Aflac Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Aflac customer service is ranked #159 out of the 1023 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 50.32 out of a possible 200 based upon 288 ratings. This score rates Aflac customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


241 Negative Comments out of 288 Total Comments is 83.68%.


47 Positive Comments out of 288 Total Comments is 16.32%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Aflac

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 50.32 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 241 negative comments (83.68%)
    • 47 positive comments (16.32%)
    • 7 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 2.7 Issue Resolution
    • 3.4 Reachability
    • 2.5 Cancellation
    • 4.7 Friendliness
    • 3.7 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Anonymous

I have had a Aflac policy since 2003. I had surgery on December the 13th and as of February 15th 2017 I have not received one penny. My field agent John avoids me the district manager will not return any of my calls and this one supervisor Shirley Goodman is the only one that will communicate with me. As of today I was told that my policy was 18 days of being short or covering my pre-existing condition so the committee would have to review it next Wednesday or Thursday I have been waiting 3 months without a penny . Everytime I call customer service they are missing a piece of paperwork that I have submitted previous. I can bet after long consideration next week my claim will be denied but I can also bet you I will be seeking a lawyer.

Official company reply

Hello Anonymous,
Aflac’s J. D. Power Certified Contact Center is happy to look into this for you. Please email your concerns and contact information to them at [email protected] so they can assist you with this. Policyholders need to provide information to verify privacy; at least two of the following: Address, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of Employer.

AflacPhyllis 2/15/17 1:46PM

Posted by SMILEY1AZ

I bought AFLAC Cancer policy 12/2013. My Aflac Cancer policy is on auto pay. My initial Cancer diagnosis was 04/06/2016.
I just completed 6 weeks of Oral Chemotherapy & the same 6 wks of Radiation Treatments.
I submitted my Cancer claim for 6 weeks of Oral Chemotherapy & Anti Nausea medicine. I didn't have the complete 6 weeks of Radiation billing charges yet (that's why I didn't submit it all together.
AFLAT processed my claim & the EOB was for $150.00 Anti Nausea medication. Hello, Customer Service here. The original claim subutted was for Anti Nausea meds & 6 weeks of Oral Chemotherapy.

AFLAC, (Great you reimbursed me $150.00 as per my policy hooray)

THE EOB had NO documentation of a Claims review, pending for additional information or a flat out denial! for Oral Chemotherapy! By the way the Oral Chemotherapy is payable @ $500.00 a week (500.00 X 6 wks = $ 3,000.00).

The same EOB had a Pending for additional information = Itemized statements for Dates of service, billed amounts & Treaent codes from my Radiation Oncologist.

I never sublotted a claim for the Radiation Treatments because they didn't have the charges entered yet. (Radiation Treatments are payable $ 500.00 X 6 wks = $3,000.)

AFLAC, Tell me how you can Deny Radiation charges never submitted &
over look Oral Chemotherapy charges I actually filed a claim for? I submitted the CVS Specialty pharmacy billing invoice, with date of service, copy of the RX Label , a letter from my Hemo/Oncologist & Radiation Oncologist both stating my name, dob, Diagnosis codes & Specifically stating I'd be starting Oral Chemotherapy & Radiation treatments in tandem on 11/11/2016 & 12/22/16 cycle of treatment ends.

I called AFLAC & Customer service said I had to resubmit all the items I already submitted. I asked the CSR if she could get me in touch with a Aflac Claims Processor that could Read. She placed me on hold, came back & agreed I'd submitted everything needed. Then placed me on hold again, came back & made statement ts she couldn't see some stuff as it was blacked out (which was incoorect) I then referred her to specific documents submitted where the if oration she need resent was located & signed off by my medical prociders with there direct phone numbers if aflac had any questions.

Then I called my agent & he was absolutely useless. He referred me back to AFLAC & said I needed to speak to a claims specialist.
He stated to me that he wasn't a claims processor & knows NOTHING about claims.
What?? Really how the Hell can/do you sell Insurance & have absolutely No idea what happens to a claim or how the policy effects the insured.
I'm out work due to cancer, the cancer premiums are auto paid & I can't get reimbursed for legal policy treatments that have been attested to by my medical service providers.

The next step for me is contacting the AZ Dept of a insurance & filing a complaint. Then I'm hitting social media.

AFLAC has been a complete hassel. They are understaffed & the staff they do have is incompetent and can't read.

I asked my agent to get me his bosses In formation & someoneabove him that I can file a complaint with about his incompetence and
inabolty to get my claims paid, but of course, ignored!!

Official company reply

Hello SMILEY1AZ, I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. Aflac's J. D. Power Certified Contact Center is available to look into your situation. Please email them at [email protected] so they can assist you with your concerns.

AflacPhyllis 1/19/17 2:34PM

Posted by Anonymous

I will NEVER use Aflac again. I've been getting the runaround about my short term disability for the last month. I've never received a copy of my policy and they keep changing how long my policy has to be in effect in order to claim. And then they are coming up with preexisting condition....uhhh it was a total knee replacement..

Official company reply

Hi Anonnymous, Aflac's J. D. Power Certified Contact Center is happy to look into this for you. Please email them at [email protected] so they can assist you.

AflacPhyllis 1/12/17 1:48PM

Posted by Sam

It is virtually impossible to get in touch with a live person under 20 minutes. They are understaffed at BEST. You cannot find an alternate number to simply reach an operator. And... it they are trying to weasel out of paying on a claim on a technicality. Aflac's customer service sucks donkey balls.

Official company reply

Hi Sam, Aflac's J. D. Power Certified Contact Center is happy to look into this for you. Please email them at [email protected] so they can assist you.

AflacPhyllis 1/12/17 1:48PM

Posted by Pissed off Momma

Very poor customer service with Aflac...They are Liars and thieves and everyone that works for them should have to go to prison for what they are doing to each of us that have policies with Aflac. This is insurance people...we pay for it. They say we can't cancel till the end of the policy...liar. It's my money, I earn it and work damn hard for what I get. I only have to pay for what I want with it after all the necessary expenses, Fica, Taxes ect. Aflac is communist by trying to tell us we have to pay for something we don't. This needs to stop now!!! wish someone could help us.

Official company reply

Hi Pissed off Momma,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. I would like for your customer service team to look into your situation. Please contact them at our J. D. Power 2015 Certified Contact Center at [email protected] so they can assist you with your concerns.

Also Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, in the body of the email, please provide the nature of your concern, your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer. In the subject line of your email, please include along with your profile name.

Thank You,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 7/29/16 7:18AM

Posted by Signking

Hello i'm one of your customer company name is Signking employee here in Guam and My agent name is Nelbert Perez. I forward my claim since April and received some payment from your agency but sad to say it was partially payment and remaining balance was not yet receive. Also our agent is not paying attention to our complaints and he never show up his face to explain why my claim is not yet been release up to now. He appointed someone to come here to take good care of it, but there was no progress at all. We are giving the 100% trust to you guys to avail this insurance that you offer. But you must also do your best job in return for trusting you and we are expecting a lot from you. Hope this complain will get your attention. Hoping for your fast response. Daisy Austria

Official company reply

Hi Signking,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. Our customer service team is happy to look into your concerns. Please contact them at our J. D. Power 2015 Certified Contact Center at [email protected] so they can assist you with your concerns.

Also Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, in the body of the email, please provide the nature of your concern, your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer. In the subject line of your email, please include along with your profile name.

Thank You,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 7/29/16 7:20AM

Posted by Mine

I filed a claim last month for Jan how can they say this incident we not covered with the current policy I've been a member since 2012-13 tell it to

Official company reply

Hi Mine,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. Our customer service team is happy to look into your concerns. Please contact them at our J. D. Power 2015 Certified Contact Center at [email protected] so they can assist you with your concerns.

Also Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, in the body of the email, please provide the nature of your concern, your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer. In the subject line of your email, please include along with your profile name.

Thank You,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 7/29/16 7:21AM

Posted by Gaia2Joe

I filed a death claim 18 months ago; I have provided all information needed, yet AFLAC continues to ask for more. The claim just needs to be paid!!

Official company reply

Hi Gaia2Joe,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. I would like for your customer service team to look into your situation. Please contact them at our J. D. Power 2015 Certified Contact Center at [email protected] so they can assist you with your concerns.

Also Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, in the body of the email, please provide the nature of your concern, your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer. In the subject line of your email, please include along with your profile name.

Thank You,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 5/23/16 9:31AM

Posted by Greif stricken

My husband had a specified event policy for 10 years. He had a heart attack and passed away. When trying to make a claim on the policy, I have been told to fill out the claim form with copies of the death certificate and the itemized hospital bill from an intensily rude rep. The claim should be paid in a week. Well, that was 4 months ago. I have been told different information with each call I make. I have resent the forms multiple times. If it wasnt for me needing the money (recent college graduate looking for employment who will not sell Aflc) I would just drop the whole thing. Losing my husband was hard enough, but the added stress of a cushion from Aflac just isnt worth it.

Official company reply

So sorry for the loss of your husband Grief Stricken. I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. I would like for your customer service team to look into your situation. Please contact them at our J. D. Power 2015 Certified Contact Center at [email protected] so they can assist you.

Also Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, in the body of the email, please provide the nature of your concern, your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer. In the subject line of your email, please include along with your profile name.

Thank You,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 4/26/16 6:12AM

Posted by James44

I am terminally ill with cancer. My days are very limited. My daughter and I summit my claim for my cancer policy over a month ago through a Rep frommy area. We got a email stating it was recieved. Since we've been told it was being processed. Even at 1 point told to call back to find out how much I was receiving and would it would be deposited in my Acct. Only to have my daughter call back that evening to be told they couldn't find her listed as having POA over me so no info was giving. Rep contacted them it still in processing. We were told they were backed up from end of last year's claims. They are normally caught up by April every year. Right now I'm in a the Hospice Hospital awaiting to die. The cancer has spread throughout my body and I don't have that much time left. I wondering of all things why? I knew that I would not going to live long enough to enjoy the money but I really wanted my daughter to have it so she wouldn't be stressed over paying for my funeral. I recently told her to change my funeral arrangements back to being cremated because Aflac will not send me the money in time for a traditional one. Well the money they owe me per my cancer policy. I would like the company to know how disgusting this is. People literally have to die before they see a dime of their insurance claim?. I know I will probably not be around for the hospice claim to be process and paid either. Before I do die I want tons of people to know the truth about what Aflac has done to my family and me. You promised I would be paid within 3 to 5 days business days after receiving my claim.

Official company reply

Hi James44,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee and I would like to offer you and your daughter some help. Please ask your daughter to email our customer service team at [email protected] so they can assist her.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when she email's us, please ask her to include the POA, your full name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 3/14/16 5:46AM

Posted by Pam tugler

I went to the dentist paid 475.00 dollars for my treatment to found out all they will gives me something on was the X-ray which was anything but 35.00 they are an rip off I will not stay with the any more.

Official company reply

Hi Pam,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. If you email our customer service team at aflac service at [email protected] they will be happy to look into your concerns.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 3/14/16 5:48AM

Posted by Stephnelson75

We have had Aflac for over 10 years, always paying premiums on time. My husband had to have emergency surgery Jan. 25, 2016 to remove his appendix. We called the Aflac rep several times and never could get an answer. After 3 days He finally calls back and says go online and download forms. That was it, no help or suggestions on what we needed to do. We had to wait on an itemized hospital bill to submit claim. I only knew this because I read claim forms carefully. Agent did not tell us we would need this. There was a 2 week delay in getting bill. I repeatedly tried to call and text agent to see if we could start claim without the bill. We were desperately depending on the Aflac money to help with bills. I got a very rude 3 sentence text from agent. He was utterly useless. We finally submitted claim and were told the first week my husband was out of work We would receive nothing. They said they would pay 80 percent of the second week and would be paid in 5 to 7 days. Since it has been longer than that and we have not been paid we called again. We were told they are backed up and won't even be able to complete his claim for 7 to 10 more days. Then if all the paperwork was correct it would take another 7 to 10 days to get a check. This is ridiculous. We have paid over $11,000 in premiums to this company and when we needed them to do their job they have not only failed miserably, but they honestly do not care. Meanwhile we are struggling to keep food on the table. If people could wait months to be reimbursed they would NOT need short term disability. Aflac is a joke. Do not do business with this company.

Official company reply

Hello Stephnelson75,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. Please ask your husband email our customer service team at [email protected] so they can assist him.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if he is a policyholder, when he email's us, please ask him to include his name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of his Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 2/18/16 12:53PM

Posted by Anonymous

Been trying to contact someone via email and phone for past week and a half.. Have 3 policies and premium is now due today... After what I've been paying for the past 7-8 years, I deserve better

Not so Valued Customer

Official company reply

Hi Anonymous,
Our J. D. Power 2015 Certified Contact Center is happy to assist you with your concerns. Please email them at [email protected] so they can assist you.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 2/1/16 2:20PM

Posted by mike

I wish I would've checked Aflac customer service before I signed up. I have been waiting for my second check for over a month. They claimed the physicians form (the 2nd one) Ive had my doctor fill out. I have a 6 month injury and im into my 4th month. I wouldn't recommend Aflac to anyone!

Official company reply

Hi Mike,
Our J. D. Power 2015 Certified Contact Center is happy to assist you with your concerns. Please email them at [email protected] so they can assist you.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 1/28/16 3:15PM

Posted by Yehudi

I called after a charge from my optometrist was turned down. I was told by Alexis that I just needed to to give a different expiration date to the office. This didn't work. I called back. There was much confusion from the agent about whether I needed to give the last 3 digits of the CVV or the last 4 (it's grouped in 3 like a Visa CVV). She seemed confused and tried to transfer me to card services. I was on hold for 8 minutes. Then Alexis came back on and I was immediately disconnected. After giving all of my information a 3rd time (and 4 times for my address), I was told that I had an old card. I hadn't received the replacement. I asked if there was anything they could do to help me with my prescription sunglasses so I could drive. I was told I'd have to wait 7-14 days for a replacement. This all took about half an hour from my work day.

Official company reply

Hi Anonymous,
Our customer service team is happy to assist you with your concerns. Please email them at [email protected] so they can assist you.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 12/10/15 2:59PM

Posted by Anonymous

I have been trying to correct my policy since July, when signing up our company told us how to fill out the forms and who was to be covered was missing,it took 6 phone calls to Aflac for someone to finally tell me what was missing on the application, so with the areas corrected and a letter from my employer stating why we are re-submitting I am still waiting to hear so I can file a claim but it has to go to another department(by the way,you are not able to contact directly)! And oh,Phyllis please do not send me that automatic e-mail response saying to contact Aflac customer service with all info because I do not have the info! I was also assured by a rep that once this info was received it would be a quick resolution,that was on Sept. 8 and here we are sitting on the 21st.

Official company reply

Hi Anonymous,
Please email our customer service team at [email protected] so they can assist you.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 10/20/15 6:16AM

Posted by Legend

My son just had surgery at 8:30am on the 20th of Aug 2015 and discharge on the 21st at 10:00am and they only paid for a short stay visit of $100.00. He was in the hospital for over 24hrs so it should have been Confinement that should of payed $1500.00. I pay over $200 a month and can't get my claim payed. I can't wait until October 1st and i'm cancelling my policy, and going back to colonial life. They pay claims on time and with no hassel.

Official company reply

Hi Legend,
Please email our customer service team at [email protected] so they can assist you.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 10/20/15 6:16AM

Posted by Anonymous

It takes too long to get feedback or answer when inquiry is needed

Official company reply

Hi Legend,
Please email our customer service team at [email protected] so they can assist you.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 10/20/15 6:15AM

Posted by Anonymous

I purchased 2 exact cancer policies about 40 yrs. ago. I did not ask for 2 policies, but each policy specifies that another policy is issued. I needed this coverage last year, and AFLAC decided to cancel my 2 policies and issue me one policy without my consent. They have no proof that they advised me and the original policy has never been found. I continued to pay two premiums and now they refuse to PAY ME TWICE. They refuse to respond to my attorney.

Now that I have not paid any more premiums they refuse to pay my last claim
which was in the insured period. Telephone calls are not returned and you can never talk to the same person twice. I have been trying to get a claim paid since April 2015 and get the same run around each time I call.

The 4 day processing of claims is hog-wash.....

Official company reply

Hi Anonymous,
Please email our customer service team at [email protected] so they can assist you.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 9/15/15 7:01AM

Posted by Wilbur

I am an Aflac policy holder. Several months ago I contacted Aflac by phone to request an copy of my policy and benefits. Was informed that I would receive requested info within 7 days. To-date there has been no response. My Name and info is as follows":

Wilbur J. St. John

I have been an Aflac member for years. Please advise ASAP.

Official company reply

Hi Wilbur,
If you have still not received the information you requested, please email our customer service team at [email protected] so they can assist you.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 9/15/15 6:55AM

Posted by Jim Beelaert

I am policy #P9408, Phyllis. I am amused at your check-in-a day program that you tout so highly. I have been waiting for well over a rear for A realistic settlement of legitimate but complicated accident claims that date back to 2012. I understand that a 75 page claim takes time to process; but we have provided everything you asked. My agent has done his best to resolve this problem but your field management arbitrarily switched our account to another agent. Now nobody knows what's going on. I have always spoken highly of AFLAC to business associates; but those positive comments are quickly going south. Please find someone who will take the time to resolve this claim.

Official company reply

Hi Jim,
Our customer service team can look into your concerns. Please email them at [email protected].
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 9/15/15 6:54AM

Posted by lboup

No one can ever give you an answer. Have been calling EVERY day for 1 month to get premiums posted to my policies sent in from my employer. Every day someone tells me wait 72 hours. It's been 72 hours and more, I just want my policies reinstated. How hard is it to match up premiums that are sent in. Makes me wonder where the money went???? Apparently they don't know either. This is ridiculous. Someone just handle it!!!!!

Official company reply

Hi Iboup,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. I am so sorry that you are having an unpleasant Aflac experience. Please email us at [email protected] so we can look into your concerns right away.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 6/15/15 8:03AM

Posted by cgull32

I have 3 Aflac policies and have been very disappointed with the speed of processing my claim. I have to submit them several times before they get paid. Seriously considering canceling.

Official company reply

Hi Cgull32,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. I am so sorry for your unpleasant Aflac experience. Please email us at [email protected] so we can look into your concerns right away.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 6/15/15 8:11AM

Posted by Anonymous

I had to have my appendix removed. I filed a claim as I was in the hospital on Thursday and Friday nights. That was on 6/1. Now they are waiting for notes from my normal doctor - who I haven't even seen in over a year. They have the surgeon pathology report and the hospital printout.

I am getting really nervous because I missed a week of work and was not paid. My rent will soon be due. Why do they need six months of prior doctor office notes to rule on a ruptured appendix? Is there some preexsiting condition to an appendix rupture? Why won't they pay me?

Official company reply

Hi Anonymous,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. Please email us at [email protected] so we can look into your concerns right away.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 6/9/15 8:42AM

Posted by Mike

Aflac received unauthorized funds from my paycheck weekly for two years. When I discovered what was happening I requested a refund. So far I have sent multiple requests and they have all been ignored. They will not respond to my communications.

Official company reply

Hi Mike,
I'm Aflac Phyllis, an Aflac worldwide headquarters employee here to help. I'm so sorry that you're having an unpleasant Aflac experience. Please email us at [email protected] so we can assist you right away.
Also, Aflac has established corporate privacy procedures in an effort to protect your identity and policy/claim information. Therefore, if you are a policyholder, when you email us, please include your name and at least two of the following criteria: Policy number, Claim number, Claim Check number, Date of Birth, or Name of your Employer.
Thank you,
Aflac Phyllis

AflacPhyllis 6/8/15 9:15AM


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Company News
Donald Trump reminds us: Melania Trump was once in an Aflac commercial
Melania Trump is known for saying little publicly. But in a 2005 commercial she spoke to the world - in the voice of the Aflac insurance spokesduck. President Donald Trump on Wednesday brought up the fact that his wife had once appeared in a television ...
Aflac toy robot for kids faces cancer with real feelings
Aflac has teamed up with robotics toy company Sproutel to create My Special Aflac Duck, a technology that offers emotional support to kids with cancer. Continue Reading Below. Kids can feed, bathe and even administer chemotherapy to the ducks that can ...
The Academy of Country Music Partners With Aflac to Present First Ever Aflac ACM Lifting Lives Honor
The Academy of Country Music has officially announced a partnership with Aflac for an incredible new award. The charitable arm of the academy, ACM Lifting Lives, is teaming up with the voluntary insurance company to present the first-ever Aflac ACM ...