its a v6 which is false because my cousin has one i am very unpleased and feel unsafe riding in my car ,i am going to file a report with the federal business Bua....and im getting me a lawyer ,i also have the carmax warranty and they still want me to pay outta pocket for the same promblem to be checked.i want this car fix or swapped it it only has 6100 miles on it

Posted by Ticked off

Purchased 2005 Chevy impala 6 mths ago. Took car in to service because car began to accelerate on it's own, and then on the expressway, it wouldn't accelerate at all. So there's an acceleration problem. But carmax wrote it up as two problems so that I would be on the hook for two diagnostic fees. Took car in on a Tuesday. I get a phone call two hours later to say that I needed a part that had to be " special" ordered so my car wouldn't be available til mid of the next week. The next day, Wednesday, I get a call to say that the part may be in by Friday, but I still may not get my car til late Friday, or Monday. I thought about the situation and I called carmax back maybe 2-3hours later that SAME DAY to say that I will pick my car up and just pay the diagnostic fees. No one answered so I said this in a message. I get a call back TEN MINUTES LATER and was told my car was suddenly ready for pick up , and of course I owe the $250 deductible!

Posted by Cnama72

I bought a Ford Fiesta 2012 7 months ago and I have had problems since the day I bought it. I was never told when I bought it that it has a dual clutch / transmission. Now I know what that is and it sucks. It took people 6 months from CarMax to agree with me that there was a problem with it. I believe the problem was there when they sold it to me. But they deny that. CarMax won't touch it bc it is under manufacturer warranty from Ford. I have been to Ford 3 times now and I still have a car that sounds like a garbage disposal with a spoon in it. It is very embarrassing to drive. I have been told everything I am going thru is normal and that every time they fix it that is will happen again. Oh great. I have done everything I know to do, now I think it is time for court action.

Posted by gcoronado

We went to carmax in las vega in sahara avenue my wife and I test drove a suv we decided to buy it while we werr doung the paper work they sold the car to someone else it couple later I called corporation customer service and they had a floor manager big guy he said that for my inconvenience he will transfer a car for me at no cost this guys are a joke they put the name of Used Car Salesman very high so I went donw the street y purchase a ca from a professional dealer.

Posted by Toni

Purchased a E350 Mercedes in June of 2013 I have had problems with the breaks every since I have taken my car to carmax in ontario calif at least seven times they tell me the problem is solved and a few weeks later the same thing happens.
I called the corporate office and they solved the problem temporarily but the same thing happened with the breaks once again. I am getting ready to take carmax to court because they areas asking me to pay for the breaks.......don't buy from these guys...the cars are Wrecks.

Posted by cmh

3 months after purchasing a vehicle that cost over $10,000 the transmission went out. I was forced to use my extended warranty and they are giving me the run around about repairing the transmission. Car Max should have replaced the transmission at no cost to me. I have been without a vehicle for 4 days waiting on the extended warranty company (Maxcare to make a decision) about repair.

Posted by FireTom

The treatment of sales consultants by carmax is the worst in the industry, especially since they are 100% commission (free labor) they are paid when the sell a car and that is the lowest in the industry. Tom Folliard is the CEO and has put in to place terrible working conditions. As far as the employees they are all desperate and need to earn their pay to help support their families. Tom Folliard is a greedy and needs to be Fired!

Posted by ExCarSalesman

bought a truck that i thought was a decent price. after a bit i took my vehicle to a garage for an inspection. it was there i realized my vehicle was a flood vehicle. apparently there are certain time limitations as their requirement at disclosing this to the consumer. criminal organization. typical old car dogs. the only thing carmax has over any other used car dealership

Posted by Anonymous

Carmax overestimated my trade-in payoff by over $600. When I pointed this out while signing in finance, I was assured I would be reimbursed all overage. Now I find out they will only apply it to my final payment in 60 months. I hope they videoed my initial concern while in finance office. I want my $613 over payment NOW. Store manager was not very responsive. San Antonio.

Posted by catisland722

they sold us a $30,000 suv and told us it was never in an accident when we found out shortly after we purchased it that it had been in an accident and they pretty much told us (Boynton beach fl store) to get lost this company does not stand behind their products they are cheats selling damaged cars as undamaged

Posted by whatsherface

Tried calling the company about my account and each time (total of 4) I got a message saying all the representives are unavailable and to call back during normal business hours. I called them at 3:30EST and it was not a holiday. They should have been open.

Posted by Anonymous

I purchased a 2009 VW Beetle from CarMax the end of May of this year. Tomorrow will be my 4th. trip to CarMAx to repair a 3rd. break light from falling out. And, I mean that literally. This last trip which counts as my 3rd. trip it was taken next door to a VW dealership and those guys couldn't get it right either. So, here we go again same old song. I have unplugged the 3rd. break light housing and I will take it in Monday July 1st. to have a new 3rd. break light housing replaced. This will be trip 4. I believe on this Beetle you have to remove the inside hatch panel and two screws in order to replace the 3rd. break light housing in order to do it correctly and this op takes some time. I also have a speaker in the drivers door that's blown but at this point in the game I'll pay to take that else where. And in closing I ALWAYS put down the mileage and gas consumption. This last trip I called before I left the parking lot and left another message and ask this. Why does my car have 3.5 miles on it if it was taken next door? There is no way it should have reflected a 3.5 mile use. To date I never got a response on that. A car is brought in for repair not a small short down the street joy ride or someone taking it to lunch. All I can say is Really? I'll let you know how trip 4 and the saga of my 3rd. break light repair goes. Not happy in Indianapolis and I bet if this Beetle were driven by the CEO Thomas J. Folliard it wouldn't take 4 trips.

Posted by help

I Purchased A Lexux Sc430 2005, I Found Out Thru The Lexus Dealership, Whom I Had Paid $150.00 To Have The Car Checked Out, Which Your Company Did Not Do At The Time Of Purchased Or They Would Have Picked Up On Bad Brake Pads. So, Do Tho The Bad Experience I Have Had Before With You Maint. Dept. I Want The Lexus Dealer To Handle My Brake Pads. Plus The Brake Pads They Want To You Are Pop On Pad Which Or Inexpensive And For Domestic Cars. At Less Pay Half The Bill, Get Legal Action.

Posted by Anonymous

I tryed to order a car fax. After the website would not let me complete anything but charging me money. I called customer service and was cut off four times. The service and website I was directed to was a complete joke. This has taken four hours of my time today. Still can't get the information I need.
This has been nothing but a joke from the start. You have my money and no informstion provided

Posted by Tjackson

I purchased a 2008 Orange Challenger SRT8 first Edition as a key start. I eventually would learn that it was a push start ignition, because I found the push start button in center console. I was shocked to see that and I said to myself is this push start vehicle I bought. I immediately inserted the button and proceeded to start the car. Three attempts and it did not work. I took my car to Dodge and I had them run the vin number to see if this car was manufactured as a push start ignition and it was. Dodge inspected it and found that the components that enable the push start system to function were malfunctioning. I had Dodge repair it and also fax over copies of the diagnosis and the repair bill for purposes of reimbursement. I contacted service manager Marco at the Irvine store informed him of my issues. Long story short, Marco gave me the run around for over a week, to finally tell me that they weren't going to reimburse me for the repairs because the car was running when I purchased it. I explained again, that the vehicle had a faulty push start system and it was not working the day I drove off the lot with the car. I went on to explain that Car Max new it had a faulty push start ignition, that's why you tried to deceive me and sale the car as a key ignition start. I went on to say, that I found the push start button inside the center console, I placed it in it's proper location and made three attempts to start the vehicle and it did not turn on. I said to myself, " Car Max sold me a car that has a faulty push start system" all attempts were made to get this issue resolved, but the service manager Marco insisted that they were not going to reimburse me for a car that was faulty the day I drove off the lot. The fact that the car was driven off of the lot as if it was working doesn't support the 30 day manufacturing law. Malfunctioning parts may not get detected until after its driven off of the lot, that's why the consumer has laws to protect them of issues like these. In closing, all I'm trying to do is get Car Max to acknowledge their fault in the matter and correct it. In addition, requested that Marco put his reimbursement denial in writing and he refused my request. The repair bill is $768.13, I would like someone from corporate to contact me @ , to resolve this matter.

Posted by Jp

I had a sat radio installed in a truck I just bought. The sat did not work, my radio antenna was left disconnected, and someone took my truck to the burger joint for lunch, and left the trash. Attempts at resolving the issues were met with "we are busy with customers now, and we'll get back to you later". They fell all over themselves being helpfull, right up until they got my money. Never again!

Posted by New customer

I purchased a Honda accord 2009 on 3-5-13 at the 7663 location in Ellicott city MD. The sales attendants I worked with (Claudia and James) were phenomenal. There were a few items that needed service and they advised me to schedule an appointment. I scheduled an appointment for 3-12-13 in the morning. I dropped the car off at 10:08am and Finn Salmi supported me with a loaner car to back to work. Finn called me to explain the services provided and I could pick my car up anytime on or before 8pm. I arrived at CarMax at 6:30pm, the loaner was inspected and my keys were given to me. Before I left the premises I noticed that my booklet of CDS was missing. I went back into CarMax and spoke with Ashley. She asked if I took it out of my car and put it in the Loaner. I responded no. She also made mention that the servicemen would have no reason to remove anything from the vehicles that they service. By this time I am shocked, frustrated and emotional. Ashley informed me she would have someone call me back the next morning. Once I arrived home to go to the gym I opened my glove compartment and my IPOD was missing. I broke down and literally cried in shock. I called CarMax and left a voice message of what I discovered. Finn called me at 9:34 am basically stating the same thing as Ashley and he would look around in the service shop and call me back with results. I also advised him of the Missing IPOD. I got his name, his manager's name and the corporate information. I am currently awaiting a call from location 7663 center in hopes of missing items found. There are over 36 classic CD missing which of course were also downloaded to my IPOD and now I don't have either one of them. I am praying for a miracle.


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